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    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    Apple Macbook I recently reset my MacBook Air, does anyone know what language my keyboard is? I got used to this layout, but I can’t get the right one to work, I’ve tried German and it isn’t 100% accurate

    Apple Macbook I recently reset my MacBook Air, does anyone know what language my keyboard is? I got used to this layout, but I can’t get the right one to work, I’ve tried German and it isn’t 100% accurate

    I recently reset my MacBook Air, does anyone know what language my keyboard is? I got used to this layout, but I can’t get the right one to work, I’ve tried German and it isn’t 100% accurate

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I Offer Technical Support

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys I just want to help my fellow community, by offering technical support for the community if you have and question or problems just reply to post with problem and I'll respond as soon as I can.

    submitted by /u/LGMYTH
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    Heavy book fell on Macbook Air and cracked the screen

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    What Kind of Bugs/Defects Might the 1st Gen ARM MBP Have?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I read a lot of users on here commenting that a first gen product is expected to have some hiccups. Forgive my ignorance, but what types of things are we talking about when we talk about the first ARM MBP? Overheating? Poor battery life? Kernel panics?

    I'm in the market for a new MBP. Still rocking my 13" MBP 2012. She's dying by the week. I can tough it out until the end of the year. I don't do any special stuff with my laptop. Just your average college kid. So I think I'm fine with waiting for developers to catch up. But I'm wondering what kinks I should maybe expect to see if they're enough to sway me to the 2020 base Intel MBP. I like my laptops to last a long as possible. I don't know what lifespan to expect with ARM, but worried Apple will give up on Intel in 4-5 years.

    submitted by /u/LevelSuspect
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    Cases for MacBook

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    I have been using my MacBook Air for more than a year without a case and recently I have been interested in cases and I want to know whether it is worth buying a case and does it provide any benefits (protection wise)?

    submitted by /u/PregnancyTestsByShaq
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    256 gb or 512 gb

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    I just bought 256 GB MBP 2019. I am not a video editor, not a photo editor, or a programmer. I do a lot of web browsing, read, write a pdf file. Store lots of pdf files and photos but not many music and videos. Please suggest to me whether I need an extra external drive?

    submitted by /u/T-T999999
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    Internal storage for 2019 MBP.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    Hi all, is it never possible to insert internal SSD drive to 2019 MBP,13in? If really not, would external micro SSD function as internal factory SSD? Thank you !

    submitted by /u/T-T999999
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    MacBook Pro: purchase help

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I need some advice on purchasing. I recently upgraded Macs (yesterday) and I now have the 2.3GHz quadcore (with base specs otherwise) 2020 MacBook Pro. I found out last night of the new Silicon MBP coming out in November, and I was wondering if I should return it and wait for the silicon MBP? I am a programmer and I am just looking for an upgrade

    submitted by /u/magyarchris
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    Please Help, Salad dressing splatted on my Macbook Pro

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    So I had an assignment due in less than an hour that I needed to finish so I stupidly decided to eat and do the work which I never do. While I was eating my salad some of the dressing splattered onto the top right side of my track pad and around the OP keys.

    It was about the size of a quarter on my track pad and on the edge of the keys. After I wiped it off I kept using my computer and noticed some seemed to be coming up still so I did a wipe down of my computer with a baby wipe (non alcoholic) and after I haven't seen any come up or anything since. I also tested the corner of the track pad and the keys and there aren't any issues

    *What should I do?

    *Should I be worried about the computer now?

    *Could it cause future damage?

    I tried googling a similar issue and saw that the motherboard can eventually get damaged because of this.

    Also I have a 2019 16 inch macbook pro

    and incase it was important it was Italian dressing so the amount that was on my computer was really just a blob of oil but i'm concerned about the other ingredients

    submitted by /u/Salt_Pipe
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    To use CleanMyMac or not? (MBA2020 i5)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    I have read the arguments both ways. And me personally, I like what CleanMyMac does, and its ease of use.

    Who uses it here, and who doesn't? Why?

    submitted by /u/thadiusb
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    Revive your MacBook performance: take control of heat

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Revive your MacBook performance: take control of heat

    An average user must not be pushed to buy new hardware, when the problem can be fixed by a simple software update or an app. I am a MacBook Pro user since 2015. In my experience, newer MacBooks (2019 ones) run slower and hotter compared to the 2015 models when overloaded with a ton of browsing tabs, Word, PPT, etc. for prolonged times (~days). There is a simple reason for this: low fan speed, and I'm explaining below.

    TL;DR: Install smcFanControl (free) or Macs fan control (free) to increase the fan speed (to 4k-5k RPM), which makes your laptop cooler and run faster. This works on most MacBooks, no issues. Apple prioritizes on reducing fan noise over performance. As an average user, I believe you'd care more about performance over fan noise. Something that can be fixed with a software update must not drive an average user to buy a new product.


    Fan speed vs performance:

    The 2015 MacBooks were thicker, so they had more room for a better thermal control (2015 MacBooks have higher TDP than the new ones). The processors also became more efficient, so the newer ones do not need a higher TDP design. However, Apple decided to drastically reduce the maximum thermal capacity of their cooling system in their MacBooks. Their reduction in the cooling capacity is much more than what the processor improvement could allow. This lead to the infamous thermal throttling of their recent i9 MacBooks. However, other MacBooks went quietly unnoticed in this process.

    To simply put: when the MacBook's run hotter, their fans don't run fast enough to cool it. So the processor under clocks to reduce its temperature. This does not make sense, because the fans can run faster, but it is just programmed to run slower to avoid a loud hissing sound (apparently). I have noticed this time and again in both 2015 and 2019 MacBook pros. When the temperature of the CPU reaches 70C, the fans run at 1500 RPM or so, which is insanely slow.

    Solution: I installed smcFancontrol (Free app), and I set the fan speed to 5000 RPM. Voila, my MacBook (i5) runs so cool, and fast. The moment I turn this App off, it starts to heat up and slow down. This is my experience from over 5 years on different MacBooks. Running the fan at a higher RPM does NOT affect the fan. By increasing the fan speed, I see improvement in performance both in the 2015 and 2019 MacBook pros. If anyone found a similar (or opposite) observation, please comment below for more discussions.

    Possible reason from Apple's perspective: Apple has been cutting down on thermal solutions drastically. This is also evident from the fact that the new MacBooks airs don't even have a heat pipe. Their usual response for reduced fan speed is that they don't want a loud hissing noise, which for an average user means hotter and slower laptop. On the other hand their reason for a no heat pipe is to reduce the thickness, which again means a hotter and slower laptop. All this bodes perfectly well for Apple to claim that Intel's processors are crap, and helps them to argue that their processors will perform better. All the while, what they truly did is to design Intel Macs poorly. Their new Apple Silicon macs may perform well for two reasons: (1) more efficient processor and (2) possibly a better thermal design (higher fan speed). The latter is not fair for older MacBook pro users. The silent thermal throttling on all older MacBooks could drive the consumers to buy newer ones; this is eerily similar to their iPhone throttling. Apple should just issue a software update to increase the fan speeds on all Macs. At the very least, they should let the average user control the fan speed vs performance.

    submitted by /u/Mantastica
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    The fate of the 12 inch Macbook

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Been using my 12 inch since 2017 and I still absolutely love it.

    Do you think it's coming back? Apple returning to a smaller iPhone option gives me hope.

    I guess if it doesn't come at their ARM Mac event, it's likely gone forever.

    submitted by /u/Dualinput
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    Is 100ºC temp normal watching streams on 2020 MBA?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    I like to watch streams on my laptop like twitch on firefox, and my laptop is staying at 98-100ºC. Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/facedesker
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    Macbook Pro Purchasing Help (Buy or wait for the 14inch)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I currently own a mid-2012 15-inch Macbook Pro Retina. I am at the point where it is having significant issues and need to upgrade asap. I've done my research but have yet to uncover a clear answer on when the Macbook Pro 14 Inch Silicon will be released (and whether this is just a vague rumor or cited by someone who has credibility and a track record of predicting these releases).

    I can afford to wait a month but really don't want to wait 6-12 months... If you were in my position, would you:

    1. Buy the $1,500 Macbook Pro (2020)
    2. Wait for the rumored release of the 14' Inch?

    I have no interest in buying a 16' as it is more money than I want to spend and is too large.

    Thanks for your assistance and any feedback or suggestions....

    submitted by /u/EricSonder3421
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    Help! Do’s and Don’ts of Charging Your Macbook??

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    hello!! i'm a brand new macbook user and was wondering how can i prolong my battery life?? what are the do's and don'ts to charging your macbook?? and also i got my macbook about a week ago and my battery full charge is at 98% (5003mAH, it droped from 5128mAH) with a cycle count of 9 is that normal??

    submitted by /u/officialgloss
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    Buy MacBook Pro 13 2020 now or wait for November (rumoured) launch?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    Been planning to buy a MacBook Pro 13, 8th-gen Core i5, 512 gb for sometime from Apple India online store. But a little confused now with all the rumours around Apple announcing its new ARM-powered macbook (pro?) sometime this November. I'm tempted to give into the impulse of buying it right now (I mean, why wait?!) but I also do want to wait and see what's in store after the upcoming launch. Even if I don't end up buying the new ARM MacBook, Apple might reduce the prices of the existing line-up, which will be a good thing :) Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/window-seater
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    Hey I have a 2009 MacBook and I want to speed it up to a point to reasonably play roblox at maybe 40 FPS I’m getting about 10 FPS rn it also had 2g ram should I put a ssd or more ram I’m good at changing things but idk how they work lol ok thanks nerds ������

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Macbook black screen

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I have a MacBook pro 2014. A few months ago, the screen failed to wake up after going to sleep. To use it I am now forced to connect to TV via HDMI. I have however noted that sometimes when I turn the macbook on with the HDMI cable connected, the screen comes on and works well. If this happens and the screen goes to sleep, it fails to wake up.

    Other characteristics: 1. The keyboard lighting works ok even when the screen is black. 2. I am using Catalina 3.. I have noted that the colors on the macbook appear faded and washed out compared to before the problem started.

    I have checked many tutorials, including resetting SMC and keyboard sequence to no avail. Please help.


    submitted by /u/manmserious
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    Spotify for '12 Macbook

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:05 AM PDT


    I've recently enrolled in school and decided to revive my '12 macbook. I installed a new SSD, factory reset and updated it to the latest available update available (OSX 10.5.8).

    Is there any possible way of installing spotify on it? Any shortcuts or detour? I did have spotify installed on it 3-4 years ago which was the last time I used it.

    Any insight is greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/OllieZ
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    Is a 2011 MacBook with a new battery and software worth 449?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Sticky Keys MacBook Pro 2019

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    I have a 2019 MacBook Pro 13inch with the Touch Bar. I have been having a lot of trouble with sticky keys. It seems primarily when it is cold my keys stick and make typing irritating and troublesome. Now, I know my laptop isn't in the timeframe of defective models but it is getting so bad and consistent that I cannot ignore it anymore. Will I be eligible for anything with apple care ? or will they just spray some compressed air and call it a day ?

    submitted by /u/scottmcgrath1
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    Touch Bar support for Ms Teams

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Guys, if anybody feels like Ms teams must have a touch bar support, support this.

    Vote here

    submitted by /u/Fury2014
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    Would you have any reservations buying a MBP on Swappa?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Currently in the market for a MBP and wanting to get the best deal possible on a refurb or gently used device. I've never owned a Mac before (been a PC guy) but I'm wanting to get into iOS dev.

    Would you have any reservations buying from Swappa? Kinda worried I'll get something that looks fine and boots up but then has some kinda performance issue or other defect that isn't immediately noticeable, and then I'll be screwed having to drop a bunch of money on a repair.

    Am I being irrational? I've used Swappa once or twice before and had good experiences, but those were significantly less expensive purchases so it didn't feel quite as risky as this. Any experiences would be helpful!

    submitted by /u/afieldonearth
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    2018 MBA 92% Battery Health at 77 load cycles. No AppleCare. I am screwed right?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:30 AM PDT

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