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    Thursday, January 18, 2018

    Apple Help iPhone X Silicon Case vs Leather Case

    Apple Help iPhone X Silicon Case vs Leather Case

    iPhone X Silicon Case vs Leather Case

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:40 PM PST

    I'm deciding between a silicon case and a leather case for my iPhone X. Here are the current points that I've found:

    Silicon: gets stuck in pocket, easier to wash, less slippery, peels easily

    Leather: doesn't get stuck in pocket, leaves wet marks, more slippery, lasts longer

    They both have moderate protection if you drop the phone.

    What do you guys think? Currently, I'm leaning towards the leather case, but I would appreciate any advice and point of views. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/deaconjones1
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    I can only send SMS to my contacts on my macbook air even if they are also apple users and SMS doesn't even send.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:55 PM PST

    Please tell me how to fix it. It's been like this for two days now

    submitted by /u/motherofpigs96
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    iCloud Music Library matches some songs, uploads others. Is there any way I can specify which I want instead of leaving it to chance?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:28 PM PST

    I have a pretty large Beatles collection, with mono and stereo versions of their US and UK albums. I discovered recently that a few of the mono tracks (example: "Twist and Shout" on Please Please Me) were matched with the stereo version, while other tracks (like "I Saw Her Standing There") were uploaded in mono. Downloading, deleting, and re-importing the matched tracks as mono tracks only re-matches them, rather than uploading them. Is there any way I can fix this?

    submitted by /u/casterwolfchrista
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    Previously downloaded songs now no longer able to download?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:14 PM PST

    I bought this song a while ago, and since I have bought it I have deleted the songs off my iPhone hone, and gotten a new iPhone. I want to download the song again, but this appears. I can't re-download it or pay for it again. The song is no longer in my Purchased, along with all of the other songs I have previously purchased. Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/thrasonical
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    Cannot “Family Share” with my child anymore.. Devices not showing up.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:24 PM PST

    Hello everyone, hoping I can get some insight as to what the issue is here. I'm so lost and confused.

    So my iPhone (8 Plus) only shows 2 devices when viewing my iCloud info in settings: My current phone, and my iPad. Daughter's phone (8) shows her current phone, her iPad, and my iPad. However, if I click on "family sharing" on my phone, it shows her as a family member. Same with her phone, it shows me as the organizer.. However, I can't get them to merge? There's no way for me to view her on find my iPhone, and vice versa. I only realized this today, when trying to utilize Find My iPhone, I don't know how long it's been going on for. I've tried logging out of both of our ID's, I tried sending her another invite (when I do, it shows her phone number, and once I successfully accepted it from her phone, our phones still weren't showing up under devices, but still show in Family Sharing). How can I fix this? I exchanged a phone (and changed numbers) I got her a couple of months ago, and I'm wondering if something got screwed up because of that? She's still using the same Apple ID though, so I don't get it..

    submitted by /u/well-jel
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    Terminal -bash: diskutil: command not found

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:55 PM PST

    Trying to follow the instructions here to get a new external HD formatted that threw an error when I tried using Disk Utility:


    I'm not able to use the terminal command though because it says "command not found" so I've got to get this sorted before I can move on to the drive formatting.

    Here's what's showing in my terminal window:

    https://ibb.co/nzmCpG (screen cap)

    Last login: Thu Jan 18 22:44:18 on ttys000 -bash: export: `2016': not a valid identifier -bash: export: `Clone/Applications/B1FreeArchiver.app/Contents/MacOS:/Applications/B1FreeArchiver.app/Contents/MacOS:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin': not a valid identifier Dantes-iMac:~ NuMystic$ diskutil list -bash: diskutil: command not found Dantes-iMac:~ NuMystic$ 
    submitted by /u/NuMystic
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    How to update os and programs without iCloud?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:11 PM PST

    I'm new to MacOS - this is actually my first apple product - and I do not want to use an iCloud account. I have a bunch of cloud accounts already, and I don't want to use another one.

    That said, leaving stuff unupdated is a security problem. How can I get everything up to date without using an iCloud account?

    submitted by /u/mrandr01d
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    Extension (kext) works fine when loaded with kextload, but is not automatically loading at login?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:09 PM PST

    I'm trying to get my AX88179 USB 3.0 to GigE adapter working with macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 and although it loads fine with:

    sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/AX88179_178A.kext

    It does not load on system reboot/restart, so I need to run that command in the terminal every time I login. It would be great if I could get it to run at boot so that the adapter is available without logging in. Any ideas as to what might be the problem and fix?

    submitted by /u/35005
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    2011 iMac Video Card Dies Again!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:50 PM PST

    This is a mid-2011 27" iMac i7 w 32GB RAM, TB Hard Disk. I know it sounds old, but it works great like 90% of the time.

    About two years ago, January, while doing some basic web browsing on a 2011 iMac, the screen became distorted and computer was non-responsive. The computer was able to reboot but then after a few minutes the same thing happened and then it just would not complete the boot anymore.

    Doing a quick web search revealed that this was a know issue with "some" (all) AMD Radeon HD 6970M cards. Apple had issued a recall but I had missed it by a month. Why a defective item from the factory has a limited recall is another story altogether.

    I took the iMac to Apple. It was $600 to replace a faulty video card which miraculously they agreed to do for $300. So only $300 for a 5 year old graphics card.

    Last night while doing some basic web browsing, the computer shutdown and when trying to boot there where thick green vertical lines at the boot screen with the Apple Logo. Sometimes the computer will boot to the login screen and then shut down after a few minutes but mostly it just reboots or freezes mid-boot.

    From searching on the web some more, it appears that the GPU gets loose from the Radeon board. People have been putting the cards in ovens at 400º for 8 minutes to melt the glue and let the GPU seal back to the card. I've replaced hard drives on this thing which isn't fun. To get to the video card, you would have to take apart the whole thing and then bake the video card and you need to scrape off all the glue and heat sealant and whatever else is on it. Then to test that the baking worked, you need to put the whole thing back together. That's a bit too much for me.

    Here's the question though. Did Apple charge me $300 and others $600 to replace the AMD Radeon graphics card with another faulty AMD Radeon graphics card? If not, the new and improved version mysteriously has the exact same issue as the original faulty one.

    On top of that, for $600, Apple keeps the "faulty" loose graphics cards and repairs them or sends them to AMD for an easy fix with some fresh glue so that Apple can then sell them to suckers like me for $600.

    What do you guys think? Call Apple Support? Apple Headquarters? Take it to an Apple Store and deal with it there? Is there an extended recall I missed?

    submitted by /u/TheGuyBehindTheGuy_
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    Early 2013 rMBP Repair/Replacement Advice

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:04 PM PST

    tl;DR - repair 2013 rMBP or take offer of $750 off new tbMBP?

    I've seen many threads about 2012/2013 users receiving replacement units for the price of a battery replacement but that seems to have ended (https://www.macrumors.com/2017/07/24/mid-2012-macbook-pro-top-case-battery-constraint). I'm still trying to get my machine repaired at the end of my AppleCare coverage and wondering if anyone has any advice...

    I bought an early-2013 15" Retina MacBook Pro (256GB SDD, 8GB ram, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, 2.4GHz i7) in the holidays of 2013... But, I've had a persistent video issue for years despite Apple replacing my logic board in 2015 (for free, under AppleCare). During start-up, the display shows static (https://youtu.be/PVztUPNjeHI - not my video, but looks just like this) as well as artifacts on the screen when doing CPU intensive work (Premiere CC, Lightroom CC)...

    Beginning in early December '17, I've been working with Apple Support to try and get my machine repaired. I explained my issues and was also offered a free battery replacement (https://www.macrumors.com/2017/10/13/apple-free-battery-repair-memo) but was told that the repair depot didn't have the parts available to repair the video issues or battery. I've already waited 30+ days to see if the parts came in but no luck so they've offered me two options - continue to wait and they'll repair the machine for free when it's back in stock (no ETA), or get $750 off a like-for-like 2017 tbMBP. The Apple support rep told me that this offer did not include the tbMBP models... but because it's not possible to add a dedicated graphics card to that model, I said it wouldn't be "like-for-like" so they're looking into making an exception... If they will, I'd wind up with $750 off the 15" tbMBP (256GB, 16GB RAM, Radeon Pro 555 2GB, 2.8 GHz i7)

    I'm curious if anyone else is in a similar situation or if anyone has any advice... Take the $750 off a new machine? Or hold out for the repair and upgrade to a new machine when they're next refreshed? Is my (dying) machine worth more than $750? Frustrating to spend $2000+ on a new machine that may be refreshed with spec bump later this year but don't know if I can wait...

    Seems like a lot of people were able to get a replacement 2017 machine for free or for the price of a new battery ($199) so I'm not sure what to do. Appreciate any advice! Thanks all

    submitted by /u/maxmilder
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    Efficient sharing of Documents between different Mac users

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:43 AM PST

    I originally wanted to create a serrate Mac Login specifically for using when creating music. The reason I did this was so that I would have no programs running on startup that would be unrelated to music production. I am using a late 2012 MacBook with macOS High Sierra. Since it's me using these logins, they are both Admin users. However I would like advice on how to most efficiently share files between users. For example if I am using Maschine(music instrument and MIDI controller) and save a self created kit or project, I would like it to show up regardless of which user is using the computer. Currently if I save it my music login, it is only accessible there. Would I simply use finder and specify that all of the music related folders would be shared?

    submitted by /u/ChromeGhost
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    Just brought an iPhone X and am having problems on setup...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:07 PM PST

    I keep getting to the step where it tells me to put in my Apple ID and password. once I do that it brings up the screen saying it may take a few moments to sign in. After a few min it brings up the screen that says "could not sign in there was an error connecting to iCloud." It won't let me move on from there. Does anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/NateLeport
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    iMac shutting itself off while asleep in OS X but not bootcamp windows 10

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:05 PM PST

    I have a 21.5 late 2015 retina iMac. it has a 3.1 GHz i5, 8 gig 1867 ddr3 with a 1TB fusion drive. Im running OS X 10.12.6

    Ever since I installed the newest security update about a week ago it has started shutting itself down while it is asleep. it does not do it after about 3 hrs (rough guess). It does not do it when I'm in windows 10 (bootcamp). so it has to be something with OS X not hardware. I have checked the power settings and there is no option for turning off while asleep. I am kinda new to Mac and have only had my iMac for about 3 months now. please be detailed with instructions if you can if you have any idea on a fix.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/bob-akins
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    Macbook Password "bug"

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:59 PM PST

    Okay so I'm not sure if this is a high sierra bug but I don't recall it happening on any of my old macs/ macOS' I like to use my mac without a password and I do so on my new 2017 Macbook pro 13" however on some of the authorisation pop ups (when installing or changing settings ETC) I hit the unlock button only to have the box shake as if I entered my password wrong. the way I get around this is by cancelling out of that text box, setting a password from my account on system preferences and then entering that new password in the original popup box. as a person who opens and closes his mac 100s of times a day I would rather not have a password but I think it may be the only option if this keeps happening. Also to make things more weird, sometimes I can install things without a password but it still doesn't let me change settings without a password.

    thanks for any help

    submitted by /u/Reece_Ord
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    Using a Thunderbolt recording interface and an external monitor with 2012 Macbook Pro?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:53 PM PST

    So, I'm using a mid 2012 Macbook Pro. I'd like to use my Apollo Twin recording interface (uses Thunderbolt) and an external monitor (LCD TV)..I'm overwhelmed by the amount of thunderbolt docks, adapters, usb to hdmi cables. What's the best way to do it? Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/jabberbox
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    LG Ultrafine 5K Display Ambient Light Sensor

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:29 AM PST

    Does the ambient light sensor work on this display? If not, are there any plans to support it?

    submitted by /u/sourlens
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    iCloud has me more and more confused and I want it to stop

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:57 AM PST


    Recently I bought an iPhone 8 and everything is going well except the iCloud Photo library. I can't for the life of me download all the photos to my iPhone.

    So here's my situation as clear as I can say it:

    • started to use iPhone

    • turned on iCloud Photos Library

    • 3.4 GB of photos and videos that I shot got uploaded to iCloud

    • switched a few iPhones around (tried the 7 Plus), took some more photos that backed up in iCloud

    • 3.4 GB of photos and videos that I shot (with different phones) got uploaded to iCloud

    • backed up my phone, did some other stuff and filled to the edge the 5 GB of iCloud storage

    • now I want to download all my photos and videos to my iPhone 8 because I have plenty of space on the device and I want to use iCloud for documents, notes and emails, not for photos.

    How can I force it to download the photos on my iPhone. I would prefer it to be on my iPhone instead of my Mac because I don't have enough space on the Mac (ironically).

    Currently I have iCloud Photo Library deactivated because I am not able to turn it on (unless I upgrade my plan which I don't want to do).

    Thank you in advance and I hope I get to the bottom of it.

    submitted by /u/LoveThemPizzas
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    Command line glitch

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:28 PM PST

    So I'm working on a MacBook Pro a1278. Upon booting into command line by holding command and S the screen glitches out and has a white circle with a line going through it. I suspected the HD was dying because the is couldn't boot and shows the same crossed circle. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/solidwood123
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    Not getting Instagram notifications after settings reset

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:56 AM PST

    Hey, I reset my iPhone 6s' settings about a month ago, and I realized that I'm no longer getting push notifications for Instagram. Inside the app, I have notifications enabled.

    When I look through my Settings > Notifications, Instagram doesn't appear on the list so I can't enable them.

    Any solutions? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/iceycycle
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    Will getting a new iPhone 6S battery solve an electric hardware problem my phone has?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:29 PM PST

    So my phone has this issue that it won't boot, or gets stuck in a boot loop, if my phone is too cold when I turn it on. It's been doing this ever since I upgraded to iOS 10 and still does it on iOS 11. It might be a dumb question, but if I have Apple replace the battery is there a chance that it will fix this issue? Or is it almost certainly a different hardware/software issue?

    submitted by /u/TravelerHD
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    Help needed with iTunes!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:15 AM PST

    Whenever i drag music on my pc to an playlist in iTunes it shows that it has been added to that playlist, but when i look over too my phone its not in there, it is downloaded onto my phone though.

    i've deleted all my music and playlist and then tried it again, but nothing.

    I have an iPhone 5S, everything is up-to-date.

    Anny help is welcome!

    submitted by /u/wesi648
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    Itunes tv show not downloading/playing

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:18 PM PST

    I cant play GoT s4 on itunes not sure why but the cloud button next to the thumbnail and info about the episodes doesnt work, i cant seem to play it, would post a image of it but the subreddit doesnt allow image posts, if you want the image of the layout and stuff and think it will help ill send a link. its really anoying that i cant play it if you know a solve please share it, if you need more info to try and figure out the problem just say so. Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Rufal04
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    Cannot connect to itunes store inapp purchase

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:17 AM PST

    I have an iphone 5s on ios 10.3.3. I'm trying to make an inapp purchase for one app that i need. When i press purchase I get an error message saying: error cannot connect to the itunes store. When i start this app it says that the developer has to update the app to work with ios 11 but I'm on ios 10.3.3 now I only get this error with this app, i can still make inapp purchase for all the other apps, i can connect to the iTunes Store and the AppStore with no problems. I don't understand why i can't make this purchase. Is there a way to solve the problem?

    submitted by /u/eoriat
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    iPhone 7 Plus screw up after ios11.2

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:30 AM PST

    Since upgrade to ios11.2, my iPhone no longer able to make voice call ( I can't hear and recipient can't hear the voice too). Siri no longer working, voice memo won't record and voice message(whatsapp) can't record either. While taking photo, the shuttle sound delay so much and out of sync.

    Please help! Upgrade to 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 didn't make any better.

    submitted by /u/fkinwah
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    MagSafe port Sparking?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:09 PM PST

    Hello :) MacBook Pro 2012 15" here. My MagSafe port occasionally sparks when I try to plug in the charger. It's not a big issue, it hasn't happened for a couple months but it happened yesterday and I'm just ever so slightly worried. Does this mean anything will happen to my MacBook? Should I purchase a replacement connector and install it? Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/luigitwo
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