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    Sunday, January 21, 2018

    Apple Help Weird No Sim message on recently updated MBP

    Apple Help Weird No Sim message on recently updated MBP

    Weird No Sim message on recently updated MBP

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 08:55 PM PST

    Just installed an update on my 2011 MBP. Can anyone help me understand why my computer is showing this No Sim error?

    submitted by /u/Joe_Bidens_Balls
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    Facebook keeps installing itself

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 05:56 PM PST

    Just got my iPhone, the Facebook app keeps downloading and installing all by itself is this happening to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/flash27_
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    Removing DVD Player?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 09:21 PM PST

    I got a Sierra (version 10.12.6) iMac that doesn't have a DVD/CD inserter included, so DVD Player (the app) is completely useless to me. I don't own a lot of DVDs and do most of my watching on Netflix and VLC anyway so buying a DVD USB port isn't worth it either. I lately have been interested in cleaning up my iMac because there's so much useless space that I want to get rid of. The problem is, though, is that DVD Player is required, even though I don't have a DVD inserter.

    I'm fully aware that DVD Player doesn't take up a lot of space but I can't stand looking at it and be reminded that I only ever use VLC. And every answer I saw on Google is always either "why do you want to delete it?" or "can't help, it's a required app". Does anybody know how to get rid of it?

    submitted by /u/LetsThrowawayAccount
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    Text message not in order

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 09:02 PM PST

    Hello my mother bought a iPhone 6 s and for whatever reason when we text my messages goes on top of her original message?


    Like this. She said goodnight I love you. I responded with I love you too. And this happens?

    submitted by /u/toketasticninja
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    iPhone 7 microphone not working, sounds muffled.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:56 PM PST

    The microphone (not sure which one) doesn't seem to be working in certain apps. When I try to record a video on snapchat or instagram, the sound comes out muffled even though I was just talking. I tried testing the microphone in voice memos and it acts as if I'm not speaking into the mic at all. However, people can still hear me when I facetime someone, siri detects my voice just fine, and when using the Camera app, my voice is heard loud and clear. Please help!

    submitted by /u/MarquisJames
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    How do I install Mac OS onto a fresh SSD?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:52 PM PST

    Helolo! I am a YouTuber and I am trying to make a video on the late 2009 MacBook with an SSD. I bought the laptop without and storage. So what should I do to get Mac OS installed on it? It is my only Mac as I am a PC user(this is my first Mac) so please help.

    submitted by /u/Techie_Pocket
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    iCloud account is disabled. Recovery e-mail is the same e-mail that is disabled and I can only successfully answer one of the security questions. iPhone 6S is Activation Locked to this account. What to do?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 04:00 PM PST

    I've contacted Apple Support multiple times and everytime they said there's nothing I can do.

    Is it really my fault when Apple let the recovery e-mail be the same e-mail that the recovery e-mail is for in the first place?

    I recently reset my iPhone and had no idea it was going to be activation locked. Now everytime I try to login it says apple ID is disabled and I can only remember one of the security questions so apple support won't help me.

    What options do I have? I don't care about the account, I only care about the phone.

    submitted by /u/aliniazi
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    Xcode development issue with High Sierra

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:22 PM PST

    Hey there, I'm running into an issue now with high Sierra. I wrote an very simple app that installs two programs necessary for printing and then runs an apple script (.app) to install the printer devices. For some reason the third step isn't working on high Sierra with the latest update. It's code signed for deployment and distribution and works on 10.11 and up except obviously 13.2. Works on my development machine outside of Xcode but that's likely because of the code signing being a part of my keychain. I'm pretty much a noob with Xcode so use small words please.

    Side note - I've update my development machine to the latest Xcode and high Sierra versions and archived a new version, still no dice.

    submitted by /u/xXblain_the_monoXx
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    iphone 4 activation error 0xE8000004

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:15 PM PST

    (edit: just found out that the wifi may not work if that effects anything) Iphone 4, model A1332 EMC 380A error 0xE8000004 in itunes

    little brother got a broken screen 4 from an older brother (so always a high chance it's totally broken), they got the screen repaired, and after that i got left to find a fix.

    So far all it does is turn on, then the problem occurs with connecting to itunes with error 0xE8000004 shown in itunes. have tried on multiple macs and PCs. I've tried finding other fixes, but they seem to have the websites they link to taken down.

    Don't know when the phone last worked or updated Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousKoala
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    How can I stop banner notifications from appearing over full screen video in High Sierra?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:12 PM PST

    Especially the one that reminds me that my disk is almost full EVERY TEN GODDAMN MINUTES WHEN I AM TRYING TO WATCH A MOVIE.

    Sorry. I can provide a screenshot if anyone doesn't know what I mean.

    submitted by /u/guspasho
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    iTunes Bluetooth Audio becomes unbalanced.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:58 PM PST

    I've noticed a bug and I wanted to know if anyone has experienced it.

    If I'm listening to music on my MacBook on iTunes and then something occurs where other audio comes in (such as a phone call or using Siri) when I'm done with that I notice that sound balance suddenly becomes very skewed in iTunes and the only way to return iTunes audio to a perfect L/R balance is to restart iTunes.

    This does not affect other programs (for example audio from Safari is still perfectly balanced) also this only occurs when using Bluetooth, wired audio never experiences this issue.

    Does anyone have any insight into this? I can't figure it out.

    Early 2016 MacBook High Sierra Latest version of everything (I keep everything patched as updates come in through the App Store)

    submitted by /u/Physicsdummy
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    Is disabling "Find my iPhone" necessary when buying used?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:25 AM PST


    I'm about to buy a used iPhone 7 in a few hours. I'll inspect the device before buying and will make sure that everything works. Now my question: If I'm able to set up the new iPhone with my Apple-ID (currently using an iPhone 5) does that mean that I'm safe and there is no additional icloud lock or something? I've read that the previous user needs to disable "Find my phone" and then do a factory reset. But when I am able to set it up with my Apple-ID doesn't that imply that it's no longer tied to his account?

    Because if the phone is reset he cant disable this feature anyway because you can't access the settings.

    Thanks for the help and I hope this is the right sub! :)

    submitted by /u/squid_fl
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    My Windows Bootcamp partition won't start up after hard drive was moved to a new computer

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:51 PM PST

    The logic board on my mid-2012 MacBook pro recently fried itself, so my dad (who has a background in computer programming) moved the physical hard drive from my old computer to an early-2011 MacBook pro. Everything is perfectly in tact except for my Windows Bootcamp partition.

    When I restart my computer and hold the option key, the disk doesn't appear for me to select, just the Mac disk. But the Bootcamp disk appears on my desktop, shows up in Disk Utility, and shows up in System Preferences as an option to restart to. When I use System Preferences to restart, it gives me a black screen with text that says that the startup disk is missing and to insert one and restart by pressing any key, but inserting the USB I have the Windows .iso on doesn't result in anything happening.

    Is there a way I can get the partition to work again without deleting the entire partition and starting over?

    I'm on OSX 10.11.5, so using Disk Utility to repair disk permissions isn't an option I can use, not even in recovery mode.

    submitted by /u/myhatrules
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    Hard drive Torx screw

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:43 PM PST

    So while swapping out my hard drive on my MacBook Pro I realized that the screw that holds my hard drive is missing. Is there any place where you can find an equivalent replacement screw?

    submitted by /u/igooner14
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    2011 MBP Shuts Down Mid Start Up

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:17 PM PST

    Past couple days my 2011 MBP has been restarting on it's own randomly. Today, it shut down and when I booted it back up, it went from the grey Apple loading screen to the Prohibition symbol and got stuck. I forced power down and turned it on again and same thing. I tried the Hardware test and it didn't finish.

    Now the MBP just shuts down mid grey apple screen booting screen and I have no idea how to or what to do.


    submitted by /u/jimmy_u
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    iPhone 7 camera quality issues (link to photo comparing two iPhone 7s and a Pixel)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 05:34 PM PST

    This evening I took a photo on my iPhone 7 and realized the quality was much worse than my husband's Pixel.

    Here's an example, the photo on the left is an iPhone 7. The middle is MY iPhone 7. The right is a Google Pixel. Why is my iPhone camera so much worse than the other iPhone or the Pixel?

    submitted by /u/gladdit
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    Is MalwareBytes overlooking something? Help!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 05:26 PM PST


    On version 10.13.2 on macbook air. I was an idiot and downloaded an adobe flash installer and got a bunch of unwanted files and such on my mac. I downloaded MalwareBytes and fixed my issues in Chrome! I did notice though with another scan that MalwareBytes going thru my files and I kept seeing "adware..." that it wan't catching. I want to get rid of those files but I cant find them anywhere. Any help? I haven't seen any pop-ups or have had any issues since I fixed the chrome search engine issue just feels unsettling because there may be more going on.

    Thanks a bunch!

    submitted by /u/merrwelch126
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    Cannot get .srt files to stop preview as "exec" icons.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 05:13 PM PST

    Deleted caches. Rebuilt launch services. Booted into safe mode. Restarted MBA. Restarted Finder. Quit Dock. Get info > change all. Nothing will stop this from happening. Same files preview fine in Finder and the icons look fine on desktop on my other Mac—so it's not the files. Any help to solve this riddle is appreciated. I also repaired the startup disk.



    submitted by /u/GLOBALSHUTTER
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    When is optional throttling available?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 04:20 PM PST

    Does anyone know which update will have the option to not throttle? And where exactly is this option to be found on the settings? TIA

    submitted by /u/desexmachina
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    will apple replace my ipad dropped in water if i have applecare+

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 12:29 PM PST

    Photos used to sync photos from iPhone automatically even when app not open. Now have to import manually.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:32 AM PST

    It was a weird setup I inadvertently had going but I think the phone was syncing with iTunes whenever I was near my laptop and somehow importing by itself into Photos? Every time I opened the app, the newest photos I took from minutes ago were already there (quite convenient).

    I formatted my computer and did a clean install and now I can't get this behavior going again. Anyone?

    submitted by /u/woundedbreakfast
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    Opening the case to my (paired) AirPods does not make the battery percentage graphic show up

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:13 AM PST

    What are the circumstances to get that pop up to show up that shows the battery percentage of the case? AirPods are in my ears, playing music. I open the case next to my phone and wait 10-15 seconds, nothing.

    Other times it shows right up.

    submitted by /u/zipzoomerooer
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    Help with accounts

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:09 AM PST

    Hey folks,

    Going to be relatively unhelpful here in asking for help, as I'm asking second-hand on behalf of my dad and don't have as much detail as I'd like.

    So, my dad has a Mac. Not sure which kind, but it's a fairly recent desktop variety. Probably purchased new within the past few years. Probably an iMac of some variety.

    It has the latest OS.

    So, my dad is elderly, and loves technology, but isn't always great with it. He obviously has an account and password. However, somehow along the way he apparently got confused and ended up creating a second account. Think of it as "Joe.User" and "joe.user".

    So, iOS wants to perform updates, like there's a Safari update out there he wants to apply. But when he tries to run the updates, it tells him something about how he can't because of this other account, and of course it ends up asking him to provide the password to that account. Unsurprisingly, he has no idea what the password to this other account is. He has tried all of his "usual passwords." So, he's totally stuck. He just wants to delete the damn account, but of course . . . it won't let him do that without the password.

    Are there any options for us to deal with this situation?

    What additional information about his scenario would help? Specific error messages? Specific OS build #? Make/model?


    submitted by /u/bleeding_hertz
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    Looking for a USB to MagSafe2 cable

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 10:55 AM PST

    I have a 2013 MacBook pro that uses MagSafe2 and I have a huge battery bank for car jumping that barely gets used. I wanted to power my MacBook from that battery back but it only has USB slots, the old bigger style, not the new USB-C style. Has anyone been able to find a USB to MagSafe2 cable?

    submitted by /u/mosaicorange
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    Issues detecting 2nd external monitor [MBP 13" Early 2015]

    Posted: 21 Jan 2018 08:21 AM PST

    I'll get straight to the point stating all the things I found out troubleshooting myself. Running the latest version of High Sierra (maybe that's the issue?) (my goal is to run both monitors and have the lid open aswell)

    Both monitors are connected using a couple of Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cables. (these work fine in my 4K TV)

    In macOS:

    • Only ONE external monitor seems to be detected when lid is OPENED. - switched cables in every way possible too.
    • BOTH monitors work perfectly when lid is CLOSED.
    • After plugging in one monitor, the OS seems to have a hiccup, detects it, refreshes in order to get it to work. Then plugging in the other, hiccup happens again but no refresh whatsoever.

    In Windows 10 bootcamp (I use this a lot for .NET projects and so on):

    • Everything works as intended.

    If anyone has any input on the subject it would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/vibeHD
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