• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    iOS Jailbreak [RELEASE] NoRedditFireEffect - Remove the fire effect for comments with the Ignite award - FREE

    iOS Jailbreak [RELEASE] NoRedditFireEffect - Remove the fire effect for comments with the Ignite award - FREE

    [RELEASE] NoRedditFireEffect - Remove the fire effect for comments with the Ignite award - FREE

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    [Update] TimeToUnlock - use current time as a passcode

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    What's New

    • "Always show time" now works on iOS 13

    • "Always show time" now gets disabled if the tweak is disabled

    • Tweak preferences now work on arm64e

    Available now on BigBoss

    Source code for ya'll - https://github.com/jakeajames/TimeToUnlock

    submitted by /u/ruchir031
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    [Tip] Make kernbypass work & Solve battery issues

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    I have seen a lot of people posting about problems using [[kernbypass]]. I too have had some of these problems. As everyone already knows kernbypass does not work for all apps, however there is an optimal configuration, that in my opinion, gives you the best chance of success. The gist is to use choicy to set a custom tweak configuration for any apps that you wish to bypass so that only kernbypass is injecting.

    I have also seen many people complaining of battery issues due to the daemon com.apple.mobilesoftwareupdate...... I believe I have also found a solution to this simply by installing the TvOS beta profile.

    Get kernbypass working:

    • Install [[Choicy]].

    • Go to Settings >> Choicy >> Applications and find your application.

    • Choose Custom Tweak Configuration and set it to Whitelist (default option).

    • Enable the toggle for zzzzzzNotifyChroot only (I didn't count the number of z's).

    • Respring

    After doing this Pocket Camp, Pokémon Go, and Fortnite all work for me. Does not work for Mario Kart, however a separate bypass was just released that does work, search for that. Any other apps without as strict a jailbreak detection, I just use FlyJB (not the kernel version).

    Incidentally I believe this is why some people are reporting that combining shadow, flyjb, or other bypasses alongside kernbypass works. Although I believe for most it's unnecessary as long as you do the above in choicy. Give it a try.

    Solve kernbypass battery issues:

    • Re-enable OTA daemon in iCleaner.

    • Reboot and re-jailbreak with the "disable updates" toggle off in the unc0ver settings.

    • Install [[MCPatch]] from https://repo.xsf1re.kr .

    • Install the TVOS beta profile. You can google for this, it's against the rules to post a link.

    After doing this I no longer see the mobile update daemon in the [[System Info]] battery details. I am unsure which steps made an actual difference or how long it will last, but for me it's been three days and I've played multiple games that I have kernbypass enabled for. Give it a try.

    Photo of my battery usage: https://i.imgur.com/jlkAVVD.jpg

    submitted by /u/Huw1
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    [Request] I know not all features would be possible, but could someone make most of this into a tweak?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    [Release] StickyNote - Add a sticky note to your device’s lock screen / Cover Sheet

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    [Request] Tweak to allow you to pre-send a text for a specific time

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    [help] Someone is actively hacking into my phone

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    I recently installed 3 pirate tweaks but have since removed them and purchased them as they work as intended and don't conflict with each other or my other tweaks. Since they're on packix and I know how difficult refunds can be I figured it's better safe than sorry to do for testing.

    Anyways, since then someone has actually been I guess logging in to my phone and playing sounds from their microphone through my loudspeaker or even full on troll songs. Hell sometimes I'll open up note pad and type "get off my phone" at which point they'll start playing audio from some porn. I can't figure out how to stop it? My root password has been changed, those pirate copies have been removed as well as their respective repos and it continues to happen.

    I get it, I pirated 3 tweaks to test before purchase but now someone has access to my speakers, screen, likely cameras and microphone and who knows what else? Key logs? Seems excessive for someone to go that far for someone testing before buying. Help. What else can I look for to find whatever they're using to do this? How can I track incoming connections? Is there a tool that can actively look for spyware/malware currently on my device? I'm starting to get legitimately scared they have access to my banking passwords and anything else sensitive on my phone.

    submitted by /u/Maybeitscovfefe
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    [Update] Little11, Keyboard Plus, and Cask 2

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Hi /r/jailbreak - new updates for Little11, Keyboard Plus, and Cask 2 are now out on Packix.

    Here are there respective changelogs :

    Little11 :

    • iOS 13.4 Support

    Keyboard Plus

    • iOS 12 Support
    • iOS 13.4 Support
    • Adds an Option to Disable Reachability while the Keyboard is Enabled
    • Fixes a visual bug when the keyboard is in landscape mode

    Cask 2 :

    • Per-App Customization of Settings
    • New Permanent Color Style
    • Killing the Springboard no longer required after install

    Both Little11 and Cask 2 are opensource on my Github with Keyboard Plus becoming open source within the next couple of months. All three of these tweaks are available to be downloaded from Packix.

    Let me know of any issues here, on Github, or on my Twitter.

    submitted by /u/ryannair05
    [link] [comments]

    [Update] NotificationSync, multiple configs and added Linux app!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    [Update] NotificationSync, multiple configs and added Linux app!


    Send your iOS notifications to your desktop, to either Mac, Windows or Linux!

    New Features

    • Multiple configs - Save configs for multiple machines, send notifications to all of them
    • Linux support


    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

    Screenshot 3

    Repo: https://repo.menushka.ca/

    Price: 1.99


    submitted by /u/menushka
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    [Question] What tweak make the folder opened look like that

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    [Release] WeatherModule - Adds a weather module to your favorite Reachability tweak!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    [UPDATE] InstaLauncher 2 - Activator support, fullscreen launcher and more

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    [UPDATE] InstaLauncher 2 - Activator support, fullscreen launcher and more

    It's been a week or so since I released this tweak (release thread) and I've worked on this update since then.

    Here's a summary of changes:

    1.2 - May 11th 2020

    • Add Activator support
    • Add launcher size option (small/fullscreen)
    • Add Chinese app sorting by pinyin
    • Add option for grabber thickness
    • Add option for grabber visibility
    • Fix bug where swipes would register when they shouldn't
    • Fix apps being hidden when hidden in Vesta
    • Change icon default sizes
    • Change default color for app selection
    • Change default favorite applications due to Mail not always being available

    And here's some nicer images with examples and such.


    The most requested feature in InstaLauncher 1 was to be able to use it without Activator. The most requested feature of InstaLauncher 2 so far has been to bring back Activator support. So here it is.

    Another request was to make the launchers larger. So here is it.

    And here it is in action. The dock already supported this by default. So only minor changes there.

    Chinese named apps are now sorted by pinyin, probably not 100% perfect but much better than before.

    This can still happen in once case (that I know of). When you CHANGE the launcher SIDE in settings app. To fix just respring after you picked your side and it should be all okay from there on out.

    Apart from some under the hood changes - finally a couple of updates to the settings panel.

    I've got some more updates planned for next version, recent apps, better visibility of selected apps and so on. But I figured I'd release this for now to not take too long time.

    Thanks and as before here is the link to Packix https://repo.packix.com/package/com.jontelang.instalauncher2

    submitted by /u/jontelang
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] I’m recently downloaded “WeatherGround”. When I tap on the time, it goes to the weather, but when going back, it goes from standard time to military time. Anyone have recommendations? I emailed the creator and never heard back.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    [Help] Multipla Tweak still causing an overheat after the update?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    So I've been testing this over the last few days and I have realised on my iPhone 11 Pro iOS 13.3 running unc0ver Multipla is causing my device to severely overheat even after the update that was pushed by the dev.

    I've ran my iPhone without Multipla over a 3 day period and experienced a significant amount of reduced overheating whilst using my iPhone.

    However after re-installing (it's a great tweak and gives that iOS 14 feel, it's very nice!) my device starts to overheat a lot. I've realised this is particularly when I've switched to either the music widget or the weather widget.

    Not sure what's going on but is anyone else experiencing this? I've disabled tweaks on by one also and have identified Multipla to be the likely culprit.

    Since the update I've also rn ldrestart and rebooted and re-jailbroken via unc0ver too.

    Btw this is a hawt tweak, in the sense that I love it and that it makes my phone hot <:P

    submitted by /u/Jag_yea
    [link] [comments]

    [UPDATE] Vinyl v1.0.2 - Bug fixes and added features!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    [UPDATE] Vinyl v1.0.2 - Bug fixes and added features!



    Simple and Sweet

    What does this update change?

    Bug Fixes

    • Control and artwork positioning
    • Multiple route labels + color bug


    • Updated label positioning calculations (will be revised again)


    • Added option to show progress bar, volume bar, or both
    • Added option to show connectivity button

    What's on the list?

    • Add color support for the volume bar and connectivity button (ran into some issues with that, just know it is being worked on)
    • Shrink size of volume knob
    • Fix song labels' position (re-write of calculations)

    *After these have been completed, I will work on adding the last couple feature requests (corner radius and artwork sizing) and then will move to work on support for other music player tweaks, namely NextUp2 and possibly Lyricify

    Where you can find it:


    As always, if you encounter any issues feel free to shoot me a message!


    *edit - added screenshot

    submitted by /u/_lightmann
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    [Request] AirPlay 2 Receiver

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Looking for a tweak to transform an old iPhone into an AirPlay 2 receiver. AirSpeaker is great, but limited to AirPlay 1. Are there any existing tweaks? Thanks a lot, stay safe!

    submitted by /u/Dark-Minion
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    [Question] Does anyone know how to get FingerLock to work properly with Spring Artwork?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    [Help] Please I need some help for cydia

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    It said sub-process /usr/libexec/cydia/cydo returned an error (255)

    submitted by /u/PlayHappy01
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    [Help] I broke APT, what should I do?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    [Question] ICleaner is not showing up on home screen anywhere after installation

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Like I said in the title, ICleaner is no where on my home screen after I install it. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, and I have tried rebooting and reinstalling it. I have tried running "Uicache" in NewTerm, but still no dice. I have no idea how to fix this, does anyone have a solution?

    submitted by /u/RustyGoldGaming
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    [request] save to watch later to Youtube when 3D/Haptic Touch youtube links

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    [Tip] Possible Adblock on Jailbroken ATV 4/4K

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    SSH into ATV and navigate to:


    Set IsSupervised to true

    Use ldrestart or reboot and rejailbreak the ATV

    Navigate to Settings>General>Privacy>Share Apple TV Analytics and press the Play/Pause button on the ATV remote>Add Profile>then manually type:


    Select Install a couple times, then done to fully install the Adblock profile and test

    Edit: additional profile to type in listed below(only one can be used at a time)


    Another one:


    Another one:


    Edit 2: there are ads I've seen leak through in the YouTube app, but in time, someone may compile a profile that can block quite a bit more than some of the profiles listed above. Hard to say what will work for everyone as each list is different and work on both tvOS and iOS

    submitted by /u/TopLE1337
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] internet is working but safari doesn't load sites (and chrome too)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    [Help] My phone getting in semi freeze mode. Springboard works but no App open, only get splash screen . Maybe because if Meteorite tweak

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:51 PM PDT


    I have a weird issue with my JB, my phone after 3-4 hours crash/freeze but springboard is still working, i can click on icons navigate in pages, but when i try to open any app i just get splash screen. Only way to fix is to respring. Luckily CC work too and i can respring with powerselector .

    To find out which tweak maybe the cause, i disable all tweaks in icleanner pro, and every day i turn in 2/3 tweaks, it took me 2 week but I think i found a culprit, I think it is [[Meteorite]] .

    When i enable it yesterday it crashed phone in evening, i disabled it this morning and till now no crash.

    Anyone had similar issue ?

    submitted by /u/_Sham_
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