• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 22, 2018

    Apple Help My iPhone 6 was ran over a few years ago. Completely smashed and bent. Ive kept it in a bag the past few years. How hard would it be to get the data off of the chips themselves? My friend died and all the pictures I have of him were on that phone.

    Apple Help My iPhone 6 was ran over a few years ago. Completely smashed and bent. Ive kept it in a bag the past few years. How hard would it be to get the data off of the chips themselves? My friend died and all the pictures I have of him were on that phone.

    My iPhone 6 was ran over a few years ago. Completely smashed and bent. Ive kept it in a bag the past few years. How hard would it be to get the data off of the chips themselves? My friend died and all the pictures I have of him were on that phone.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 09:48 AM PDT

    Ive been holding onto the phone with the hopes that one day if Im rich or something I can pay someone to work some black magic and retrieve the data off the phone. Is it even possible at all? Now im frantically trying to find a solution because my friends funeral is coming up and im one of the only people with good pictures of him. Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/LTALZ
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    cannot find an e-mail address to ask for a refund of an app anywhere

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 09:38 PM PDT

    since the reportaproblem website denies any refunds I've asked for for a while, I've been told to send them a follow up e-mail but neither their website nor google lists any e-mail address, they must be hiding that extremely well. can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/otakumuscle
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    iPhone Goes Dead for ~4 Seconds Randomly

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 09:16 PM PDT

    At random points through the day, my iPhone 7 will "go dead" for a period of 4-5 seconds. I usually notice this when listening to audio. The sound will cut off for a few seconds, but will pick back up as if it played through that pause. Also, if I try to wake my phone up when the sound cuts out, nothing will happen (screen stays blank) for a few seconds. But as soon as it gets through this little phase, the phone works completely as normal.

    It's not just one app - it happens whether I'm listening to iTunes, Podcasts, Sound Machine or Audible. It happens with different headphone/speakers as well. The only common theme I notice is that it usually (but not always) happens within the first few minutes of listening to something. Also, I don't really know if this is happening continuously through the day when I'm not listening to audio - that's just the one time it becomes obvious since everything goes silent.

    I've rebooted the phone and done software updates. Any idea what's going on?

    submitted by /u/NahWiddy
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    iPhone X Touchscreen and Display issues

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 12:41 PM PDT


    I am not too sure if this is a current / known issue with the iPhone X touchscreen, it has started to happen to me more than once a day, whereas at first it was only ever now and then,

    When I am generally using the phone the touchscreen starts playing up, almost as if someone else is controlling it, it starts swiping, typing and doing its own thing, when I try to press something on the screen it either does nothing or starts going on its own little session of pressing everywhere possible,

    I have tried doing a factory reset, I have tried not using a screen protector, and also the only time this seems to fix the issue is by restarting the phone, which I have to soft reset as when it is having a moment it doesn't let me "swipe to shutdown".

    Is anyone else having this issue or does anyone know what could be the probable cause?

    // further to my note, the display issues is with regards to swiping up to unlock, some elements of the screen go really fuzzy for a minute or look really dull compared to others?

    submitted by /u/jamesj015
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    iCloud keychain

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 03:30 PM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I have a Mac and an iPhone. However, because I also have a windows pc and a windows work computer, I have decided to use Chrome on all devices. I do not use Safari at all. In addition, my passwords are all saved within Google's Smart Lock in my google account.

    With this said, is there any point in enabling iCloud Keychain in my MacBook and iPhone?

    I wouldn't want a password (that could get updated) to be saved out of date in iCloud, if this can even be a possibility.

    From my understanding, on iPhone it'll save my app logins, but on Mac it won't really save anything since I don't use safari?

    I know that enabling and disabling iCloud Keychain on Mac can cause problems, so before I re-enable it I want to make sure I understand how it works.

    Any help will be appreciated!

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/retailacc
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    Iphone 8 New Out the Box *have some questions*

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 07:13 PM PDT

    Okay I just got a new iphone 8 and it's at 44% right now, I won't be using it till thursday/friday so should I leave it as it is, (turned on) or should I shut it down until my case comes in ?

    submitted by /u/beerusarus
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    Success recovering a stolen laptop?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 06:15 PM PDT

    My friend's laptop was stolen this afternoon. He's got iCloud on it, put it in lost mode and remotely locked it. The location isn't on iCloud since it's offline. He also filed a report with the local police. Has anybody had success recovering theirs? Is there anything else we can do?

    submitted by /u/tristanbriggs
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    Is there a way to delete from iCloud without deleting from devices?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 09:29 AM PDT

    Hey, So I currently have a 64gb iPhone 6. My iCloud space is the standard 5gb and it's almost full because of how many photos I have. Whenever I delete a photo from my iCloud it deletes from my phone.

    I don't want to disable my photos being stored in the iCloud, but is there any way to 'separate' them so photos deleted from iCloud will remain on my device? Ex. Photos of vacations and stuff would stay on the cloud, but goofy selfies are fine just being on my phone and not taking up space.

    (I know one of my family members has her device set up so she has a Camera Roll and a Photo Stream for iCloud and she can delete a photo from one without affecting the other, I'm thinking of something like that - and I have tried enabling Photo Stream but that did nothing).

    TLDR: my phone has way more storage space than my iCloud. I want some photos stored on iCloud but deleting from iCloud deletes from my phone, how do I fix this?

    submitted by /u/Crowgirl626EV
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    My iPhone X is having a lot of problems.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 04:48 PM PDT

    Most apps do not load, the update thingy is stuck on "checking for update". Safari works fine so I know it's not the internet. No app will download and just gets stuck on a tiny sliver of the download circle, but the AppStore loads perfectly fine.

    submitted by /u/PyroTracer
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    reddit comments are greyed out when I click on a post

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 12:14 PM PDT


    I just bought a 2018 MacBook Pro and this is what it look like when I click on a post. is this because I have Adblock installed? when I refresh the page it shows comments again.

    submitted by /u/4LokoInACobraClutch
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    [Macbook] Can't erase disk on Disk Utilities

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 03:30 PM PDT

    I'm trying to format the computer but can't seem to do so. The button "Erase" on Disk Utilities is greyed out.

    I'm running Sierra on a Macbook Pro 13'' (4GB) from early 2011. The computer has only been reset 1 time and it was done by the official Apple support. I don't think the computer came with any MacOS disks by the way. I've tried to restart on recovery mode, but the button is still greyed out on the utility disk menu. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/HeWhoHatesPuns
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    2010 Mac Pro no longer connects to Bluetooth devices.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 08:49 AM PDT

    So I've been using a Magic Trackpad with my Mac Pro for 8 years now with no difficulties. However about 2 months ago I was noticing some latency from the Trackpad. I figured it was due to heavy processing/rendering going on in the background since it was inconsistent.

    This morning I went to hop on my computer and the Trackpad wasn't connected. I tried several time to reconnect using the "discoverable" function on the trackpad with no luck. I tested the trackpad out on two other laptops; it works fine. So clearly the issue is with my Bluetooth hardware on this specific computer.

    Has anyone got any solutions? I don't have a wired mouse and don't think I can get my hands on one.


    **It turns out, having a certain USB thumb drive in a PCI usb card in a particular slot seemed to interfere with the Bluetooth connection... Can't say I've ever encountered this before. I plugged the drive into a different port - no issues.

    submitted by /u/szlafarski
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    Is it possible to bend back an Ipad 5th generation?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 01:58 PM PDT

    My Ipad A1823 got completely bent vertically in the middle (10-20 degrees) in the most unlikely way possible, between front and back seat when back seat was loose and the iPad was between them in a bag and then a sudden stop, but besides being that and a mostly broken screen it seems to work like normally so I wonder if it is an way to fix that or should I just get a new?

    submitted by /u/karlcool12
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    Cannot link apple ID to iMessage.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 01:54 PM PDT

    On my iphone when I go to messages the only thing linked is my phone number. Most people have their apple ID linked too. Every time I try to link it back it says 'Messages in iCloud is not available because iCloud and iMessage accounts are different.' The problem is that I dont think i've changed a single thing. I miss being able to facetime and use imessage on my macbook. Please help I feel like I have tried everything!

    submitted by /u/Smackbuns
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    iPhone hasn't finished updating in nearly 7 hours. Stops when nearly done and just stays.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 01:52 PM PDT

    I tried updating my iPhone 6S Plus last night. Today i woke up to the apple logo and loading bar. I've tried restarting where it leads me to the lock screen in white with no notifications or time. Just a white screen saver and a prompt to press the home button and update again. When I update it, it slowly updates until it pauses again with little loading bar left to go. I've tried this method multiple times. My phone is charging and it shouldn't be on low battery. Can anyone help me?!

    submitted by /u/OwglTheGreat
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    AirPods super quiet on Mac

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 06:17 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    So, I've been having a problem with my AirPods on my MacBook Pro. On my iPhone, they're perfectly good as they always have been, but when on my Mac, they're too quiet. They've always been a little quieter on my Mac, but that's not a big deal, I could turn up the volume a bit. But now they're SO quiet that I can't hear them. Here are a few weird things about it:

    1. They are playing. I can hear the tiny whine from the drivers when audio is playing that stops when I stop the audio, and at max volume, I can hear the very faintest hints of what I'm trying to hear.
    2. When the microphone is on, they work exactly as expected. I.e. normal volume, but the lower audio quality.
    3. No issues pairing them or using the tap controls or anything.
    4. I've tried a bunch of different things to try to fix it, including repairing them. Nothing has worked.

    If anyone else has had this problem or has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/Shitragecomics
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    MacBook Pro 15" /w Touch Bar (2016) purple spots on dark colours & other minor damage

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 01:34 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    So a couple of months ago someone accidentally drove over my backpack containing my MacBook Po 15" /w Touch Bar (2016). I'm very lucky because there is very little damage considering what happened:

    • Purple spots on dark colours, mostly black and dark grey.
    • Lid not evenly closed
    • MacBook slightly wobbly, one side is slightly tilted from the surface

    I have also a couple of pictures of the damage. For the most part I don't notice the purple spots until I start watching movies. I also don't really notice the wobble when when my hands are resting for a longer period of time, only noticeable when I lift my hand and put it back on my MacBook.

    As for the screen, how severe is this damage? What would probably have to be repaired? My warranty has already ended, it was my first Apple product and I wasn't aware of the benefits of Apple Care. What costs can I expect to fix my screen, my lid and the "wobbliness"?

    submitted by /u/-skyreem
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    Airplay 2 not functioning!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    I have iPhone X, iPad Air, HomePod and Apple TV 4K.

    For some reason I do not get the option of enabling airplay two, anyone have any ideas?

    I have checked the iPhone and iPad works on airplay 2 in other locations so my guess would be its either the HomePod or the atv?

    submitted by /u/polit93
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    MacBook Pro 2015 - screen black but has power

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 08:43 AM PDT

    Last night I accidentally dropped my MacBook on the floor from approximately 1 meter. Today when I tried starting the computer, I had power in the keyboard, there was a startup sound and the brightness was still adjustable (more light black on max brightness). Is there anything I can do about it myself or is it a hardware issue? I've tried cmd alt p r. It did nothing.

    submitted by /u/ponneee
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    Dying/Fading screen issue

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 08:43 AM PDT

    Hello folks,

    This happened some minutes ago: link.

    Its a Macbook Air mid-2013 (bought 2014) , running 10.13.6. I'm afraid it is just the motherboard being old and dying of natural causes, but I'm trying to run the diagnostic tool and see what is going on (not sure if the diagnose tool will create an output document which I can consult, but I'll report any additional info once I finish doing a general backup in case the screen decides to die completely).

    If anyone has any ideas, i would greatly appreciate it.

    Edit: As it came, it has just gone away. The side of the screen that was acting weirdly started fading back (it took around 20 minutes). I'm sure there is something wrong, so I'm still trying to figure it out and will report what the diagnostic tool says.

    submitted by /u/JohannesEmmanuelis
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    After updating itunes to 12.8 version on windows store, all my backups disappeared and itunes says “you never backuped your device on the PC”. is there any way to get my backups back?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 12:20 PM PDT

    Macbook Pro 2016 weird trackpad/spacebar noise

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 12:18 PM PDT

    When I tap the bottom half of my keyboard (trackpad included) I can hear a weird "loose spring" type of sound. It's very annoying... it happens when I listen to loud music as well. Any ideas? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Rachspininoff
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    Why does rEFInd have to be reinstalled after every High Sierra update?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 07:31 AM PDT

    Every time I update my Mac OS, the boot manager (rEFInd) disappears therefore I cannot access my Ubuntu partition. I always have to reinstall rEFInd for it to work again. Can somebody explain?

    submitted by /u/ihatefactorywork
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    Un-able to Re-download purchased music on iPhone

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 05:02 AM PDT

    I've accidentally deleted a album I purchased via the music store and now I'm un-able to re-download the music.

    When I go to the album In the store it shows I've purchased it but does not give me the option to download it and when I go to the purchased tab scroll down to the artist that particular album is not displayed their only other music from them I've purchased. and it sure how to fix this

    submitted by /u/TokerLogic
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    Help! How do I find Lost AirPod Case without AirPods in it?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2018 10:49 AM PDT

    I was listening to my AirPods walking home last night and the case fell out of my purse. Any ideas on how to find just the case?? The AirPods show as at home on find my iPhone.

    submitted by /u/Koeneksk
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