• Breaking News

    Friday, February 8, 2019

    macOS Why is Safari still so buggy with YouTube?

    macOS Why is Safari still so buggy with YouTube?

    Why is Safari still so buggy with YouTube?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:35 PM PST

    Can someone recommend a free app or software that shows iMac temperature in menu bar?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:55 AM PST

    Looking for something that shows temperature of CPU, enclosure, etc for iMac running Mojave.

    Thanks everyone

    submitted by /u/Rotten0nion
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    Remove Dynamic Desktop on Mojave

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:49 PM PST

    Question please: I have being trying to get rid off the Dynamic Desktop and put my on desktop pictures, but every time i change it, revers back to the Dynamic Desktop desert, annoyed by it, I google it, and alway tells me how too, via System Preference, even when I change it via SP revers back to the desert again, I went thru: /Library/Dynamic Desktop, put some of my pictures there, after a change it, can't keep the picture I change revers back to Dynamic Desktop Desert picture, tire of the crapy desert picture.

    Any help or suggestion would be appreciated?

    thank you and Please

    submitted by /u/last0ne2
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    Can I change hardware ID on parallels to avoid having 2 windows licenses?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 01:46 AM PST

    Apologies if this has been posted before and that it's not macOS specific but there's no /r/parallels !

    Basically I have parallels running my bootcamp partition and I boot natively for gaming and have it activated in bootcamp but when I open parallels it wants me to reactivate and I have to log back in to iCloud for windows every time which is a pain.

    I feel this would all be solved if I could somehow configure the VM to think it's running natively but can't figure out how! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/dlittlefair1
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    Apple re-released macOS Mojave 10.14.3 (18D109)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:09 PM PST

    Apple released macOS Mojave 10.14.3 again (supplemental update), with fix for Group Face Time Bugs.

    New versions build number is 18D109

    submitted by /u/mael11
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    Need Help! 100GB redundant on my SSD whilst trying to bootcamp!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 09:40 PM PST

    Swapping ctrl and fn on Mojave

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 12:14 AM PST

    Hi there! I recently got a Logitech K380 and it's almost perfect except the ctrl and fn keys are switched. I looked around on reddit and other places on the Internet but for some reason it just doesn't work. I tried:

    • Mapping through system preferences (changing fn > ctrl, weirdly enough I can't really map any key to fn)
    • Using Keyboard Maestro, doesn't have the fn option
    • Using Karabiner with the following simple modifications.
      • fn to left control
      • left control to fn

    Both don't really do anything. I tried restarting my Macbook after remapping these keys but nothing seems to work. Are there any alternatives to Karabiner that work with Mojave? Would really appreciate the helpl

    submitted by /u/maxprod
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    New to MacOS. Can I download an ISO-like image of a MacOS just like in Windows?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:38 PM PST

    Hi! I am new to the world of MacOS. I'm planning to clean installl a MacBook Pro (mid-2012). Can I download an image of MacOS outside the App Store? I currently don't have an internet access at home so I'm gonna need to go to an internet café which has Windows computers.

    submitted by /u/aaciph
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    Apple Mail Question: Is there any way to create a macro that will insert the name of the person I am sending an email to automatically?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:00 PM PST

    For example, In my job, I send out a lot of the same emails to a lot of different people. I have these emails in a notepad file so that I can copy and paste into an email body, add the person's name and send. This process would be cut in half or less If I could simply add a field like %name% into the email template and when I copy and paste it into the email it just grab's the recipient's name and drops it in place. Is this even possible?

    submitted by /u/jmmccann
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    Any reason I can only see APFS options in disk utility?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:58 AM PST

    Wiped the drive yesterday (to APFS as it was the only option). Now, I want to use it with my Xbox too so need an ExFat or Fat32 option, but there doesn't seem to be one?

    Is this a Mojave issue?


    submitted by /u/Ttookkyyoo
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    How do I use flags to launch and app?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:47 AM PST

    I want to use dark mode on chrome. --force-dark-mode is the flag. How to I add the flag to the app to launch that way by default?

    (I'm new to MacOS)

    submitted by /u/YoYo-Pete
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    PD output

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 09:29 AM PST

    Anyone know of a way to monitor power delivery output over USB-C to Lightning on a macbook? I'm looking to see if you can see what the charging speed is going to the device. thanks

    submitted by /u/adamhodge
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    How does your brightness work? (MacBook Pro 2018)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:58 AM PST

    I have a MacBook Pro 15" 2018 and I'm wondering how your brightness work?
    The first 2/3 when I'm increasing the brightness it don't increase much at all but the last 3/3 then it increase much and the brightness is around 500cd/m2 so it's correct according to the spec's but I still want to know how your brightness slide are reacting?

    submitted by /u/rjohansson
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    Possible to change mouse acceleration post El Capitan to be more like Windows?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:36 PM PST

    Using a 2015 15" Macbook Pro.

    I'm currently running 10.11 on mine and needing to upgrade for various reasons but one utility I can't really live without is SmoothMouse. The way I have it setup is for an external mouse I have it set so acceleration is off and set to 6/11 cursor speed (like in Windows) and for the touchpad I have it set so acceleration is enabled and also 6/11 cursor speed.

    I upgraded a friends MBP of the same model to 10.14, but SmoothMouse doesn't work anymore and while the previous input lag (that existed pre 10.11 is still gone I miss SmoothMouse greatly.

    Anyone have any suggestions, or am I just going to have to put up with it?


    submitted by /u/jtl999
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    What has happened to my permissions?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:41 AM PST

    What has happened to my permissions?

    Late 2013 Mac Pro running 10.14.2

    Just yesterday, seemingly out of nowhere, my permissions have gone wacko. On every volume, despite the OS saying I have read and write access, I am limited to just "read". Here is an example:

    \"You can only read\"

    What is going on? How do I fix this so that I can actually Read and Write when I have read and write permissions...

    It appears that my admin account ("Charlie", which is the only admin account on the computer) has been replaced by "system" (pic from the Get Info on the computer's boot drive):


    EDIT AND UPDATE: Tracing back "what had changed", I remembered that I had recently moved "Content Caching" to this disk. I moved it from the boot drive to the volume I had struggles with. I did not think this should have mattered, but I moved the content cache back to the boot drive, restarted, and now my volume works "normally" and is allowing me to read/write...

    submitted by /u/DrJupeman
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    Can’t get “Reset Password” to work

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 09:56 AM PST

    Hello! My keyboard doesn't work properly so I couldn't enter all the keys I have as a password. So, did all the different reset password-steps but still can't login.

    The weird thing is that the keys I need to use to login works in the reset password-view but doesn't work when I reboot the MacBook to the standard login-view.

    How can it be like that and what am I doing wrong in the reset password-steps? It still requests my old password.

    submitted by /u/Barebells
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    Command Key seems remapped

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:35 AM PST

    A bit stumped and hoping someone has some input. A friend of mine has an issue when he presses his Left Command key a window pops up that reads "No Available Windows" and the right Command key just does some kind of highlight thing.

    I had him clear NVRAM and we have gone through every keyboard/accessibility/mission control menu I can think of an everything is set to default.

    He had that annoying "Weknow.ac" malware that I cleaned up, but I can't tell if this is a leftover from that or if he was just going click crazy in preferences before he called me.

    Is there some terminal based things I can do, or did I miss a Pref somewhere deep?

    Thanks so much

    submitted by /u/Idiotlogical
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    2012 rMBP UI performance under Mojave - poor

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:51 AM PST

    I've noticed that after upgrading my trusty 15in 2012 rMBP that the UI performance on certain functions is choppy. It has never been this way on any other version of MacOS I've had on it. Of particular interest is the animations with Dock folders (like Downloads or Applications) and the Launchpad. Invoking them is choppy no matter what resolution I'm running in and no difference between the integrated video card or the nVidia card.

    I've tried a completely clean install twice now and checked for applications which may be showing it down but it's just the same.

    Is this simply a case that the built-in nVidia drivers are rubbish?

    By stark contrast my 2010 4,1 MacPro with 5 year old AMD video card is silky smooth.

    submitted by /u/eighteentee
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