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    Saturday, January 22, 2022

    iPhone Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    iPhone Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to the weekly stickied WSIB thread.

    Have any questions about buying, selling, trading, or giveaways? Ask away! Please remember to adhere to our rules, which can be found in the sidebar. As usual, if you have a serious issue with the subreddit, please contact the moderators directly.

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    Note: Comments are sorted by /new for your convenience.

    Here is an archive of all previous "What Should I Buy" threads. This is best viewed on a browser. If on mobile, type on the searchbar [title:"What Should I Buy" author:"AutoModerator"] (without the brackets, and including the quotation marks around the title and author.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    White Noise Feature

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 04:56 PM PST

    Just found this out, add the hearing icon to your control centre, then when you press it, you have the option of several white noise options

    submitted by /u/Ciana_Reid
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    Does anyone miss the curved back of the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 08:18 AM PST

    I've been wondering why Apple ditched it when designing the iPhone 4. It was one thing which attracted me (and, I guess, many others) to the iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS back in the day. I hope Apple bring it back in future models.

    submitted by /u/dtsoton2011
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    How do I show all notifications on my Lock Screen?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 07:49 AM PST

    I just switched to an iPhone 13 from a galaxy s9. Im really not a fan of how notifications work on this phone. If I have notifications, and I look at my Lock Screen, I see them. But if I don't open the notifications, next time I look at my lock screen they are gone and all I see are "recent notifications". I can see all notifications by sliding up slowly, but I really would like to see my notifications at a glance. Is there anyway I can do this?

    submitted by /u/bmcle071
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    What are the default ringtone and alert tones on the iPhone 3GS?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 08:00 AM PST

    Does anyone remember what the following are on the iPhone 3GS?

    1. Default ringtone
    2. Default text tone
    3. Default voicemail notification sound
    4. Default new e‑mail notification sound
    5. Default sent e‑mail notification sound
    6. Default calendar alert tone
    7. Default Reminder alert tone (if that app existed back in the days of the iPhone 3GS)
    submitted by /u/dtsoton2011
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    Long time Nexus-Pixel User to iPhone 13

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 03:53 AM PST

    I've been on Android all my life and the recent problems with the Pixel 6 and the advances Apple made with iOS and the cameras convinced me to move to the iPhone 13 (non-pro). The phone I moved from was the Pixel 4a so it's hardly a fair comparision given the price but here's what I like and dislike about it:


    • Hardware quality: this phone screams quality; it's sturdy, heavy and extremely well built, screen is awesome, camera's are good, speakers are great.
    • App Quality and integration: apps are very well made on ios and you can feel the difference when using them. They also integrate with the OS very seamlessly.
    • Battery Life: it sips battery compared to my "good battery" Pixel 4a. Standby time is especially great, I left it overnight and it drained only 3%.
    • Widgets: this is kind of surprising for some but widgets on iOS are very good. Yes Android has more options but I found everything I was looking for in iOS and they're all very well made. Plus putting widgets on Android keeps the app "awake" and drains the battery. Quality of the widgets are definitely better on iOS.
    • Sound Quality: speakers are great, bluetooth audio is great, dongle audio is great, nothing much to say here. Although my Pixel 4a had similar sounding speakers but it was due to lack of waterproofing.
    • Shortcuts and other smart things: being 2 weeks in I definitely feel that I'm yet to use the phone to it's full potential, but I really like how smart some things are e.g. connecting bluetooth earphones gives me a "open spotify" shortcut.


    • Speed: don't get me wrong the phone is very very capable, but iOS makes it feel very slow, smooth but slow. Everything takes it's time to finish. You cannot do anything until the animation finishes. It takes some getting used to coming from a very quick OS. I tried reducing animations but it doesn't speed it up, just makes it look different. Overall I feel like I'm doing a lot of waiting and have had to slow down my fingers for the OS to keep up with what I want to do.
    • Ease of Use: it may come as a surprise but I really feel that Android is easier and more intuitive. In iOS there is only 1 way to do things and that's what Apple decides, in Android you can do things in different ways depending on your preference. E.g. settings; some of them are in the app others are in the settings app and it gets confusing. Another thing is that there is only 1 way to reach the settings and this is after closing the app, going home, closing the folder, going to the settings app icon page and clickin on it, in Android you just reach it via the notifications panel in whatever app you're in. I can give many examples about photos not being organized in folders and other things. Generally speaking the inability to do things my own way is frustrating.
    • Notification management: I don't hate iOS's notifications but they are a pain to clear and manage one by one. I'm not a person who gets a lot of notifications but it takes time to manage them.
    • Keyboard/Dialer: I tried the native keyboard and it just made a lot of mistakes (I'm not an English speaker), I also tried Gboard and it's not as good as on Android. My main issue is turning off auto correct since I type Latinized in my language and it doesn't even fix the capital "I". Also it is raised so much and is cramped. The dialer doesn't have T9 so I have to type and search in the contact's every person I need to call.

    On the fence:

    • Face ID: it's fast and easy and I like it, but in the era of face masks I wonder if they should add a fingerprint option.
    • Camera: I don't take a lot of videos so I don't see the huge difference. But pictures are more hit or miss than the Pixel. I still like the Pixel look more but the iPhone is no doubt technically better.
    • Small issues: I've had a lot of apps hang, calls being routed to the wrong speaker (when using bluetooth especially) and other small things, but these were also part of why I left Android so I would say while iOS is more polished it is not perfect and there are a lot of issues with the way it's made and it's stability. Android is not far behind.
    • Facetime: I find that duo is better on Android but I guess that's because I'm not living in the US where everyone uses Facetime as default.

    Overall I'm not too positive or negative about my switch. It's different but not really better or worse. I was very curious especially since iOS 14 and decided to try it. Although I used Android for many years, I still use my phone very simply compared to others, I do not customize a lot so I wasn't too mad about my inability to customize my homepages and icons. I was more disappointed by the intuition of the OS more than anything else.

    Would I stay on iOS? Probably not. But I won't be switching back anytime soon, I'm staying on iPhone for the next 2 years probably and I'm happy with my purchase.

    Edit: added facetime and fixed spelling

    submitted by /u/of55
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    What are your favorite safari extensions?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 10:22 AM PST

    Also what do they do specifically that you find so useful. I'd like to get deeper into the Apple ecosystem and I'm pretty sure others do too but due to lack of knowledge we tend to overlook things because we don't realize the convenience it offers.

    submitted by /u/Chai_Old_Mole_Esther
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    Apple to Stop Including EarPods With Every iPhone Sold in France From Next Week

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 03:31 AM PST

    No text notifications while in other apps. Is there a fix?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 08:36 AM PST

    Eg. when I'm on Reddit and receive a text, there is no notification pop up, vibration, or anything else. I turned on text notifications for CarPlay and this briefly worked for my issue but has now stopped. Anyone else having this issue? Is there a fix? (Up to date iOS and using a 12 mini)

    Edit: for anyone else having the same issue, do not disturb/focus has to be off to receive notifications even if your phone is open Though before the update, I would receive notifications while in do not disturb if my phone was open.

    submitted by /u/Baggy_Socks
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    How do you add your own text tone to an iPhone XR and make the device recognise it as such?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 07:38 AM PST

    I've created an M4R file which I want to use as a text tone (not ringtone) on my iPhone XR, but my phone will only recognise it as a ringtone and place it on the ringtone list. How do I get my phone put it on the alert tone list instead? I've created some home‑made ringtones, which my phone correctly placed on the ringtone list; and I don't want my phone to mix my text tone with my ringtones.

    submitted by /u/dtsoton2011
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    Considering an iphone

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 10:18 AM PST

    I currently have a pixel 6 with multiple issues. I'm considering getting the iphone 13 mini and was wondering for people that switched to an iphone from an android, what do you miss? I also have a pc and am heavily invested in google apps. I know iphone's can use google apps but I don't know how well they integrate with them.

    submitted by /u/BadtheUgly
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    Does this feature exist???

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 09:59 AM PST

    I simply want to transfer files (not photos or videos) to the sd card on iPhone 7. Is this possible?

    submitted by /u/BecauseImGod
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    why does my phone randomly say it’s screen recording?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 09:42 AM PST

    i have an iphone 12 and a few times a day when i swipe on my notification center my screen recording button will be on. no video ever gets recorded but still weird that the button is on and i've looked it up and no one i can find has had the same problem? help😩

    submitted by /u/xxonaila
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    Grayshift is constantly evolving their proprietary Graykey product which unlocks phones for law enforcement, and allows them to completely extract the file system from your phone. Here are some cool new features of their product you might find interesting.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 09:39 AM PST

    The first interesting feature you might find interesting about is a feature Grayshift refers to as Instant Unlock. This feature allows allows law enforcement to instantly unlock your smartphone, regardless of if bruteforce is supported for that particular phone. Here are some links which mention this feature.

    1. https://www.grayshift.com/glossary/

    2. https://ibb.co/0Y2XP91 This comes from a marketing document talking about various licensing options for Graykey.

    3. https://ibb.co/QfzM2F0 This is a document talking about the various phones and operating systems Graykey supports. This document was uploaded when Grayshift filed their product to be trademarked. It was filed July of 2020, and mentions this Instant Unlock feature. It also shows that at the time that document was made, Graykey supported all iPhones, and operating systems for it.

    Another thing Grayshift has done in the past year is introduce Android support for their product. They are also constantly adding more phones the product can unlock, and extract data from. Here are some articles talking about this.

    1. https://www.grayshift.com/newsroom/grayshift-introduces-android-support-on-graykey-for-mobile-device-forensics-companyextends-ios-forensic-leadership-to-android-devices/

    2. https://www.grayshift.com/groundbreaking-insights-into-graykey/

    3. https://www.forensicfocus.com/interviews/grayshift-co-founders-david-miles-chief-executive-officer-braden-thomas-chief-product-officer/ This link is a interview with Grayshift creators, talking about their product. It also mentions how their innovative product is constantly updated, and often supports same day support for the latest operating systems.

    The last thing I will share with you is a document Grayshift published recently, which talks about 10 reasons you need Graykey. To get access to this document, I put in a fake email, which granted me access to the document.


    submitted by /u/vegas395
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    IPhone 11 or IPhone 12

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 09:16 AM PST

    I have had Samsung phones ever since my first phone and I was planning to maybe switch to Apple sometime soon. My current phone is a Samsung a21s and it is okay but I could do with an upgrade. I can't decide between the Iphone 11 or the iphone 12 (or other iphones) I'm looking for a fast phone that is a good size and has a good camera. Any ideas on the best iphone for me?

    submitted by /u/Certified_Idiot666
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    About IPhone Web restrictions

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 09:01 AM PST

    The restriction I'm talking about claims a certain website is a threat to my phone, but it really isn't. I just want my Lamar roasts Franklin copypasta. Is there any way to bypass this?

    submitted by /u/PPGuy88
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    MagSafe Wallet

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 04:10 PM PST

    Just got a MagSafe wallet

    I don't get how this is falling off so easily for other people, I stick it in my pocket no problem yet every YouTuber seems to just grind their phone against the outside of the pocket instead of just placing it in like a normal person would

    13 pro | Find My enabled MagSafe wallet

    submitted by /u/XDR__
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    Getting a new phone number. Will iMessages history reset?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 10:43 AM PST

    I just got a new phone number. I still see my iMessages, but when I Text people they get a message from a new number and not my old contact. Can this be fixed? I dont want them to lose the history of our chat.

    submitted by /u/thxfortheinfo
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    Can’t update my Apps

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 09:50 AM PST

    It's been a Month since I last updated my Apps because every Time when I try to Update it says „Apple Media Services Terms and conditions have been changed." Once I press OK it just shows me a blank screen and nothing happens. I've already tried it with a different WiFi, rebooted my Phone and logged out and in from App Store but it still doesn't work. If anyone can help me I'd be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Don-777
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    Is there an app/ widget like smooth calendar from Android?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 09:46 AM PST

    Just switched to Apple from Samsung and I'm trying to give iPhone a try but everything seems way more complicated then it should. Anyways, I've always used smooth calendar and had the widget at the top of my home screen and it would show me like the next 6 of my events coming up (dr appointments, bills due, birthdays, etc.) I can't figure out how to do it with this iPhone calendar widget, it only shows me if I have an event for today. Anyone know of anything like smooth calendar?

    submitted by /u/NinjaBeezy
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    iPhone 13 Green/Whiteish tint

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 09:37 AM PST

    Hi guys, so i got this device new on 13th dec 2021 everything runs fine, I've put it in water if that matters

    Yesterday i was watching a movie that used a lot of dark backgrounds, it was night so my brightness was at lowest, phone wasn't cold or too hot and i noticed that in a lot of frames i could see like green around the notch and in the bottom of the device, i looked up and its a common issue, even if i set a completely dark lock screen wallpaper and turn sleep mode on its so visible, reddit app too, should i worry about this?, it isn't a big deal, but im worried it'll get worse over time what should i do?, try and get it replaced or leave it like that Thanks

    submitted by /u/Galdalf02
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    Phone was set to factory reset but I don’t have a backup

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 08:57 AM PST

    So i completely broke my phones screen and it had to be fixed. I brought it to a repair shop and they repaired the screen. But when I got my phone back the passcode didn't work. Then I waited a whole fucking hour just so they could factory reset it and my passcode would work. When I got home tho I realized I didn't have an iCloud backup. Now I have my phone without all my apps, important photos and the most important: my 5 years long grind on supercell games where I spent about 80 dollars on too. Does anyone know what I can do to like fix it or tell this to the shop and they could help me or something?

    submitted by /u/JostiTosti69420
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    Those with silicon cases…

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 04:37 PM PST

    How do you keep them from getting lint 24/7? Or do you just deal with cleaning it 7-14 times a day? Any ideas? I love how comfortable the Apple one is to hold but with 3 dogs.. it's insane how it gathers so quickly.. often makes me switch to my leather case for this sole reason.

    submitted by /u/Jay_Reefer
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    Apple really needs to add a text filter for Messages, like you can with emails. It would help stop spam texts.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 03:47 AM PST

    I've lost count of how many spam texts I've received claiming to offer a free gift from my carrier. They always say the exact same thing, always from a different phone number.

    Could have stopped them dead if they'd been emails.

    submitted by /u/Scienscatologist
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    How is your iPhone 12/13 silicone case holding up?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 05:49 PM PST

    How is your case holding up ?

    submitted by /u/kfctaco29
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    Concept imagines new iOS design that shows why someone needs to call you in 2022

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 04:59 PM PST

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