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    Saturday, October 17, 2020

    Apple Macbook My first MacBook! Where are all the silver fans?

    Apple Macbook My first MacBook! Where are all the silver fans?

    My first MacBook! Where are all the silver fans?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    bootcamp game ping being too high?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    Hi all. So I been playing online games on macbook pro 16inch, and about from 3 days ago my ping suddenly went all the way up to 200ish and more.

    Did anyone have similar experience? or anyone knows how to fix it?

    So far I tried to rollback the driver to older version, reinstall the driver but not any luck.

    submitted by /u/QidQid
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    Problem With MacBook Pro 2018

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Hello guys, probably first time posting here. I have a problem with my MacBook Pro 2018 and would like some input as to what to do right now.

    So I have a MBP 2018 that I bought in April 2019, just now when I was working on it (just a simple document editing) suddenly the screen froze, and then it looked like the screen went vignette (without the brownish tint) and slowly the whole screen gradually went darker and then black. I tried to restart again but it wouldn't start. I could hear the fan, the touchbar's ESC key is on but I can't do anything.

    My MBP: MBP 2018, 15-inch What I did: Tried the command + option + P + R, also tried tried the command + R but nothing worked yet.

    The circumstance: The MBP is usually plugged into the adapter everyday without stop, usually I only turned the MBP off on Sunday but I'm in the middle of an exam period today so the MBP has been on for a week. Also, it was raining hard yesterday and a lightning thundered very close to my home (never happened as close/loud as this before). IDK if this is related but my PC couldn't start too yesterday and my AC also couldn't start. However other electronics like fridge, TV, wi-fi router & modem seem fine and working properly. There was no power outage to recently or yesterday during the rain.

    I am planning to bring it to the authorized service center tomorrow because they don't work on Sunday but I just want to know if there are other things I could try first or to help me understand this sudden blackout of a MacBook. Thank you beforehand.

    submitted by /u/chatnoire89
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    Icons showing up on desktop.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is a noob question but when I use certain programs or browser, an icon will show up on my desktop. If I'm using Firefox , it will say Eject "Firefox" if I click on it. How do I get that icon to stop showing up?

    submitted by /u/GhostRunner24
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    Battery macbook pro, what to do given circumstance

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a student in software engineering so I rely heavily on my mac. (~99.9% of my time working is done on the mac).

    I have a 2017 macbook pro and I have a battery problem. It's at around ~65% of its design capacity right now. I need to change it, however I need to hand my mac for 3 to 5 days to get it switched with a new one at the apple store which is something that I can't really do due to the enormous amount of work I have to do. I would have to pull off a few all nighters to get ahead on my work and get the mac repaired soon.

    So my question is, can I survive throught the rest of the semester with the battery in its current state given that I take care of it (never let it plugged during the night, avoiding battery heavy softwares like video games, using firefox mostly instead of chrome etc..)

    TL DR :Battery at 65% capacity, have to give the mac 3-5 to the apple store to get it repaired but Im too busy with school and I need it, can I survive the rest of the semester (~7 weeks left) with the current battery (mostly working from home) or should I get it fixed asap?

    submitted by /u/computerLifts
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    Do you think the ARM MB’s could support spatial audio?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Isn't it kind of weird only the mobile devices do? Just curious if you think the ARM MBP could allow for this technology or if it's a conscious choice by Apple (and nothing to do with Intel mbps(?) what do you think?

    submitted by /u/adminoverride
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    Can I return my MacBook Air that I got with education discount?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! About a week ago I ordered a base model 2020 MacBook Air with the education discount and the AirPods. I have been doing more research and I think with what I will be doing with it, I should've gotten the i5 model. Does anyone know if there is a way to to exchange the model I am getting when it arrives with the i5 model and pay the difference but keep the AirPods? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Malachi_L
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    I have a problem / MacBook Pro (2019/2020)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm new here, if I'm doing something wrong, let me know. My problem is that, in 2019, my family gifted me with a MBP 15 '(2018) for entering college. After 6 months of use, its logic board broke, I was surprised, but I took it in the repair center. There they replaced the board, after this happened, I used the Mac very carefully, afraid that the problem was going to repeat. Unfortunately, the logic board burned 2 months after the last repair. I took it to the service where they performed the logic board replacement again, a few more months passed and the logic broke again. From that moment on, Apple replaced my MBP 15 'with an MBP 16'. I was relieved by the situation (I thought the problem was the product), however, yesterday my MBP 16' stopped working while watching videos on YT and didn't want to start anymore. I performed the procedures listed on Apple's website and nothing worked, I think the logic board burned again. I keep wondering what causes this problem, I use MBP for video, photo and digital art editions, apart from pages, GarageBand and safari. I do not think that the cause of this is the electrical network, both MBPs wasn't plugged when they stopped working. I live near the sea, I thought that the sea air/salt could also cause the problem, but in such a short time?! What is the source of the problem? What do you think I should do? I live in Brazil and the steps to replace the product are long. Sorry for my bad english and thank u for the help!!! 😊😊😊

    submitted by /u/Happy_Feet_007
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    Is the macbook air i5 a bas machine?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I've been seeing a lot of bad reviews about its heat issues which made me really concerned.

    I would use it for netflix, documents, light coding, programming, some online classes.

    I'm coming from a 6.5 year old laptop which is almost falling apart but never failed me in anything. Of course the air would be a huge improvement, but these reviews give me second thoughts. I would buy the pro model but man these macs are really pricey in my country.

    I would love to use a mac since I have an iphone and airpods. Apple's ecosystem is really great.

    Should I just go for a windows machine, like the dell xps 9380 (the new models are too expensive) or something else?

    I'm really worried about the heat thing and I would buy it tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/tthjns0
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    2015 MacBook bluescreen?!?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    I have a mid-2015 MacBookPro that goes into bluescreen after a while.

    Screen flashes to black. Sometimes it goes back to normal but most often it starts flashing blue a few times before going full screen blue.

    When the screen is showing blue, it's not a uniform blue but a blue background pattern with thin black lines going top to bottom.

    A video of this happening is at Imgur. The camera has a bit of trouble focusing but the pattern can be clearly seen at around 20 seconds.

    Now I assume this is the graphic card and it basically means a full mainboard replacement at the apple store. But maybe someone here has seen this before? What could be the cause for such a screen? Flexing? Contact problems on the GPU? Can this be fixed through e.g. reflow resoldering?

    submitted by /u/ixs
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    Forgot Find My Mac Pin

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Long story short: I forgot the pin to my iMac when I put it in lost mode. I know to go to iCloud.com/find to unlock it, but those options are greyed out for me. It's only allowing me to play a sound?

    submitted by /u/SouthernLuckyCharms
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    I'm in the parking lot waiting 45 minutes until my appointment to pick up my first Apple product, a Space Gray i5 Air with Iris GPU and Magic Mouse 2. Actually, I had an Apple //c in the 80s, but that doesn't really count. I'm a PC/Win guy, but just want to play with a Mac; kind of a couch/TV lappy.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    How to protect a macbook from scratches?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    I'm getting my first macbook next week. I want to keep it in a good condition as long as I can.

    Do you suggest a hard case or a sleeve would be enough?

    submitted by /u/tthjns0
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    Should i buy a macbook? Reasons to buy a macbook

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Hi guys, i am an apple fan ( i own an iphone , apple watch and airpods) but i have never owned a mac pc. Only windows PC. Why do you prefer using a mac os over another platform ? Can you guys give me a solid comparison to help me in my decision ?

    submitted by /u/Cizz97
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    logic board repair on an air?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    has anyone had their logic board replaced? dont know whether I should do this for $500 or just upgrade

    submitted by /u/aspiringladyslp
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    Macbook Pro 2018's screen won' t turn on

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    So I was watching Netflix on my macbook hooked to an external monitor via HDMI. I had turned the back-light on the macbook screen to zero because I didn't need it.

    I had forgotten to plug the macbook and the battery died. So naturally I plug the charger in and I start the macbook again, and now one of three things happen when I try to turn the Macbook on:

    1/ only the touchbar lights up but only with the "esc" button

    2/ the keyboard lights up but not the touchbar

    3/ the screen turn on but it's in password recovery mode. If I restart from that I get 2/

    To me it's clear that it's a problem with the screen brightness turned all the way down and I just can't access this feature because it's touchbar only and you don't have the touchbar unless you're actually logged in, which I can't because I can't see anything.

    Any ideas? I'm really lost here.

    Update: I selected "my keyboard is not working when I type my password" in the lost password menu and it deactivated filevault, which for some obscure reason made the screen turn on again.

    submitted by /u/drkpgn
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    Please help!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    Using MBA 2020 in a tropical country?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I'm thinking of getting an i5 MBA 2020 because that's as far as my budget allows, but I live in Southeast Asia and during this lockdown I like to work next to the window for the fresh air and it can really get hot and sweaty during the day (like 32 C or 90 F). I prefer it than being in an air conditioned room all day. Will I see performance issues if I get an MBA? I typically work on Microsoft and Google office apps, Slack and regular Zoom/Google Meet.

    submitted by /u/enotonom
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    Wifi in my MacBook is slow but is normal in other devices

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    I have a MacBook Pro 13 2020 on macOS Catalina (10.15.7) and recently I noticed that the wifi on my mac is often very slow or no connection at all. What's weird is that the internet is perfectly fine (normal speed) in my other devices (phone, tablet, etc). I tried rebooting but nothing improves. Any suggestions on this?

    submitted by /u/FirmNaringenin7312
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