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    Sunday, March 31, 2019

    Apple Daily Tech Support Thread - [March 30]

    Apple Daily Tech Support Thread - [March 30]

    Daily Tech Support Thread - [March 30]

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    Welcome to the daily Tech Support thread for /r/Apple.

    Have a question you need answered? Ask away! Please remember to adhere to our rules, which can be found in the sidebar. On mobile? Here is a screenshot with our rules.

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    Note: Comments are sorted by /new for your convenience

    Here is an archive of all previous "Tech Support" threads. This is best viewed on a browser. If on mobile, type on the searchbar [title:"Daily Tech Support Thread" author:"AutoModerator"] (without the brackets, and including the quotation marks around the title and author.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    A quick story...

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    A few days ago I found out that the girl who sits in front of me in my English class was colorblind; so I showed her the colorblind filters within the Accessibility features in Settings. I flipped the switch and she was at a loss for words. She took a while to process it all. According to her, she could see the colors much better. She isn't really the one to show much emotion, but she couldn't help but smile. It was really nice to see just how much of a difference technology can make in someone's life. Technology is so amazing <3

    Edit: Thanks for the gold! Glad I could share a story that touched someone :) Also, the way I worded the original post seemed to give off the impression that I thought Apple was the only company that had this sort of feature. I'm totally aware that other products have these features and I didn't intend to give off the message that Apple is the only one to do this. Technology in general is such an amazing tool and I find it crazy how much of an impact it can have on one's life. In this case, that product just so happened to be an Apple product.

    submitted by /u/techgeek1129
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    Apple hires Tesla’s head of electric powertrains in effort to bring electric car to market

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    I made an app that helps people with colorblindness cook their ground beef, and let’s people with normal color vision see what it’s like to be colorblind

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    I've just released PageTurn, which uses the True Depth camera and facial recognition to let you turn pages of sheet music (or any PDF) hands-free!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:59 AM PDT

    The News+ service feels flawed from the get-go. Anyone else struggling to understand the logic behind how you use it?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    I was excited to check out News+ and after the initial errors it was throwing I'm left with several points of confusion that I feel point to obvious flaws in its design. Curious if anyone else is thinking about the following:

    1. There's no "Subscribe" button when viewing the list of titles. There's no simple way to indicate "I want to read THIS title and this want to be notified when new issues of THIS title are released." There's really no notion of subscribing to anything at all. When a new issue of [insert title] is released, how will I know? Where does that live in the app?
    2. Playing off the comment above, the "My Magazines" list doesn't show titles you've downloaded, only those you've actually started reading. As far as I can tell, you must begin reading an article in a title for it to appear in the Recent list.
    3. You can only find magazines you've downloaded but not read in the Browse the Catalog section. There's no way to filter this list by those titles you've downloaded, which means you have to go back through the Browse the Catalog sections to find them.
    4. There's nothing that allows you to bookmark / dog ear / pin a page or article to return to later. This one really irritates me. Magazine readers often don't finish a long article in a single sitting (think train commuters who have to stop reading an article at the end of their commute) and dog-earring a page is a common way of saving your spot. In News+, if you step away from an article you've it finished, two things don't happen: 1) You have no ability to save the spot you stopped reading in the article, and, 2) nothing in the UI lists articles you've been reading, or stopped reading. At best, Apple could have built in a "save my spot" feature. Even better, I'm sure they could have used the software to detect the pace of scrolling an article, determined where you might have stopped reading, and prompt you to return to any unfinished article after you step away.
    5. Lastly, because the format of the News+ designed articles is so nice and perfect for the device you're on, IMO Apple should have excluded titles that were simply porting over a PDF of their physical print magazine. It's just a clumsy, poor experience, and hopefully that changes in the future from certain titles.

    Any thoughts on these observations?

    submitted by /u/MGCHICAGO
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    HomePod is currently on sale for $280 at BestBuy

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:27 PM PDT

    I Now Have a Cardiologist

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    Apple Music might be coming to Google Home

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:23 PM PDT

    I recently released Outplayer, a new video player for iOS that’s powered by mpv

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    I watch a lot of video on my Mac where there are some great projects like mpv and IINA, but haven't been satisfied with the design of video player apps on iOS. I was also inspired in particular by IINA so I wanted to try to create something to fulfill that niche on iOS.

    So I created Outplayer! It uses mpv as a backend, so it will have no issues playing anything you throw at it. I designed the playback UI to be fluid and follow the iOS design language, and it has some QoL features like adjusting subtitles to fit when cropping or showing controls. I'm also looking to build out more "videophile" features in the future.

    If you watch a lot of videos on your iOS devices, try Outplayer out and let me know your thoughts or suggestions!

    https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/outplayer/id1449923287?mt=8 (Free)

    submitted by /u/step_s
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    The availability of the original MacBook Pro was closer to the availability of the last Apple II than it is to today.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:37 PM PDT

    The Platinum Apple IIe was discontinued in November, 1993. The original MacBook Pro (Early 2006) was released January 10th, 2006, and discontinued on October 24th, 2006 with the introduction of the new MacBook Pro (Late 2006).

    Giving the Apple IIe the benefit of the doubt and saying that "November" means November 1st for the longest possible time, that would be 4453 days from the discontinuation of the last Apple II, November 1st, 1993 to the release of the MacBook Pro, on January 10th, 2006.

    Between October 24th, 2006, the discontinuation of the original MacBook Pro, and today, March 29th 2019, there have been 4539 days.

    This threshold was passed on January 2nd, 2019.

    submitted by /u/DodoDude700
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    I have just released the second beta of Liftin’, a gym app for iPhone and Apple Watch. I have added lots features based on your feedback, let me know what you think!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Hello again r/Apple! 👋

    I'm the developer behind Liftin', a gym workout app for iPhone and Apple Watch. If you missed my previous post you can find it here, and if you want to try the app you can sign up for beta here.

    The response for Liftin' has been incredible with so much great feedback and positive comments. After having worked on the app for a long time by myself I couldn't be happier with this first beta period, so thank you all for this! 🙏

    I have just released the second beta of the app with new features, exercises and lots of bug fixes. Specifically, I have added the three most requested features, and I am so exited to share them with you today!

    Warmup sets

    This is my first shot at warmup sets, so consider it a work in progress. For barbell exercises the sets are calculated similarly to the stronglifts app, and other exercises I use a general 45% / 65% / 85% method. I'm a bit confused by the imperial weights (I'm European), so if you think the weights doesn't make sense for your plates or you have other feedback about the warmup calculations, let me know!

    You can turn on warmup sets in the exercise settings, and for barbell exercises they are on by default.

    Edit sets individually

    In the first beta you could only configure sets x reps x weight, and while it makes the setup super simple it leaves out a lot of common use cases. In beta 2 you can still use the original simple version, but if you need more fine grain control you can enable it in the exercise setting.

    Custom increments

    Now you can select weight increments on a per exercise basis. This value will be used when the system automatically increases the weight.

    Other than this I have made some other minor improvements, bugfixes, and added lots of new exercises.

    For my next update I will focus on app privacy, data export, some other minor features and general stability and polish. I will also discuss pricing for the app so keep an eye out for that!

    If you have any problems, ideas or other feedback let me know! Use the feedback button in the app or test flight, or just send a mail to feedback@liftinapp.co. If you want to get the latest updates you can follow me on twitter @liftinapp.

    Looking forward to hear what you think, thank you for testin'! 💪

    submitted by /u/nstrm
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    Apple Music Comes to ChromeOS With Official Chromebook Support

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    Rossman: We need to talk about failing keyboards on these new Macbooks

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Apple Maps Transit starts rolling out in Poland

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 04:15 AM PDT

    The entire country seems to have train and tram stops https://imgur.com/gallery/iHmztLt

    submitted by /u/msapka
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    What other Apple products were announced but never released?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:31 PM PDT

    The only instances I can remember is a variant of a PowerPC Mac that was announced, however got replaced by an Intel successor entirely, and in terms of software, we had panoramic wallpapers, and cross platform FaceTime. Has there been others?

    submitted by /u/SteveJobsOfficial
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    After being frustrated with all the calorie tracker apps - I made Calorie Quick! Possibly the fastest (simplest) tracker on the app store.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    As I'm looking to lose some weight and many of the calorie tracking apps on the app store require a login or include an abundance of features, I wanted to make my own that was straight to the point. You have your daily intake, your caloric goal, an input, and an option to change your caloric goal. That's it. No more, no less. And as expected, your daily intake resets to 0 at the start of a new day.

    I plan on adding a visual progress bar soon but I'm open for suggestion!


    submitted by /u/SpartanGPA
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    Apple to shut down Texture on May 28, as a result of News+

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    I made an app that turns any smart device into an automated dog training tool!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    The app currently uses desensitization to reduce or eliminate negative behaviors associated with various sounds; Thunder, Fireworks, doorbells, vacuums etc.

    It's basically Pavlov's theory in reverse. We take any sound and teach the dog that it means nothing, the problem is desensitization takes a lot of time so we wanted to automate the process. Ideally, you have a tablet or old phone laying around so you can train your dog all day while you're at work. We've got built in safeguards to ensure the dog isn't being flooded with stimuli so you don't have to worry about stressing them out.

    We're in the process of pairing with a treat dispenser so instead of just desensitizing a negative behavior you can replace it with a good one. You'll be able to use our app to teach a dog that when the doorbell rings they should run to their bed for a treat instead of to the door with little to no effort.

    Check us out or see more on our website.


    submitted by /u/TrainAway_ADT
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    Apple loses engineer who oversaw iPhone, iPad processors

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:10 PM PDT

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