• Breaking News

    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Apple Help Can anyone identify the accessories used in the iPhone 12 Pro video?

    Apple Help Can anyone identify the accessories used in the iPhone 12 Pro video?

    Can anyone identify the accessories used in the iPhone 12 Pro video?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Is this normal just bought new AirPods Pro

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Battery Draining When Plugged In. Apple says "nothing is wrong"

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    My mbp is draining battery rapidly now when "charging" out of 3 of the 4 usbc ports. First it was only one, and I took my computer to the applestore where it was restored but nothing was to be found wrong with it. Now 3/4 ports drop the battery faster than when not plugged in, despite the computer reading that it is in fact charging, and if I'm not paying attention things get fucked up when I'm down to low battery and draining quick. I'm talking about losing 1-2% battery per minute even when only displaying an idle screen. I have also now checked two different apple issued power cables which both have the same problem on my computer but not others so I doubt this is related to the charger. I know this not related to the new battery features in the new os because the battery drains rapidly til empty and this happens on not every port so I think it's a hardware issue. That being said, all of these ports are perfectly capable of reading external hard drives, monitors, and midi so idk.

    I really don't know what to do and am pretty fed up at this point, this computer is only like four years old. Was curious if anyone else has had this issue and/or has any ideas of what can be done when apple says there is nothing to do. I also just wanted to express how damn frustrating it is take your computer in and say "it's not working", have em look at it for a week then they give it back and just say "yes it is" and then the problems only get worse

    submitted by /u/schroedingersdonger
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    Do I need to clear-up iCloud space for my Mac to download iMessage history?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I just got a new MacBook Pro last week. I've been able to sync my contacts and send new text messages to people from my computer but I can't seem to download any old messages/message history. I've turned on messages in iCloud from my iPhone, and it says it's trying to upload messages to the cloud. However, my iCloud storage is full and they fail to appear on my MacBook.

    Do I need to clear up some space to get this to work?

    submitted by /u/astro124
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    Does anyone know how to get around this?? (Trying to update Apple Watch)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    MacBook Air 2014 and Zoom

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I have a 2014 MacBook Air that I am very attached to but I notice whenever I run zoom it overheats very quickly and then will shut down the computer. I tried talking to an Apple consultant who then referred me to a third party vendor. The third party vendor told me to get a new computer because my computer is vintage.

    I've never had a problem with this computer and frankly it works fine otherwise. Does anyone have tips on how to continue to maintain my device? I'm not trying to buy a new computer just to run zoom.

    submitted by /u/Ahaider13
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    What is the best budget iphone and best place to get it?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    I'd want an up to date phone for as cheap as possible like maybe a XR but where is the best place to get it and is there a better option?

    I currently have a 6s plus

    submitted by /u/Ryan3xx
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    It seems this is a problem that is starting to look like it’s widespread, yet there’s been nobody from Apple who has spoken about it. I tried to report the prob to Apple weeks ago. Now what?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    What happened to the alarm clock icon on the top right of the phone?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    There used to be a small alarm icon on the top right of the phone when you had an alarm set. It doesn't show up anymore. How do I get it back?

    submitted by /u/litfamsquad2
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    I sent my sister a gift card and when she’s buying stuff, apple still asks for credit card?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    The reason i gave her gift card is so she doesn't have to use the credit card, why is apple asking for it?

    submitted by /u/choopiewaffles
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    my Touch Bar is GONE!!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    hey, all

    i'm trying to figure out what's going on with my touch bar. i have a late-2018 macbook pro running 10.15.7.

    a few days ago i connected my computer to an HDMI and it was fine. that's the last thing i really remember doing and my touch bar was there. the other day i noticed it was totally gone. just a black bar.

    here's what i've tried doing

    • restarting
    • resetting SMC
    • resetting PRAM
    • killing Control Strip in terminal
      • when i do this it says that it doesn't exist.
    • killing Touch Bar in activity monitor
      • it's not even THERE. nothing about the touch bar is in activity monitor
    • restarting in safe mode

    someone PLEASE help me )-:

    submitted by /u/aIIuvium
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    MacBook Pro 2020 - apps won’t launch, problem with SSD?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Hi, I have used my MacBook Pro about 4 times since I bought it. Today after booting it up safari froze, then the machine became unresponsive completely.

    I rebooted the machine (probably shouldn't have?) and whenever I tried to launch the terminal it doesn't even bounce and I get an error noise. No other apps would launch either. Finder was showing that nothing was running. I then rebooted the machine in safe mode and went to disk utility.

    I ran first aid on the HD and Container disk without a problem, but the SSD returns:

    Problems were found with the partition map, which might prevent booting Couldn't mount disk. : (-69842)

    Can anybody advise me on what to do please? I'm a bit frustrated that I seem to have broken a more-or-less brand new £1800 machine within a week of using it.

    submitted by /u/nextacc1
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    2020 16" MBP speakers crackle when running Xcode/Xcode project?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    So I just got a new 2020 16" MacBook Pro, literally like less than a month ago, and so far it's been great, everything has been working great. But now recently I've been wanting to get into learning Swift. I started learning on my old 2017 15" MBP, but that recently got damaged. I didn't have any problems with learning from the videos on my old MBP. However my issue with my new one is that when I run my project, and then resume my video, that audio is all crackling and hard to hear. Here's a quick audio/video sample of the static.

    After this first happened I quit Xcode but that didn't seem to help at all. I then restarted the computer, which solved the issue of the static/crackling, but as soon as I started Xcode again and ran my project, the crackling returned.

    Has anyone else had any similar issues to this? Should I wait to see if it goes away on it's own before contacting Apple support? anyone have any other ideas? thanks!

    submitted by /u/tylerwarnecke
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    why did my other iphone ask me to enter my apple id password when i signed out of my apple id on my main iphone?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    on my iphone that im using right now i signed out of my apple id and signed back in to try to fix an issue,the issue is solved but on my other iphone thats signed into my apple id i got a popup saying "update apple id settings" and it prompted me to enter my apple id password to sign back in,why did it have me do that when i only signed out on my current device?

    submitted by /u/Lord_Chanka_69
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    Is my macbook pro battery swollen?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Apple ID age question

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    If I lower the Apple ID age from above 18 to under 18 (still over 13) will anything change and will I still be able to do everything I could before ?

    submitted by /u/Thegoat102
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    My frustrating experience with apple support

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    I recently purchased a 13" MacBook Pro (Sept 24) and received it a few days ago (Oct 13) and everything was working great but the MacBook itself just felt weird because I'm used to a 15.6" laptop. So I decided that if I've already spent a lot of money might as well spend a little more and get the 16", I contacted apple the next day (Oct 14) and they said they'd get it sorted out for me and that it wouldn't be a problem, all I had to do was send this one back in and as soon as they received it they'd issue me a refund. I asked if there was any way I could just simply exchange and I was explained that it doesn't work that way, and I get that this way anyone could take advantage of the return policy so I said okay thank you so much and hung up. Then I received my return label in my email and I noticed that the refund value was less than what I paid, so I contacted them again today (16th, didn't on 15th cuz I had an exam) this time I was told again that it shouldn't be a problem and they'd send me a new return label. I was placed on hold about 4 times and stayed on call for an hour and I was fine with everything up until I was told I have to return the AirPods that I got for free with the MacBook to receive my full refund as the had promotion ended... THIS MAKES NO SENSE... I'm trying to exchange not actually return return it. I got the MacBook while the promotion was going, I'm not trying to scam apple and return the MacBook and keep the free AirPods, Instead, I'm trying to pay them more so I can change to the 16", If you buy an item at a t-shirt and the next day u go back and there's a discount, you can return that product and receive the discount, even in the apple store they say if you buy a product and the price lowers, you can get the difference back, Why is that I can't do this when I already have the promotion, I already bought the MacBook all I want now is to exchange, any suggestions would be great, I'm already stressed and apple is not helping.

    submitted by /u/-sixtynine-
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    is there a downside to not using apple id for facetime/imessage?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    i unchecked my apple id for facetime and imessage,i only want to receive and send calls using my number,but is there a downside to clicking my apple id for sending and receiving facetime/imessage? feel like im missing out on something

    submitted by /u/Lord_Chanka_69
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    OSX is not responding to arp requests for IP addresses added with "ifconfig alias"

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    OSX breaks so many things about basic BSD it's incredibly frustrating.

    I added an alias to an interface with

    sudo ifconfig bridge100 alias 

    But I cannot ping The network does not respond to ARP requests. If I manually add the entry to the ARP table, it works, but I can't go do that on every device on the network.

    Is there some magic to get IP aliases to work?

    submitted by /u/danweber
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    Just inherited a 2015 MBP 15"

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Hey all! I just received my late friend's macbook pro. I dont have the 85w magsafe 2 power adapter I need to charge it, and I'm fairly certain he hadn't booted it in at least a year, maybe even longer. Is my best bet to take it to an Apple store? I have no idea if it's password protected or if it even works anymore. Should I make an appointment or just walk in to the Apple store? I see that appointments require a specific hardware/software problem, none of which I'm experiencing. Or should I just buy a refurbished power adapter from ebay for $30, see what i can get accomplished, and hope for the best?

    submitted by /u/Cecondo
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    MacBook Pro won’t boot or finish recovery/re-install

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    I'm running a Mid 2010 15 inch MacBook Pro 6,2 and had used the DosDude1 Catalina Patcher to update past the last supported OS (High Sierra) to the most recent Catalina 10.15.7.

    A couple days ago I went to boot it and it wouldn't start up, just flashing sleep light and green power cable. So far, the only way I've gotten it to power on is to hold cmd+ctrl+power buttons while I connect the power cable. When I release them the computer starts up with fans going on high.

    Unfortunately when it does power on, it gets a certain % along the loading screen and then powers down and restarts it self and then continues to do this by itself indefinitely in a boot loop.

    I've tried holding option and booting into recovery from a USB stick with both the dosdude patcher for Catalina and the official apple installer for high Sierra. From there I've tried to reinstall the OS to both Catalina (via patcher) and High Sierra as well as Recover from Time Machine Backup. I've tried these both before and after using disk utility to erase the drive and still nothing.

    All of these options have gotten me a ways down the install/recovery process or progress bars but it always does the same thing - shut itself down and power back up into another boot loop.

    The specs are factory everything except I replaced the hdd with a 1tb ssd and put the hdd into the optical drive slot (it failed a long time ago). Also during this process I noticed my battery had gotten swollen and actually worse so I've fully removed it and am just powering it off of the MagSafe power cable.

    If anyone can give me any more things to try I'd greatly appreciate it. At this point I just want to get it running any OS and maybe I'll go back through the update process back to Catalina and use TM to get my data back.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Funklestiltskin88
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    AirPods Pro keep disconnecting?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Just got AirPods Pro, they worked before I updated my phone (iOS 14 I think?) I have an iPhone 11. But now they continuously disconnect and reconnect. They don't stay connected for longer than a few seconds, then they disconnect and reconnect etc. So far I've tried:

    • cleaning my AirPods (saw something about dirt on the sides messing with the pressure things)
    • resetting my AirPods (holding the button down for 15 seconds)
    • restarting my phone
    • forgetting the device, resetting, and connecting
    • turning Bluetooth on and off

    I got them off of Amazon and I'd rather not second them back, but if someone could help I'd GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/applesauc-y
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    Open an old locked 8Gb iPod Touch without deleting and restoring?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    I found an old iPod touch when I moved, it is probably somewhere around 8 years old. I found out for some reason it was locked and said to connect to iTunes. My initial searches for how to open it only show old results, so I'm hoping there may be new answers out there now.

    This thing has some songs and photos (that, yes, I should have backed up) from when my mom was still around that I'd desperately love not to lose. I know what the code is to open the device. So is it possible to re-enable the passcode screen or otherwise open the thing without fully restoring/wiping it?

    submitted by /u/JigglesMcRibs
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    Multiple Time Machine backups to a single disk?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I've got 2 different installs of MacOS on my iMac. The one I use 90% of the time is backed up with time machine on an external drive.

    I'd like to make a Time Machine backup of the other install as well. If I enable Time Machine and select the external drive that I'm already using for my other system, will it create a separate backup or will it overwrite the existing one?

    Edit: To answer my own question, it overwrites your existing backup.

    submitted by /u/antnythr
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