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    Thursday, August 9, 2018

    iPhone iPhone 8 64 gb is acting slow.

    iPhone iPhone 8 64 gb is acting slow.

    iPhone 8 64 gb is acting slow.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 08:32 PM PDT

    Hello, I am having an issue with my new iPhone 8. It doesn't seem to matter whether or not I am using my network or WiFi or what app I am using or if I am using the internet on it. It is extremely slow and I have 52.64 GB out of 64 left. There is hardly anything on this darn thing. I have noticed one weird thing though. No matter what I am doing, if it is taking to long to load the app or a website or whatever, I can swipe from the bottom of the phone and bring up the quick settings. Where you can turn on/off WiFi and Bluetooth etc. and then the screen magically appears to load. No matter how long I waited before hand. I have tried this at 1-5 minutes of waiting and even 25 minutes of waiting. Every time I swipe up and bring up the quick settings and then swipe it back down immediately the page loads. This is not a 24/7 issue but one that keeps happening randomly and I cannot figure out. I just ran a speed test for my WiFi because it acts like that's the problem and I have fioptics 600mbps and it said I am download almost 300 mbps and uploading 132. But like I said, I also have this issue when the WiFi is off and I'm using the network at home and away from home. But it acts like a slow internet connection if that helps. Any ideas would be helpful, ive gone through all the settings and everything is exactly the same as my last phone and it ran great. I had an iPhone 7 Plus and it was just to big for my hands and was uncomfortable so I upgraded when my plan allowed. Thanks in advance!

    Edit: spelling errors

    submitted by /u/csr715
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    Battery capacity dropped by 5% in 2 months

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 08:05 PM PDT

    Got my iPhone 8 since December 2017. Currently at 91% battery health and realised it has dropped by 5% in the past 2 months. I usually only have to charge my phone once a day, some days twice and that's it. Would like to know if this is normal?

    submitted by /u/lazyjeans
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    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 04:17 PM PDT

    Is there anyway for me to automate sending texts I just started school and I need to send a text to my parents but I've forgot most of time so I wonder if when I get to my school or house it automatic sends a text message

    submitted by /u/Craftifduty
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    Help on problems updating iphone!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 06:04 PM PDT

    I'm trying to update my mom's phone which is fairly out of date, on some 9 version. I was having problems just trying with the phone alone so I downloaded itunes onto her pc and started doing it through there. At one point it said it lock connectivity to the internet and so I tried again.

    This comes to the main problem, the screen is black except for an itunes and charger cable icon. I'm assuming this means something like the cable is unconnected. But it's a brand new charger cord and I tried disconnecting it and connecting it again and that didn't work so I tried soft resetting it as well. Still the icon is showing

    submitted by /u/Punsnotbuns
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    slow connection to wifi on all apple devices

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 02:29 PM PDT

    The Wifi connection of my iPhone 7 and my iPad Mini is very slow, inultilable. On android smartphones and pc wundows it's very good. I tried all the solutions I found online... changed dns, reset network settings, enabled and disabled wifi assistant and localization but it does not go. What can I do?I'm desperate :(

    submitted by /u/GaetanOK
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    Safari browser looks like I’m on the web version vs the mobile version

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 09:59 AM PDT

    I switched the browser from google to yahoo because it wouldn't load anything for some reason. When I switched back to google it looks like the web version vs how it used to look. Any idea how to revert back o normal?

    submitted by /u/bli123z
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    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 07:55 AM PDT

    I have recently been getting into jailbreaking but I've already updated to I believe the iOS 11.4.1 is there anyway to go back to 11.3.1

    submitted by /u/imusingredditforhelp
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    Phone wont boot and need to retrieve photos

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 06:23 AM PDT

    an iPhone SE roughly one year old, one day it would only turn on to the "low battery" screen before shutting off again. Tried three different connectors and none would charge it. <anyone have recommendations what I could have done to solve the issue at this step?>

    When I hooked it up to a computer and loaded iTunes it said that the phone was not readable and either I needed to be upgraded or reset. When I tried to upgrade the phone, it restarted half way and now the phone simply goes to recovery mode. Trying to upgrade again gives the same result.

    Looks like I'll need to do a reset, but there are still photos on it which weren't sync'd to iCloud. I've tried using SyncIOS and Aiseesoft's FoneLab, but syncios straight up doesn't see the phone while FoneLab wanted me to buy something to do a recovery.

    Does anyone have ideas for retrieving the photos?

    submitted by /u/Worglorglestein
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    iPhone Photo transfer to PC

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 02:52 AM PDT

    Hey. One question.

    I have around 200 gb of photos/videos on my iPhone that I want to transfer to my Windows PC.

    I have bought the iCloud Photo Library and backup everything online and have downloaded it to my PC.

    However now, mostly every file is saved in three formats (HEIC,jpg and .mov), since some of them are live photos.

    How do I correctly transfer without having so many duplicates, since deleting duplicates for more than 14.000 files would take million years.

    submitted by /u/gregasays
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