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    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    iPhone IPhone 12 shut off randomly just now. Is something wrong with it?

    iPhone IPhone 12 shut off randomly just now. Is something wrong with it?

    IPhone 12 shut off randomly just now. Is something wrong with it?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    I've had this phone for about 2 months and I bought it brand new from apple. So just wondering since it is my first time buying an iPhone new, is something wrong with it?

    The battery was on 30% and shut off while I was on FaceTime. I turned it back on and it's fine so far. Sometimes it lags for a second or two. Meaning if I tap the back button it doesn't do nothing until a second or two later.

    Also since I'm unemployed and have nothing to do I've been using my phone a lot. Either reading or watching twitch streamers so it's around 12 hours of average use. Should I start turning my phone off before I go to sleep?

    submitted by /u/kiingjamir
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    iPhone iMessages acting weird

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    Hiya. I got an iPhone XS almost two weeks ago and for the first week everything worked great. Sunday my iMessages started acting weird though... I powered off my phone on Wednesday and saw texts coming through, that were sent on Sunday but yet I received them 4 days later. It worked for a bit after I powered off my phone, but today I powered off my phone again and received a message from my friend from 24 hours ago. And the messages I reply back with are in blue and my friends are blue as well by the way. Can anyone help?? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kammmmbammm
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    iphone 7's microphone disabled (software side?)

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:34 PM PDT

    Hi all, I have an Iphone 7+ in Canada running IOS 14.4.2

    One day, The microphone on my phone just stopped working. Whenever I tried to make a call, It fould instantly fail, getting called would go straight to voicemail. Calling voicemail would also fail. When i record a video, the volume button is greyed out. Brought my phone in, they fixed it.

    For two days.

    Two days later, same things happened again. I've tried cleaning out my speaker grill and factory reset my phone.

    any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/gamerman0
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    How do I password protect the adult content setting on my iPhone 12 iOS 14.5?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:05 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I can block the adult content in my settings, but can just as easily turn it back on. It's not much of a block.

    When I go to change the adult content settings, there is no request for a password. What can I do to turn it back on?

    submitted by /u/Needimprovenentguy
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    My iPhone SE won't do anything

    Posted: 07 May 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    I've upgraded from an SE but I keep it as a backup phone since it still works. Now when I try to do anything on it nothing loads :( I can't play videos in my camera roll, i can't use the internet, download apps, get the app store to load, etc etc etc I figured it might need an update since there's one available (it's currently on 13.4.1) but I can't download it. When I click on the update section of settings it just says 'checking for update' and then says there was an error. I think twice I've been able to get the update to pop up but when I click install it said there was an error. I deleted some photos and apps just in case there was a storage issue and that did nothing. I've restarted it several times and that didn't do anything either. What should I do? I've been trying to fix it since last night :/

    submitted by /u/andyetithadlasted
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    My iPhone 7+ randomly dies at over 80%

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    For some reason my iPhone 7+ started dying way before 0% even up to 86%. When it dies, there's briefly a bright apple logo before the charging screen appears prompting me to plug it in. When I do, it always opens at 9%. As you can imagine this is super annoying because I'll have so much battery on my phone then have to charge it all over again for the same thing to happen. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Leshi08
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    Face ID not working

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    So, earlier today I dropped my phone into the toilet and I did clean it as best I could after pulling it out, but the Face ID just didn't work after that. It kept saying "Move face lower" or "Move face up". Even though my face was clearly on the frame it kept saying it wasn't, and at the end it said "Face ID not available, try again later".

    I need help on how Face ID can be fixed if it even can, thanks.

    submitted by /u/ThatOneRuskiBlyat
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    iPhone notes lost during transfer to iCloud

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    Hey everybody, I really hope someone can help. My wife lost several years worth of notes on her iPhone. She had them stored on her phone, and when she tried to move them to iCloud they wouldn't go, and now she can't access them in either place. I know they have to be in there somewhere. Does anyone have an idea of how to get them back?

    submitted by /u/reggorf56
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    Is the 11 pro camera worth it over the XR?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    I plan on using my new phone as a main vlogging/recording camera. I bought a DSLR but I didnt even end up using it so I figured I should just get a new camera. Is the 11 pro worth the extra money over the XR?

    submitted by /u/MaveInfinite
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    Is there anybody that can help with my iPhone 7 and it’s battery drain issues and it’s slow charging issue as well... it’s a year and a half old ..

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    My iPhone 7 has always had horrible battery drain it's an epidemic basically ever since I didn't return it within the 14 days because I'm an idiot.

    I had an SE before this and it was decent on battery but furthermore it charged very quickly but never have I had battery drain and having to search Reddit and the Internet anything that will help save the battery on this thing because it does take a long time to re-charged should I maybe buy a different cord?

    Wall charger. Just like watching two hours maybe of media and texting for three hours basically brings the phone down to below 50%.

    I have not updated the phone to 14.51 and have no plans to and I'm one below that.

    Last time Apple automatically updated my iOS with my switch turned off for automatic updates and at that point I kind of had a good place for my battery life by customizing all this stuff but then after that update it was just horrible again.

    Every YouTube video every tips and tricks blogger post nothing seems to help the ideas I am desperate.

    My battery life is at 84% the phone is just under a year and a half old and it charges to 100%.

    submitted by /u/hawking061
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    gmail app is not showing certain labels

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    Just wondering if anyone else has this issue with the gmail app. It has been like this for a couple weeks now.

    I can see messages in my inbox , but if I want to look at the labels such as promotions, updates, social , it shows a rotating circle and says no connection. If I need to see a message in one of those labels I need to go to the "All mail" label and try to find the message from there.

    This use to work normal for years but suddenly stopped a few weeks ago I think.

    submitted by /u/workingatthepyramid
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    Safari bug iOS 14.5.1

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    I haven't seen any other post on this so I'm hoping to be able to report this bug. I noticed that if you have safari app in a folder and Open safari from the icon in the folder, the option to take a full page screenshot is not there. As soon as I move safari out of the folder and open it from my home screen the full page option is there. Also if I open safari from the app drawer the full page option is there. The only time the full page option does not show up is when you open safari from within a folder on your Home Screen. I've tested this on my iPad and two iPhones, the result is the same.

    submitted by /u/ElderberryAlone4189
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    Anyone know about VoiceOver?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    clicking noise

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:45 AM PDT

    my iphone 8+ has been making a clicking noise ever since i got it fixed, whenever i click the home button, take a photo, get notifications the clicking noise happens. when i shake my phone i can hear something rattling around. sometimes it's a repetitive clicking noise that goes for like 5 minute, what is thisssssss

    submitted by /u/lilpeep9091
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    Help with mic

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    iPhone 7 Plus battery dies in a day even when not using it at all

    Posted: 07 May 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    So, I bought two used iPhones for flipping (XS and 7 Plus) and noticed that the latter one's battery won't last even a day without even any use.

    Link to my Google Drive for screenshots of both device's battery stats.

    I have reset the iPhone 7 Plus twice now without being able to fix the battery draining quick.
    I should be receiving a new battery today for it which I'm gonna replace myself, but in my opinion it still shouldn't be draining this quick without even using it.

    Both devices are updated to the latest iOS which is 14.5.1.

    Am I missing something in here or has the battery drain something to do with the iOS update?
    It's just crazy when the XS lasted almost for a week without using it when the 7 Plus dies in a day.

    submitted by /u/Hadis_
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    IPhone 7 Plus Rear Camera + Flashlight not working

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm sorry if the formatting will come out wrong, but I'm from mobile. I wanted to ask you all a repair-related question! Last year, my iPhone 7 Plus fell on the carpet and suddently, the rear camera stopped working along with the flashlight. The camera only works if I put it in 2x (and flash works too, in 2x only), if I put it back in 1x it goes completely black-screen again. I have immediately googled the issue and it seems to be a fairly common thing to happen to this model, and I have looked at some videos online, mainly this one (https://youtu.be/56pxjZsoTAg) (but many others fixed it in the same way), which makes me believe the problem is all in the motherboard. I have gone and asked a couple of repair shops a preventive on how much it would cost to fix it, and some were too expensive for my economical situation at the moment (hence the one year wait). Another repair shop told me that they could replace the whole motherboard for a good price, and that's what I wanted to ask you all: would totally replace the motherboard with a completely new one fix the problem? In the video I linked, it seems that the person is working and doing repairs only on the motherboard and nothing else, which makes me think that replacing it would fix the issue. Thank you all for your time!

    submitted by /u/mosscoveredpebble
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    Charging the iPhone 12 mini with a 5V0.55A Charger

    Posted: 07 May 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    I've got a Nikon charging brick with a rating of 5V⎓0.55A . Is it fine if I charge my phone overnight with it or would the Apple 5W charger be a better choice?

    submitted by /u/headofaradio
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