• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    iPhone The top of my iPhone has weird symbols and a percentage above my own actual percentage..

    iPhone The top of my iPhone has weird symbols and a percentage above my own actual percentage..

    The top of my iPhone has weird symbols and a percentage above my own actual percentage..

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    See the picture for details, there's some weird symbols on the left and the right of my phone above my own symbols, if that makes sense.. I've tried restarting my phone, it didn't go away


    submitted by /u/jjplucy
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    Screen splitting from side of iPhone 6s

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    I bent my phone a while back and at first pixels just started to get brighter in the top corner and eventually the screen started to disconnect from the body of the phone. Also it has a replacement battery, I got it replaced at staples :| a while back. Should I contact Apple and see if they could do anything or is there an easier way?

    submitted by /u/erox55
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    Help about live wallpaper

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    I have an IPhone XR and this is my first time trying to do a live wallpaper. I took the Live Photo, and I chose that as my wallpaper, but when I go to the lock screen the photo is still

    submitted by /u/Corn-Memes
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    Vibration/volume/DND scenario help

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Hi guys

    Coming from the world of Android, this is my first iPhone (XS Max). Here is the following scenario that i'd like; haven't been able to figure out how to do it yet (don't think it's possible). Ideally I would like 3 different modes:

    1) Silent mode, no vibration, but screen still wakes up for notifications (ok...turn vibration in silent mode off in settings, no problem)

    2) Vibration mode only, screen still wakes up for notifications

    3) Ringer on as normal

    Guessing it is not possible to have option 1 and 2 at the same time? From what I gather it is one or the other.

    The other setting would be to use DND, which would be perfect, but it does not wake the screen for new notifications, so if on my desk (which it is very often at night), it will never notify me of new notifications.

    submitted by /u/sugarkryptonite
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    Bluetooth issue

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    New convert from Android to iPhone 11 here. iOS 13.4.1 - in the US.

    I'm hoping someone here may be able to help with a problem I'm having with bluetooth. I have the phone paired with both a headset and my car (not a CarPlay car). I prefer using the headset when in the car because it sounds better on the other end to the people I'm talking to... less road noise, etc.

    If I'm on a phone call with the headset, and turn my car on, it will jump to using the car's bluetooth. Trying to get it to switch back hasn't worked unless I turn my headset off and back on again. Is there any way to get it to stay with the bluetooth device it's currently using rather than switch mid-conversation?

    I love the iPhone, but I never had this problem with Android. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/slym0009
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    Need some help with my iphone xr

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    I was just chilling on my phone and all of a sudden the screen turned black with the spinning wheel, like how it does when it dies, but the phone was charged at least 50% maybe more. That happened twice today. It only lasted for 1-2 seconds so I was worried if my phone was maybe being hacked or something.

    submitted by /u/sKiDaRo
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    touch id on iphone 7 barely works

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    it never recognizes my finger, even after redoing it it lasts a day then rarley works

    submitted by /u/ihave18feetand2toes
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    I forgot the password for a locked note and now i cant access it.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    I already reseted my password but according to the text box in settings, notes with passwords that have been already locked are not affected. Did i lose that note for ever? Or is there a way to remove the password?

    submitted by /u/szechuantrex21
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    I’m having trouble opening links in Safari.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Whenever someone sends me a link to a Tik Tok video I can't see the video on Safari (and when I used to have the app it didn't work either). Also, whenever I try to check out imgur pictures posted here it's the same issue. Links from both websites just populate the message that Safari couldn't connect to the server. Otherwise it works fine. Any ideas? (iPhone 7)

    submitted by /u/becq3
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    iPhone SE appears to be dead

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    So my iPhone SE's battery is dead and when I plug the charger in, nothing happens. Not even the battery icon appears. Just a black screen. I tried numerous button tricks but none of them work. Is my phone completely dead?

    submitted by /u/krulhaar
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    Can anyone tell me what this means ? I have iPhone 8plus and my ex had my phone for over a day I get it back and he’s changed all my passwords and then I find this , he somehow knows what I talk about on the phone when I’m no where near him, am I being spyed on?? Please help!!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Terrifying recurring tech issue: every device I use dies on me

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    okay that title is dramatic effect to get you to read this, but I'm really panicking here.

    The synopsis:
    2 very strange phone battery related deaths, very quickly following eachother. I know this sounds like an apple thing, but im wondering if its a current/problem with my electricity thing. It is not affecting my partners phone, his computer or my computer currently.

    The long part:
    A week ago my iphone X (256gb) was in my pocket and rapidly started to heat up. it didnt explode but it never turned on again.

    ive been using an old iphone 7 (128gb) in the meantime. downloaded basically nothing on it, just discord, reddit, one or two low impact games but all compatible with the old operating system. No mail synced, no old backup added to it. the 7 used to be a pretty good phone, but its been in the drawer and i only use it for international holidays.

    all of the sudden the battery life sucks on the 7 too, it was not like this last summer. i even get warning popups that now the phone cant generate enough energy to stay on despite being at 35% or 45%. this morning it doesnt turn on at all. when i plug it in to charge it gives me the expected screen display showing its connected, when i disconnect the power cord it tells me that ive disconnected it.

    No one else in the apple universe is reporting problems of this so its just me, but is this a power surge problem? my partner has a huawei and a surface 4, i have a surface book 2 and all appear to be acting within expectations.

    im sorry, im not sure what else to do. this surface book 2 was purchased because 3 weeks part of my old faithful laptop crapped out and couldnt be repaired for months, but i need to work from home.

    am i just tech cursed right now? is that a thing? do you think it has something to do with my account passwords?

    i just bought an iphone 11PM and now im nervous about turning it on until i figure out what the heck is going on here.

    thanks for your time, this was a big read and if you made it to the end I really appreciate it

    submitted by /u/SK2Nlife
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    iPhone 6s bottom volume button not working

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I have an iPhone 6s and the bottom volume button does not work i have tried replacing it and I was wondering if any one had this problem and how to fix it.

    submitted by /u/grahamaphone1
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    Don't know the carrier. How to fix sim issue?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    I got an iPhone 8 from my friend. Both of us don't know the carrier. When I put my sim card in the phone, I get this prompt.

    In settings, the carrier changes each time I put a different sim card in.

    How do I unlock the iPhone when the carrier is unknown? Would unlocking it make the sim card work when inserted?

    submitted by /u/zeroforce_
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    iPhone 8 calling issue

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    So basically, whenever I try to call someone on the messages app, if they don't pick up, the call will start anyway and gibberish will start playing from the call. If someone does pick up in the period of time before it picks up automatically, there will be a brief few seconds for me to talk to them before the same gibberish starts playing. Is this the same on other people's phones or is it just me? I honestly have no clue what's happening

    submitted by /u/GhostPotato_lmao
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