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    Friday, June 10, 2022

    iOS Gaming Heroe Emblems II is finally coming out!

    iOS Gaming Heroe Emblems II is finally coming out!

    Heroe Emblems II is finally coming out!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 04:44 AM PDT

    There is a release trailer, and it looks like it should be up for pre-order soon.

    submitted by /u/adeese
    [link] [comments]

    The Top 10 iOS Mobile Games of 2022. Mid Year Version (my research and predictions)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 05:07 AM PDT

    tl;dr 1 - I did a top 10 video on January 1st and while some of those predictions have gone great, I have researched so many more games since then. So this post covers new predictions and information about this new set of top 10 games. Some highlights are my insights on EA padding downloads to make Apex look better than it was and revealing "project destiny" at the end. Hope you guys enjoy the research that I did. And as always, I love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Here is the list: Diablo Immortal, Catalyst Black, Apex Legends, Once Human, Undecember, Rocket League Sideswipe, Odin: Valhalla Rising, King of Hunters, Star Wars: Hunters, and Clash Heroes (Extras: Project: Destiny, Evil Lands: Online Action RPG, and previous predictions) (I give my reasons for choosing each one, so if one of these confuses you, make sure to read the post before raging 😂)

    tl;dr 2 - I made all of this with game footage into a short HQ video here https://youtu.be/r85J4HUh7EA

    Update on the original video for those that care; it now has over 480k views in just over 5 months. I credit a lot of this success to Reddit and the feedback I have gotten from this community. So thank you! https://youtu.be/7-TakjaKy30

    But for those of you who rather read, here is the video script:

    The year is now halfway over and there are already well over 100,000 new mobile games ready to download. Most of these games are absolutely horrible, but some of them are quite amazing. Ten of which are definitely going to be the best mobile games of 2022.
    As usual, this video is not talking about the top charts of the Play Store or the App Store. Most of those games are trash and the ones that are not, have been around for years. My team and I have been researching serious mobile games for the last 10 years so let's give you our list of the top 10 mobile games for 2022.

    The first game on the list is Diablo Immortal. Now before you rage quit this video, I understand that the game is super pay-to-win because legendary gems are only available to paying players. And I am aware that in order to max out your character, you would need to spend around $110,000. It is ridiculous and I, like many of you, think Blizzard should be embarrassed by their monetization system; however, the same serious gamers that are railing about this are continuing to play it. The downloads are exploding and while some of those are casual gamers, serious gamers are continuing on for one main reason. Diablo Immortal is first a PVE game based on a sense of progression and second a PVP game based on skill and competition. PVP does become very important as you become advanced so I have a feeling it will have a very high dropoff rate among serious gamers, but right now it is exploding even among serious gamers. Perhaps this is because they think that Blizzard will make changes upon their request. I have heard several gamers say something to this effect, but regardless of the outrage, the game continues to set records and continues getting lots of coverage and playtime among serious gamers. This is because the PVE progression part of the game is very well done and still alot of fun even for f2p players.

    The second game is Catalyst Black. Formerly known as Project Spellfire, I think this game could create a whole new genre for gaming. The company working on it, Super Evil Megacorp, is the creator of Vainglory which was/is a very successful MOBA on the phone with 10s of millions of downloads. Catalyst Black is their new and exciting endeavor and it holds a ton of potential. They are calling the game a team-based 10 v 10, drop-in drop-out, large-scale shooter, and what that really means is that it is a moba map with your typical monsters and pvp choke points, but the scaling is set up so that you are not as disadvantaged when entering a game in the middle of it. Also, the devs claim that this new structure allows for twice the amount of action even though the matches are just half the normal length. This really caught my attention because that is exactly the kind of thing competitive mobile gamers like. These devs have already been forerunners for the mobile gaming industry with their first game so I am predicting they are about to do it again.

    The third game on the list is Apex Legends. I originally put this game at the top of my first top 10 video and while it is doing well, it is not doing as well as the rumors imply. Some of you might have seen that it got 5 million downloads on the first day. This was fake. If you look on public records, you will see that the game game was created over a year before it was released. Lots of games do this and it is not a problem. Diablo Immortal was created all the way back in 2020. The difference though is that during this time EA used some kind of download generation technique to get the app up to 1 million downloads by October of 2021 six months before it was released. So we are not sure how many downloads it had when it was released on May 17th, but it is very possible that it already had over 4 million. A better metric is that it grossed $4.8 million in it's first week which is very good. To put things in perspective, this is a ton more than the $600,000 made by PUBG Mobile, but much less than the $14.8 million made by Call of Duty: Mobile in their first weeks.
    The reason I originally chose this game as the number one game for 2022 and why I am still keeping it in the top 3 is because it is a battle royale shooter computer game port. And for the last four years of mobile gaming, battle royale shooter computer game ports have been in the top three favorites for serious mobile gamers. I believe the reason for this is because computer game ports are often viewed as a safe option for serious gamers because uniquely mobile games often carry with them the bad reputation of mobile gaming. This, of course, doesn't mean that all uniquely mobile games are bad, but it does mean that a lot of serious gamers are wary of trying them out until they've been tested out by others. And then the battle royale style fits really well with the mobile phone because you're only committing to 20 to 30 minutes at a time. So that is why I originally predicted Apex Legends was going to be the number one competitive mobile game for 2022 and so far it performing almost as well as I predicted.

    The fourth game is Once Human. Formerly known as Project E.O.E. I just recently got early access to this game made by Netease and I was blown away. The graphics were stunning with a fantastic theme all of which was well backed up by the storyline. This theme is infused into every part of the game like your need to manage your sanity levels which makes the sense of survival feel new and fresh. And they created an incredibly addicting and intricate sense of progression as you upgrade your technology, survival skills and powers. The game feels like the perfect blend of Lifeafter and Rust and I already can't wait until I get to play it again. Sadly, I am less confident this game will come out this year, but I am so excited about it that I wanted to put it on this list just in case. If you want to know more about this game, I have made over 10 episodes of it on my gameplay channel.

    The fifth game on the list is Undecember. With Diablo Immortal experiencing so much success even in the midst of their horrible monetization system, I think other similar higher quality Action RPGs will get more attention. Undecember is the most impressive of those competitors with unprecedented graphics for the mobile platform. And even with these unbelievable graphics, they have found a way to minimize lag to almost nothing. More importantly, the gameplay of Undecember is both easy to understand and satisfying. As you gain skills, you can combine them with others to create better skills, but there is often a cost to each combination so players must choose according to their playstyle and what enemies that they want to be the most effective against. This type of intricate skill system results in everyone having their own unique character. They also set it up to where when you wear armor in the game, you can see it. This is a big deal because it allows you to feel your progression through the game and it is somewhat unique because most mobile games do not do this to give extra motivation to players to buy or earn skins. And while these skins do a great job of allowing players to express their uniqueness, an armor based sense of progression has been an unfortunate casualty. But Undecember is bringing it back and I think it will remind players of how much they miss it in other games. The game allows you to change classes freely so it is worth collecting weapons of another class that you want to try. I think they still need to work on their world system to make it more intuitive, but I'm sure that is on their list. Currently it is only released in Korea, but it should have it's global release sometime this year.

    The sixth game is Rocket League Sideswipe. For the same reason rocket league exploded 7 years ago, this game is doing amazing this year. Psyonix has always prioritized the sport of their game above everything else and it shows up in everything they do. Smooth gameplay with minimal to no lag, fairness integrated throughout the maps and power ups and one of the least aggressive monetization systems found in all of mobile gaming. Even though Psyonix hired a different dev team to make this mobile version of their game, they clearly oversaw that it would match the original game in quality. Sadly, the game is a little more simple than I hoped and definitely feels more casual in the way that it looks while playing than the PC and console versions, but it is still very high quality and it has already become very popular.

    The seventh game on the list is Odin: Valhalla Rising. Lots of people that have never played this game love to rail on it because it does have some elements of autoplay. However, after doign the research, I stand by this game as doing very well for 3 reasons. The first one is because the graphics in Odin: Valhalla Rising are unprecedented for mobile gaming. The landscapes are breathtaking, the characters are authentic and the skills are dynamic with fantastic choreography. The second reason is because of the games' commitment to it's open world and your ability to travel through that world however you want. Being able to experience a world with my friends the way that we want to experience that world is a huge value to me and many other MMO players because without it, the game will struggle to feel immersive. And then the last reason is because after the game was released in only South Korea, it took over South Korea and has made 100s of millions of dollars in just one country. Guys, gamers don't spend that kind of money unless they like the game. And statistically, games that are friendlier to f2p players make more money. That is not always true, but it is something to keep in mind.

    The eighth game is King of Hunters. Netease has been working on this game for 4 years and it is still in a closed beta, but it looks like it will finally come out this year! The first thing that is special about this game is that it combines MOBA with Battle Royale, which surprisingly works really well together. The time frame of the game types are similar and the aspect of leveling up really helps prevent someone from winning that spent the whole game hiding. The second unique aspect of this game is that it has two story buildings, which is unorthodox for MOBA games, and then they let you jump off those second stories which is pretty freaking amazing. And then the third unique aspect of this game is their game type where you fight mounted. Personally, I like the normal approach to MOBA better, but it is still a fun twist.

    The ninth game on the list is Star Wars: Hunters. This game had a lot of hype early this year, but it is taking a while to release the game which has caused some of the anticipation to drop off. But even as it is, I still think this game will do well because it is a unique mobile game. Star Wars: Hunters is set up as 4v4 arena battles where you choose unique heroes from the Star Wars Universe. They did a really good job of making them unique and somehow balancing all of the characters ranging from droids to jedis. It is a Star Wars game which is a theme that does well among competitive gamers, but more importantly it is a unique competitive game that already has some hype among the gaming community. So I definitely see this game being one of the top games for this year.

    The last game is Clash Heroes. This game is made by Supercell which means it will get lots of downloads, but as I said in the beginning of this video, this list is not based on how many downloads it's going to get in the Play Store, but rather how popular it will be among serious gamers. The reason why I think this game will be popular among serious gamers is because it is going to be kind of a unique game for the mobile phone. Clash Heroes looks like it's going to be kind of a Minecraft Dungeons game which there's not a lot of those and I think it's gonna do really well for the mobile phone because it doesn't have a lot of time commitment each time you play. Now I do think this game will be more casual than a lot of the other games that I usually put on these lists mainly because Minecraft Dungeons is still a little bit more of a casual game than some of these other games, but also because it's Supercell and Supercell has had a tendency to make more casual games. Now I will admit that ever since Tencent took over ownership of Supercell, they have reduced some of the paywall which is making it a little easier to trust their games.

    Okay. So those are the top 10 mobile games of 2022, but I do have 3 honorable mentions:
    This first one is what I am calling Project: Destiny. This game has never been announced by Netease, but by connecting the dots between Netease's investment of $100 million into Bungie back in 2019 and a survey Netease shared with me late last year, I figured it out and the game is going to be a huge hit! If you want to know more about the game, make sure to check out my top 10 mobile shooter games of 2022. However, the reason I didn't put it on this list is because I don't think it will be coming out this year.

    The second honorable mention is Evil Lands: Online Action RPG. This game is exploding right now and the graphics look pretty amazing. If they continue to grow the way they are and the developers adapt to the growth well, then this could easily be a top 10 game for this year. The reason I didn't put it on the list is because the game still has a lot of bugs the developers need to work out if it is going to keep growing and I am not sure they will be able to pull it off.

    And then lastly, there are a lot of games that I put on my last top 10 video that are not on this one. I still stand by most of those games… just not as much as I do now. The reasons for this are varied. Some of them like pokemon Unite lost hype a lot faster than I expected. Others are taking too long to release. And there was at least one bad prediction in there.
    Well, that is it, guys. Hope that helps. If you feel like there was a game that should have been on here that wasn't, it probably wasn't because I missed it. I did a lot of research on 100s of games and this is what I have come up with. That doesn't mean they are the best, but it does mean that they are the ones I think are the best. That being said, I am always reading your comments and learning more. If you have a game you want me to consider, please put it in the comments of the video. I will read them and make sure I have researched every game mentioned.
    Alright guys, I will see you next time.

    tl;dr 1 - I did a top 10 video on January 1st and while some of those predictions have gone great, I have researched so many more games since then. So this post covers new predictions and information about this new set of top 10 games. Some highlights are my insights on EA padding downloads to make Apex look better than it was and revealing "project destiny" at the end. Hope you guys enjoy the research that I did. And as always, I love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Here is the list: Diablo Immortal, Catalyst Black, Apex Legends, Once Human, Undecember, Rocket League Sideswipe, Odin: Valhalla Rising, King of Hunters, Star Wars: Hunters, and Clash Heroes (Extras: Project: Destiny, Evil Lands: Online Action RPG, and previous predictions) (I give my reasons for choosing each one, so if one of these confuses you, make sure to read the post before raging 😂)

    tl;dr 2 - I made all of this with game footage into a short HQ video here https://youtu.be/r85J4HUh7EA

    Update on the original video for those that care; it now has over 480k views in just over 5 months. I credit a lot of this success to Reddit and the feedback I have gotten from this community. So thank you! https://youtu.be/7-TakjaKy30

    submitted by /u/JcFuerza
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    Ace attorney trilogy sold on discount today,nearly 25$

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 08:55 PM PDT

    4 Quick tl;dr iOS Game Reviews / Recommendations (Episode 134)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 03:32 AM PDT

    Welcome back to my weekly mobile gaming recommendations based on the most interesting games I played and that were covered on MiniReview this week. Hope you'll enjoy the read - and happy weekend! :)

    Support these posts (and YouTube content + development of MiniReview) on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NimbleThor <3

    This episode includes a casual puzzle game with user-generated levels, one of the best racing games to ever release on mobile, a fun simulation adventure game, and a classic tactical RPG adventure.

    Disagree with my opinion? Let's have a friendly discussion below.

    New to these posts? Check out the first one from 132 weeks ago here.

    Let's get to the games:

    Hidden Through Time [Game Size: 165 MB] ($2.99)

    Genre: Puzzle / Casual - Online + Offline

    Orientation: Landscape

    Required Attention: Some

    tl;dr review by AlexSem:

    Hidden Through Time is a charming hidden-objects game in which we search for specific objects and animals scattered across the environment of several highly detailed levels set in four different historical ages.

    The story mode takes us on a journey through time, from a prehistoric era to Ancient Egypt, the Middle Ages, and all the way up to the Wild West. Each level presents us with an image of an environment fitting for the era we're in, and it's then our job to identify specific objects.

    Apart from a vague hint about the location of each object, the rest is up to us. So in order to succeed, we must carefully study the picture, memorize as many details as possible, and use the clues to identify each object… or just meticulously tap everything, hoping to randomly hit the right thing.

    Once we are done with the story, there is an endless supply of community-created levels to complete. And if you feel creative, the fully-fledged map editor allows you to design your own levels and share them online for other players to experience.

    The game features cute cartoonish graphics with lots of adorable details and cool animations. Not to mention that each level is a piece of beautiful hand-drawn art that is pleasant to inspect and interact with.

    Hidden Through Time is a $2.99 premium game that contains the main story campaign and all community-created levels. Additional campaigns that take us through the era of the Vikings, feudal Japan, and ancient Rome are sold for $1.99 each. Although the game can be tedious at times, it provides a great experience for anyone fond of the genre.

    App Store: Here

    Hot Lap League [Total Game Size: 502 MB] ($4.99)

    Genre: Racing / Arcade / Trackmania-like - Online

    Orientation: Landscape

    Required Attention: Full

    tl;dr review by NimbleThor:

    Hot Lap League is a fantastic mobile racing game inspired by Trackmania, which means it features fast-paced arcade tracks with loops and jumps, an entirely competitive gameplay experience, and online leaderboards.

    The main campaign features 80 unique tracks in varying difficulties that we attempt to complete as fast as possible to earn gold medals or even beat the world record. Just like Trackmania, Hot Lap League is all about playing each track to perfection by carefully steering and using power slides to maintain momentum. Thankfully, we can race against the ghost of other players to identify the optimal routes.

    The game also features daily events, weekly challenges, and even missions that incentivize us to rediscover old tracks to improve our time. In-between races, we can unlock a few new vehicles and customize them with patterns, colors, wheels, and decals. Importantly, however, all cars have the exact same stats and there's no way to improve them, creating a highly competitive experience.

    Most importantly of all, playing Hot Lap League is just good old fun, and as someone who loved Trackmania on PC, this is a perfect mobile alternative.

    At up to 120 frames per second and well-designed 3D maps and vehicle models, the game looks great on newer devices. The controls are tight too, with lots of customization options, including tilt-to-steer and Bluetooth controller support.

    Hot Lap League costs $4.99 on Android and $7.99 on iOS, with a few iAPs that let us instantly acquire more of the in-game currency used for visual-only customizations. It is without a doubt the best Trackmania-like game on mobile and one of the easiest recommendations I have ever made for a racing game.

    App Store: Here

    Little Inferno [Game Size: 168 MB] ($4.99)

    Genre: Simulation / Adventure - Offline Playable

    Orientation: Landscape

    Required Attention: Some

    tl;dr review by AlexSem:

    Little Inferno is a unique simulation game in which we burn toys, batteries, and lots of other items in a fireplace to get coins we can then use to buy more stuff to burn.

    In a strange snow-covered world where sitting next to the fire and watching all your possessions burn is the most popular pastime, we play as a young boy who has just bought his own fireplace so he too can start this seemingly pointless activity.

    The core gameplay has us tap the screen to start the fire and then drag things around to better organize them in the fireplace. Each burnt item produces several coins, which we then spend on purchasing new items from a catalog. Some items also reward us with a special achievement if they're burnt together, and a huge portion of gameplay is dedicated to finding all these hidden item combinations.

    Although the core gameplay may seem boring and repetitive, there's a huge story unfolding at the same time. For example, we constantly receive letters from other people, communicate with our fellow inhabitants of this weird world, and complete simple tasks that may just provide unexpected results.

    Those fond of searching for deep philosophical meanings may view this game as a metaphor for capitalism and the routine of everyday life. The rest will just enjoy burning things.

    Made by the designer behind World of Goo, Little Inferno has a neat simplistic art-style with a good sense of humor, a relaxing atmosphere, and a very high level of polish.

    Little Inferno is a $4.99 premium without ads or iAPs ported from PC. It's one of those unique experiences everyone should try at least once - especially if you are fond of puzzles... and fire.

    App Store: Here

    Braveland (Game Size: 288 MB] ($2.99)

    Genre: Strategy / Adventure - Offline

    Orientation: Landscape

    Required Attention: Some

    tl;dr review by AlexSem:

    Braveland is a story-driven tactical RPG adventure inspired by titles such as Kings Bounty and Heroes of Might & Magic, which means we participate in a series of progressively harder battles while growing stronger by amassing an impressive army.

    We play as a young farmer on a rage-induced vengeance spree against a group of poor bandits and the evil forces behind their devastating raids. Starting with a small group of peasants, we slowly work our way through the story by battling enemies, gaining experience, and acquiring fame and gold that allows us to hire stronger troops in larger quantities.

    Combat takes place on a hexagonal grid and is structured as a classic turn-based confrontation where we take turns moving troops, attacking, using special skills, and casting magic spells. Fallen heroes cost gold to recover after the battle, so it's important to strategize carefully to minimize our losses.

    When we eventually get more units than there's room for on the playing field, we're forced to compromise by selecting which to take into battle depending on the types of enemies we are facing. There is also a large pool of equipment with different benefits and synergies with our troops' abilities, creating a deep strategic layer.

    Although the game offers some freedom over the order in which we face certain challenges, it is mostly linear. And once we finish the campaign, there is nothing to do except playing the survival mode where we attempt to last as long as possible with a random set of units.

    Braveland costs $2.99, but often appears on sale for just $0.99. The simple yet beautiful hand-drawn art, nice sound effects, and streamlined gameplay, make Braveland an easy recommendation for anyone searching for a decent turn-based tactical strategy game.

    App Store: Here

    Special thanks to the Patreon Producers "marquisdan", "Lost Vault", "FarmRPG", and "Mohaimen" who help make these posts possible through their Patreon support <3

    Google Sheet of all games I've played so far (searchable and filter-able): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bf0OxtVxrboZqyEh01AxJYUUqHm8tEfh-Lx-SugcrzY/edit?usp=sharing

    TL;DR Video Summary (with gameplay) of last week's games: https://youtu.be/OQ40151vXlQ

    Episode 120 Episode 121 Episode 122 Episode 123 Episode 124 Episode 125 Episode 126 Episode 127 Episode 128 Episode 129 Episode 130 Episode 131 Episode 132 Episode 133

    submitted by /u/NimbleThor
    [link] [comments]

    Looking for a sci-fi or fantasy themed single-player-friendly city builder

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 07:21 AM PDT

    I've been looking for such a gem for a long, long time, but to no avail.

    I am NOT looking for a game with an overworld map where you can conquer other players, such as Rise of Kingdoms, Warpath or Infinity Kingdom.

    I'd like something either quite peaceful, or more oriented towards fighting against the AI, or even entirely single-player. Not something competitive.

    Important point : I want it either in a fantasy or sci-fi setting. Not something historical.

    Ideally, the graphics should be good-looking. That is an important point for a relaxing game.

    Other than that, if there are Dwarves (fantasy or sci-fi), that is a HUGE plus for me.

    Thanks for your tips!

    submitted by /u/alaric83
    [link] [comments]

    ‎T3 Arena is basically a moblie Overwatch that’s been pretty fun so far

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 08:37 AM PDT


    I don't get any free shit for this link, just think the games seems pretty well made and could use some more attention—I also wouldn't mind some people to play with so hmu

    I've got a couple dozen rounds in over the past day or two and it def seems like something I'll keep playing or at least keep my eye on for updates.

    submitted by /u/KrazyBropofol
    [link] [comments]

    If you like using a controller for mobile this might be the best option for you

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 07:33 AM PDT

    Something like Hades’Star

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 07:41 AM PDT

    Are there games like Hades'Star but with a more "idle/steady" resource gain I can play 15/30 mins a day?

    I say Hades'Star as exemplar as I love graphic, playstyle and evrything. But I like also non "space themed" games. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Zorz850
    [link] [comments]

    Skiing Yeti Mountain

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 05:13 AM PDT

    I searched for this on the sub and it didn't seem like it got a ton of love.

    If you've ever played Lonely Mountain Downhill, this game scratches that itch. The controls are tight. Gameplay loop is simple, but super replayable. It has an endless mode. A ton of regular levels. A challenge mode with much harder levels.

    There are ads, but can be removed for 2.99.

    Fantastic game!


    submitted by /u/diabetoamigo
    [link] [comments]

    What is the best Card game?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 10:06 AM PDT

    Looking for something similar to Hearthstone or Clash Royale with better monetization.

    submitted by /u/Abdo023
    [link] [comments]

    Round-Up of New iOS Game Releases - Week of June 9th, 2022

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 08:21 PM PDT

    Hi, I run a site called TouchArcade and every Wednesday I make a big list of all the new iOS games that came out over the past week. Below is just a basic list of the game titles with links to the App Store but if you'd like to see screens/descriptions or join in on forum discussions you can find the full list with all of that stuff over on TouchArcade.

    PU = Premium Unlock for full game

    RA = Remove ads IAP

    IAP = Additional IAP in a paid game

    NO IAP = Free game with no IAP (may still have ads)

    DLC = Additional paid DLC (i.e. not gem packs)

    A Story of A Company! (Free) +RA +IAP Adventure, Simulation
    AlchiMerge (Free) Puzzle, Simulation
    Almora Darkosen RPG (Free) +PU Action, Role Playing
    Barnard's Star ($3.99) Board, Strategy
    Boom Mania ($2.99) Action, Arcade
    The Brave Nerd (Free) Action, Role Playing
    Chiki's Chase (Free) +PU Action, Family
    Color Surge (Free) +RA +DLC Arcade, Puzzle
    Gale of Windoria ($6.99) +IAP Action, Role Playing
    Hero Realms (Free) +PU Card, Strategy
    Ice Cream Disaster (Free) +NO IAP Action, Arcade
    Lava Crew ($2.99) +IAP Action, Arcade
    Magician Lord ACA NeoGeo ($3.99) Action, Arcade
    Mr.Presidents ($1.99) Arcade, Strategy
    Rocky Towers (Free) Puzzle, Strategy
    Void-X ($1.99) Action
    Wrestle Champs (Free) Card, Role Playing, Sports
    submitted by /u/sleepyjared
    [link] [comments]

    Any games like blood and glory or infinity blade?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 11:14 AM PDT

    Mobile gaming used to be much better then. Like Ironman game, Ultimate Spider-Man, Pitfall etc. Anyone knows any game similar to blood and glory or infinity blade?

    submitted by /u/CaptainBias
    [link] [comments]

    Razer Kishi v2 out how for Android, coming soon for iPhone

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 07:01 PM PDT

    Is plague inc ad free?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 10:22 AM PDT

    Thought of butoni plague inc (due to my recent post) but haven't found information about the presence of ads in the game (I'm reallllyyy tired of ads trashing a game)

    submitted by /u/TheSniper2003
    [link] [comments]

    A brief review #002: Final Fantasy Dimensions 2 [Offline gacha Jrpg] [14.99usd, no iap]

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 06:44 PM PDT


    Thank you everyone for your kind words in my previous post! I'm happy to be part of such a healthy community. I'll try to write better, I know my writing is not good so bear with me, please.

    Now, enter today's game!

    • Name: Final Fantasy Dimensions 2
    • Price: $14.99 with no in app purchases
    • Genre: Turn based rpg with gacha mechanics
    • Long sessions or Short bursts?: Short bursts or you will get burned fast!
    • Toucharcade review: Here


    • Gameplay perfectly designed for short bursts
    • Many tactical options
    • Beautiful art
    • A gacha game/freemium game turned into a premium, no iap game


    • NO FULL SCREEN on new devices • Not updated since 2017
    • Very simple, both in gameplay mechanics and story
    • Easy
    • Expensive?

    Final Fantasy Dimensions II, released on 2017, is a gacha rpg made premium. It seems Square Enix was not making enough money and they decided to turn it from online gacha to an offline, single purchase only rpg game.

    The heroes, entangled in a fantastical quest, will travel time and space looking for answers. The story is interesting but as the game was designed as a gacha -therefore, to last a lot-, it's slow.

    The game is a jrpg reduced to its minimum exponent: There are no free roaming, no "world", only maps with locations for the main quest and the side quests, and stores.

    The gameloop it's something like this: Touch the node for the next story quest, watch the story animation, fight, and then, repeat. Between fights you can equip your characters with new gear, items or invokes. That's all.

    The good thing about FFD2 is that you can feel it's perfect for mobile/short burst. Open the game, do a couple of quests, and in less than 10 minutes you had enjoyed a jrpg. Simple. Also, it's full of Final Fantasy references, and somehow it's a portable FF indeed.

    The cons of the game are several: Not full screen in new devices, while not game-breaking, is pretty annoying considering it's price.It's easy. Most of the battles you won't supose any trouble, like fighting tash mobs on any other rpg (boss battles requiere more thinking, luckily.)

    Overall, I enjoy this game from time to time, but you should check YT vids and other reviews before purchasing it, it's not for everyone!

    And that's all for today.Here you can check my past reviews: Battleheart legacy.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/litejzze
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    Just got myself a backbone. What’s your favorite controller supported games?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 01:43 AM PDT

    As the title says. I just got myself a backbone after a year of wanting it but not justifying it. I now am looking for all of the good controller supported games? What's your top games?

    submitted by /u/GoofedBox
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    How to find unique battle simulator game that was removed from App Store and not in purchase history?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 09:53 PM PDT

    A couple of years ago, I played this awesome battle simulator. It was based in medieval Japan and in the game you commanded different units, cavalry, archery, swordsman, spearman, and others. You commanded several companies of these against AI on a pretty realistic battle ground that included fields, woods, and water areas. You would swipe across your screen to direct units and you could have them move at different speeds. It was unlike any battle simulator I've played, most of these are tacky and boyishly animated but this one was more realistic, and the controls were unique, making you feel like you really controlled a little army. I just watched The Battle of the Five Armies and it made me remember this game. It's not in my purchase history so I assume it got removed from the App Store. Is there anyway to find this game or am I out of luck?

    submitted by /u/stonewall993
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    Help finding this old game

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 01:03 AM PDT

    When I was little I used to play this game on my father's iPhone 4 and iPad. It was a game about this eye-looking ball that you could move by moving the phone. The levels were linear and you had to solve puzzles and stuff. It had a dark-looking background and the name was something like "Nemesis".

    EDIT: Found it! It's Dark Nebula - Episode One

    submitted by /u/Tefra_K
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    Looking for games with slow grinds or have no ending

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 07:00 PM PDT

    I enjoy games that I can play a little each day and slowly build up/increase my progress. Games like South Park Phone Destroyer or Clash Royale you can play for years and they never truly "end" because you gradually get more/better cards and increase your rank. Hades Star is another good one where each day and build up your little empire a bit more. I'm looking for something that I can play a little each day and make some progress (but not with daily login rewards).

    Anybody have any go-to games that they've been playing for a long time?

    submitted by /u/Gizlo
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    New Game from the creators of Match Land - Tap Force

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 10:12 AM PDT

    Match Land was one of my favorite mobile games. It's a very in-depth match 3 battler. After a few years, the developers Race Cat are back with a new game called Tap Force. They're looking for beta testers here. I've been loving it so far. The graphics are awesome. There are a lot of mechanics that open up as you play more. You can equip dragons!

    They also have a subreddit already. r/TapForce

    submitted by /u/HunterExo
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    Advice on choosing a phone purely for gaming?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 04:32 AM PDT

    So I've decided to grab an iPhone to use purely with Apple Arcade to play games on the go. iPad is just a little too big, even the mini within my price bracket. The iPod Touch is a little too old and weak I guess. Just having issues on deciding where to draw the line and which device to actually get. Should say I have fairly small hands in general. Options are:

    SE 2020 for £80 obviously quite new but very small so should run everything great? I imagine gaming is awkward and screen is covered with your thumbs plus small battery. Maybe not? How many hours of gaming can it take?

    XS Max for £110 obviously quite big, unsure if close too big to just put in the pocket alongside other devices? Little older processor. Lovely screen though.

    11 for £125 a little smaller but still quite large. Basically a bigger SE but unsure if it's worth the extra money.

    All are 64GB I'm open to other suggestions, not looking to spend more than £150 really. Appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/CheesyCrackerMan
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    Tencent’s most-played MOBA Honor of Kings will release globally by end of this year

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 12:56 AM PDT

    Since its initial release in China, Tencent's Honor of Kings has been one of the top-grossing mobile games. It produced around $1.65 billion in 2021 for the company. Tencent's games publishing company, Level Infinite, has revealed that it will launch a worldwide edition of Honor of Kings, bringing the excitement of this MOBA game to more gamers. Read more about the game here.

    submitted by /u/himanshucheeta31
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    Knowledge is Power (PS4) Type Games? (Using phone & ATV).

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 01:33 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm after something similar to Knowledge is Power or any type of game that takes advantage of using your phone and then playing it through the Apple TV. Even something like the old Eye Toy Play game for the PS2 etc or a Jack Box party-style game would also be good.

    Thx for any info/help on this, cheers.

    submitted by /u/aphex187
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