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    Saturday, December 11, 2021

    iPhone Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    iPhone Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    Weekly What Should I Buy Thread

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to the weekly stickied WSIB thread.

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    Here is an archive of all previous "What Should I Buy" threads. This is best viewed on a browser. If on mobile, type on the searchbar [title:"What Should I Buy" author:"AutoModerator"] (without the brackets, and including the quotation marks around the title and author.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Cost of ownership of iPhones (upgrading every yr vs every 2,3,4,5,6 years)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 11:58 PM PST

    -Assuming you use Apple tradein program

    Upgrading yearly EX) Trading in 12 for 13 = sales tax $58 + $379 = $437 = $36/month

    Upgrading every 2 years $24.5/month

    Upgrading every 3 years $19.07/month

    Upgrading every 4 years $16.39/month

    upgrading every 5 years $14.28/month (BUT, if you are using a phone for this long, you would probably want to replace the battery at one point. Adding $50 battery replacement fee = $15.1/month including $50 battery)

    upgrading every 6 years $12.319/month ($13/month including $50 battery)

    Savings per year for upgrading every 2,3,4,5,6 years compared to every year

    every 2 years ($138/yr), every 3 years ($203/yr), every 4 years ($235/yr), every 5 years ($260/yr), every 6 years ($284.16/yr)

    For me, upgrading every 3 years seems like a sweet spot for upgrading my phone. I'll gladly hold onto my phone for three years compared to upgrading every year to save $200/year, but I'm also willing to pay an extra 6 bucks a month so I don't have to be using my phone for 6 years. (That's using an iPhone 6S until iPhone 13). Every 3 years isn't that bad. It's equivalent to using XR until 13 is out.

    -- This math is a rough estimate because iPhone prices have changed over the year. I used the affordable base model with lowest storage (excluding mini models in 12 and 13 and pro models -- I ain't using a small phone. i spend so much time on it and it's nice to have a decently sized display). But it still gives you a rough idea of the cost of ownership of an iPhone.

    Of course, the most frugal way of owning a smartphone is probably getting an used Samsung or used Android. But I calculated this for people who want to use iPhones. In the US, it can be more convenient to own an iPhone compared to android because of the sheer number of iPhone users. Anecdotally, I'm a college student and almost everyone I know uses an iPhone. When I switched over from Android to Apple, I gained access to iMessage, Airdrop, FaceTime, Find my (for tracking locations), etc. It almost felt like I was missing out for the past 5-10 years not being able to use iMessage and FaceTime with my friends. I am 100% willing to pay the extra costs to stay on the Apple ecosystem so I calculated this for people like me (:

    submitted by /u/LandaWS
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    Why the iPhone SE 3 will be a much bigger deal than you think

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 01:27 AM PST

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