• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 26, 2018

    macOS No MacOS Mojave Public Beta?

    macOS No MacOS Mojave Public Beta?

    No MacOS Mojave Public Beta?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:17 PM PDT

    I didn't really understand what happened,

    I got notifications about the first public beta of Mojave being released though didn't see any changes at Apple or got any notification from my system, and like 2 hours later I see all the tweets & articles about it got deleted

    Does anyone know what happened? Are we getting a Public Beta anytime soon?

    submitted by /u/TheNicestAF
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    macOS polished UI while moving many things to trash

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 07:07 AM PDT

    MacOS Photos sync is unreliable

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:47 PM PDT

    Hello, first time posting!

    Photos on MacOS has been very unreliable for me. It takes an inexplicably long time to upload photos i've taken on my iPhone X (sometimes more than 24hr), and even when it does eventually manage it there will sometimes be large portions of photos missing for no discernible reason. Has anyone here had any such problems? If so, have you figured out any solutions, or have you decided to switch to different software?

    submitted by /u/swagtalent
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    Website for downloading Mac OS icons?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:39 AM PDT

    I remember a long time ago (circa Mac OS System 8/9), there were tons of websites that had icon sets (ie: Simpsons, Toy Story, etc.)

    A good example is (now defunct and operating solely as a design firm) IconFactory.

    Anyone have any recommended sites where I can download fun iconsets for my files and folders?

    submitted by /u/bancoenchile
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    Why mac os is so bad at gamming?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:14 AM PDT

    Safari logged out from all accounts

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 12:31 AM PDT

    Hi guys!

    I have a problem after the last updating with Safari Browser.

    Every time when I'm closing Safari and open again, Safari app automatically logged me out from my all accounts that was logged in.

    Maybe someone else got the same problem?

    Safari ver.: Version 12.0 (14606.

    MacOS ver.: 10.14 Beta (18A314h)

    submitted by /u/ssb_beast
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    Messages slow in 10.13.5

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:27 PM PDT

    Has anyone noticed that after Apple added iCloud sync for iMessages, Messages app in macOS is slow now? ie, closing it down, the constant sync bar at the bottom left, and switching between chats?

    submitted by /u/rsoatz
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    Is Blurry PDF rendering in Preview fixed in Mojave (links in post)?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:16 AM PDT

    Here are some links that explain this issue in some detail:

    I think this bug was introduced in Mavericks and it hasn't been fixed in 10.13 either.

    Has it been fixed by in Mohave?

    submitted by /u/MonadicMonday
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    New SSD and High Sierra seem to be a deadly combination for my MPB Mid-2012

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:35 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Reaching out in the hopes of some thoughts!

    I've been to 1 x Apple Specialist, 1 x local computer store, 2 x Genius Bar and had countless phone-calls with Apple Support about this. My next GB apt is Wednesday evening but I'm losing my shit and getting further behind with my work so any help appreciated.

    I had a fully functional Mid 2012 MBP running OS X High Sierra until Saturday. The original HD failed (grey screen question mark situation at start up)... luckily I have all my data. Apple Store GB staff advised getting an SSD installed. I went to my local computer store and paid them to install it. They said all good. Went home, followed their steps but it refused to install OS X Mountain Lion from Internet Recovery.

    I called Apple and we walked through some steps but nothing worked. They suggested the SSD had been improperly installed. By this time everything was shut. Sunday rolled around and my local store was busy so didn't have time to look.

    I booked in with an Apple Specialist store as the GB was also booked out. They said the drive looked to be installed just fine but they could check properly and install OS X anything for a fee. OK sounds good.

    I went back to collect it on Sunday evening and he said it hadn't worked, so he would try something different. He seemed to think it was failing because my Mac was originally purchased in the UK and this was US licensed software? Anyway they called today to say El Capitan had been installed successfully so I could come by and collect. No problem. Paid the fee and collected it. Returned to work and booted her up.. it said there was a Software update and it would restart in 60 seconds... and surprise surprise I'm back to the white screen with the prohibition symbol Ø

    I don't understand what is happening. Again, I've called Apple Support and all their steps are failing. From my readings online it appears it is not uncommon for OSX High Sierra to "brick" MBPs regardless of age... but I HAD this on my MBP when it was running just 3 days ago... what do :(

    submitted by /u/lesdurp
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    [Question] PragonNTFS uninstalled, but the boot message still exists

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:53 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I once installed ParagonNTFS to try its functions. Then it's uninstalled. Now everytime when MacOS boots to desktop, there will be two notifications always get displayed. As in the screenshot. How can I completely get rid of these?


    submitted by /u/zeroxia
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