• Breaking News

    Monday, February 4, 2019

    iOS Jailbreak [NEWS] GeoSn0w releases GeoFilza

    iOS Jailbreak [NEWS] GeoSn0w releases GeoFilza

    [NEWS] GeoSn0w releases GeoFilza

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 06:34 PM PST

    [Discussion] CoreTrust bypass by iBSparkes

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 12:25 PM PST

    [News] Remout passed... we are slow.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 02:18 PM PST

    [News] TweakInjection working by Jake James

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 12:47 PM PST

    [Tip] iOS 12.1.1 is still being signed and...

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 09:46 PM PST

    1) Sparkey and umang ur0 have found coretrust bypass

    2) Jakehacks has a working rootless JB

    3) GeoSnow has a working GeoFilza

    4)Sarkey did something about remount bypass

    5)Tfp0 has been achieved on "?" Devices (IDK 😸 exactly)

    So update? Or Regret ? Or feel the pain of Futurerestore? 😛

    And also would you guys mind visiting my Sub - r/tutorians 🤓

    Edit 1 - upgrade to 12.1.1 as 12.1.2 has some annoying bugs

    Edit 2 - Pwn is working on A7-A8 devices (Source - comment )

    Edit 3 - Bugs on 12.1.2 - https://9to5mac.com/2018/12/24/ios-12-1-2-cellular-data-bug/

    Edit 4 - If you guys are not facing any issue on 12.1.2 you can stay if you wish. 🙂

    Edit 5 - Bugs Fixed on iOS 12.1.2 ( SOURCE - 12.1.2 (build) fixed the bugs as you can see from the mega thread created by the discord owner. I tested it on iPhone X, 6, 6S Plus and 7 - /u/pancakeufo )

    Edit 6 - GeoFilza for iOS 12 - (A9 -> A11) - https://reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/amz5ui/release_geosn0ws_geofilza_filza_no_jailbreak_ios/

    Edit 7 - Coretrust Bypass by ibSparks - https://reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/amtl1w/discussion_coretrust_bypass_by_ibsparkes/

    Edit 8 - Remount Bypass - https://reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/amusdj/news_remout_passed_we_are_slow/

    Edit 9 - Tweak injection is working 😸 - https://reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/amttyt/news_tweakinjection_working_by_jake_james/


    submitted by /u/tashfeen0r
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    [News] It’s happening, everyone!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 12:52 PM PST

    [Release] GeoSn0w's GeoFilza (Filza No Jailbreak iOS 12) Updated (No more "The main app was modified" error)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 10:59 PM PST

    [Question] I have a question for many developers. SPECIFICALLY a few jailbreak developers (Luca Todesco, Coolstar, pwn20wnd, Saurik, etc). Put aside your differences if you have any for a minute. It’s a question about your gift.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 11:56 PM PST

    My question is this. How the HECK do you guys know SO much? What advice do you have to a Computer Science major student who would like to get into the jailbreak development scene? Potentially be in the same realm as you guys in the future in regards to your knowledge. I don't understand. I know some of you are SUPER young. I believe Luca is about 20 years old (like me), and I believe CoolStar is about the same age. A lot of you have been developing for the jailbreak scene since BEFORE YOU started college!!! And some of you were doing this in your teenage years! And some of you didn't even go to college! I'm taking in all of the information I can in school and I am trying to take time to reach myself though online tutorials and I've put so many hours into learning but no matter how much I try, I still can't fathom how you know how to do what you do. You guys know how to do things my mind can't even comprehend yet. And you guys have been able to do these things at such a young age. It's insane. So my main question is, HOW can I learn as much as you? Obviously I'm already pursuing Computer Science in school, so let's put school aside as an answer. Give me your own personal tips. What did you guys do to learn to code as amazingly as you do? Think back to before you knew ANYTHING. What did you do? What were your first steps? How did you learn? What resources did you use? How did you practice? I almost feel like you guys were just BORN with this gift. It's insane. I'd really appreciate your advice and tips. A lot of you don't get along due to personality differences which I understand, but you all share one unique trait. Your love for coding and your passion for security research. You're all geniuses. And I want to know how. Thank you. If it helps, I'm really good in HTML5 and I know a bit of Java and I'm teaching myself Swift. I'm working on making a basic game right now for practice. I'm a novice still. Any tips help.

    Sincerely- Myself and probably a lot of other people who want to pursue Computer Science and security research.

    submitted by /u/rickscoped
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    [Tutorial] Change iOS 12 Resolution without glitches.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 08:25 AM PST

    1. downlolad jake james's rootless jb
    2. enable the jb
    3. connect via ssh to your iphone
    4. change the resolution via the osiris resolution changer app
    5. on terminal ssh type killall cfprefsd and then killall backboardd - ps. you have to run those commands everytime you reboot your phone and change the resolution by one pixel
    6. boom 1472x828 no glitches 100%
    submitted by /u/vince085
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] What can IOS 12 do currently

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 08:25 PM PST

    Is there any fun things we can do before the jailbreak finally releases? Besides CC12 and Notification Badges

    submitted by /u/finnaFxck
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    [Question] Is this some kind of bug or can I not install NoctisXI?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 06:10 PM PST

    [question] I’m new to jailbreaking and I have some questions in preparation for the ios12 jb

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 02:39 PM PST

    Hello everybody, I will be jailbreaking for the first time when the ios 12 jb drops (and hopefully A8 support is fixed lol) and I have a few questions.

    1. What is a respring loop? And how would I fix one?

    2. How common are bootloops and are they fixable?

    3. How do I decide what tweaks to get?

    4. Where do I get tweaks?

    I appreciate any help you guys give

    submitted by /u/Grrundee
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    [Question] procedure before upgrading to 12.1.1 from jailbroken iOS?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 07:59 PM PST

    With all the recent advancements regarding iOS 12 jailbreak I am now trying to upgrade via iTunes to avoid futurerestore risks. Will a simple rootfs restore be enough to upgrade or should I restore my entire device first?

    Update: Just said fuck it and updated with only a rootfs restore beforehand. I used shift-click in iTunes for iOS 12.1.1. Seems to be working fine so far.

    submitted by /u/infinitelasagna
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] What is your favorite underrated tweak?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 12:48 PM PST

    [Discussion] Current state (in point form) of tfp0 and a n0ncesetter for iOS 12 on A7/A8 devices

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 03:03 AM PST

    If you, like myself, have an A7/A8 sitting on iOS 12 then you're probably visiting this subreddit a couple of times daily.

    In this post, I'll be making a short list which describes what's going on without having to check through multiple Twitter accounts and Reddit threads.

    • Currently, there is no public way to get tfp0 on A7/A8 devices running iOS 12-12.1.2. Therefore, there is no n0ncesetter available for such devices which means that you cannot downgrade from iOS 12 to iOS 11/10 (A7 only) yet.
    • CVE-2019-6225, which is the bug being used for recent the iOS 12 tfp0 exploit that don't work on A7/A8 devices, is confirmed to be present on A7/A8 devices.
    • Bazad's voucher_swap exploit is not compatible out of the box with A7/A8 devices (because they use a 4K page size) BUT it's said to be possible to adapt it to work on such devices.
    • Pwn20wnd, the main guy behind unc0ver, is currently working on fixing voucher_swap for 4K devices and tweeted about being very close to finishing his fix on Friday. https://twitter.com/pwn20wnd/status/1091052656943161345?s=21
    • unc0ver 3.0.0~b7 has support for the iPad Air 2 which I believe is a 4K device. This might mean that a pwn20wnd is currently testing out his adapted voucher_swap exploit. UPDATE: The Air 2 is apparently a 16K device in the context of jailbreaking - https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/amonhm/discussion_current_state_in_point_form_of_tfp0/efo0qv5/
    • v1ntex by tihmstar, which like voucher_swap makes use of the bug mentioned in point 2, is an exploit that gets tfp0 AND supports A7/A8 devices. However, it doesn't work out of the box on iOS 12 and requires some modification.
    • Raz Mashat is currently working on adapting v1ntex to work on iOS 12 but it is not known whether any progress was made. https://twitter.com/razmashat/status/1091751960267632640?s=21
    • UPDATE: Umanghere tweeted that he'll update his n0ncesetter to support A7/A8 devices in the immediate future although he hasn't said how he plans to do it and whether it'll support iOS 12. https://twitter.com/umanghere/status/1091989827141156865?s=21
    • TLDR: Tfp0 and a n0ncesetter for iOS 12 on A7/A8 devices should be coming in the near future but nothing is certain at this point. If/when tfp0 on A7/A8 devices is achieved on iOS 12, it's most likely that a n0ncesetter gets released within a matter of hours

    Please let me know if I wrote something incorrect :)

    submitted by /u/KawaiiAurora
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    [Question] GeoFilza related tweaks

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 08:23 PM PST

    Loving GeoFilza as I have already changed the obvious things such as the calculator error message and some other labels. What are some of the other filza changes that can be done in the meantime? ( I am being very careful and backing up the original files as I know how serious and powerful having root access can be)

    submitted by /u/Klay326
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    [Help] Want to run PUBG Mobile at 60fps.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 11:13 PM PST

    I am on iOS 12.1 rn. I can't install newly released Geofilza as i don't have pc. Is there any other way i can achieve this without computer? TIA

    submitted by /u/InvincibleYT
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    [Tutorial] Unc0ver Bootstrap Error Workaround

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 01:56 PM PST

    From 2.2.2 - 3.0.0 b8

    Many people have been getting this boot strap error. Though this should be fixed later here's a temporary way around it.

    1. After getting the error hit OK.
    2. Go into Settings > General > Accessibility > switch bold text on
    3. Let device respring
    4. You'll be jailbroken
    5. (Optional) turn bold text back off.
    submitted by /u/chasesdavis
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    [Request] An alternative for CrashReporter

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 05:19 AM PST

    CrashReporter hasn't been updated for a long time and it's kinda broken..it'd be great if we had an alternative for CrashReporter..

    submitted by /u/shikderrafi
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    [Request] A tweak that allows custom, downloadable, Animoji’s

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 09:52 PM PST

    [Question] Is new uncover more stable?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 07:19 PM PST

    As the title says, is anyone noticing more stability with the update that uses the new exploit? I'm on uncover 2.1 and I get random reboots at least twice a day, sometimes more. Iphone X on 11.3.1, not a crazy amount of tweaks

    submitted by /u/russ8825
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    [Question]Wifi Booster for ios 12?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 11:55 PM PST

    Hey folks,

    Is there any way to remove the Wifi range Limit over GeoFilza?

    submitted by /u/MTFUJl
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    [question]which one to choose to jailbreak ios 10.3.2 in terms of stability?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 08:00 AM PST

    [Question] Is there currently anything for those on A12 devices to use to have some fun with?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Osiris currently doesn't support our devices, rootless by Jake doesn't either.

    The only thing I can think of is custom notification badges

    submitted by /u/escargott
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    [Question] Is there any way to change this icon using Geofilza?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2019 09:02 PM PST

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