• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 20, 2020

    macOS T-Minus 3 days to go.

    macOS T-Minus 3 days to go.

    T-Minus 3 days to go.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Using High Sierra in 2020

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Just for context, my partner's mother has decided to give away her Mid 2011 27inch Imac to me for free and i will be doing upgrades on the ram and changing the HD out for a SSD. The latest macos it can go to is high sierra. I was wondering if there were any issues with using High Sierra compared to Mojave etc in 2020 that will make me reconsider taking the Imac such as compatibility with apps/ devices (such as airpods 2, Ipad 2017, Macbook Pro 2019)? I would be ideally be using it for university studies, light gaming and some light video editing. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/chrilaa
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    Buying software

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    What site does everyone buy Mac software from? I've been using stacksocial but it doesn't have many

    submitted by /u/kerolos8
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    What are some lesser-known tips and tricks for increasing CPU/GPU performance or lessening the load on your MacBook?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    I've got a 2014 MBP and just purchased a 32" 4k monitor (60Hz refresh rate) for it connected via Mini Displayport to Displayport, but when running resource-intensive applications things begin to get hot real quick and even start stuttering/lagging, even though they generally run perfectly fine without being connected to the display.

    So I've been researching different methods for decreasing system load, helping my CPU (whether it be faster performance for certain apps or a balance to prevent overheating), and adjusting display options for better external screen performance.

    These are the one's I've come across, and I have have missed a few off memory, but I'm trying to see if there are any others that aren't as obvious that could help in any way besides buying an eGPU or brand new MacBook Pro.

    • Reduce Motion/Transparency in System Preferences

    • Option-clicking "Scaled Resolution" in display settings and choosing 30Hz refresh rate (I don't like this though, things look way too choppy)

    • Removing login applications

    • Preventing certain apps from auto-updating (looking at you, Creative Cloud)

    • Keeping MacBook on a hard surface for fans to ventilate properly (I use a laptop stand that raises the back where the fans are)

    • Turbo Boost Switcher Pro to disable Turbo Boost of the CPU for cooler temps

    • Scaling display slightly higher than native 4k resolution to enlarge a bit, reducing some stress for the graphics card

    What else is there?

    In addition to that, I use Ableton with my monitor primarily and did something in there to help in case anyone also uses Ableton and struggles with performance on a higher resolution monitor:

    • Close Ableton if it's open.

    • If you haven't already, create a file called "Options.txt" and place it in /Users/YourName/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live 10.1.2/

    -Copy and paste one of the following to force how many frames per second Ableton runs at:

    -MaxFpsMac=30 -MaxFpsMac=15 
    • Obviously 30fps will be a little more noticeable when working in Ableton, but if your audio messes up due to laptop performance with an external display this should fix it. If it doesn't, or you're okay with a lower fps and want to be more aggressive with it, go 15fps like I did.

    • Save the file and relaunch Ableton. If you copied it exactly and didn't mess with anything, it should load fine with your new settings. Google some more settings you can do with Options.txt, it's crazy how many hidden preferences there are.

    But back to the point, are there any other lesser-known performance boosters?

    submitted by /u/pizzazza
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    macOS Catalina doesn't recognise any external displays when connected.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    Do any of guys have any problem plugging your Mac running Catalina to an external display and recognise by it.

    Seems to me that ever since macOS Catalina the action of plugging a USB-C to HDMI cable to an external display is kinda botched and I just got my brand new MacBook Pro 13" 2020 (4 USB-C ports) the other day and wanted to see if it'll connect to an external display and isn't recognised.

    I've followed some troubleshooting on the Apple Support page from users facing this issue but doesn't seem to work for me.

    submitted by /u/Sh00kry
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    Anyone get the feeling that Reddit's buggy in Safari?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Mail Left Swipe Gesture Behavior: Can It Be Customized per Mailbox?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Device: MacBook Pro 2015 Retina 15in

    OS X: 10.15.5


    Thank you for reading this. To expand on the title, I think it might be best to start with the scenario that I'm having an issue with.

    So I have two mail accounts; let's say "work" and "personal." For whatever reason, I can't archive emails in my work account, but I can in my personal account. So ideally, whenever I use the left swipe gesture on a work email, I want it to trash the mail—while the same gesture would archive a personal email.

    Is this possible?

    submitted by /u/the_spiciest_boy
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    Catalina 10.15.5 crash reboot when disconnecting usb-c hub

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    So ever since I upgraded to Catalina my MBP 2019 has been crashing when unplugging the ubs-c docking station (Kensington SD4700P) after several hours of use.

    If It was just plugged a couple hours ago, I can normally unplug the docking station but once it is plugged 1-2 days in a row I can't unplug it without the computer crashing and rebooting.

    When it crashes it freezes for a couple seconds (~30) and then the fans suddenly sound a lot and the screen goes black. While freezed, I cannot click or do anything and the screens (even the ones that are no longer connected) all have the last displayed screen frozen.

    Sometimes it just happens out of nowhere after some time being connected.

    Again this only happens with usb-c hubs. If I connect multiple screens through individual usb-c ports it doesn't crash when unplugged.

    Here is the crashlog from the last time it happened (out of nowhere).

    Any help would be awesome!

    panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7f947a1ad5): userspace watchdog timeout: remoted connection watchdog expired, no updates from remoted monitoring thread in 64 seconds, 21600 checkins from thread since monitoring enabled 432044 seconds ago after wakeservice: com.apple.logd, total successful checkins since wake (432044 seconds ago): 43204, last successful checkin: 10 seconds ago service: com.apple.WindowServer, total successful checkins since wake (432044 seconds ago): 43204, last successful checkin: 10 seconds ago Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address 0xffffff9231373720 : 0xffffff8013d1f5cd 0xffffff9231373770 : 0xffffff8013e58b05 0xffffff92313737b0 : 0xffffff8013e4a68e 0xffffff9231373800 : 0xffffff8013cc5a40 0xffffff9231373820 : 0xffffff8013d1ec97 0xffffff9231373920 : 0xffffff8013d1f087 0xffffff9231373970 : 0xffffff80144c2838 0xffffff92313739e0 : 0xffffff7f947a1ad5 0xffffff92313739f0 : 0xffffff7f947a17fa 0xffffff9231373a10 : 0xffffff8014454a8e 0xffffff9231373a60 : 0xffffff7f947a0cfe 0xffffff9231373b60 : 0xffffff801445dcb3 0xffffff9231373ca0 : 0xffffff8013e082b2 0xffffff9231373db0 : 0xffffff8013d25328 0xffffff9231373e10 : 0xffffff8013cfbcc5 0xffffff9231373e70 : 0xffffff8013d12aa2 0xffffff9231373f00 : 0xffffff8013e30d05 0xffffff9231373fa0 : 0xffffff8013cc6226 Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.driver.watchdog(1.0)[B435C72B-B311-3C67-8AA1-1D5CE0FAD429]@0xffffff7f947a0000->0xffffff7f947a8fff BSD process name corresponding to current thread: watchdogd Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev Mac OS version: 19F101 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue May 26 20:41:44 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: 54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF Kernel slide: 0x0000000013a00000 Kernel text base: 0xffffff8013c00000 __HIB text base: 0xffffff8013b00000 System model name: MacBookPro15,2 (Mac-827FB448E656EC26) System shutdown begun: NO System uptime in nanoseconds: 676614919479815 last loaded kext at 244419751462436: >!UAudio 323.1 (addr 0xffffff7f980eb000, size 434176) loaded kexts: com.google.drivefs.filesystems.dfsfuse 39.0.10 com.displaylink.DisplayLinkDriver 5.2 (59) @filesystems.smbfs 3.4.3 >AudioAUUC 1.70 >!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.4 @AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.4 @fileutil 20.036.15 >!AHV 1 |IOUserEthernet 1.0.1 |IO!BSerialManager 7.0.5f6 >!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8 >AGPM 111.4.4 >!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0 >X86PlatformShim 1.0.0 >pmtelemetry 1 >AGDCBacklightControl 5.2.4 >!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.6 @Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0 >!ABacklight 180.3 >BridgeAudioCommunication 6.70.7 >ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin 1.0.0 >!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4 >!AFIVRDriver 4.1.0 >!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1 >!AMCCSControl 1.14 >!ABridgeAudio!C 6.70.7 >!AGFXHDA 100.1.428 >!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1 >!AHIDALSService 1 >!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.6 >!AAVEBridge 6.1 >!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0 @filesystems.autofs 3.0 |SCSITaskUserClient 422.120.3 >MaxTranserSizeOverrideDriver 489.120.1 >usb.realtek8153patcher 5.0.0 >usb.!UHostBillboardDevice 1.0 @filesystems.apfs 1412.120.2 >BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore 1 >BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore 1 >BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore 1 >!AFileSystemDriver 3.0.1 @filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5 @BootCache 40 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0 >!AVirtIO 1.0 >!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe 1 @private.KextAudit 1.0 >!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0 >!AACPIButtons 6.1 >!ASMBIOS 2.1 >!AACPIEC 6.1 >!AAPIC 1.7 $!AImage4 1 @nke.applicationfirewall 303 $TMSafetyNet 8 @!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0 |EndpointSecurity 1 >!UAudio 323.1 >!AGraphicsControl 5.2.4 |IOAVB!F 850.1 >!ASSE 1.0 >!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0 >!AHDA!C 283.15 |IOHDA!F 283.15 >usb.cdc.acm 5.0.0 >usb.serial 6.0.0 >IOPlatformPluginLegacy 1.0.0 @!AGPUWrangler 5.2.4 >!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1 >!AActuatorDriver 3440.1 |IONDRVSupport 576.1 >!AHIDKeyboard 209 >!AHS!BDriver 3430.1 >IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.5f6 >!AMultitouchDriver 3440.1 >!AInputDeviceSupport 3440.8 >!ASMBusPCI 1.0.14d1 |IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.5f6 |IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.5f6 >!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60 >!AOnboardSerial 1.0 @!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.2.4 |IOAccelerator!F2 438.5.4 |IOGraphics!F 576.1 >X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0 >IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8 |IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0 >!AThunderboltEDMSink 4.2.3 >!AThunderboltDPOutAdapter 6.2.6 @plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3 |IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0 @kext.triggers 1.0 >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 >usb.cdc.ecm 5.0.0 >usb.cdc.ncm 5.0.0 >usb.cdc 5.0.0 >usb.networking 5.0.0 >usb.!UHostCompositeDevice 1.2 >usb.!UHub 1.2 >!AXsanScheme 3 >usb.!UVHCIBCE 1.2 >usb.!UVHCI 1.2 >usb.!UVHCICommonBCE 1.0 >usb.!UVHCICommon 1.0 >!AEffaceableNOR 1.0 |IOBufferCopy!C 1.1.0 |IOBufferCopyEngine!F 1 |IONVMe!F 2.1.0 >!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4 >!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6 >!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6 >!AHPM 3.4.4 >!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60 >!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6 |IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.1 |IOSurface 269.11 @filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1 |IOAudio!F 300.2 @vecLib.kext 1.2.0 >!ABCMWLANCore 1.0.0 >mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8 >IOImageLoader 1.0.0 |IOSerial!F 11 |IO80211!FV2 1200.12.2b1 >corecapture 1.0.4 |IOSkywalk!F 1 >usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0 |IOUSB!F 900.4.2 >!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssGspi 3.0.60 >usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2 >usb.!UXHCI 1.2 >!AEFINVRAM 2.1 >!AEFIRuntime 2.1 >!ASMCRTC 1.0 |IOSMBus!F 1.1 |IOHID!F 2.0.0 $quarantine 4 $sandbox 300.0 @kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1 >!AKeyStore 2 >!UTDM 489.120.1 |IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.120.3 >!ACredentialManager 1.0 >KernelRelayHost 1 >!ASEPManager 1.0.1 >IOSlaveProcessor 1 >!AFDEKeyStore 28.30 >!AEffaceable!S 1.0 >!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5 @kext.CoreTrust 1 |CoreAnalytics!F 1 |IOTimeSync!F 840.3 |IONetworking!F 3.4 >DiskImages 493.0.0 |IO!B!F 7.0.5f6 |IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.5f6 |IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.121.1 |IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.120.3 |IO!S!F 2.1 |IOUSBHost!F 1.2 >usb.!UCommon 1.0 >!UHostMergeProperties 1.2 >!ABusPower!C 1.0 |IOReport!F 47 >!AACPIPlatform 6.1 >!ASMC 3.1.9 >watchdog 1 |IOPCI!F 2.9 |IOACPI!F 1.4 @kec.pthread 1 @kec.corecrypto 1.0 @kec.Libm 1 
    submitted by /u/Nacho140100
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    iMovie error is driving me insane - I have at least 86 GB of free space on a 250 GB MacBook Pro, I don't have external storage available yet, and the file I'm importing into iMovie is only 2 GB. I cannot import it. I've searched for solutions, uninstalled iMovie - nothing's working.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Restore backup files onto new copy of OS

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    I am having OS Mojave issues and am trying to restore my backup on a clean copy of the OS. Migration assistant isn't working so I am forced to restore a Time Machine backup.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but this reinstalls the same old copy of Mac OS right??

    I don't want this because my copy is corrupted, and I need a new one, while still keeping my same old files.

    Here's the process I went through where I would run into issues: -Time machine backup -Restart in repair mode (Cmd-R) -Erase Macintosh HD -Install new copy of OS Mojave on Macintosh HD

    -Attempt to restore from backup with Migration Assistant in new OS setup page, but halfway through, it stops with an error message saying it quit unexpectedly, try again later.

    -Go through rest of setup into completely fresh mac, no old data from backup

    -Now restart in repair mode again and select "restore from Time Machine backup".

    I am pretty sure I am now going to be stuck back at square one on the same damn corrupted OS I was dealing with in the first place.

    Is there another way to solve my problem?

    submitted by /u/jxdewey
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    Wiping a 2013 Mac Pro from work - can't log-in

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:18 AM PDT


    I've got a 2013 Mac Pro from my work that is now my own. However, when I brought it home, I'm locked out of the log-in screen (partially due to "Network accounts are unavailable." error?)

    Our IT advised us to re-install Mac OS from Recovery mode in order to wipe the computer/get access.

    Allegedly, someone else in the same position did this and when they rebooted, were prompted to create a new account. Unfortunately, when I re-install (tried both same version and Catalina), it boots to the same log-in screen (albeit with the new OS wallpaper in the background).

    I figured I could instead use Disk Utility in Recovery mode to wipe the computer, but given the systems IT has put in place, I've been told that this could risk bricking the system.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/physicalred
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    Alternative qllmageSize Catalina

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Hello everyone) can anyone tell me if the alternative for mac os catalina of the qlImageSize extension is to add size and resolution to the "quick view" header?

    submitted by /u/Jigsaw676
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    Mail App deleting event invitation email

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    So I have notice something when you get an email that has invitation event it, you get a suggestion to add it to your calendar (Accept, Maybe and decline) if you choose any of the calendar suggestions the mail app automatically deletes the email.

    Now I already know that If I go to my calendar and go to the event on the Note section I can see email detail but it's really hard to read the information there I rather read it in the Mail app.

    So does anyone know how to stop Mail app from doing this?

    submitted by /u/-NiMa-
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    2013 MacBook Pro MacOS High Sierra Update to macOS Catalina Any Problems??

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    I want to update to the new macOS Catelina, don't if my current model of the Macbook Pro(Early 2013) could handle it? or is not recommended with my current model? Thanks in advance.

    My Specs :

    Version: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013

    Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5

    Memory: 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    submitted by /u/SweetBabyJesusAA
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    Pinch to Zoom on Catalina with Magic Mouse.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Kinda new to macOS.

    Just bought a magic mouse 2.

    Can i mimic the pinch to zoom on it using BetterTouchTool or any other app? only thing i seem to find is the Zoom in/out of windows not text where the cursor resides.


    submitted by /u/sYYn-
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    Was Catalina a worthwhile update in your experience?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    I'm running a VM with MacOS 10.15 Catalina. Some music applications straight up will not work and things like the Dolphin Emulator and WINE do not work thanks to (I believe?) notarization. The same notarization has also made some games impossible to run on the OS.

    So for me personally I'll be running my VM on a previous version. How was it for you guys?

    submitted by /u/Quasimo_to
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    Unable to open an app in Mojave (Top Notch 2 Active Teach by Pearson Education). How can I fix this?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    iStat menus

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    I can't get rid of my istat menus on my menu bar even after I deleted the application. I just got my MBP and I don't hear the fan go on even when the sensor temp hovers around 120F. Do you think iStat is suppressing my fan?

    submitted by /u/backpacking88
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    Best least CPU intensive browser

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I've been using brave browser for the past couple of weeks. Before that was opera and my laptop was working fine. But now that I switched my fans have been running nonstop for hours even with a few tabs.

    Anyone recommend the least CPU intensive browser that won't make my fans run like a jet engine?

    submitted by /u/kerolos8
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    Parallels or VMware

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Parallels or VMware

    Up until recently, I worked for a large company who had a myriad of proprietary in-house software packages and several operating systems from linux, windows, macOS

    I worked from home a few days a week and since becoming a macOS user for several years, used my MacBooks for both work and play.


    I digress, because of the many weird and wonderful applications at play, virtualisation was a must.

    I started using VMware fusion initially but for some reason (can't recall why) I switched to Parallels desktop.

    Again because of the myriad of OS's and apps some of which dating back to the 1970's I would be frequently swiping between windows 10 / 7 / macOS / Citrix sessions on any given work day.

    I will admit, I always leaned towards Parallels because it seemed slicker and less fiddly to initially configure, and a lot of reports from other virtual users stated that Parallels had overall better performance. However as of late have seen the VMware guys rolling out a lot more frequent updates, so may switch back and give fusion another spin!

    Life story aside though (ahem) and the reason for the post was to find what you guys use virtualisation for in macOS? Also, am keen to hear about your preference... VMware or parallels?


    submitted by /u/coffeesurfers
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    PS3 pr PS4 controller for Macbook / Steam

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I'm looking to get a controller for my Macbook to play Steam games on it. It there any difference using a PS3 or PS4 dualshock controller ? I guess that the PS3 version should be enough, as I obviously won't benefit from vibration and central pad for steam games, but what about ease of use and connection stability ? I don't mind paying a few extra bucks if it makes things working easier.

    Note that I'm on OSX High Sierra.

    Thanks in advance for your feedback, I've been googling but didn't find any precise information

    submitted by /u/zabadoy
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    Created "Recent Documents" Smart Folder, Sort Order Messed Up

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I've created a new smart folder called "Recent Documents" where it specifically shows me all the recent documents I've created. However, I noticed that the sort order is all messed up when viewing the folder.

    It starts with documents i created today but then sometimes documents i created are not in this list but rather in a list called "Earlier" within the same finder view further down. Why does this happen? I simply want to see the most recently created documents at the very top of the list.

    Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/A1MB1G
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