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    Sunday, June 16, 2019

    macOS Are the Media Keys "fixed" in Catalina?

    macOS Are the Media Keys "fixed" in Catalina?

    Are the Media Keys "fixed" in Catalina?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    This is a question for anyone who has toyed around with the beta. I'm referring to the situation where you'll be playing a Youtube video, and you want to mute music that may be playing in iTunes, but instead, when you click pause, it mutes the YouTube video. Basically, the media keys are reserved for whatever media you're currently playing whereas, before, the media keys were assigned specifically to iTunes (or, I guess Spotify if that's what you used...). In Catalina, is this "fixed" to work the way it did before?

    submitted by /u/windwaker4321
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    Finder layout changed in "Recents"

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 09:23 PM PDT

    Earlier today i noticed that my Finder's layout for the "Recents" tab changed out of the blue; my view options for Recents are "Group by: Kind" & "Sort by: Date Last Opened" for anyone's reference.

    Before it used to display the 'Recents' tab from top to bottom as: Images, PDF Documents, Presentations & currently now it's: Presentations, PDF Documents, Images ... The only contributing factor i could think of that may have caused this is when i restarted my computer well before i noticed the change; further restarts dont seem to change it back to the original layout it displayed.

    Has anyone else noticed that the Finder's Recents tab changed their layout as well? What exactly could have caused Finder to change its layout? Why did this change occur and is there a way to change it back?

    submitted by /u/Specific_Help
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    Steam and MacOS Catalina

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 12:57 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have a MacBook Pro 15" 2017; I'm mostly a console gamer (PS4) but I have two games on the Macintosh; Civilisation VI and Cities: Skylines both through Steam.

    Steam throws a hissy fit every time I launch it because "the next version of Mac OS doesn't support 32-bit apps". Am I going to have any issue with these two games or should I not update?

    submitted by /u/alstom_888m
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    Solution for Catalina 10.15 users that cannot boot because of low disk space

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    In macOS Catalina 10.15 the disk partitions have been divided in the main APFS container, Data partition sitting separately, and having automatically enabled Time Machine local snapshots, which sometimes eat free space even when deleting large files (no extra free space after deletion as the file still lives in the snapshot).

    In normal operation you can use the "tmutil" utility to list and delete snapshots thus created ("tmutil list localsnapshots /System/Volumes/Data" and then either deletelocalsnapshots "2019-12-12-121212" or thinlocalsnapshots /System/Volumes/Data 99999999).

    In extreme cases you may get into situation when disk space is so low that the system won't boot, and tmutil doesn't work because even deleting snapshots requires disk space.

    In this case you can reboot into Recovery (hold Cmd+R at boot), then run Terminal in Utilities menu, and in there use diskutil to recover:

    1. "diskutil apfs list" should show all apfs information, confirm that it's 100% in use
    2. check which partition is the VM (probably disk2s4 if on laptop).
    3. mount that partition somewhere: "mkdir /Volumes/j", "mount -t apfs /dev/disk2s4 /Volumes/j"
    4. remove a swapfile in the VM partition, freeing up space in the APFS container so snapshots can be deleted: "cd /Volumes/j", "rm swapfile"
    5. unmount VM partition and check that APFS container now has more space: "cd ..", "umount /Volumes/j", "diskutil apfs list"
    6. if APFS container now has more space, you can try risking to reboot and use tmutil from normal mode, or delete snapshots using diskutil (disk2s1 here is the Data partition with old snapshots: "diskutil apfs listSnapshots disk2s1", then "diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot -xid <xid you see in the list>"
    7. Repeat "diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot", checking "diskutil apfs list" until you think you have enough free space to reboot and recreate swapfile
    8. Reboot ("reboot"). The swapfile will be recreated automatically when memory pressure is high enough.
    submitted by /u/test_r
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    How do I defragment my hard drive

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 12:40 AM PDT

    External Hard Drive Doesn't Show in FInder

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    My External Hard Drive Doesn't Show in FInder but I can see it in disk recovery but I am not able to repair it?

    It has all my files on it, is there any way to access it? I bought a new hard drive I can put the old files on but not sure how to access them. My old hard drive is a Seagate if that makes any difference. It says "not mounted" but won't let me mount it and it says I am using all 2TB but I know I am not as my Time Machine says it has 809 GB left?

    I tried recover programs but you have to pay for them and I am nervous they are a scam. Any help would be great! Do I need to take it to a data recovery place?


    submitted by /u/endocrinez
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    Window management when switching between external monitors and laptop screen

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    Is there a way to save your window configuration for different monitor setups?

    I have always enjoyed using my MacBook Pro both at my desk with my external monitors and also on the go with just the built in screen. The challenge is that MacOS application windows are built to remember not only the spaces in which they reside, but also the location and sizing within that space. This comes in handy when you restart your machine and boot up safari, for example, and it knows to return to the right space, location, and dimensions that you configured before. But when I detach my laptop from those external monitors, the arrangement completely changes. I would love some software that lets me define arrangements for all my app windows for these different situations: one for just my single laptop screen, and another for my external monitor setup.

    submitted by /u/TheSkepticalWhale
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    Updated to Mojave and SMS don't send in Messages anymore.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    I've been at it all day to no avail. Signing out of all devices and rebooting and then signing in again does not work.

    My iPhone XS is running iOS 13, mac pro is on Mojave 10.14.5 and I'm even testing with an older MBP running El Capitan 10.11.6.

    Strange thing: the iphone no longer has a "text forwarding option" in message preferences under iOS 13, so I can't 'enable' that. But apparently I don't need to. The MBP running El Capitan Messages is functioning without problems. So it CLEARLY is a Mojave issue. And it seems that the iphone iOS is irrelevant.

    Has anyone found a TRUE fix to this? I read one guy said he changed his apple id password and it seemed to fix it.

    submitted by /u/nxtkitt
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    My findings about installing Mojave in external SSD

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Hi guys!

    I just want to share you my findings about installing Mojave in SSD. First, I needed an external SSD for my data, because my old one is too old... I bought a Samsung EVO 860 1TB + Orico USB 3.1 Gen 2 Case. Well, it is just amazing. The read and writing performance is almost the spec: 478 MB/s (write) and 510 MB/s (read).

    Thus, I had now a spare Sandisk SSD Plus (1TB) to play with. It is connected in an Orico USB 3.1 Gen 1. It is an old and not so good SSD, I can get 170 MB/s of write speed and 470 MB/s of read speed. I formatted it and install macOS Mojave.

    The installation could not be simpler. I boot using the recovery partition (holding CMD+R during the boot), formatted as APFS, and installed macOS there. As /u/Ananiujitha informed me in the other thread, the old bug that was making booting from external, APFS SSD very slow (+ then 2 min.) [1] is completely gone! It now boots in less than 40s. Of course the boot from my Fusion drive is way faster (something like 20s), but I can live with it.

    The read and write speed when Fusion is using SSD NVMe is just incomparable. However, when the spinning HD partition is used, then the read speed is like 5x slower than the Sandisk SSD. During the real world test, when I installed everything, used Lightroom and Photoshop, I saw how slow the Fusion can be. The responsiveness of my system is just on another level. Those minor lockups are not happening anymore. My computer is smoother than it has ever been.

    Thus, I decided to stick with macOS on my Sandisk SSD. I blacklisted my old macOS volume in the Fusion drive, so that it is not auto mounted on startup, but I am still using some data volumes. I truly suggest for anyone that has Fusion drive to try this setup. However, notice that the outcome should be different if you use a small set of software or if you have a 2TB Fusion, when maybe everything important can be fitted into the Fusion SSD. In this case, your system will be probably slower with the external SSD.

    I have two concerns:

    1. One is about the TRIM, which is not supported over USB. Maybe the system will become slower with time. Does anyone have any comment on that?
    2. This setup can break any time, because I do not know if installing macOS in external drivers is officially supported by Apple.

    Finally, given the huge performance gain, I am really thinking about buying Dell's thunderbolt 3 SSD, which will gave me the same performance as the Apple's internal SSD with TRIM support.

    [1] https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/takes-forever-to-boot-from-external-apfs-ssd.2074650/

    submitted by /u/Ronis_BR
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    Will this eGPU set up work with my Macbook Pros?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    I have a 2015 and 2018 Macbook Pro 15inch that I use with two 4k monitors. Running the monitors spins up the fans and can have poor performance on the 2015 pro at times so I want to get an eGPU that will work with both laptops. I don't game and will primarily use the monitors when writing code in IntelliJ. I'm looking at a Sonnet 350w + XFX RX580 Black Edition.



    I think this set up should work but I've never done a eGPU before and want confirmation that I haven't overlooked something.

    submitted by /u/EverythingElectronic
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    Album Cover Art File Formats (JPG vs. PNG)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    Alright, so I've done some research as to the difference between JPG and PNG image formats. I learned that PNG files seemed to be the more desirable option since they can be transferred between devices or between a device and the Internet without being permanently compressed. However, sources also said that JPG is ideal for anything that pertains to general art and is ideal for electronic screens. Album art for my music library happens to be exactly what I'm working with. So I've been wondering, which would be ideal for using with a music library, PNG because I'll never have to worry about the quality of an image degrading each time I send a song around, or JPG, because the images may look a little sharper for the time being?

    There are a few more questions too:

    Will the quality of a JPG image degrade if it's sent inside of an mp3 or m4a file?

    If you're using a wired connection to transfer tacks or just the images themselves between devices, will a JPG image still lose quality?

    Will the quality of a JPG image degrade if you're simply moving it between different folders on the same device?

    Can you convert a JPG format to a PNG without degrading the quality?

    If you wanted to move a JPG image between a computer and an sd card or an external hard drive, would the quality degrade then?

    These are just a few things the rest of the Internet never explained to me. Thanks to anyone who answers.

    submitted by /u/Jojda
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    Play/Pause button on touch bar possible glitch...?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    Hi guys, not sure if this is common or not but I've been having some slight issues with the play/pause button in the Touch Bar of my new MBP (2018). Sometimes, while watching HBO or Netflix, I'll click on the play/pause button and it'll do the correct action, but the button on the Touch Bar won't change. So, for example, if I go to pause a movie on HBO, the movie will pause but the button won't switch to the play icon. This gets fixed if I open an app like spotify, which then sort of resets the Touch Bar and allows it to work fine again on HBO. I'm wondering if this is a common bug, or if maybe the fact that I'm using AirPods and that causes videos to pause/play may be affecting the Touch Bar, or if it's a bigger concern and I should go to BestBuy and have them look at it?

    submitted by /u/l_flower
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    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    I am thinking about getting the Catalina public beta when it comes out. Not sure if I should. 2018 Macbook Air primary laptop but not heavily used. (Brave web browser (Google docs, slides, sheets), adobe reader, numbers, and pages). not sure and was hoping for some input from people who have already been through an OS release.

    submitted by /u/jdog7249
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    Infinite loading or freeze when I want to unlock screen

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    As title says, this is happening on a 2015 13" MBP, last Mojave version. Sometimes I will be able to enter my password and then when I press enter nothing happen. If I close the screen then when I reopen it and try to enter my password, the loading icon cursor (spinning wheel) appears and blocks everything. This is not happening right after a boot but after standby

    Edit: if I do it right after closing my mac or juste lock the screen, it never bug. It happens after a while in standby. Even if all applications are closed

    submitted by /u/BoredS7
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    any apps like Duet but display to linux?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    looking for an app that can provide second screen functionality like Duet does, but instead of displaying to an ipad i want it to display to linux or vnc instead. Ultimately im looking to use monitors that i dont have adapters for and am trying to save a few bucks and time going out and buying those. I do have a linux based server that just sits for the most part but its connected to dual monitors. I would love a way to bridge and use my mac to those displays short of buying the cables.

    Something already like what im looking for exists on linux:


    does anything exist in the macOS world?

    submitted by /u/th3suffering
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    Can't install Mojave on Late 2012 Mac Mini

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 03:40 AM PDT

    Trying to upgrade a Late 2012 Mac Mini to Mojave, from El Capitan, and I am told I can't install it on the hard drive because it's an AppleRaid: https://i.imgur.com/gAVaUfF.png

    Is there a way around this or am I stuck with El Capitan?

    submitted by /u/dilbus
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    Youtube views number [Problem]

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:46 PM PDT


    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    Can someone explain me what’s happening

    Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:44 AM PDT

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