• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 5, 2018

    Apple Macbook I honestly can't believe they're not announcing the next generation MacBook Pro at today's WWDC.

    Apple Macbook I honestly can't believe they're not announcing the next generation MacBook Pro at today's WWDC.

    I honestly can't believe they're not announcing the next generation MacBook Pro at today's WWDC.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 12:18 PM PDT

    I've been waiting two months for today's event. I have money saved and everything. I finished this past semester on my five year old MacBook Pro, just so I could buy the new one as soon as it came out. But instead, we get a bunch of garbage software updates, and no mention of the dysfunctional Apple "butterfly" keyboard.

    submitted by /u/An_Innocent_Bunny
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    Buy Now Or Wait

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 02:06 PM PDT

    Need a laptop for college in September and was hoping for a MacBook refresh today any suggestions on whether to wait or buy the 2017 model now

    submitted by /u/Rmalone66
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    Reliable place to buy 2015 MacBook Pro?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 04:02 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a reliable place online to buy a 2015 MacBook Pro. I would buy it on Apples refurbished online store but they don't have many options left

    submitted by /u/RubenTheCasual
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    Wait for new MacBook?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 05:12 PM PDT

    So if was expecting the new MacBook to be announced today and would be able to get one before August, but I guess not. Now I'm stuck since I start college at the end of August and I need a computer since I'll be majoring in computer engineering, so I have two options wait and use my old and slow 2011 MacBook Pro, buy a windows 10 pc (most likely the MSI GS65). I'm not willing to buy the current gen since they're already outdated and have horrible keyboards. Please someone give me suggestions or if any I listed on what to do. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Dan273
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    List of compatible Macs whit macOS 10.14 Mojave (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 08:48 PM PDT

    MacBook (Early 2015 or newer) MacBook Air (Mid 2012 or newer) MacBook Pro (Mid 2012 or newer) Mac Mini (Late 2012 or newer) iMac (Late 2012 or newer) iMac Pro (2017) Mac Pro (Late 2013, plus mid 2010 and mid 2012 models with recommend Metal-capable GPU)

    ... my late 2011 is out, why when actually whit SSD and 16 GB of RAM is working sooo fine?

    submitted by /u/fabianhtml
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    11.6” 2011 MacBook Air A1370 MC968LL/A MacBookAir4,1

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 07:49 PM PDT

    iCloud messages option greyed out - Late 2011, High Sierra

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 07:04 PM PDT

    Has anyone else experienced this? Apple support is no help beyond sign out and sign back in 100 times. Properly updated to 10.13.5

    submitted by /u/Dave-CPA
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    Advice: Repair MacBook( 2016) or buy used MacBook Pro 2013-2015

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 09:59 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    A couple of keys stopped working on my MacBook (2016) , I won't go into details, but I tried repairing one of the keys myself by ordering a replacement key online... it didn't go well...

    So I abstain from trying to repair them myself again.

    I called the Gravis Hotline and asked how much repairing/replacing the keyboard will cost: 550 Euros, roughly 640 Dollars

    Currently I'm using the Apple keyboard to write on my MacBook and I really like the feeling of a "real" keyboard.

    I've read many articles, that some people are buying old MacBook Pros (2013-2015) and ditching their MacBook with the butterfly keyboard, the keyboard feeling is not important factor, but it's a nice feature.

    So my question is, is it worth getting the MacBook (2016) repaired or will I find a good used MacBook Pro for the same price?

    Looking forward to your advice!

    Edit: MacBook 2016 is the basic model with no extra upgrades. I mainly use it for my law studies, so no video editing, photoshop etc.

    submitted by /u/Koyaan94
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    HELP ...so this is my last resort . If anyone has any help or info please let me know . . My girlfriends old Macbook Pro laptop (2005) has basically died . We tried connencting to other monitor and we got the same result , a messed up screen :p It still turns on but we cant access anything . Thanks

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 05:20 AM PDT

    Need help recovering data after stopping/restarting iCloud syncing

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 03:05 PM PDT

    I really need some help understanding how apple handles their document storage / hierarchy. I think I may have lost some very important documents, but I'm not even sure which ones I lost, just that some are definitely missing. Long story short, I back up my computer via icloud and have documents stored there. I was working on a train without wifi or a power supply. The "icloud backup.app" was consuming a lot of power and I could not get the app to quit, so I temporarily turned off icloud syncing via system preferences >icloud. There was a message that said I would store a local copy of the documents on my computer. When I got wifi/power back, I found the folders (desktop, documents, etc.) and transferred all the files back to their original locations, then reenable icloud syncing. I don't think all of the documents were transferred appropriately.

    I am still trying to google and look into the situation myself, but does anyone have any insight into what steps I should take? I have a 2015 MacBook pro running high sierra 10.13.4

    submitted by /u/DicklePill
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    Thunderbolt port on Mid-2012 MBP threatening to fail due to (I assume) wear-and-tear. Any way to fix/mitigate this?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 12:36 PM PDT

    Each time I connect my external monitor to the Thunderbolt port, I have to physically wiggle the adapter to get a clean connection (otherwise the external monitor just shows static). Once it's connected, it keeps a good connection (as long as something doesn't bump my desk really hard).

    I figure that every time I plug/unplug this port I risk it failing to work completely. Since the external monitor is essential to my workflow, I've resolved to just leave my MBP plugged in until I can buy a new one. Of course this is not ideal either.

    Since no new MBPs were announced at WWDC, I thought I'd ask here... does anyone have any insights/solutions to this issue?

    My understanding is that replacing the port requires replacing the entire logic board for $300+ even if I do all the work myself.

    Has anyone experienced this issue and had success with other repairs?

    Should I expect the port to deteriorate further? Or is this generally as bad as it gets?


    submitted by /u/HeavyMessing
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    ambient light sensor on mid 2012 MBP (10.13.5)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 12:02 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if my MBP has an ambient light sensor but, if it does I think it may not be working correctly. What I've noticed is if I check the automatically adjust brightness on the display preference pane it just kinda stays where it is. Any ideas how to make it adjust the display brightness so I don't keep running my battery down when I forget to crank it down :(

    submitted by /u/mokey-fraggle
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    MacBook Pro 15" 2015 with gpu for 1600€, worth it ?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 09:28 AM PDT

    Hello world,

    I'm tired of my 2017 13" MacBook Pro without Touch Bar, and I found a 15" from 2015 with the extra GPU, a 2.7 I7 processor, 16 gigs of ram and 500gb SSD on a second hand website, and I was wondering should I take the leap or is the price too much ?

    I'll sell my 13" after this. What do you guys think ?

    submitted by /u/CharlesXll
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    wow, not often u see the 1st gen 2006-2009 macbook in a 2018 movie...respect #squadgoals

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 09:25 AM PDT

    2017 Macbook Pro w/o TB - No external monitor

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 05:14 AM PDT

    I have an Astrum DA630 USB C to HDMI converter, and when I connect to an external display, it turns the display off.

    Mac OS (10.13.5) does not detect the display at all. Monitor and HDMI cable work on my PC.

    I've seen a few comments about High Sierra breaking external displays. I don't find any posts stating this is fixed though..

    I've tried NVRAM and SMC reset, but still no luck. Anyone have any ideas here?

    submitted by /u/Petermoffat
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    Does the MacBook Air support microphone through the headphone jack

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 01:11 AM PDT

    I was considering purchasing the new Corsair HS70 headset, but due to its lack of 3.5mm jack for mobiles, I am now considering the HS50 headset. It's connection is a single 3.5mm jack for both audio and microphone, and my question is, will the MacBook air detect the headset's microphone through the 3.5mm input?

    TLDR: Is the MacBook air's headphone input a 4 pole connector that supports microphone?

    submitted by /u/zzzoot25
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    Alternatives wireless keyboard + mouse to Magic Keyboard + Magic Mouse?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 03:59 AM PDT

    Hey all, What are the best alternatives to both the Magic Keyboard and Magic Mouse? Please assume that the Magic Keyboard and Mouse shouldn't be one of the options - it's not budget in this case, it's just the pure expense of the items is crazy. Plus, this is for work, so i won't be attached to them personally. Really appreciate any suggestions that may come here.

    submitted by /u/Garn3r
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    Document Folder at 48GB despite iCloud

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 03:53 AM PDT

    This drives me nuts.
    Everything is synched with iCloud and suddenly I get the message that my hard drive is almost full.
    I wondered and had a look at the proportions of the storage usage and saw the document section with 48GB but a detailed look into the document folder didn't show files even near 48GB. Approximately 2GB in total.

    Anyone else with this problem? What to do?

    submitted by /u/lekutsch
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    I want to buy a macbook i need help!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 01:48 AM PDT

    Im looking to buy a macbook mainly for video editing (something faster and smooth running while editing) but im lost in what one should i buy. Also id like to spend around £1000 on it any suggestions ?

    submitted by /u/Nina1610
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