• Breaking News

    Monday, January 29, 2018

    Apple Macbook Does anyone else miss the battery time remaining indicator in the battery tab?

    Apple Macbook Does anyone else miss the battery time remaining indicator in the battery tab?

    Does anyone else miss the battery time remaining indicator in the battery tab?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2018 07:38 AM PST

    I understand it's still visible in Activity Monitor, but quickly viewing how much time I had remaining was so helpful to me, just to monitor what apps could be using the most energy and how much brightness affected battery life. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/heffnog
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    TouchID to unlock and admin account

    Posted: 28 Jan 2018 10:24 AM PST

    I received my new MBP 2017 a couple days ago and it's been fantastic. Just have two questions.

    1. I noticed when booting up the computer from shut down, I cannot use Touch ID to unlock, whereas if I were to sleep then turn it on, I can. Is this just a design feature or a setting I have to switch somewhere?

    2. I don't know what I did but my computer currently has no admin account. I'm the only user and it says "standard". I did google some solutions but certain people have said the solutions do not work so I'm afraid to do anything that will mess up my computer even further. Any suggestions?


    submitted by /u/fldm
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    Aftermath of water spill, early 2015 MacBook Pro.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2018 07:02 AM PST

    This post is not to be confused with Reddit user's "ryanbigbooty's" post about him spilling water on his MacBook. Separate situation, both 2015 MacBook Pros.

    On Friday night I was on FaceTime with a friend talking and just hanging out. Stupid me, I put a water bottle right next to my MacBook and left it open. Got up to go reach something, knocked over half the water bottle smack onto my keyboard. I immediately panicked so I picked up the laptop, turned it upside down so minimal liquid would seep into it, got a ton of paper towel and held it upside down while pushing in the keys hard to make sure I got out all the water I can from under the keys. After doing what was in my ability, I closed the MacBook Pro lid, and kept it upside down to prevent gravity from taking any water deep inside my Mac. Kept it off from about Friday night to now, Sunday morning. Turned it on, everything seems to be ok however I'm not sure. The first thing I'm doing on this machine is posting to reddit about my experience and how my laptop is working (at least I think so for the most part.) If anything changes however I will be adding an update to this post below. I think I can owe all my luck to the small cover that's between the keyboard and the actual internals which can be shown here. If it wasn't for that my laptop would be super dead right now.

    Discussion in the comments is appreciated. Thank you! :)

    submitted by /u/graviiity
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    Brand New MacBook Pro is delivering extremely subpar battery life...what do I do?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2018 04:26 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I just purchased a 2017 15 inch MacBook Pro a few days ago, and have been loving it. However, I've found that the battery life stacks up to nowhere near Apple's estimates. Apple claims 10 hours of battery life, yet according to Activity Monitor, I only have 5-6 hours remaining after charging it to 100%! Also, I had my computer on sleep at around 80% for roughly 12 hours, I turn it on and its at 63%. Not bad at all, but Activity Monitor tells me I only have two hours left at 63%! I'm not massively taxing my system - I have display brightness at around 60-70% and just running basic stuff like Safari, iMessage, Skype. I even have Power Nap enabled! What on earth do I do to fix this issue?

    submitted by /u/DebilitatingNoruz
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