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    Friday, June 18, 2021

    iPhone Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    iPhone Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly stickied WSIB thread.

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    Here is an archive of all previous "What Should I Buy" threads. This is best viewed on a browser. If on mobile, type on the searchbar [title:"What Should I Buy" author:"AutoModerator"] (without the brackets, and including the quotation marks around the title and author.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    YouTube Says iOS Picture-in-Picture Coming to All US Users

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    Criminals in Brazil are stealing people's iPhones to access bank accounts, not resell the devices - 9to5Mac

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    When we could use iPhone with one hand…do you miss it?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Saw this recommendation on Shortcuts app. Is it an iPad only feature or a future iOS 15 feature. Clicking on actions says ‘This action could not be found in this version of Shortcuts’.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    Is there still a stigma that iPhone users are not tech-savvy?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    This is a serious question and I hope I don't cause offense. I do like the iPhone but I remember a few years back, people keep saying that iPhone users are usually people who are not that computer literate and like things simple. And if you work in Tech or in IT and are using an iPhone, it basically tells people that you're not adventurous enough and should be using an Android as you can "do so much more with them, etc.

    I don't see Apple's simplicity as it's weakness. That makes it special. It just works.

    Are these stigmas still present?

    submitted by /u/iamthephantompain
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    So...what's the next iPhone going to be called?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    I'll wager that it won't be the 13. While to most it's just a number, there are enough superstitious people out there so that, for example, hotels don't usually have a 13th floor and instead go straight from 12 to 14 with their numbering. And Apple is a big company that doesn't want to see a dent in sales from calling a device something that might make people less interested in buying it.

    iPhone naming has been a bit erratic over the years, but I think 12S isn't out of the realms of possibility, with the 14 next year. They could also do what they've done before and skip straight to 14, like they did after 8 (9 is an unlucky number in Japan).

    I wonder, though, if they might start thinking about going away from numbering all together. The XR/XS seemed like a step in that direction, although you were apparently still supposed to pronounce the "X" as "ten". But their different MacOS versions aren't numbered, and they make a big deal out of what the name is going to be. I wonder if we could start to see the same kind of thing with the iPhone.

    It's also true of other products. For example, the iPad Air is just the iPad Air, with the "generation 4" not being part of the official name. Or the MacBook Pro is just the MacBook Pro. I know that the iPhone updates every single year, which other products don't, but it's still the odd one out in the range. Even the Apple Watch is the Apple Watch Series 6/3, rather than the Apple Watch 6/3, which makes the number seem like it's an addendum to the name rather than part of the name itself. Synonymous with "model".

    Although, that said, Apple does seem to have problems coming up with good names for things, so perhaps that's something they wouldn't want to foist upon themselves.

    But I don't think the numbering can continue indefinitely. While you can imagine the iPhone 14 easily, imagining the iPhone 24 is a little harder. So I think there will come a point when they drop numbers and either don't distinguish the phones in that way, or come up with some other way to name them, and perhaps the number 13 is the point at which to do that.

    submitted by /u/Kimantha_Allerdings
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    Is WhatsApp more private on iOS if you disable all permissions besides contacts?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Rank based on longevity

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    If you were to rank iPhones based on their longevity, how would you rank them?

    submitted by /u/sabasimorgh
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    Is there a way to organize hidden photos in neat folders? The iPhone seems to have just one giant ‘hidden’ folder where you dump everything!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:55 AM PDT

    Basically I need to hide several photos from friends / family, and I would like to organise them by topic. Nobody likes a messy spank bank! Any way to 'sort' the hidden content instead of having a giant folder where everything is mixed?

    submitted by /u/NeokratosRed
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    Does anyone know how my iphone 7 didn't shatter at all when i dropped it down the stairs?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    So, my iphone 7 doesn't have any screen protector, but yet when i was going down the stairs to the 1st floor it slipped out of my hands and tumbled down quite a bunch, i was only like "oh shit" as i kept hearing it smash into each step until it dropped onto the 1st floor, i picked it up and i'm pretty sure there's no damage, there's a few cracks but those were there before.

    how the hell did it not break? i've smashed my old phones simply by dropping them out of my pocket (which is why i always put em in a backpack or a pocket with a zip nowadays)

    submitted by /u/felixrocket7835
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    What’s the deal with the weather app?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:29 AM PDT

    I just want to know rain and pollen.

    I'll sometimes get a 'rain in next hour' chart or sometimes I won't? There's no rhyme or reason as to why I do or don't get this, can't it just stay when rain is expected that day?

    And my biggest annoyance. Why does Apple only display pollution? Why not have the ability to select a pollen gauge instead? I've traveled to many places around the country and have never seen pollution rise above 2 and even if it did what do they expect me to do with that information? I'd much rather know pollen levels since a) I remotely care about that and b) I can use that information.

    Please don't say 'download a third party app' because when I'm paying £1000+ on a phone I shouldn't have to download third party apps to replace the function of apples own apps. (Don't even get me started on their refusal to add a usable snooze button either)

    submitted by /u/JAMP0T1
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    Will there most likely be an iPhone SE 3 and cost $350?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    Will there most likely be an iPhone SE 3 and cost $350?

    submitted by /u/Opening-Ad5364
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