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    Monday, March 8, 2021

    iPhone [iPhone 12 Pro] Dark Spot on Camera. Lens have NO dust or any scratch. Haven't used it in water.

    iPhone [iPhone 12 Pro] Dark Spot on Camera. Lens have NO dust or any scratch. Haven't used it in water.

    [iPhone 12 Pro] Dark Spot on Camera. Lens have NO dust or any scratch. Haven't used it in water.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:58 PM PST


    I have this iPh12 pro and today i noticed this dark spot while taking a picture at a piece of paper. I got this spot today, as I check a video from yesterday and the spot was not present in the video or any other photo. The spot can be seen on x1 zoom, it gets bigger when i zoom in and instantly disappears at any value on zoom out. Also, this spot is not visible in Portrait mode. While filming (video), the spot moves randomly just a bit in any direction (maybe lens adjusting here). Could it be a software problem perhaps? I have iOs 14.4.

    I never used it in water. I just dropped it once on its face from like 40cm/some american unit a few good weeks ago, so I am very (yeah sounds ironic) careful with it.

    I also cleaned my lens with some clean material and substance for lens and i haven't noticed any scratch or dust on them. I even inspected them with a LED lantern (rip my eyes) and haven't seen anything odd, not even on the inside on the smaller lens.

    What in the world is this? It's a bit annoying. A photo can be seen on this link:


    [that perfectly rounded spot]

    submitted by /u/cinnamonbreakfast
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    Can l update to a specific version?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 12:09 AM PST

    Hello. I have to an iPhone 8 and an iPad that l would like to update to iOS 14.3 specifically, but when l go into Software Update to update them it only lets me update to the latest version (iOS 14.4). Is there any way to do this?

    submitted by /u/Ttikkifone
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    Transferring thousands of photos to Windows PC and it stops after 300 and really slow?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 12:02 AM PST

    Will a high-speed lightning cable from like Anker help with this issue or is it just bull crap?

    submitted by /u/smdx459
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    So uh i need help. I cant update my iCloud but even tho my storage is not full and has space lots of space . I’ve had this problem for MONTHS! Pls help

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:43 PM PST

    Are iPhone 12s still having issues with dropped calls?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:57 PM PST

    I need to get a new phone, and my friends recommended moving to an iPhone. I read that the 12s had some reports of the phone randomly dropping calls, but haven't seen any information on the subject any newer than 2-3 months ago. Has this issue been resolved?

    submitted by /u/willard5991
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    Retrieving large videos from phone (without taking hours).

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:50 PM PST

    In recent weeks I've been using my camera more on my iPhone 11 Pro Max. I've taken two videos, both about an hour long and just shy of 5GB each. I (wrongly?) assumed I could just connect my iPhone to my PC (not a Mac user) and copy the video off. Nope.

    When connected to my PC I get the usual USB errors. Device is unreachable, or when I copy a file, the progress bar will be stuck at 0% forever.

    So I assumed since this didn't work, iCloud would. But the upload speeds to the iCloud are just awful. In the past 3 days I've taken about 13 images and 1 large video. The gallery still says I have 14 files to upload. So it didn't upload those images I took three days ago? I've been on the damn wifi the whole time.

    I tried OneDrive. Upload speeds just as slow. I even tried uploading it direct to YouTube. Same slow upload.

    Yet a speed test for uploading will bury the needle.

    All I want to do is get this damn video off my phone and I can't figure out a way to do it.

    Oh, I also tried the Windows iCloud app. Same errors with the progress bar not even moving.

    At first I blamed the iCloud servers, but with OneDrive and YouTube not uploading quickly either, something else stinks..

    Connected to WiFi with 5Ghz and on a gigabit connection.

    submitted by /u/X_E_N
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    iPhone 12 Pro Max - phone won’t open apps and when it does it keeps crashing

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:42 PM PST

    I keep trying to open apps and it'll close them, go to a loading screen, then a black screen then back to the home page. I already reset settings and I'm all updated. I'm scared I have to factory reset it.

    submitted by /u/emilyisanarwhal
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    iPhone 8+ Camera Only Works on X2 zoom

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:27 PM PST

    I got this phone from my dad, and he said the camera didn't work. The selfie camera works and can take pictures, but the rear camera only can see things on the times 2 zoom, but can't take pictures. The flashlight also doesn't work. I have tried all the software resets and fixes and I think it is a hardware issue. Any help?

    submitted by /u/videogames14
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    Phone produces static on Reddit homepage

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:27 PM PST

    iPhone X — bottom speaker issue:

    If I jam my bottom speaker up to my ear, I can hear static while on the Reddit app homepage. This is the only app on my phone this is true for.

    My preferred sub to post this in would be a Reddit-related sub, but I figure first it may be a phone incompatibility.

    Any other iPhone X users confirm this to be an issue?

    submitted by /u/grutrubru
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    iPhone Burn In & Green Tint Question

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:35 PM PST

    Hey there everyone,

    I am getting a new iPhone this week and I am debating on whether to get the iPhone 12 or the iPhone 11.

    My concern is about the OLED screen in the 12. After quick research I found the following problems:

    • Burn-In
    • Green Tint

    I am someone that keeps their phone for about 4 years. That's a long time and I wanted to know if it was 'safe' to get the 12.

    So, what iPhone do you guys have and what can you tell me about any problems you faced?

    I really do appreciate any help :)

    submitted by /u/im_mr_s
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    Will FaceTime continue to ring if an iPhone is dead on the other end?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:29 PM PST

    Buddy lost his phone trying to help him from my place. He couldn't get into find my iPhone and had to reset his password. That email takes up to 24 hours I think.

    Rings to FT around 10-15 times and then cuts out.

    Cell phone calls go straight to VM though. I believe he has terrible service at his place though.

    Just wondering if the FaceTime might ring with a dead battery?

    submitted by /u/dugfunne
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    Cannot adjust and lock zoom level during video playback in Safari on iPhone

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:21 PM PST


    The link above describes the issue I'm trying to fix, but doesn't have an answer so thought maybe someone here could help. Sorry if it's already been addressed here but I didn't find anything. TIA.

    Previously, while playing a video in Safari on my iPhone, I could pinch (or "reverse-pinch") to zoom and when done zooming, the video would halt at the zoom level to which I pinched it after I lift my fingers. I could then drag the screen to move to other parts of the video, maintaining the custom zoom level I'd pinched to. A couple months back, that stopped working: now when I pinch to zoom, the video reverts to default size when I lift my fingers from the screen. If I double tap then single tap the screen during video playback, it will zoom way in, I tap once again and it zooms way out to where the video is tiny. So I only have 2 zoom sizes. It doesn't work this way for text on a webpage, I can still do it elsewhere, just not while watching video. Does anyone know how I can fix this? How can I adjust the zoom level to a custom setting during video playback and set it there until I elect to revert to normal size? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/HattyMarv
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    new Smart battery case (for iPhone XS) doesn't work as expected

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:31 PM PST

    I bought a brand new Apple smart battery case for the iphone XS from eBay ($45)

    charged it till it went green on the LED inside the case. but when i connect my iPhone XS, it shows the case icon in the battery widget, but it doesn't show the battery status of the case nor does the case charge my iPhone.

    when i plug the case to power (with the iphone in it) it takes a while but eventually shows both iPhone and battery charging (even though the battery case is full, the battery widget shows the case @ 75%).

    taking out the charger, the case doesn't charge my phone (my phone is at <50%).

    I bought another smart battery case from Apple store via Amazon ($129) cos i thought maybe the one i got from eBay is a fake, but it does the exact same thing.

    any idea what is causing this? 2 cases now and same issue. Is there something wrong with my iPhone XS? It's running the latest iOS.

    Should I just buy the Mophie battery case? and return these Apple smart cases? or is the issue my iPhone

    submitted by /u/nok4us
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    Call log is missing a huge part

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:58 AM PST

    Hello everyone

    I changed my mobile provider in end of February. Today I wanted to check my call log since I need some informations and suddenly I noticed that my call log is missing the part from end of August 2020 till the day I switched my sim card. What happened here? Is there a possibility to recover the missing data?

    submitted by /u/blackkilla
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    IPhone 12 aux issues

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:19 PM PST

    I recently bought an iPhone 12 and whenever I connect it to the aux in my car the audio comes through distorted. I thought it may be the car's speakers so tested out my old iPhone 7 but it had no problems. Does anyone know what it might be/have any solutions?

    submitted by /u/vuyo97
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    Do iPhone backups need to be encrypted for to save Safari tabs?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:31 PM PST

    I know you need encrypted backups to save your website history, but does this extend to my 450+ Safari tabs?

    submitted by /u/Nellidae302
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    Is there a way to differentiate running steps from walking steps in the phone health?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:40 PM PST

    I like to walk 10k steps and intermittently jog some of them for short bursts throughout my day. At the end of the day, I'd love to know how many were walking versus jogging. Can this be done natively on the iPhone? I'm guessing there are third party health apps that can do it by parsing the time stamp data, but i don't giving away that private data. Anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/kyoorius
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    Fitness app requires specific features not available on this device

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:26 PM PST

    My GF can not download the fitness. It says "This app required specific features not available on this device"

    She has a iPhone 12 running 14.4.

    I'm not sure if this is a settings thing I need to go click for her or does this app require an Apple Watch?

    submitted by /u/beatitwithahammer
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    My max brightness dropped by half (HELP)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:10 PM PST

    so for no reason my phone max brightness has dropped by half and is incredibly dark in the daylight, i have tried updating, and hard reseting but neither of those work, but for whatever reason when i screenshot it temporarily goes back to its actual max brightness, but then drops back down right after. (the brightness setting is all the way up but it is still no where near as bright as normal)

    submitted by /u/theKIBITZ
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    Sound not working

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:56 PM PST

    My Iphone shut off by itself while I had earphones plugged in, and now, when i remove my headphones, it won't play any sound because it says that there are earphones plugged in, i have tried restarting my phone, and the ringer thing and it still won't work.

    submitted by /u/verguza
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    I’m planning to display my old phone in a shadow box frame. I have a question regarding putting the battery in the frame.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:56 PM PST

    I have an old iPhone 4S, and it's been dead for years. Now I'm planning to disassemble it and display it in a shadow box. I'm thinking whether it's safe to include the battery in the frame. Note that this phone has been sitting in my cabinet for years now, although I don't know the battery percentage before it died (iirc, I just turned it off and never touched it again). Is it safe?

    submitted by /u/FirmNaringenin7312
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    iMessage turned from Blue to Green, the Same Number called me, but I didn’t it was my friend

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:48 AM PST

    So, this morning I was about to text my friend when Suddenly it turned green. I texted my friend wondering what the hell happened. I just got a phone call right now, and it was by two adults. They sounded Indian(?), but I'm not sure if it was his parents.

    I am so confused. This is his exact number. What could've happened?

    Edit: we both have iPhones.

    submitted by /u/CharmingSkies
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    Internal storage location?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:38 PM PST

    I'm not very familiar with iPhone storage location structures. For example , I want to transfer a few large files from my PC to my 11 Pro Max via usb. So I connected my phone and chose the option to be able to transfer files upon connecting.

    So I attempted to xfer a file from windows explorer to my phone's 'internal storage ' except that didn't work. When I actually drag a file over, nothing transfers over to the phone.

    What am I missing ? Please help.

    submitted by /u/anevenbiggerstick
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    iPhone passcode locked

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:53 AM PST

    I bought an iPhone 6 online for a backup phone but it arrived passcode locked. Returning it is out of option. I tried to connect it to the computer yet it doesn't connect. What options are out there to reset or get past the passcode? I tried talking to the seller he just said I should reset it but it doesn't even properly connect to my PC.

    submitted by /u/almosamofas
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    iphone issue

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:56 AM PST

    hi guys, so i subscribed to a couple apps awhile ago and i've cancelled them before the billing. you know when you get like a free trial and then it bills you? or let's say you get billed once every year? if i cancelled it before the billing will it still take my money? even tho i don't have the apps anymore as well? for example, i subscribed to something that will only bill me once a year on a specific day, and no money will be taken out til that day. and then i cancel my subscription after ONLY a month or couple months of using the app and changed my mind. when i cancelled it, it still says active for the year. so will that mean when the day comes when it runs out, it will bill me that day still? even tho i cancelled?

    submitted by /u/n-amira
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