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    Friday, May 13, 2022

    Apple TV Weekly "What are you watching on your Apple TV" discussion

    Apple TV Weekly "What are you watching on your Apple TV" discussion

    Weekly "What are you watching on your Apple TV" discussion

    Posted: 12 May 2022 08:00 AM PDT

    Anything you view or consume media wise is fair game

    submitted by /u/redditisnowtwitter
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    Apple may release a cheaper Apple TV streaming device in 2022, says Kuo

    Posted: 13 May 2022 08:52 AM PDT

    Missing images in Movies app

    Posted: 13 May 2022 05:28 PM PDT

    Anybody else not getting images right now in some of the carousels of content in the movie app?

    submitted by /u/ChuckinCharlieO
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    Apple TV Remote keeps Switching HDMI Inputs

    Posted: 13 May 2022 04:11 PM PDT

    So have had the newest Apple TV for a while and today for some reason when I hit the back button or the TV button on the Apple TV Remote, it is changing the input on my TV to a different HDMI port. I haven't made any changes to my setup or settings recently to cause this. Has anyone experienced this or know how to fix?

    submitted by /u/greenmymac88
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    Posted: 13 May 2022 12:34 PM PDT

    I just noticed that after searching for the same phase mich less podcast results are shown on Apple TV than iPhone ,that's very odd.

    submitted by /u/Eijin88
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    Apple Seeds tvOS 15.5 Release Candidate to Developers

    Posted: 12 May 2022 12:00 PM PDT

    TV app wants me to pay for services I already have

    Posted: 13 May 2022 01:01 PM PDT

    There are things about the TV app on ATV that I really like, for example, showing recommendations based on apps you subscribe to and prior shows ready to click on. However, some apps that I already pay for outside of Apple the TV app won't just let me log in. It wants me to pay for a subscription. Example, I get AMC+ as part of Verizon. When I click on the logo, there is a link to pay for a subscription, and no login for those already subscribing. Same with Hulu. I have Disney+ bundle. TV app works fine for Disney+ and ESPN+ but not Hulu. It's telling me I have to subscribe to Hulu. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/draculasbitch
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    Problem with the Apple TV+ shows

    Posted: 12 May 2022 09:28 PM PDT

    I've noticed on the Apple TV app on the PlayStation 4 that the original shows all have a weird glitch where they pause and black screen for a second. I noticed it while watching Severance and just thought it was part of the show but it's definitely not suppose to be happening during Dickinson. Does anyone else have this problem? Or know how to solve it?

    submitted by /u/Useful-Soup8161
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    Audio out of sync

    Posted: 12 May 2022 08:52 PM PDT

    I've noticed, specifically with Netflix, my audio is out of sync. I have an Apple TV 4K that I purchased about a month ago. I have that hooked up, via HDMI to my Yamaha receiver that supports 5.1 surround. That then goes to my TV also with an HDMI.

    I have noticed that the out of sync goes away when I change the Audio Format to Dolby Digital 5.1 but im unsure if this is a setting that shouldn't be touched. Before it was on auto

    submitted by /u/gurkab
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    Favorite Photos on AppleTV

    Posted: 12 May 2022 05:08 PM PDT

    Is there a way to "favorite" photos from the app on the AppleTV?

    submitted by /u/tomrossi7
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    Apple TV SDK Dowoad?

    Posted: 13 May 2022 06:00 AM PDT

    Can you tell me where I could download the Apple TV SDK file for a manual installation on an Android TV?

    I'm googling using the filetype: sdk keyword and I'm not getting anywhere.

    Is it "APK" I should look for? I guess the TV support agent is misleading me.

    submitted by /u/fungusgnats
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    Having an odd issue about siri and language.

    Posted: 12 May 2022 06:52 PM PDT

    Please read everything, the bottom part is important. I have already tried googling it.

    I'm based in Norway. I had my apple tv set to Norwegian, and siri worked in Norwegian. However, what siri can do in Norwegian is very limited, and as I usually search for English things I think it would be much better to have it on English. So I went to the settings. Tried to change language for siri specifically, but it doesn't let me (no other language shows up). Went down to language for the whole system and changed that to English. Went back to the settings afterwards, and siri is disabled. A text nearby reads "Siri isn't available i English (UK) when you use the Norway iTunes store or App Store" (I tried using both UK and US english). Both the siri toggle button and language is greyed out.

    So I googled it, and the results said that siri is only available in your countrys language on apple tv. Ok, that's stupid, but fine. BUT, my neighbor who has the exact same apple tv has the language set to english with siri, working, in english. His region is still set to Norway. He has it the exact way I want it, but none of us have any idea why it works for him and not for me. So clearly, it IS working, he does have siri in english here in Norway. But how on earth do I get it that way? I am frustrated beyond words about this. I strongly prefer siri in english (as I do on all other devices I have), and now that I know it's techincally possible, I NEED to know how...

    submitted by /u/LicoriceSeasalt
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    Network config to allow iPhone remote functionality

    Posted: 12 May 2022 03:00 PM PDT

    Lost my remote to my AppleTV. The iPhone remote won't connect until I power cycle the AppleTV device. When I try, it says connecting but never connects.

    Any network config like ports or services that I need to configure on my router?


    submitted by /u/DivePalau
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    How do I turn off the Apple TV without it turning off my TV?

    Posted: 12 May 2022 05:33 PM PDT

    If for example I'm done with the Apple TV and I want to play PS5

    Is there any way to turn the ATV off without it also HDMI CEC turning off my TV? Do I just leave it on and change inputs?

    (edit: Apple TV 2021 4k)

    submitted by /u/NoAirBanding
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    give my cubs game back.

    Posted: 13 May 2022 05:35 AM PDT

    Does anyone know what this is? This image has been in the rotation of the screen saver lately and I have no idea what it is. Is it at the scale of mountains or is it at the scale of inches? Is it rivers or is it mushroom fibers? No clue. Not even close. Please help.

    Posted: 12 May 2022 03:44 PM PDT

    Apple TV Lack of Audio Adjustments

    Posted: 12 May 2022 02:26 PM PDT

    I just did a test on my HomePods using my Apple TV and then iPhone. I played the new Joni Mitchell album Both Sides Now, first with Apple TV. It was muffled, making it difficult to hear Joni's voice clearly. It basically is the same problem I have while watching movies on the Apple TV.

    I played the album again using Apple Music played through my iPhone. This time, the whole stage was more balanced. The music was behind Joni's voice instead of drowning it out. The playback get even better when I switched on Reduce Base.

    I wish Apple would give us the ability to adjust the sound on Apple TV. I'm actually thinking of selling the HomePods and going with a soundbar.

    submitted by /u/EV-Driver
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    HDMI signal loss and loose connector without being handled or moved

    Posted: 12 May 2022 09:24 AM PDT

    TV is getting no proper signal and when I checked I realized the connected wasn't fitting properly. It wiggles and won't go in all the way. I tried 2 cables with the same result. No one touched it. I never noticed there being an issue with the connector. I bought it new couple months back. Anyone had this issue?

    submitted by /u/Exciting_Durian_6857
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    World's First Not-For-Profit Streaming Platform

    Posted: 12 May 2022 06:44 PM PDT

    Mouse + keyboard for Steam Link?

    Posted: 12 May 2022 11:16 AM PDT

    I've got the latest 4K model and I'm wondering if it's possible to use a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard for the Steam Link app. I'd like to play FPS games but the controller is much too difficult. Thanksr/

    submitted by /u/MarblesAreDelicious
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    Issue playing HEVC/H.265 media above a certain bitrate on Plex (2017 ATV 4K)

    Posted: 12 May 2022 08:31 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I want to prefix this by saying that I know Infuse will play the file. I have tested this and it works fine. However, I personally prefer the Plex UI to infuse's and would like to see if I can get it working on Plex. If not then I would settle for understanding the limitations.

    I have two episodes of a show I enjoy:

    Episode 1: 4K HEVC 5.0 MAIN 10 - 5.6GB - 29.9 Mbps Episode 2: 4K HEVC 5.0 MAIN 10 - 4.8GB - 15.2 Mbps

    Episode 2 works fine and episode 1 doesn't. The error I get when playing episode 1 is: "App cannot direct play this item. No direct play profile exists for protocol http, with container MKV and video codec HEVC." Since the codec is the same I would assume that this is a bitrate issue. (I understand that I may be wrong.)

    Whilst attempting to play this I was using my ATV 4K (2017) connected to my home network and in turn my server using Ethernet. I have no bandwidth limitations on either my Plex server or my Plex client.

    I have a couple of questions:

    1. Should this work? Am I doing something wrong that can be fixed with a settings change or is this just a limitation of the app.

    2. If this is just a limitation of the app, what is the bitrate capped at?

    I had a quick search through Reddit already and found some similar articles but none that were recent or that really answered the questions. I may just be rubbish at searching so apologies if this is clearly answered elsewhere.

    submitted by /u/LondonFitz
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