• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    iOS Jailbreak [News] Ryan Petrich is talking about dusting off his tweak projects! Hopefully this isn’t an April fools joke...

    iOS Jailbreak [News] Ryan Petrich is talking about dusting off his tweak projects! Hopefully this isn’t an April fools joke...

    [News] Ryan Petrich is talking about dusting off his tweak projects! Hopefully this isn’t an April fools joke...

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    [Upcoming] Castor - the ultimate screen mirroring tool for your jailbroken iDevice.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Introducing Castor, the screen mirroring companion for your iDevice. Castor enables screen mirroring from your iDevice directly to any Chromecast device. That's not it. Castor also allows direct, fluid mirroring of your iDevice's screen to any other jailbroken iDevice with the tweak installed. All of these options, packed into one, 1x1 control centre module. Coming soon to Packix. And yes, it will be free.

    submitted by /u/GD_Quake
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] umm Ryan petrich are you back from the dead? Anyone else see these updates and know if they are safe?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    [Update] Cydia 1.1.32~b25 Fixes Backgrounding

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    There was a bug in Cydia where it was not properly releasing a lock on a file during suspend. This was making newer iOS kill it immedately. Cydia 1.1.32~b25 corrects this by properly releasing the lock.

    submitted by /u/sbingner
    [link] [comments]

    [Release] SwipeExtenderX: The only real release you will see today

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    [Discussion] how can tweak devs are authorized to do this ?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    [Request] A Tweak that shows how many tweaks installed from a repo on the sources page. To delete unused repos or check which tweak you use from which repo quickly.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    [Discussion] Thanks to the Zebra-Devs for the filters!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    As said, thank you so much! Finally I can block out all the crappy shit and devs I never wanted to see when I actualize the tweak list (like Buuf whatever and all the other theme spammers).

    THANK YOU!!!!

    submitted by /u/supergott
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] tweak like this to iPhone when downloading from AppStore

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    [Question] How to get hermes and nike watch faces

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Since the SpecialFaces tweak has been patched for a while now I just want to know if there is a way to get the hermes and nike watch faces on a regular apple watch.

    submitted by /u/xdhelicopter
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] New RocketBootstrap update wants me to downgrade subsistute.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    [REQUEST] Can somebody make the weather app look like this?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    [Request] BigShotJB updated for iOS 13

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    [Question] Is this “it”? Corona Count April fools joke

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    [Discussion] So, apparently Suka took down the old mirror repository for Nepeta's tweaks, effective 4/1/20

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    EDIT: Earlier attempt at posting got deleted, because I forgot to tag it (head->desk)...


    Well, I didn't find out about this until after I'd upgraded to the latest version of Cydia Installer, which auto-deleted the contents of \var\mobile\Library\Caches\com.saurik.Cydia\lists\ (where each of the various repo _._Package and _._Release files are saved).

    Now, while I've already installed (most of) the older tweaks that I'd been planning on using, it's a tad disheartening to have no access to them in the worst-case scenario of a Restore RootFS (aside from taking a day or two to re-package all of those tweaks with redeb).

    Opinions? Did I miss an announcement regarding this that I should have been paying attention to, whether here on the Reddit(s), else the Discord? Or should I hope against hope that, contrary to the message left on said repo's web page, this is another April Fools joke?

    submitted by /u/TimeDiver0
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] What tweak is he using for the “discharging/34%”, and how did he remove everything on the status bar.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    [Discussion] We should be really proud with such devs u/sinfool

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    [Request] An updated, working Hulu adblocker

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    I tried Huu for Hulu but it doesn't seem to work anymore. I know it can be done because there's a Hulu adblocker extension for Chrome/Chromium-based browsers and Flex tweaks have been able to block Hulu ads in the past.

    submitted by /u/GlacierIsland
    [link] [comments]

    [Release][Update] FingerLock 2.0 - Proper iOS 13 support, custom images and more

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    [Release][Update] FingerLock 2.0 - Proper iOS 13 support, custom images and more


    I recently updated FingerLock for iOS 13 this past week. It was completely re-written for iOS 13 which removed some of the bugs that were present in the version for iOS 11/12, and finally allowed me to add custom images.


    • Default fingerprint glyph

    • Custom tint colors + alpha

    • Custom images from Photos library

    • Custom positioning, with new negative Y axis and increased maximum values to put the button anywhere on your screen

    • 3 different haptic feedback options, or none at all

    • Hide LS page dots & swipe text

    Grab a copy from Twickd today, it's free!

    Stay safe

    submitted by /u/-MTAC-
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] Banned from discord for no reason

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    I am new to Jailbreaking and don't know anything about repos or sources and I was asking questions in the discord and was getting some answers and then got banned for no reason. I couldn't find another jailbreak discord to help me understand. If anyone knows another one send me a invite link

    submitted by /u/JAilbr0ken_XX
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] Please update [[Mitsuha Forever]] cause it has a few bugs

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    For example it activates on the lockscreen when someone is calling me or when my phone is not muted and i press the camera and/or flashlight icons or everytime i get a message and my phone isn't in silent mode

    submitted by /u/asdbruh
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] SMB Share / FTP tweaks?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    Are there any tweaks which allows to browse a SMB share or FTP and play / watch any file type?

    submitted by /u/SaurikBro
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] Substitute doesn’t update after installing the update...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    [request] a notification tweak like this?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:51 AM PDT

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