• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    macOS A coworker of mine still has these buttons she got from the ‘96 MacWorld expo Boston

    macOS A coworker of mine still has these buttons she got from the ‘96 MacWorld expo Boston

    A coworker of mine still has these buttons she got from the ‘96 MacWorld expo Boston

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:40 AM PDT

    I got this MacBook Pro a month ago but for some reason I have almost 20 GB of other stored. How do I delete it?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:24 PM PDT

    [Question] Is there a way to disable App Store Rating boxes like in iOS? They're getting really annoying.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:59 PM PDT

    I am not particularly fond of the macOS dark mode. Is it only me?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:44 PM PDT

    Not that I am against people using or liking it. I see a lot of posts with dark mode apps. I don't like to boast of dark mode apps. Because I don't like it much except when I am only using a single app all the time. But as a developer I have to switch between apps. (VSCode, Chrome, Terminal, some third party app etc.)

    And, not all of them necessarily support the consistent dark mode in line with the system's. It kind of hurts my eyes when I switch from a darker app to a significantly bright webpage immediately after working in the dark mode app for a while. While browsers 'support' dark mode, the webpages don't.

    I am sure most people faced this problem. How do you guys deal with it?

    submitted by /u/shailuhacker
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    How can i back up my MS Office key?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:55 PM PDT

    Want to erase HD & fresh install the new MacOS on my MacBook pro. The problem is, i have an active ms office subscription on this mac. The subscription i got is from my previous school and they told me if I delete it i am not going to get new subscription. It means i have no key. Contracted Microsoft & they said they can't do anything. Is there anyway i can backup the key and reactivate my subscription after fresh install.

    Thanks in advance. ✌️

    submitted by /u/Cryptan1
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    Looking for visually appealing Mindmapping Software [moving on from iMindMap / Ayoa]

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:51 AM PDT


    I've been using iMindMap for a pretty long time and have paid quite a few 100$s for updates etc.; in all that time, an abysmally badly coded piece of software was delivered. Maps with a few branches were OK and looked really good (organic mindmaps), but the more content you had in your map, the slower the software got. After some point, it was practically unusable. Plus the pitfall of having a Java based piece of software, no real printing options, not MacOS's own load-save dialogue, etc.

    Now, iMindMap has been silently cancelled and they're promoting their new piece of software "Ayoa", obviously moving on to a subscription based model. I've tested Ayoa, but it sucks just as badly as iMindMap. Organic Mindmaps have been finally included, but - get this, no print options until now. For any professional user not really what you're looking for ..

    So, I'm searching for an alternative. But it seems pretty hard to find. Do you have any suggestions for Mac OS based apps that can deliver organic mindmaps and have been coded well enough so you can actually use them with joy? Novamind seemed like a feasible candidate, since it can also import iMindMap maps ... but it seems like they're still stuck in 32bit so it won't run on Catalina (which I haven't updated to yet, but there's no info on Novamind if and when they will publish a 64bit version, so ... no one knows).

    Thankful for any helpful suggestion!

    submitted by /u/Nick544
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    Battery Life on Mojave

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:51 PM PDT

    Unfortunately for me, my issues with mojave have not been resolved since release (and all updates following). A little background:

    1. I'm still experiencing battery drain in sleep mode, but I have been trying to diagnose the problem with terminal commands, turning off WiFi, and all that. I've tried turning off TCPKeepAlive, so will update with results if anyone else is struggling.

    2. I've experienced a SERIOUS decrease in battery life while using my Macbook Pro (Retina, 2015) that has not been resolved by updates, resetting SMC, reducing app use, brightness, etc. I've tried ALL the methods, and nothing seems to be working. My battery is in normal condition, with not too many cycles to require replacing. My activity monitor doesn't show any extremely aggressive apps hogging energy, everything is normal.

    When I was in Hi Sierra, I never experienced any of these issues. I could close my laptop with MULTIPLE windows of chrome and a bunch of tabs, and it would lose at most 1% from sleep, with an average of 7-8 hours of daytime use. Now my battery drains 10% in 30 minutes, and I get about 4-5 hrs on average. I tried to mitigate all my use; I switched to Safari, I close unused apps, everything. Please, if anyone has any solutions or leads, I am really desperate. I like Mojave, especially the night mode, but this is really irritating to open my laptop and watch it die so quickly. I haven't had time to figure it out myself because I am in school. I have considered downgrading back to Hi Sierra but need to backup. Thank you for all your help

    submitted by /u/tsumainu
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    Chrome keeps crashing on my Macbook after Catalina

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:30 PM PDT

    My Google Chrome keeps crashing after installing macOS Catalina. It has been happening since the official release of Catalina. It crashes every time after around 45 minutes since launching Chrome. I tried every fix that seemed to work for some people who faced the same problem. I deleted the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome 5 times and tried installing the beta version. But neither fixed the problem. I have copied my error report here when Chrome crashes. I have the 2019 Macbook Pro 13" (2 Thunderbolt Ports). Any help would be appreciated. I tried using Safari, but it runs very slowly when there are too many ads on a page. Thank you.

    Process: Google Chrome [1511]

    Path: /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome

    Identifier: com.google.Chrome

    Version: 77.0.3865.120 (3865.120)

    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)

    Parent Process: ??? [1]

    Responsible: Google Chrome [1511]

    User ID: 502

    Date/Time: 2019-10-22 02:10:18.026 -0400

    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15 (19A602)

    Report Version: 12

    Bridge OS Version: 4.0 (17P572)

    Anonymous UUID: 5AECB240-39CE-8DE3-BE42-61408C9CC3F7

    Time Awake Since Boot: 19000 seconds

    System Integrity Protection: enabled

    Crashed Thread: 9 ThreadPoolSingleThreadForegroundBlocking0

    Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)

    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

    Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

    Application Specific Information:

    SeatbeltExecClient: pipe failed: Too many open files in system

    submitted by /u/aryan5401
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    WHY is Catalina stealing all my drive space???

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:11 PM PDT

    Upgraded to Catalina and it's been nothing but a sh%!storm ever since. The "hard drive" section says it's taking up about 20 gigs. The "HD-Data" partition says it's FULL, except for about 12 gigs.

    It is NOT full. I have a 1 TB hard drive that has as most 400 GB taken up on it. I even moved all my current video files (I'm an archivist) to an external drive. There was even less space available on the "data" drive after that!

    I've already had Catalina re-installed. My time machine was saving to an external drive; I disabled and unplugged it, searched for snapshots on my hard drive, didn't find any. No other large files. I'm already past a deadline; I'm seriously at my wit's end here.

    submitted by /u/VetLivingDayByDay
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    I’ve been having issues with Catalina for a while now, Now I’m unable to change the sound output to a Bluetooth device , it connects for 20-30 minutes and then suddenly switches to internal speakers, any solution?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:47 AM PDT

    Pinch to Zoom issue in Safari

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    I've had an issue in Safari for awhile where pinch to zoom doesn't work as expected. Basically, zooming out works fine and gets me to the tab overview page. Zooming in however is often completely unresponsive, and when I lift my fingers it brings me to the tab overview. When I'm already zoomed in it's also unresponsive in zooming out.

    Anyone have a fix to this? Pinch to zoom works flawlessly in Chrome, and trackpad works perfectly everywhere else. It's driving me nuts.

    submitted by /u/SaltWaterSex
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    Catalina: catalyst iPad apps only good for HiDPI screens?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:16 AM PDT

    Should I jump?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    Wanting to clean install Catalina on my 15"MBP-2013 (maxed out specs). I have my 16GB flash drive for the install and have starting backing up data to my 2TB external storage. My intention was to wait until at least the .3 release but I'm also pretty keen to play with the new OS. I think the only thing of value I will loose is use of my Canon scanner as those old 32bit drivers have not been updated in many years and VueScan is yet to support my model. Should I wait until more kinks are ironed out of Catalina before I clean install? Does someone want to talk me down from the ledge or should I jump?

    submitted by /u/ryz0
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    Is there a way to check download progress of i(Pad)OS updates in Catalina?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    So I normally do the X.X updates on my Mac for my iPhone and iPad, and while there is still an option to download iOS updates in Finder, I don't seem to see the same download bar in the upper right hand corner like in iTunes. Is that still around, or is it gone for good and I just have to guess?

    submitted by /u/MaximusMurkimus
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    MacOS Catalina keeps verifying each app after I open it once I restart my computer or turn on

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    Its getting super annoying because for some apps it takes long. How do I disable this?

    submitted by /u/ImElegantAsFuck
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    Time Machine Backup on Synology.... Backup Size

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    I read the instructions for setting up a time machine backup and got it set up. I like to keep my computer and my server as simple as possible. I am just backing up to the admin account as opposed to what the instructions suggested which was to add a new user and set storage limits. How big of a deal is this? Will time machine continue to make multiple backups until it fills my storage. I have about 1 tb available.

    submitted by /u/bart1218
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    Grapher graph does not fill screen in full screen

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    Ever since I upgraded to Catalina, I have been unable to have my graph in Grapher fill the screen when the window is in full screen. Here is a screenshot to demonstrate what I'm talking about.

    Is there a fix to this? Is this a known bug?

    submitted by /u/Andyroo_P
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    FileVault and remote reboot

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    For a while now I've run a server which after a power outage will boot and automatically login, to start some services (like for security cameras, and teamviewer). As a result, FileVault is off because as far as I can tell if FV is on then it can't automatically log in. That makes sense to me in a technical sense but is there a workaround? How do people operate encrypted Macs as servers, remotely when the power could be lost forcing a reboot?

    submitted by /u/limpingrobot
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    Unwanted double email reminders when turning on Macbook

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:55 PM PDT


    I'm having an issue where I get double email reminders for calendar events.I use Google Calendar as my go-to calendar for events. My setting on Google Calendar is to email me at 9am the day before the event to remind me. This works properly, and I get the email reminder in my Gmail inbox like I'm supposed to.

    But then as soon as I open my MacBook in the afternoon, I get all of those Gmail reminder emails dumped on me a second time all at once. So I now I have two of each reminder in my Gmail inbox.

    Why does opening my Macbook give me a second wave of the same reminder-- and how do I turn this off? I only want the original one that I'm getting from Gmail.

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/Ken_Pen
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    Do audiobooks in Apple Books no longer sync to iCloud on macOS Catalina, iOS 13, and iPadOS 13?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    I have an audiobook on CD that I ripped and then dragged into Apple Books on my Mac. However, it won't sync to my iPhone or iPad. All devices are hooked up to the same iCloud account, and all Books apps are supposed to be syncing to my iCloud Drive.

    submitted by /u/ctnutmegger
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    Could somebody please tell me whats going on here and how to fix it? I've already looked into and deleted TimeMachine snapshots.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    What should I do again? (19A546d)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    Help Creating a Rescue Drive

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    I've been attempting to create a rescue drive to help my friend who just installed a clean hard drive on her Mac. When I go to download a copy of macOS from the App Store and click "Get," it just brings me to my own Software Update settings. How can I download a physical copy to place on a flash drive?

    submitted by /u/kylebam
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    Finder in Catalina

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    Has anyone else been having issues where finder is clunky, slow, or just flat out unresponsive after updating to Catalina? I'm having issues with my devices at home(2014) and my work computers(2015).

    submitted by /u/OlympianBattleFish
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