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    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    macOS Low quality meme

    macOS Low quality meme

    Low quality meme

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    macOS is the best OS

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    Desktop & Desktop 2 on iCloud Drive

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    This has happened once before and I cannot remember how to fix it

    I have three Macs - all running Catalina - one at home (Mac mini) one in the office (Mac mini) and one for travelling (MacBook Pro)

    I syn iCloud across all three machines - so I can just get going no matter where I am.

    The home Mac mini and the MacBook Pro sync the Desktop (called Desktop 2 on iCloud) and Documents perfectly but the office Mac mini now has a different Desktop (ironically called Desktop on iCloud) which is empty and a Documents folder that has different contents than that which is on iCloud

    Want to keep the home Mac mini and MacBook Pro setup - how to force the office Mac mini to sync?

    submitted by /u/MuckleEck
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    Unlock with Apple Watch

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Hi, I have a mid 2012 13" MacBook Pro Unibody and an Apple Watch Series 3 38mm. I know my hackintosh which has some random Apple wifi card can use unlock with Apple Watch but the MacBook's wifi card is too old? Is there any way to enable unlock with Apple Watch without swapping out the wifi cards?

    submitted by /u/RaiderFlyNO
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    why is fseventsd using %140 of my cpu

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Should I turn on iCloud Drive in my office’s iMac?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    The iCloud account I'm using mainly for personal use and I'm looking for a solution to back up the files in my office's iMac. Just wanna know what'll happen if I turn on the iCloud Drive in my office's iMac and have optimised storage checked. Will all the files currently existing in iCloud Drive downloaded into the office's iMac? I'm a bit confuse about how this works, what I want to do is just back up the files into iCloud but keep my personal files out of my office's iMac.

    submitted by /u/twokatkinS
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    How do I stop OS from ALWAYS asking this whenever I start up the Mac?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Can't see the photos entry in the Photos app

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Can't see the photos entry in the Photos app

    Hi everyone

    I updated my mbp to catalina recently and everything works perfectly fine except that, for some reason, I don't have the photos option in the sidebar of the Photos app. Tried to google this but with no luck. Do you guys know why and how I could bring that option back?


    submitted by /u/JetMayo
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    macOS Catalina won't show 10.15.3 update. Currently on 10.15.2. Help!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Downgrading Catalina help

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    So I'm new to Mac computers And purchased a cheap second hand 2008 13" unibody MacBook. It came with El Capitan installed but I upgraded it to Catalina with dos dudes patcher and converted my hard drive to apfs. It ran well but would occasionally it would crash and restart and after researching noticed others have had that problem with Catalina so I decided I would downgrade back. Here's where my issues started... Not really knowing fully what I was doing I wiped the hard drive of the Catalina patched version but now I can't even get into anything all that comes up is a prohibited sign or a blank white screen. I can't use any of the command prompts to load disk utility and when it attempts to boot it goes to the black efi boot screen and then just goes white. The only start up process I can get to is holding down option to choose my drive but it won't pick up my bootable USB installer of El Capitan. So I can't do anything at the moment. Is there anything I can do?? Is it because I converted to apfs? If I got another hard drive would it pick up the El Capitan USB boot drive? Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bonyfisher
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    Catalina login screen options

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Question: I've always had my login options set to blank username/password. After recently re-enabling FileVault, I notice it now shows me my username/name/icon at the login screen, instead of the more anonymous blank fields. This situation persists even after toggling setting.

    This setting is accessed by System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Options > then selecting from "Display login window as:" It's either a) List of users (which I don't want) or b) Name & password (which I want, it's just blank username and password fields).

    Is the autoselected user mandatory with FileVault, or have I run into yet another "feature" of Catalina?

    submitted by /u/morrisrm
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    Macbook Pro 15inch 2016 Booting/Fan issues after Catalina Update

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    hi yall. in a very frustrating situation! So yesterday night, I decided to finally update from Mojave to Catalina on my macbook pro 15 inch 2.7gHz, 16gb RAM, radeon pro 455. I noticed the fan kept running loudly as i slept and in the morning, the update seemed frozen at the apple logo sign with the bar a quarter of the way in. I tried to restart the computer but it just stayed there and soon enough the update finished. However, the fan was still really loud. So I powered it off and went to work.

    When I came back, it wasn't turning on. I called Apple Support and we were able to turn it back on by pressing few keys + power button (Recovery mode? SMC reset?), but still with the fan loudly turned on. So we tried reinstalling Catalina in MacOS recovery mode but ran into "PKDownloaderror Error 8". The support recommended I restart my modem and right after, my computer crashed and turned off. Now, every couple of seconds the fan now turns on and then off. I can't turn on the computer in anyway whatsoever- tried various resets.The apple support recommended I take it in for a check up.

    This is so SOO frustrating b/c I didn't do ANYTHING but update the software to catalina and ran into this problem. Anyone know how to fix this? Apple support told me that I'd have to pay for repair services since I don't have any type of warranty. But I also feel like the recommendation from apple support for turning off the modem during the reinstallation of catalina messed up my computer even more and caused new problems (aka fan turning on and off and computer not being able to turn on at all). Can i make a case about this to Apple? anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice? I'd highly appreciate it. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/youngboyfresh321
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    [Issue/Bug] While watching YouTube on FullScreen on Safari, MBP gets "stuck"—Requires Reset

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    Thank you for reading this. My issue is basically the title: [Issue/Bug] While watching YouTube on FullScreen on Safari, MBP gets "stuck"—Requires Reset.

    More info on the condition: while the full screen video is playing, it stops. No form of input seems to work: moving the trackpad does nothing, no keyboard inputs are registered, and the only button that actually works is the power button.

    Has anyone faced this issue? Is there a way to fix this?

    MBP model: 15 inch 2015 Retina

    OS: 10.15.4

    Edit: added more relevant info.

    submitted by /u/techno_boi_pucci
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    Figuring out reason for a kernel panic?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    so i had a kernel panic and my mac restarted , i have read the log and the only point of interest (to my minimal OS lingo) is Panicked Task : 0x######## with (#) symbolizing a series of numbers and letters.

    it probably don't matter that much , but is there any way to figure out the cause for this with the log?

    submitted by /u/CollosalEpidemic
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    3D CAD Apps for Mac OS?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Can anyone recommend a 3D modeling/drafting app on Mac OS?

    It's been about seven or eight years since I've been in college where I made use of Autocad and Pro Engineer on neglected computer lab terminals. Since then I've jumped into Mac OS (legitimately a with macbook and also with a freaking legit Hackintosh). I've been wanting to draft a space saving subwoofer enclosure for my car starting from a 3D mesh In a similar way this reddit user made like this one.

    My goal is to make a dual hidden subwoofer enclosure like the one above, but for the 08-14 WRX/STI sedans, no one makes dual enclosures on this model for some reason (they're also way too expensive). The trunk layout is different enough that that a new design would be a better idea than reusing the models for the 15-20 WRX/STI trunks.

    Edit: link formatting

    submitted by /u/jiminaknot
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    Does logout

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    edit/ My title got messed up :) I meant "Does logout clear filevault keys"

    I have the following settings which means my Filevault keys are being destroyed when system sleeps and my ram is written to disc and cleared.

    I wonder, does this also apply to when I press the Logout button? Are my filevault keys destroyed there also or can they be read still from ram?

    If not, how can I achieve it so my keys can not be extracted when I press Log Out, keep the disc encrypted and achieve same level of security as if my system sleeps meaning have my ram written to disc and not accessible though various coldboot attacks?

    I only have 1 user activated on the computer and Guestmode is off.

    pmset -g System-wide power settings: DestroyFVKeyOnStandby 1 Currently in use: lidwake 1 autopoweroff 0 standbydelayhigh 0 autopoweroffdelay 0 proximitywake 0 standby 0 standbydelaylow 0 ttyskeepawake 0 hibernatemode 25 gpuswitch 2 powernap 0 hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage highstandbythreshold 50 displaysleep 10 sleep 10 tcpkeepalive 0 halfdim 1 acwake 0 disksleep 5 
    submitted by /u/Resident-Split
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    Duplicate Users folders??? Help Needed.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Duplicate Users folders??? Help Needed.

    So I have a 500GB SSD that was running 10.14 and was consuming about 50% of the drive. I upgraded to Catalina about 6 months ago. And I just recently (about a month ago) got alerted to a low disk message and found that I only had about 5-10 GB free space left out of my 500 GB drive. I've since found that I have a what looks like duplicate Users folders, however they are not exactly the same size and I can't figure out what may be missing/different between the two. I have a folder at "/Users" and it appears I have another at "/Volumes/Apple SSD - Data/Users". I've read about the change Apple made in Catalina to separate the OS into Read-Only and have the Apple SSD - Data r/W, but I don't understand what occurred to the user home folders. I'd like to get my disk usage down to 50% where it used to be. I had to blow away a bunch of VMs to free up some space. I just don't understand what is happening with the userhome folders now and if I can safely purge one of these folders. Any help is appreciated.


    Mac-mini:/ primaryuser$ pwd / Mac-mini:/ primary$ sudo du -d 1 -h /Users Password: 34G /Users/wife 8.2M /Users/test 2.1G /Users/Shared 0B /Users/syncuser 7.6M /Users/Guest 71G /Users/primaryuser 106G /Users 


    Mac-mini:Apple SSD - Data primaryuser$ pwd /Volumes/Apple SSD - Data Mac-mini:Apple SSD - Data primaryuser$ sudo du -d 1 -h ./Users/ 0B ./Users//wife 0B ./Users//test 161M ./Users//Shared 0B ./Users//syncuser 7.7M ./Users//Guest 110G ./Users//primaryuser 110G ./Users/ 
    submitted by /u/angry-admin
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    Mac overheats when watching Twitch

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I've been watching a lot of Twitch lately and I noticed that my MacBook Air 2018 overheats an awful lot when I do. I've read that I'm not the only one noticing it, but I'd like to ask you some type of advice! It's uncomfortable and I'm scared to harm my Mac overheating it so much.

    submitted by /u/thisneychannell
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    Is there any way to hide duplicate files when conducting a search in Finder? (I don't want to delete APFS clones, I just don't want to see them when I am searching for files by name.)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Everything I can find online is about deleting duplicate files, which is not my concern. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/YouTubist
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    Photos library doesn't decrease after emptying Recently Deleted

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Photos library doesn't decrease after emptying Recently Deleted

    I recently moved my Apple Photos library from my internal drive with optimze enabled so only a fraction was stored locally) to an external SSD where I switched to download all files locally. AFter several days this resulted in a 810GB library on t 1TB SSD. I have a ton of large videos in there that I've been removing, and of course clearing the Recently Deleted folder afterwards. But this hasn't changed the size of the library, even after closing Photos, restarting, etc. Photos also seems to et stuck uploading like in this pic which it has been stuck for days. I did do a library reapair that seemed to go OK and then it restored, but it didnt affect either of these situations. Thoughts?


    submitted by /u/AngusMacGyverton
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    Where is your dock? (For Yojimboites, where's your Yojimbo drop dock?)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Mine's been on the left lately

    submitted by /u/mydawlinneworleans
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    Refresh Displays

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Is there a way to have macOS refresh the displays connected? Not detect, but refresh all displays, where the monitors fade out and in.

    submitted by /u/montana500
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    Is this throttling that I'm seeing? 80% idling, but logic is using 198% of CPU? wtf.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    i think i broke my mac

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I had attempted to upgrade to Catalina as I wanted to play games on my imac, so I wanted to get Windows by using bootcamp. That didn't work for some reason, even after asking for help from some apple support, we still couldn't get it to work. I had thought it was because I was still in Sierra when there was Catalina out. I upgraded and I regret it terribly, It made my computer so slow and choppy. I hated it and worst of all, I couldn't even play my favorite game that was supported with my mac version before. So i wanted to go back to Sierra, I went out and bought a 32 Gb Flash drive, download High Sierra into it. Went into recovery mode, deleted my hard drive data, and now i'm stuck. I attempted to restart my computer, It showed "your computer restarted because of a problem press a key or wait a few seconds" with many different languages underneath. I just gave up, please tell me someone knows what I did wrong.

    submitted by /u/niniichu
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    How do I clear this media

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:20 AM PDT

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