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    Friday, July 24, 2020

    iPad Handwriting recognition on iPadOS

    iPad Handwriting recognition on iPadOS

    Handwriting recognition on iPadOS

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Ipad Pro Magic Keyboard backlighting issues

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    Hi, does anyone else's backlighting on their (11") magic keyboard not adjust very well? It doesn't turn down when the room is fairly bright, only shutting off when I shine my phone torch directly at the ambient light sensor. If i turn it off manually, it also won't turn on in a pitch black room (unless i turn it on manually). I actually had a 12.9" + keyboard a week ago before i returned it for the 11", and it had the exact same issue so I'm not sure if its a hardware defect. I'm updated to ipadOS 13.6 and my display brightness adjusts normally.

    Any input would be appreciated, Cheers

    submitted by /u/EggOmelette
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    Anyone using Spotify on iPad and can't shuffle?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Is anyone using Spotify on an iPad?

    I use the free version and all of a sudden the icon for shuffling music/playlists has disappeared. I can't find any way to shuffle songs now.

    I've tried deleting and reinstalling the app, but that didn't work.

    Anyone else with the same issue.....and maybe a solution?


    submitted by /u/OhAboutTreeFiddy
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    Scrolling problems with Bluetooth mouse...

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I have a 2020 iPad Pro. I bought it about a month and am absolutely obsessed with it. It is easily the most versatile piece of tech I've ever owned. The fact I can sit on the couch and use it as a tablet/e-reader or place it on my desk and have a practically full featured desktop experience is incredible.

    One thing that has surprised me the most is the customization and tweaks that are available that previously existed with apple products. The fact I can now hook up external mouse is amazing. Beyond that, the fact that I am actually able to go into the accessibility options and customize the extra mouse buttons is a welcome site on an apple product. These are things that I never thought would be introduced to the apple ecosystem.

    Because of all this, I bought myself a Logitech m720 mouse to use when I have IPP at my desk. For the most part, the experience is perfect. There is one thing, however, that ruins this near perfect experience almost every time. THE SCROLL WHEEL!!!!! For some reason, beyond my understanding, the scroll wheel experience is absolutely terrible. It just feels like AIDS. I don't even know how to explain it. I literally find myself removing my hand from the mouse and using the touchscreen to scroll which kind of defeats the whole purpose. The craziest part is my mouse actually has a button that changes the scroll wheel from a loose, infinity type, scroll to a more normal, notched, scroll wheel. I find myself constantly switching between the two because they are both equally terrible but in different ways.

    Am I the only one with this problem? Is there any solution? Is this addressed in iPadOS 14? I need answers as I can't seem to find too much information about this online!

    submitted by /u/HolyFizzoli
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    Does Microsoft office run better on the iPad Pro or IMac?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    I've used word on my iPad Air and it was just the application and was ok for what I needed it for. now that I'm back in school I want to get an iPad Pro or IMac and was wondering if Microsoft operates better on or the other?

    submitted by /u/wellwellwell789
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    Certain App Folders Not Appearing in Files App

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    I have been using the Insta360 One R App (no iPad OS version) to edit footage from my One R on my iPad Pro. I am attempting to manage the files after I have imported them however there is no folder for the app in the files app. It appears the only way I can manage the files is through the One R app but that will not allow me to transfer the files to an external ssd. It will only allow me to delete.

    I do see that the app is taking up more storage in the storage settings so the system seems to correctly identify that the files are on the system.

    Is this a common issue? One theory I had was that this is caused by the app not having an iPad version. Or is this more likely an issue with how the developers configured the app?

    submitted by /u/hoshiyari
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    PC/iPad Combo

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    I went from years of being an Apple everything user, to Android/PC and now to a mix. When the 2020 iPad Pro came out, I finally bit the bullet and bought a 2018 iPad Pro Refurb from Apple. After my Razer Blade laptop broke down, I used the warranty money to build my own desktop PC. I love it. It's great for gaming, I have a decent monitor and it can do everything I need. I also moved back to the iPhone and Apple Watch(from OnePlus and Garmin) over the last year. I felt like I finally had a great set up, especially with iPadOS improving.

    Well today I was walking through the Marine Corps Exchange on base and saw an open box Magic Keyboard for 5% off. Not much, but it's already marked down to $290 there and there are no taxes on base. I made the impulse buy, even though I think that this thing is ridiculously overpriced. After using it for a few hours though, I'm in love. The keyboard feels great and I can't believe how well the trackpad works. I don't like that it's bulkier(that's what kept me away from the new Logitech case) or that it won't open completely. However, I think this may be worth keeping.

    Anyway, this finally feels like a laptop replacement. At least as a portable machine to supplement my desktop PC at home. My question is, how many others have a similar set up of a desktop PC and an iPad Pro? Obviously Windows and Mac don't usually play well together, but I was looking for some recommendations for apps/programs that work well on both.

    Windows uses iCloud fairly well and I've switched from Dropbox to that as my cloud storage. My issues were things like notes, calendars and email. I use Google Calendar on the PC and Timepage on the iPad. For email, I use Outlook on the PC and Spark on the iPad. This whole thing works but I've wondered if there are more compatible apps that work on both. Any other suggestions would be great as well.

    submitted by /u/capcityff918
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    Should I get a paper like screen protector?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I'm planning on getting an iPad Air soon, and I've been searching around for the best screen protector. I've seen a lot of mixed reviews about any sort of paper-like screen protectors, and I'm wondering if I should get one of those or a glass one?

    For context, I plan to use the iPad to take notes for my college classes and also use Procreate (will be using an Apple Pencil as well). I also want to watch Netflix & just go on the internet. I've heard that while it does improve writing/drawing experience, it can also dim the screen and decrease resolution. I've also heard they can make text hard to read. I'm kind of worried that it will affect the screen quality?This is my first tablet/iPad so I need all of the help I can get lol.

    Is the paper-like screen worth it? How is your experience writing/drawing with and without it? Any recommended products? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ogsnardhard
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    Airplay to android with no sound

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    I am looking for a way to feed my iPad screen directly over Skype and feed the sound to the microphone I talk on.

    Ideally I would like To feed both the sound and the image over Skype, but Skype doesn't allow it, so I was hoping to screen share off one of my android phones using airdrop screening to the phone and keep the audio on the speaker of the iPad so I can feed it to my microphone.

    If anyone has any other suggestions that would be great too. My current method for delivering videos online via Skype is to have my main phone set up to me, and a second android phone with a different Skype account just taking a video of the iPad screen. It works pretty well thanks to the laminated screen of the iPad Air, but I really wish I could transmit the screen and sound somehow more directly.

    It is really frustrating that skype transmits the image but no sound, and mixes other people speaking at the same time double, but that every other broadcast software transmits both the sound and the image, not letting me play the sound on the iPad, and ends up also mixing it with the voices of others in double.

    my second phone avoids the voices by plugging in a cut off 3.5mm jack, so if the iPad transmits sound to the second phone I talk on, then it will end up with no sound. It looks like no matter the app I use I can't transmit a clean image and sound over Skype.

    Any ideas welcome, I really like tinkering to get exactly what I want but I don't know where to go anymore after going through half a dozen airdrop apps and trying to use the Skype broadcast in different ways.

    submitted by /u/RobinFood
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    What does “Upper Limit” mean on my iPad 11 Pro?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:59 PM PDT

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