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    Saturday, January 20, 2018

    Apple Help Iphone 7 says incorrect password to my house WiFi!

    Apple Help Iphone 7 says incorrect password to my house WiFi!

    Iphone 7 says incorrect password to my house WiFi!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 05:19 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I need help because this is starting to really infuriate me, I have a iPhone 7 for a year now and it has always worked great, however for the past month it's had this extremely annoying bug that when I try to connect to my own WiFi network it's says incorrect password even though it's correct, This has been going on for about a month, for a month I haven't had WiFi in my house on my iPhone, it works on my iPad, my MacBook other cellphones and PC's but for some reason the same password is incorrect for my iPhone, I have tried turning it off and on, disconnecting and reconnecting the router & modem, turning off the proxy thing, resetting network settings... I downloaded the latest update (hoping it would fix it)... my phone connects to my office's WiFi but not my own Please, it's been a month, Any help or advice before I throw my fucking phone out the window!

    submitted by /u/Blubearz
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    Apple MacBook Pro expanding battery

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 05:43 PM PST

    My MacBook Pro Mid 2010 battery has recently expanded. I opened it up today as the bottom cover was getting pushed up to discover that the battery has expanded dramaticly. It has pushed the track pad up braking it and has also broken parts around it. I also had to rip the bottom shell off as there was too much pressure to unscrew half of the screws.

    Whats the go with this? Is it a common issue after years of use?

    submitted by /u/Kildare-Rise
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    Do large libraries take a long time to load on iPhone iOS Remote app? (11k songs), also I get an error message saying 'could not connect to your itunes library, check your network settings'. I can't be the first person to have this problem

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 04:15 PM PST

    I guess the taking a long time to load thing isn't the issue, now that I finally saw that error message. I've had this problem with multiple reinstallations of Boot Camp Windows 10 on Macbook Pro and on different iphones on different iOS versions (9/10/11) with the same iPhone backup

    submitted by /u/tupeloms
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    How to lock Apple Watch from inside an app?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 06:16 PM PST

    AW series 2, WatchOS 4.2.

    I have a very simple use case. I want to lock my AW while in the Strava app so I don't accidentally hit stop, yet I still want to be able to occasionally glance down at my heart rate. Searching around it seems you used to be able to use control center from in apps and activate the water lock, but in WatchOS 4 this doesn't seem to be the case. Is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/eloc49
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    Cannot Regain Access to Apple ID

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 09:35 PM PST

    Hi all,

    If this isn't the correct place to ask, I apologize. Please direct me to the proper sub and I'll ask there. I've been on the phone with Apple support for 3 hours and I'm beyond frustrated and defeated. This will be a long read but if you can stick through it and offer any information, I'd be incredibly grateful. Anyway, on to the crux of the matter.

    PART I: Fraudulent Charges

    So, my story begins this evening with me looking through an old email account. Let's call it, old_email@gmail.com. By absolute chance, I notice a few messages with the subject "Your purchases from Apple." This is odd because I haven't used the Apple ID associated with this email in years and I don't think any billing information is stored on it. Regardless, it wasn't comforting to see this in the body for all three messages:

    iTunes Store TYPE PURCHASED FROM PRICE iTunes Gift for 105551@163.com iTunes Gift for 105551@163.com Gift Certificate iPhone $25.00 Subtotal $25.00 Tax $0.00 TOTAL $25.00

    In total, $75.00 in gift cards were purchased and sent to a Chinese email address.

    From here, I attempt to log into my Apple ID, which matches the email address, and I see that the password has been changed. No surprise there, I suppose. Next, I go through the self-service reset options.

    For those who aren't aware, you have two options here. 1. Send a recovery email or 2. Answer security questions. I try to start with #1 and stop once I see the obfuscated recovery email address begins with a letter that doesn't match any email address in my possession. Spoilers for later on, the page was displaying the incorrect information and had I selected that and attempted to proceed, everything might have gone differently.

    So, since I assumed the primary email address was changed (not 100% sure if it's even possible to have a primary email not match the Apple ID?), I attempted the security questions. I'll just pause here and say this: review your security questions while you still have access to your account. Especially if it's an older account without any multi-factor authentication. If by some stroke of unholy luck you're dependent on knowing these answers, and you don't, Apple cannot help. This is where I'm at now but more on that later. TLDR; I didn't know the answers to the questions I set many years ago and decided to chat with Apple Support.

    PART II: Apple Support Chat

    At this point I assume my old Apple ID has been compromised. I fire up a chat with Apple Support and hope to regain access to this account. I mostly want to see the billing information. I reviewed all credit card statements, bank accounts, PayPal accounts, etc., and I cannot find these $25 charges. Anyway, the technician was only able to lock the account and forward me to Apple Account Security Team.

    PART III: Apple Security Team - Tier 1 Support

    Next, I call support using the number provided to me by the chat assistant. The person I'm put in touch with is very kind. In fact, everyone was kind tonight. The technician reviews my case notes from the previous chat I and I explain the situation again.

    At first, he isn't certain the email receipts are legit due to the formatting. I'm guessing this was just Safari being funky. I reviewed the headers for these emails and everything is legit. The technician and I were on hold for about an hour and a half waiting for an associate in iTunes to confirm the charges were real. The technician had a Bomgar session active while we waited so he poked around attempting to determine their legitimacy. TLDR again; the charges were real. Tier 1 can't confirm my identity because I can't answer the security questions. I get forwarded to an Apple iOS Senior Advisor.

    PART IV: Apple Security Team - Senior Technician

    This part is mostly a repeat of parts 1 through 3. I'm nearing 2+ hours at this point and I'm honestly pretty fatigued. Anyway, the senior tech has me go through the self-service reset once again. If you remember my ramblings from the first part of this story, the first letter of the obfuscated email didn't match any address of mine. This guy says that's OK and to try anyway. Sure enough, the email changes on the next screen and it matches and I'm able to proceed. Holy moly it feels like it's progress time. I reset my password and attempt to log in. I'm prompted with security questions once again.

    I suppose this is the whole point of the story: I don't know the answers so I can't proceed with the self-service reset. The senior technician can't proceed unless I'm able to answer a single question. We try multiple times and I just cannot remember any answer. He apologizes for the inconvenience, provides his contact email, and asks that I contact him should I remember any of the answers.

    I realize this probably sounds fishy to anyone who hasn't abandoned reading this yet. Please know there were only three questions and the topics revolved around favorite children's books, favorite elementary school teacher, and first album ever purchased. Years ago when I set these questions, the answers were probably much more obvious. Years later, not so much. And that's assuming I didn't have spelling errors in the answers. I was younger when this Apple ID was created so I wouldn't put it past younger me. I'm guessing by now this post is littered with obvious spelling and grammar mistakes so perhaps that gives my claim a bit of credibility.

    Part V: Conclusion

    I still do not have access to my old account. I am essentially barred from the account until I can recall the answers to those security questions. The senior tech says there is no one else he can elevate this service request to. There is no other way for them to confirm my identity. I still do not know what billing information is on the compromised Apple ID and there's no way for me to find out. Per Apple Support, I am out of options.

    In closing, if anyone actually reads this, thank you. Even if you don't provide feedback, that's OK. Maybe my story will encourage you to make sure all your account details are in order. I apologize if this is the wrong sub, for any spelling errors, and most of all, the walls of text. I think I'll downvote myself.

    To provide extra details I'm sure no one cares about, this was meant to be movie night with the wife. I bought the 4K HDR version of IT and we were super excited to have a kiddo-free night of homicidal clown antics. Ah well, I don't blame Apple Support for any of this I just wish I had more options to reclaim my account. I hope you're having a better Saturday (oh no, it's Sunday now) than me!

    submitted by /u/hot_in_these_rhinos
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    First time iPhone user, need help.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 12:20 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm a Samsung guy but my aunt just recently upgraded her iPhone and she asked me for some help. What is the best/easiest way to transfer all the info from a iPhone 4 to a iPhone 8? This includes contacts, pictures, apps etc.

    Also what are some things I should do to her iPhone 8 to optimize it? What are some must have apps? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/f1rst_t1mer
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    Should I Buy the MacBook 12-inch or the iPad Pro 10.5?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 09:01 PM PST

    I'm looking to buy either, just for general use. Just the base model of each, although I'm getting cellular for the iPad if I get that one.

    Also for the iPad, I'm planning to buy it with the Smart Keyboard and Apple Pencil.

    So, which should I buy?

    submitted by /u/minteamocha
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    Touch screen not working.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 08:59 PM PST

    After my ipad mini 4 got temperature high alert, the screen are now unable to respond to any touch, but the screen is still working normally. I need help... haha Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Inzangy
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    I can't convert some heic files to jpg/png

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 05:11 PM PST

    Hello everyone! I have some issues in converting some heic files into jpg/png. I tried to convert around 400 images we took when on a vacation and almost a hundred of them failed. Any converter I use would say that the files cannot be found. The images were taken with iPhone 7+, unfortunately, even sending them through email (since the owner of the phone away) is a fail. :(

    I use Windows laptop to convert them. Applications and online converters, it's no use. Also, I tried sending the photos to a 4s, but it would not view heic files? Does it make a difference if I use a Macbook instead? If anyone have any solution or suggestions, please do share. I'll try doing it. Thank you sooo much!! :)

    submitted by /u/supernatural093
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    Turned off iCloud on my Macbook, everything is gone.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 08:26 PM PST

    I'm not too good with mac, I grew up with windows. But I have a macbook pro and for some reason, iCloud was turned on even though I don't use it. So I turned it off and clicked the option to download everything and turn iCloud off.

    For some reason, it deleted everything on my desktop and in my folders, even stuff that wasn't in the cloud, like desktop screenshots are now gone.

    Any idea what I did and how to fix it, or avoid it next time?

    Edit: When I go to the "files" app on my phone, everything is there. But not on my laptop

    submitted by /u/xavier_laflamme70
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    I want to buy a new laptop but I don’t like any of apple’s current designs

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 08:15 PM PST

    I have a 2013 MBP 15" and want to buy one if the new ones because I don't like their designs. Partially I don't like the touch bar.

    Is anyone else on the same page as me?

    submitted by /u/Srz2
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    Odd MBP 15" 2016 external keyboard issue, can't press certain keys simultaneously

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 08:00 PM PST

    I frequently have to type the world "DES" for work and it was frequently coming up as "DS" in my work documents. I thought I was going insane, but then discovered it was actually a keyboard bug. I assumed my wired Apple keyboard was broken, but then I bought a new external keyboard from a different company and it does the same thing. The actual MBP laptop does NOT do this.

    Here's the problem:

    I cannot press an upper case letter from the Q row at the same time as the letter immediately below it on the keyboard. For example, if I hold shift, and then press "E" and then continue holding both shift and "E" and try to type "D", nothing will happen. The D is simply not recognized. The same goes for other similar combinations like Q/A, W/S, E/D, R/F, T/G, etc., including the symbols at the end like P/: and {/".

    The same thing does NOT happen with lower case letter. I can type "de" without letting go of the d first. Also, I can type other rows of letters similarly (specifically while holding shift, since that's the issue with the Q and A row) without any problems.

    I am generally good at troubleshooting computer issues, but for the life of me I cannot come up with even the slightest idea of what could be causing this problem. I was shocked when the replacement keyboard had the same issue since I was so sure it was a hardware problem. If it was a software issue, I was sure the actual MBP laptop would have had the issue as well, but it doesn't. The actual laptop keyboard works perfectly fine.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/danboston
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    Boot loop iPhone 7

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 07:55 PM PST

    Hey reddit, my phone keeps on getting stuck in a boot loop and cant get it into recovery mode. I'm on ios 11 and when I try to restore i get error 4013. Please help.

    submitted by /u/mugxly
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    Resilient MacBook Pro virus that seems to stick around even after system restore

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 07:46 PM PST

    So I recently realized my MacBook Pro most likely had a Trojan that was sending out data to a remote source (from console) and moving my cursor around by itself despite me having turned off all connectivity options (Wi-Fi , BT, remote sharing, etc). So I decided to do full restore by erasing entire SSD drive and restoring OS (high sierra) but it seems the symptoms are still there. Any ideas on how this could be? I ran bitdefender and malwarebytes (after the system restore) but all searches came up clean despite the obvious fact that the problems are still there. Has anybody ever come across this issue before and can shed some light on the issue?

    submitted by /u/-SWAGZILLA-
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    Unable to download anything from the App Store

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 12:10 PM PST

    On my iPhone SE (iOS 11.2.2), I am unable to download anything from the App Store. It keeps telling me "sign-in required, enter the password for username@email.com". Even if I enter the right password, it asks for it again, and again.

    I tried resetting my phone and restore it, but it doesn't work. I also changed my password.

    Anyone knows what to do?

    submitted by /u/Oliver1307
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    Late 2011 MBP USB port issues

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 07:37 PM PST

    Hi, I currently have a late 2011 13" Macbook Pro and I'm having issues with the USB ports. So quite a while ago i had my phone plugged into one of the ports and dropped the computer from my bed to the floor. It just so happened to land right on the usb input. Immediately after, the notification saying that a USB port was using too much power and was therefore disabled came up. Since then, one of my USB ports will provide power yet not allow any data transfer (no devices are recognised) and the other seems completely dead. I've tried an SMC reset and NVRAM reset, both with no success. Is there any other fixes anyone can recommend? I imagine that because I dropped it, the issue is likely hardware - and in that case is fixing worth it? Cheers.

    submitted by /u/granny_angelo
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    Help resetting smc on desktop imac mid 2013

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 07:20 PM PST

    I've been having problems with my computer. Everytime I try to reset the smc my computer just won't turn on again. I'm using the only method available (to my knowledge) disconnecting the power for x seconds, connecting again, wait x seconds, push power button with no luck. I'm starting to think there's something wrong hardware wise. Is there other way to do this?? My main problem happens when I put it in sleep mode. Fans will turn on and off randomly for no reason, not at full power, but enough to make an annoying noise. Pleaaaase help. My warranty is long due, and the cost of fixing it here in Latin America is pretty absurd.

    Edit: I lied. My main concern is that after "resetting" the computer won't turn on again until some random time passes.

    submitted by /u/xHombrePie
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    Apple TV Remote Keyboard for iPhone opens iTunes remote instead.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 03:18 PM PST

    When I try to input text on my Apple TV 4 my iPhone buzzes and says I can input text using my iPhone's keyboard. I've used this before but it has stopped working. If I press the notification it opens iTunes remote instead of showing me the keyboard does anyone know what's going on?

    submitted by /u/KWAK3_
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    MacBook Pro Random Shutdowns

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 12:32 PM PST

    My Early 2015 13" MacBook Pro randomly shuts down. This started after I left it unattended while on vacation, when I got back the battery had drained and the issue began. I opened up the back and found that he fan never runs and the heat sink gets pretty hot before the shutdown. Installed HW Monitor and found some temps abnormally high at 129. Airport Proximity and Heatpipe Outgoing are at 129 C always.

    submitted by /u/GhostChaser15
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    Missing haptic feedback with tap to click - Macbook Pro 2017

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 12:03 PM PST

    Hello Everyone,

    I have a question regarding haptic feedback. When clicking the touchpad you'll get haptic feedback when pressed a certain level (not forcetouched).

    I've enabled tap to click, but i'm not getting haptic feedback.

    If this is intentional, is there a way to get haptic feedback when tapping the touchpad?

    submitted by /u/DianaVince
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    Is it possible to install SF Compact Rounded on macOS?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 02:06 PM PST

    I know Apple offers the San Francisco fonts on their developer site however these packages do not include SF Compact Rounded which is used on watchOS.

    Is there any way I can install it using the system copy in? /System/Library/Fonts/ so that it is available in other applications like Sketch?

    submitted by /u/guise
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    MacBook Pro (Mid 2012) Sleep/Wake problem

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 01:58 PM PST


    So my laptop has been having this issue for a while now. Whenever I close the lid to put the mac to sleep, it enters this weird state where the screen is off but the fan stays running. If I dont notice this and put it in my backpack, the laptop starts getting warmer and the fan speeds up accordingly. When I open to turn it on, it doesn't wake it. The screen stays off and the fan stays on. No matter which keys I press, it won't wake up. The only way (that I have figured out) to get the laptop out of this state is to hold down the power button until it turns off an then turn on the laptop after that. I have no idea how to fix this issue. Any help would be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Real_Fake_something
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    Why are the icons of some subtitle files on macOS listed as executables and others as plain white files?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 04:53 PM PST

    Single Mini display port to multiple monitors?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 04:24 PM PST

    Hey gang! I have a MacBook air with a single mini display port. I currently have it hooked up to a benq monitor, using a display port adapter.

    I really need to use another monitor, but I'm obviously all out of display ports. Is there any way around this?

    Doesn't need to be a super high speed or high quality output, I just need the extra monitor for web based work.

    The cheaper the solution, the better! Many thanks all!

    submitted by /u/Acidmoxy
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    No System available at startup

    Posted: 20 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

    My MIL updated her MacBook Air and when it booted back up it had the flashing folder icon. From recovery mode I can select the disk to mount. Then it says select the system to use, but there are no options. I tried mounting the drive from terminal but I still end up with the same empty box.

    submitted by /u/ezpzlmnsqez
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