• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 13, 2021

    macOS why is java using 100gb on my mac?

    macOS why is java using 100gb on my mac?

    why is java using 100gb on my mac?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    What's wrong with Big Sur's Time Machine?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    WhatsApp web downloads

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 12:16 AM PDT

    Where on the Mac do downloads from WhatsApp web off Chrome go to?

    submitted by /u/vonngh0st
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    M1 MacBook Air high battery usage

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    I've recently been having really bad battery usage on my MacBook Air M1 and I can't figure out what's causing it. I used to end the day with 90-80% battery but now I'm losing 50% battery in an hour doing light work. I've looked in activity monitor and nothing seems to be wrong. I've also noticed it has felt hot to touch while just having safari open with 1 tab. I tried a malwarebytes scan and nothing came up. I don't want to reset it completely unless that's the only option.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Championship_2180
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    Big Sur no longer being pushed as update to MBP2015

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    I noticed for a couple of weeks now that Big Sur no longer appears as a recommended update on my MBP 2015, when it had been since it was launched. Is this cos Monterey will be coming or they realized the update isn't suited for my machine?

    submitted by /u/keisenerzt
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    Get iphone calls without the ring?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    Is there a way to get phone calls on my mac but without the ring and only the notification in the corner of the screen?

    I like the feature, but everytime I get a phone call I have 3 different devices that are ringing loudly which is kinda annoying

    submitted by /u/oren_BA
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    Ethernet issue on startup

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 01:24 AM PDT

    Ethernet issue on startup


    I'm fairly IT literate, but I don't know where to start with this issue. Every time I restart my Mac Mini M1, macOS 11.6, the network doesn't work through the Ethernet port. It's not limited to Safari, but the error Safari throws is:

    Safari can't open the page. The error is: "The operation couldn't be completed. Address family not supported by protocol family" (NSPOSIXErrorDomain:47)


    The workaround to get going is to unplug and replug in the network cable - FYI after going so the network configuration doesn't change.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/idarryl
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    Schedule email with Mail

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 01:19 AM PDT

    Hi guys.

    Is it possible schedule the email's sending with Mail for Mac?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/iColas7
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    MacOS Big Sur Smart Folders 'is not contain' rule. Does it exist?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Recently I've had a need to create a Smart Folder, that will collect files, which IS NOT contain smth in their name. But I was surprized when it turned out, that macOS Smart Folders don't have 'is not contain' in the set of available rules O_o

    Does somebody knows why is that? And offcource how to solve it :)

    submitted by /u/EugeneWhite1937
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    Is there a way to use iCloud Drive to permanantly just store stuff in the cloud (not on mac)?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    I have 500gb of random videos and documents that I don't use (eg baby photos and work from school) that I don't need to constantly access. I'm already paying for the 2TB plan, and my mac is running out of space; instead of using an external hard drive is there a way to do this using iCloud drive?

    submitted by /u/roury
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    Searching for the secret macOS Recovery Mode wallpaper

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Searching for the secret macOS Recovery Mode wallpaper

    Where can I find the background image of this prompt? I want to set it as my system wallpaper. I cant find it in system files nor wallpapers.


    for reference, on catalina and earlier this was the bg image

    notice the subtle shading *maybe distorted by reddit image compression


    its a really nice gradient and i cant recreate as smooth as apple did and i want to find it!! please, if anybody can help. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ph_h442
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    Update from Catalina to latest Big Sur or just wait for Monterey?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    MBP 13" 2017, 2.3GHz Dual-Core Interl I5, 8GB RAM

    I have upgraded to Big Sur on the first release and downgraded back to Catalina due to battery and fan issues. I'm thinking on updating to Monterey.

    Is it okay to skip Big Sur and update Catalina to Monterey later this year? Or should I update to the latest version of Big Sur now to prepare for Monterey?

    submitted by /u/cmrs192
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    How to stop MBPro 2018 from turning on after touching trackpad/pressing any key?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    After I power off my MBPro 16inch (Big Sur 11.6), it turns on the moment I press any key (not just the power button) or merely touching the track pad. Is there any way to ensure this doesn't happen?

    I know that to disable autoboot, I have to enter sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00, but that does not prevent powering on when I press literally any key or touch any part of the trackpad. How can I make it turn on ONLY if I press the power button?

    submitted by /u/maxito98
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    Could someone help me understand this System.log entry?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    Adminstrators-Macbook-Air remind[905]: objc[905]: Class REMCDChangeTrackingState is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ReminderKit.framework/Versions/A/ReminderKit and /usr/libexec/remindd. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. Administrators-MacBook-Air com.apple.siri-distributed-evaluation[908]: sandbox initialization failed: <internal init prelude>:456:12: unable to open common.sb: not found (apply error x)

    It's my work machine and I'm concerned if this was some kind of attempt at a remote login. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

    submitted by /u/aaksmach4
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    Is linux environment similar to Mac environment?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    Greetings, I have been using linux for 2 year now. I'm about to change it to Mac book. Is linux (terminal) same as Mac terminal?

    submitted by /u/Inevitable-Tank-456
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    Making Big Sur “Rescue Disk”

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    For the past several decades I've had an external drive in an USB/FireWire enclosure with a bootable installer and a bootable full install (w/recovery utilities) with the latest macOS that would run on the hardware I have. I have bootable installers for El Capitan, Catalina and Big Sur, and "recovery" partitions for El Capitan and Catalina. I cannot install Big Sur on the external drive.

    The partition is bigger than the largest recommended space on Apple's Support pages (42GB listed for an upgrade, the partition was 45GB and is now 50GB) and it's formatted as an APFS (I also tried as HFS+).

    Do the T2 security settings even affect installing the OS?

    submitted by /u/MeButNotMeToo
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    External Touchscreen Display

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    im trying to use a touchscreen display on my MBAir2018 Intel, I see on a Windows laptop that the driver is from DisplayLink, I got the app for MacOS and its working, the problem is that the trackpad and mouse is disable and only works the touchscreen of the display, I only can use the right bottom of the external mouse

    submitted by /u/serrat04
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    Is there a macOS backup solution that will back up directly to iCloud storage? I currently use SuperDuper and then upload the backups manually.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Is there a way to have shared files stay turned on through a reboot?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    Recovering deleted file

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Is there a way to recover .nosync files? from iCloud or anywhere else?

    or am I screwed

    submitted by /u/Broman-1
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    M1 Stickies getting stuck using an external display with a display port

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Ok, so my setup is an M1 Air hooked up to a 1080p Samsung screen with a 3rd party USB-C to display the port. What's happening is that my stickies will get stuck above the screen display, if I try and move them they just go back to being stuck in the top left of my screen, like halfway in the screen and half out. Anyone else experiencing this? I have noticed some Bluetooth sound issues that started happening when I switched to the display port from HDMI, I'm wondering if I just need to go back to the HDMI set up. I also have the blurry pixels with texts that a lot of other people have seemed to have with an external display and the M1M1 Stickies getting stuck using an external display with a display port

    submitted by /u/titan4723
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    crackling or popping sound from speakers when watching a video in Google Chrome

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Recently, I have been experiencing this rather annoying issue where the speaker would pop or make some sort of crackling sound when I watch a video in Chrome. This happens randomly and only lasts a second or so then it would happen again after a few mins and the cycle repeats. I think this might be related to chrome or some sort of bug in Mac os because it doesn't seem to happen when I listen to music on Spotify or watch videos in safari. Has anyone experience this too and are there any solutions to fix this?

    submitted by /u/AvviiAtor
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