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    Saturday, September 30, 2017

    iPad Smart Connector Wear. Is this normal?

    iPad Smart Connector Wear. Is this normal?

    Smart Connector Wear. Is this normal?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 09:01 AM PDT

    [speculation] Likelihood of a larger iPad Pro?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 11:37 AM PDT

    I'm an artist, and I've been using iPads in my work flow since the iPad 2 was released. I upgraded to a 12.9" iPad Pro this year, and it's been incredibly helpful for efficiency and convenience. Having a full art studio in one thin tablet is already a dream come true. Any concerns I had about it being too big disappeared after my first day of use.

    That being said, I admire the larger sizes available in Wacom Cintiqs. I've also used Wacom tablets for years, but for digital drawing, nothing has come close to the apple pencil and ipad pro.

    Do any of you think there's a possibility that Apple will introduce even larger sizes? I know they've stated that touch screens don't integrate well with 27" imacs, but so many working artists are already using Cintiqs in 22", 27" etc. If Apple has been testing touch gestures on a 27" display already, I hope they've already begun developing an iPad with this size in mind. I concede this would be a niche product, but I'd buy one in a heartbeat. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/arsenelupinVIII
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    How are you finding the new Files app?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 05:42 AM PDT

    I was really excited about this ahead of iOS 11, but since using it I've found it to be a lesser version of Documents, and I don't really see the point in it. Understandably it's young, and could grow to be a powerful tool, but it doesn't feel that way at the moment.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ExoticSword
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    Screen protector suggestions for iPad Pro 10.5

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 06:53 AM PDT

    After a long, long time, I've finally moved from The New iPad (aka the 3rd Generation iPad) to the 10.5 iPad Pro. It's wonderful to have a responsive iPad again after all this time.

    I was hoping to get some advice/suggestions for screen protectors.

    Honestly, I'm not really concerned about damage to the screen (I've never broken a screen in my life), but I would like to improve on the oleophobic qualities of the screen. As it stands now, fingerprints are very obvious on this display.

    My friend swears by Power Support's anti-glare films. While I love both the anti-glare and fingerprint resistance of the films, I'm still a bit bothered by the tiny speckles; I find they detract from the quality of the display.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? In short, my priorities are:

    1) Reduce fingerprints 2) Have less (or, at the very least, no more) glare than the screen currently has now. 3) Doesn't interfere with the Pencil

    submitted by /u/aberration0000
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    Holding iPad Pro with One Hand while Teaching/Working

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 02:00 PM PDT

    Fellow educators and others who must walk around with an iPad Pro in one hand, can you recommend and attachment/device/case/technique for keeping a secure grip on the device? I'm going paperless in my teaching practice (on the teacher side - of course students still get piles of paper). It has been going well so far, but I find that when I'm copying an unfamiliar, complex math example from my iPad notes to the board, I either have to make frequent trips back to my desk to look at the screen or hold my iPad with one hand at the board. Last week, I almost fumbled my iPad Pro 10.5" and it made me realize just how much risk I am taking with this practice.

    Back in the iPad 2 days, Otterbox made a gadget that hooked elastic fabric onto the corners of the iPad and had a hand strap. On paper it looked good, but in practice, I found the system too loose for comfort.

    I'm looking for ideas for securely holding the iPad with one hand or at least some kind of safety leash to stop it from falling. I teach in high school, so there is no lectern, just a desk off to the side. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/PeteTheGeek196
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    How important is the non laminated display on tge iPad 2017 really?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 08:15 AM PDT

    I'm about to buy a bearly used iPad 2017 128GB.

    Every review mentions the 'bad' screen. I do not have an Apple shop near me, so I can't look at it myself.

    So what's your opinion on the device after using it a few months? (especially regarding the screen)

    submitted by /u/Moral4postel
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    Lighting issue iOS11, air2

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 02:03 PM PDT

    I've noticed sometimes that, while using the ipad, the screen gets dimmer. When I go to look at the screen brightness control, it was definitely lower. Has anyone else had this issue?


    submitted by /u/Catodacat
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    Where is brightness?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 01:50 PM PDT

    I am using the Ipad pro 10.5 and I can't seem to toggle off the auto-brightness. I went into setting and then into the Display and Brightness section, but I can't find it.


    submitted by /u/viv11
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    How to fix iPad screen

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 06:13 AM PDT


    I have an iPad Air 1 which screen suddenly was covered in lines and unable to see any apps. After looking at it an hour later the Apple logo appeared behind the lines but then back onto a white screen with lines. I have reset the device but how can I fix this myself?

    submitted by /u/tom12210
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    Your preferred stand for iPad?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 01:36 PM PDT

    I'd like to be able to take my iPad and Bluetooth keyboard in my briefcase when I need to travel for work. Does anyone use a stand to hold up their iPad, and if so, which one?

    What I'd specifically like is something that can fit in a briefcase, is sturdy enough that it won't wobble when I tap on it, and can elevate the iPad up to make it more ergonomic on my desk/I won't have to be forever looking down.

    submitted by /u/Pombologist
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    Would you buy leather Smart Keyboard for iPad Pro?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 11:59 AM PDT

    It would propably be expansive as hell, but damn, I would buy one anyway. Brown leather iPhone case looks awesome.

    submitted by /u/popydo
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    iOS 11.1 Public Beta experience

    Posted: 29 Sep 2017 11:33 PM PDT

    Has anyone tried out iOS 11.1 public beta on your device?

    I recently installed it on my 2017 iPad 9.7 and noticed that the iPad does not go to sleep. The usage time is the same as the standby time.

    In the past, the issue was likely caused by YouTube running in the background but that was on iOS 11. Turning off background refresh for YouTube seems to have solved that issues, but on iOS 11.1, something else could be affecting battery life 🤔

    Despite that, I did notice that animations appear to be smoother than 11, which on my iPad, had a lot of micro stutterings. I'm still in the midst of testing out battery life and overall system stability.

    I would like to hear your feedback with iOS 11.1.

    submitted by /u/ericmaxman
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    Scientific Calculator?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 10:46 AM PDT

    I've seen PCalc, but I need something that can do standard form. Any decent options ?


    submitted by /u/abdulr_mustapha
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    I need a new iPad. Disappointed with my options.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2017 08:17 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one in this position.

    I desperately need to replace my original iPad mini. I'll be surprised if it lasts me until the end of next week the way it's going.

    The original plan was to replace it with the iPad mini 4 as I like the size. Then I realised that it's not been updated for two years. It seems a lot of money for two year old tech.

    Then I looked at the 2017 iPad. Nice price but with the non laminated screen it seems like an iPad Lite. It also seems a bit backwards making it heavier and thicker than the model it's replacing.

    The iPad Pros are certainly very nice but I can't justify the price tag. They're total overkill for what I need although seem to be the best option from a future-proofing point of view.

    Am I looking at it wrong? Is the mini 4 running iOS 11 actually ok? Is the screen on the 2017 iPad better than I'm expecting?

    I almost wish Apple hadn't released the iPad 2017 at such a competitive price and made the cut backs that they have.

    In an ideal world I'd like to see an updated iPad mini, a more expensive, but better featured iPad 2017 and then the top end Pro range.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/JuniorJedi
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    Can iPad Pro play 4k 2160p YouTube videos locally I downloaded with nPlayer Plus or Infuse Pro with H/W encoder ?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2017 10:52 PM PDT

    It seems to always want to use S/W encoder.

    submitted by /u/ng4ever
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    Does the newest iPad Pro have staying power?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2017 09:27 PM PDT

    My girlfriend has at least 5 years of school, so I'd like to get her an iPad Pro for Christmas

    Is it worth it? Would it be better to wait until an iPad Pro with an A11 chip comes out? I'd like it to last as long as possible for her.

    submitted by /u/HUGO-THE-BEAR
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    Recommendation: iPad Pro note taking app with web hyperlinking?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2017 08:51 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I'm a college math instructor and a math graduate student and I'm currently using Notability for my note taking during class and for storing research notes, on a 12.9 iPad Pro

    As I do my research I'm snipping parts of websites into Notability to reference, and then bookmarking the site in Safari/Chrome. However, I'm starting to collect a massive amount of bookmarks and I'm starting to get a little lost.

    What I'm looking for is a handwriting note taking app with PDF markup support and the ability to add web-links into my notes so I can tap them and it'll open a website that corresponds to my topics. I tried OneNote and I don't really like the experience it offers.

    If anyone had any recommendations I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Martel582
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    Camranger and iOS 11

    Posted: 29 Sep 2017 02:35 PM PDT

    Anyone using a camranger to tether a DSLR on ios 11? I've got a 2017 pro 12.9" but I've been holding off on updating the OS until I see a camranger update in the app store - mostly out of caution, as I've got a few jobs coming up where the camranger needs to work problem-free.

    submitted by /u/clarkhead
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    Upgrade or not? Ipad Mini 1 to Ipad Pro 10.5

    Posted: 29 Sep 2017 07:18 PM PDT

    i've been using my ipad Mini 1 for years now its super slow and cant run most apps anymore. Is it worth it to upgrade to the iPad pro 10.5? thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/momochimaru
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