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    Tuesday, June 18, 2019

    iPhone New App Discovery Thread for June 17, 2019

    iPhone New App Discovery Thread for June 17, 2019

    New App Discovery Thread for June 17, 2019

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    Welcome to our weekly stickied App thread! This is a new idea so please feel free to offer your feedback about this thread or the subreddit in general in the comments. As usual if you have a serious issue with the subreddit please contact the moderators directly.

    This thread is intended to help members of the /r/iphone community get informed about new apps that are out there. App developers may also use this thread to make users aware that their new app exists.

    Please sort comments by 'new' to find questions/information that would otherwise be buried.

    In this thread you can ask any iOS app related question that you may have. Anyone may offer advice on any issue.

    Two examples of potential questions could be; "How do I learn to code an app?", or "How is app pricing determined?"

    Developers, please include as much information about your app as possible, including size, price, release info, and anything else people request.

    We also have an official Discord Server you can join if you would like to discuss topic related to apps with other members of this sub.

    Finally, please stick to reddiquette and keep your comments on topic and substantive. Thanks for participating.

    Ask away!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    RIP my 8GB model A1203

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    Best solution I’ve found for no headphone jack

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:24 AM PDT

    Fun fact: Flag emojis are sorted alphabetically!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    I made a size comparison with the 2020 iPhone devices

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    Bought a Series 4 Apple Watch today. Love it so far. Strangely, turns out it’s been in storage for the last 49.49 years.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    Beta 2 profiles are live, best discovery I’ve found.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    The space bar...uh!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    My iPhone model A1203~unfortunately the touchscreen has dead areas. I can't access my photos.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    Please add, Brown Skin with Black Hair Emoji for South Asians and Latinos; Red Hair Emoji (without mustache); and where are the big bushy beard emojis?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    For those bored with iPhone

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    As an aging iPhone 6s user, I recently joined the Android camp again due to the outrageous price for a newer iPhone (new or used) and in reality what you get in feature set. I purchased a Google Pixel 3 because of its stunning photos. This isn't my first foray into Android as I've had a Nexus 5x prior to my iPhone 6s, and a Samsung Galaxy SII. So I'll keep it brief since this subject has been beaten to death and I came back to my iPhone 6s.

    1. Camera - Without a doubt the Pixel 3 camera is light years away in terms of still photography Vs. any iPhone out on the market. I've tested the camera from my 6s through the iPhone XS Max and its really no joke. But, while the iPhone makes people warm and yellow lacking detail, I feel that the Pixel can sometimes over sharpen subjects adding way too much detail. Its most evident when importing to a PC, just zoom in at 25% and the Android Phones (Every one I've owned) maintain their details. The iPhone on the other hand becomes a grainy and smudgy mess. As far as video, is Google even trying. iOS stomps all over it.
    2. Hardware - Each Phone (including a Moto X & Samsung Galaxy S my wife owned) has felt a step behind the iPhone. The Glass and matte on the Pixel feel great, but any iPhone (including my 6s & wife's iPhone 7) just feel better built and more premium. I've also played with some friends Galaxy and Oneplus and they just don't have that feel of an iPhone. This is subjective but I also had a Windows Phone (Nokia Lumia 1020) and while it was wrapped in polycarbonate, it still felt more premium then any android I've owned.
    3. Software - Biggest piece to the puzzle! This is what drives me away from Android and pushes me into Windows Phone (At the time) and iOS. Android and Google as a whole are clunky. Both Windows Mobile and iOS are/were intuitive, smooth, and as a techy I hate to say this, but just work. The apps are more polished, the system is more simple, and connectivity is easier. Android is still too fragmented, and while clean in its Nexus/Pixel line, its still plagued by too much without clear direction. Its not like Mac OS or Windows in which both OS have direction, Android feels soulless. I'm 36 years old with 2 toddlers and a demanding job, I don't have time to sit here and go through a million settings, then have to break down each settings per app after I've done all that. Its just not user friendly in that dept. While the phone is buttery smooth, my Bluetooth wouldn't stay connected, just changing wallpaper would show a loading bubble when my 4 & 12 year old 6s does it with ease. Then the overall feel, while some might like customization, it just feels like pimping out your car with all these nuance parts when there is a totally fine BMW available. The Widgets just look and behave better on iPhone. And then Ads, I feel like everywhere I go on Android there is an AD! I use Bing/Safari on both iPhone and Mac and then Bing/Edge on my gaming computer and I find Google Services, especially Chrome and Playstore to be a convoluted mess. I haven't used Chrome since 2013 and don't plan on using it since it just eats so much resources. If your an ecosystem person, (I have Google as my main account and MSFT for everything else so it easily transitions across my devices) then Apple is a no brainer. Even in that regards Google fumbles. One last note on this subject, I've had my 6s for 2 & 1/2 years containing over 100 apps and around 5k photos and have just hit 44GB out of 128GB. I don't know Androids poor management but I had taken 20 photos and installed half of my apps and I was already 20 GB's in? How and why? If anyone's out there please explain this one to me.
    4. Price - This is where it hurts, I paid $599 for that Pixel, $400 for the Nexus 5x and around the same for the SII. The price in USD is really good for a basic phone with a killer camera in comparison to $1k with a subpar camera and a phone that feels like the last 6 iterations. But in reality, your paying for a longtime investment Vs. a quick burner phone and the experience. No Android phone last/or has lasted as long as my iPhone & Windows Phone. I had 3 years with my Windows Phone and the battery and performance were better then my day 1 Nexus 5x which bootlooped after 1 year. My iPhone is pushing 4 years and its performing just fine with better battery then the Pixel 3, even though my battery health on the iPhone is 80%. Paying the extra hurts up front but is better long term.
    5. Social Impact - This might sound like the least important when in reality its probably one of the most important. In the states, a good percent of people use iPhone. My wife, my brothers, 10 out of 12 friends I chat with on WhatsApp, my parents and in-laws, and then 45 out of 50 managers in my site at Amazon. Its really hard to tell everyone all of a sudden, "Hey, download WhatsApp or duo so we can video chat and send pics". In iMessage we send photos and videos in full quality, with Androids poor SMS it compresses the file. I take a lot of photos at work being in upper management and over seeing so much it makes it challenging not to make the photos easily accessible via airdrop. Same things when sharing files with my wife or family members. As my brother who is an officer in a prison stated, "F@#K, I don't have service at work so I can't iMessage you". Same as the stock email and calendar easily accepting and sorting my work emails and calendar invites. I just couldn't find an easy way to manage this on Android since I don't use gmail and the widget feature feels unfinished. I do get teased for green bubbles, and not like it matters, but how my doctor friend put it once, "When he had a green bubble he would get fewer dates and even fewer messages". And as shallow as that sounds, its the truth.

    Sorry for my long rant, but I felt like adding that after trying Android on multiple occasions and always hating it after a couple of weeks. If your on the fence its worth a try but this is me giving you my opinions. By no means is the iPhone perfect, but I feel its more complete then Android.

    submitted by /u/latunza
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    WTF is it backing up?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    Found on the App Store home page. Ironic

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    Does anyone else’s Matte Black 7/7+ have these speckles on the bottom half of the back? Is there a way to get rid of them?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 07:09 PM PDT

    Do I upgrade my iPhone SE from 10.3.3?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    I still have my iPhone SE on 10.3.3 over fears of device slowing down which has happened to me with older devices in the past. Does anyone have experience to share with their SE on iOS 12 ?

    submitted by /u/7h3-5n0wm4n
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    I get fed up waiting for AirPower last year and built this just before the officially killed the idea

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Why does it keep saying that my storage is full even though it’s actually half full?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 03:03 AM PDT

    Best weather app?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 03:53 AM PDT

    Free or paid, doesn't matter as long as it's accurate. I'm from the UK if that affects anything. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/iPerilous
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    Replaced my leather case after 2years.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:47 PM PDT

    iPhone 6S randomly turned off

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    Hey, I need some help. I have an iPhone 6S which randomly turned off like 20 minutes ago. I was using, then put it in my pocket, 1 minute later it turned off and couldn't turned it on. It was on like 70% but still tried charging it, nothing happened. 5 minutes ago it turned back on saying 1% then immedately jumped to 61%.

    Do you guys know why it might have happened? I don't want it to happen again:D

    submitted by /u/KMaark
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    Iphone XS Max - What case are you using right now

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    Im using between my Apple leather case and Caudabe sheath.

    Im thinking on get the Nomad rugged leather case.

    submitted by /u/Leugims
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    QUick Iphone 8 Data Usage Question

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    So, I just got a new upgrade from a 6 to an 8Plus. I have 6 gigs of data for the month and I realized that I am blowing through my data with the new phone. I have read up on the steps to take to minimize data usage but I am curious if this will now by my new "norm". I could go through a whole month before and be around the 5gig ish area and now I used a full gig in a day. What could it be? Currently sitting around 4ish gigs with 21 days left....

    Steps I have taken:

    Disabled iCloud /w data

    Went through background App refresh and cleared out apps that I wouldn't need to refresh etc

    Turned off Wi-Fi Assist.

    used spotify on "offline" mode

    Any other suggestions would be awesome!

    Thanks in advance !!!!

    submitted by /u/sk8erdud119
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    Backlight died out on iPhone 6s.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    This is (hopefully) my last post on this issue. I had an iPhone 6S, and the screen stopped working. By testing it looks like the entire screen is dead, not just the backlight. So, I replaced the screen with another, and it worked fine for about an hour, and then the backlight died for no apparent reason. Can I have any help with this?Is there by any slim chance an easy fix for this? Is this a screen issue, or a logic board issue?

    submitted by /u/BarundonTheTechGuy
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    Screen Time on iPhone 6s

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    [Question] From everything I've read online, Screen Time was rolled into iOS 12, which means to me that it should be present in the Settings for any device running a version of iOS 12. My daughter has a 6s with iOS 12.3.1, and she's currently away at camp for the week. She claims the Screen Time entry is not listed in the Settings, which doesn't jive with my understanding of how it should be. Is she flat out lying to me (lol!) in order to surf uninhibited for the week? Or could there be something that is preventing it from being displayed?

    submitted by /u/reacher
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