• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 18, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [UPDATE] I'm the developer of iClassic, I just made it open source, it now works on all iPhones

    iOS Jailbreak [UPDATE] I'm the developer of iClassic, I just made it open source, it now works on all iPhones

    [UPDATE] I'm the developer of iClassic, I just made it open source, it now works on all iPhones

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 10:28 AM PST

    [Discussion] Alert! Do not upgrade ByeVSD to v3.0

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 07:45 PM PST

    You are ADVISED. If you do that, you will enter into a reboot loop. The system stars but reboot again and again. For solve this, enter to airplane mode at fast possible, use your jailbreak app and after respring quit the airplane mode and at fast posible open Cydia and remove the tweak. After that you will be fine again.

    submitted by /u/horasextras
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    [Release] Colorful Widgets - change the colors of your widgets!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 07:23 PM PST

    Nothing spectacular here, but a big success for me :P

    Settings to configure:

    • Disable widget's background blur

    • Change the color of header

    • Change the color of container

    Screenshot 1 - blur enabled | Screenshot 2 - blur disabled

    repo: http://yp261.github.io/repo

    Hopefully you'll like it! :)

    Special thanks to u/Bezerk_Jesus for helping me with libcolorpicker.

    submitted by /u/yp261
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    [Help] Unc0ver Jailbreak not working anymore

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 04:26 PM PST

    For some reason neither MP or EL options will work for me. The EL option just reboots my phone and the MP option gives me a port or something error.

    I've tried 20+ times now. Any help?

    submitted by /u/Homework90210
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    [Update] iRepoManager1.2 Windows tool for adding tweak to repo faster!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 01:07 PM PST

    iRepoManager 1.2 Windows tool:

    Allows you to add .deb files to your repo, this tool will automatically calculate hashsum of the deb, and extract everything to your repo folder. It will also add a entry to your Packages file with you settings, and make a .bz2 of it. Let me know if you get any errors, this tool is using 7z.exe so make sure it's in the same directory as the iRepoManager.exe

    Change log: -It now reads from control file properly with Installed-Size (Thanks to /u/DGh0st for helping out)

    Image Download Link: LINK Virusscan: LINK

    MD5 iRepoManager1.2.rar: 1B235771BB2638EDB6F5EFCE8D3FE5EA

    Please let me know if you like it and if you want me to add other features.

    submitted by /u/iPwneds
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    [Help] Any tweak to fix this when connecting to public wifis? I saw online it is iOS 11 related, and it does seem to be, as my iPad Pro on iOS 12 isn’t affected. it says no internet connection. (iPhone X 11.3.1 JB)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 04:28 AM PST

    [Tutorial] IPHONE X - ELECTRA ISSUES -- Reboot at night -- Electra not JB'ing -- Activator Freezing -- Screen Recorder not working -- Change Root Password

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 06:54 AM PST

    Electra iPhone X tips

    Thought I'd make a post with some of my best appreciated tips I've searched for and/or gotten help on /r/Jailbreak of which I see multiple posts about where most people are mentioning an issue that's worded differently and therefore makes it harder to find the right solution...

    I guess it's a consolidation of repeated tips and fixes that people can bookmark, copy and paste and/or keep for future reference...

    Keep in mind these solutions are from my experience with Electra, NOT uncover simply because I find Electra quite stable and with Uncover being new it still has a lot of posts of issues being worked out, just like when Electra was new, people were figuring out all the ins and outs so I feel like Electra is established, and for me it works nicely. (Not saying Uncover is bad in anyway, it's just that for me, my brother, and my other IPhone X it works beautifully)

    These all worked for my iPhone X on 11.2.1, my brothers X on 11.1.2 and my 2nd IPhone X on 11.1.2...


    First main issue is the repeated reboots in the middle of the night, after trying multiple solutions the one that worked for my brother and I is the following:

    Using Filza navigate to /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ and find these two files:



    The section near the end where it says "D22" and "D221" could be different but it's the jetsamproperties plist files...

    FIRST MAKE A BACKUP (I never needed it but just in case, please make a backup) then continue:

    Click on them, (first one file, then do this step with the other), click on ROOT then VERSION4 then SYSTEM then OVERRIDE then GLOBAL.

    You'll see the option for "UserReclaimableLimit", my default value was "65". I changed it to "50" and haven't yet seen a reboot over night.

    I suggest you minus 10 from your default value and set it at that. So if your default value is 65 change it to 55, if your default value is 60 change it to 50. This is what was recommended in most of the posts I saw on this, however I minused 15 from my 65 and changed it to 50 and I got great results.

    After you change this value in BOTH jetsam files, respring and you should be good to go! Some posts say to reboot so if you want to be safe, give your phone a reboot to make sure the changes take effect.

    Hope this helps with nightly reboots!!


    The next issue is the recent issues with Electra not being able to jailbreak, especially on my iPhone X on 11.2.1

    Basically each time I hit jailbreak it would reboot at 1/3...

    I started to use the multi path version which worked usually on the first try but now that's starting to give me the same issue so the solution I found was to get the regular VFS version, not the geosn0w version however you could try this method with that too and see if it helps...

    It's simple, close all apps from the app switcher, hard reboot, then start up Electra and wait at that screen before hitting jailbreak for a minimum of 2 minutes. Each time I did this it worked on the first try no problem!

    I got the IPA from coolstars website and when I was jailbroken, I'd rebuild the IPA with Extend3r then resign that before the 7 days were up...


    Next tip is two issues I had, same solution, one with Activator freezing the phone completely anytime I tried a gesture forcing me to hard reboot, and the other issue where the stock screen recorder wouldn't work in jailbroken mode, pressing the record button in Control Center wouldn't do anything, both issues that I had with my brothers IPhone X and my daily use IPhone X, one on 11.1.2 and the other on 11.2.1.

    Doing these steps would fix both issues, it's kind of an annoying way to boot up...

    You'll need iCleaner Pro for this.

    First reboot in to STOCK (unjailbroken mode) and open up Electra and UNCHECK the Tweaks option then jailbreak. You'll get a message saying "Openssh is running". Close Electra then open up iCleaner and click the "+" sign on the bottom left and then click Cydia Substrate Addons. Now click "All" on the top right and it will uncheck all the options listed below, click APPLY and it will respring. Now UNINSTALL Activator.

    Now you can REBOOT, I usually hard reboot, and then jailbreak WITH the Tweaks option checked. You should now be in full jailbreak mode but with all tweaks disabled, test to make sure your screen recorder is working, if it is, great, if not, then you have a totally different issue with that which I'm not aware of.

    Now open cydia and install Activator and respring. At this point you should be able to use Activator gestures, and your screen recorder should be working but all other tweaks still disabled.

    However if you use Anemone and IF it gives you an error about optitheme and rocketbootstrap, and/or opening the Activator app also gives you a rocketbootstrap error, then open up Cydia and reinstall RocketBootStrap and respring. Now reinstall Anemone and respring.

    At this point you can open up iCleaner and enable all your tweaks and respring.

    Now Activator, screen recorder as well as anemone should all be working fine!!

    To summarize this section:

    Reboot, jailbreak without tweaks, disable all tweaks with iCleaner and respring. Uninstall Activator, respring. Reboot. Jailbreak with tweaks. Test screen recorder, should be working. Install Activator. Respring. Test Activator and screen recorder. Reinstall rocketbootstrap and respring. Reinstall Anemone and respring. Enable all tweaks in iCleaner and respring.

    Annoying I know but it's the only method I know of to get screen recorder and activator to work (as well as anemone and rocketbootstrap, but this only happens to Anemone and rocketbootstrap because of trying to fix Activator and screen recorder)


    Next tip is fairly simple, get a terminal app from cydia, either NewTerm 2 or MobileTerminal, I personally use NewTerm 2.

    Use it to change your root password, this should always be done anytime you get a new iPhone and it's jailbroken. You don't have to change it each time you jailbreak or reboot, but just make sure it's done so if you're ever on a public wifi network, or any wifi network and someone realizes you have SSH in your device they'll be able to login to your phone as root if they have minimal knowledge of iPhones. Default password for all iPhones is "alpine"

    Change it by doing the following:

    Open up your terminal app


    su root

    And hit enter

    Then type


    And hit enter

    Then type


    And hit enter

    It will now ask you to enter your new password TWICE.

    Once you've done that you're all set.

    With all these methods I had a great experience with Electra, no further issues...

    I hope this helps!!!

    Please let me know if anyone would rather me add to this list as I think of more issues like this, or should I wait until I have 4 or 5 issues and make another post similar to this?

    submitted by /u/uzig718
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    [Question] IOS 12.0.1 Jailbreak Progress?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 09:30 PM PST

    Lost my jailbreak a couple days ago trying to convert from electra to unc0ver and had to update. Is there any progress on a ios 12 jailbreak?

    submitted by /u/ethanj1999
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    [Request] This charging animation

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 11:51 AM PST

    [Help] I want to update to iOS 12 but unc0ver is not working

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 11:06 PM PST

    So I want to update to iOS 12 on my phone, but I can't simply restore from iTunes, so I need to update instead of restore

    There are important Texts and people's fingerprints stored on the device which prevents me from restoring the phone completely

    I tried using restore rootfs on unc0ver but every time I try I get error 60

    submitted by /u/saltshaker59
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    [Question] Does anyone know of a tweak that can resize the control center on ios 10?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 10:56 PM PST

    [discussion] using iPad Air 2 iOS 11.31 unc0ver and how to get rid of this battery killer? Before jail breaking with uncover I had Electra and my battery health used to be 89 to 90 percent and now it’s just 50 percent any solution will be helpful thanks

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 03:08 PM PST

    [HELP] iCleaner Pro big issue

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 04:16 PM PST

    Gents I need real help. I'm using iCleaner Pro for iPhone since weeks now, but only today I realized that instead of freeing space, actually it is filling it! I just made a test: start the app, give a clean, operation completed deleting something like 250 mb, and then I could see in the settings that free space of iPhone is actually less than before! Please advise on what I can do!!! I'm on iOS 11.3.1 jailbroken through unc0ver. Please help!

    submitted by /u/fregol
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    [Question] Ipad 2 Jailbreaking Benefits and things to be done?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 04:52 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I have an Ipad 2 I use only for reading manga, pdfs, youtube watching anime and for school work. I play 1 rythm game not sure if it will need the latest IOS version to run. I'm really new when it comes to jailbreaking and I honestly don't like dealing with apple devices too much I use this ipad only for those reasons stated above, mainly because this ipad 2 has gone horribly slower and apps often crash. The battery life is still good and since I don't have the budget to upgrade to anything better I thought maybe jailbreaking it could make life easier. The ipad 2 is fairly old and I'm not sure if there's stil support in the hacking community. Does anyone have the latest guides to do so? will the latetst updates of apps work? will I still be able to use my paid apps from thhe app store? Also can you reccomend the best thhings to tweak. Reducing battery life a bit could be fine if it means it runs waaaaay smoother again.

    submitted by /u/Azulon625
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    [Help] iPhone X 11.3.1 battery drain 2x as fast as stock. Unc0ver

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 04:52 PM PST

    here's my tweak list

    My battery dies within 8/10 hours while jailbroken but when I'm stock it last all day with no extra charge.

    submitted by /u/titanshift3r
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    [HELP] 11.2.6 Electra JB - Need to Remove JB to add MDM Profile, then Rejailbreak

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 07:19 PM PST

    The title says it - I'm on 11.2.6, iPhone X. I am JB'd on Electra with quite a few tweaks installed.

    I need to install an MDM profile through AirWatch, and cannot add it due to the presence of JB files.

    Thus, I need to fully remove my JB so there are no remnants of it to trigger "false" detection from AirWatch.

    I would also like to stay on an iOS version that can be JB'd in case I'd like to go back to JB state via Electra or unc0ver.

    I am ok with losing my data as long as I can restore from a backup after adding the profiles through AirWatch.

    Rollelectra of course is not available for 11.2.6. I'm seeing lots of conflicting advice on the best way to remove Electra and all files that could trigger detection.

    Can someone help?

    submitted by /u/aug0211
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    [Question] update activator app?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 09:27 PM PST

    the activator app is on my ipad, (ipad mini 1 with home depot jailbreak) and it says it needs to update but when i go into cydia i can only install it, which doesnt change anything. has anyone had this problem? (sorry if this is simple, first time in jailbreak) <3

    submitted by /u/jillbobs76
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    [Help] hey everyone! Looking for some help after growing frustrated with this always happening when i try Jailbreaking with Electra. Had issues of Unc0ver not working either. I’m on IPX 11.2.1. Nothing seems to work ���� (video shows what keeps happening)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 05:31 PM PST

    [Help]Unable to download/update applications

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 09:08 PM PST

    I see there have been several threads of people on Unc0ver/Electra having this issue. I also am (sometimes) unable to download/update apps.

    • I am not using host files to block apple's anything

    • I am not using app admin or any tweaks to change app store's functions, only eclipse X to make it nice to look at.

    • nsurlsessiond has been killed several times with no resolve.

    BUT what I have found is that changing my phone's language to Anything else, resolves the problem. So, has anyone made any further progress to actually figuring out whats going on here with users facing this problem? Why is it reoccurring?

    submitted by /u/HeyThisisanaccount12
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    [Question] What is the tweak that shows the battery percentage on the low power module in control centre?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 06:27 PM PST

    [Question] What is sharingd? because its killing my battery

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 01:04 PM PST

    [Question] Anyone know of any working emulators for iPhone X? Like ps,gba,n64 etc?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 08:15 PM PST

    Pretty much what the title says, I remember there was gba4ios back in the day but are there any emulators these days for like ps1, ps2 Nintendo 64, Nintendo ds and what not?

    submitted by /u/joek1ng4312
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    [Help] iPhone X freezes and reboots once a day with unc0ver.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 11:56 PM PST

    Before someone says it's videosubscriptionsd, I have killvsd installed and vsd crashes no longer show in crash reporter. So what could it be? I was almost certain vsd was the reason behind freezes. Sometimes it happens after opening cydia. The whole phone freezes and after 30 seconds reboots. I almost miss electra and i hate to say that.

    submitted by /u/edward301
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    [Help] Spotify crashes when I try to pull up the full song cover.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 02:45 AM PST

    [Question] How to make CC darker? Not black just blur darker?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 05:00 AM PST

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