• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 21, 2018

    Apple Help I have tried Reeder, Feedly, and a few other news aggregators (including Apple News) but I'm not really impressed. Would also prefer something that works across Mac OS and iOS. Any other strategies out there? Thanks!

    Apple Help I have tried Reeder, Feedly, and a few other news aggregators (including Apple News) but I'm not really impressed. Would also prefer something that works across Mac OS and iOS. Any other strategies out there? Thanks!

    I have tried Reeder, Feedly, and a few other news aggregators (including Apple News) but I'm not really impressed. Would also prefer something that works across Mac OS and iOS. Any other strategies out there? Thanks!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:43 PM PST

    Problems with 4k on Macbook Pro 2016 no touch bar

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:57 PM PST

    I have the 2016 Macbook Pro no touchbar; 2 GHz Intel Core i5 Graphics Intel Iris Graphics 540 1536 MB

    I am trying to output 4k at 60hz to my monitor (ASUS PB287Q) with a USB-C to Displayport 1.2 cable.

    I have had 4k @ 60hz working with other computers on this monitor. 1080p and 1440p work fine. But, when I try to switch to 2160p at 30HZ or 60Hz (using SwitchResX or through regular system preferences) The monitor displays a black screen with some green/pink glitchy-ness, and then my computer crashes. Any help on getting this working? From what I've read the iris 540 should be able to output 4k @ 60hz and the cable and monitor also are able to work at this resolution/refresh rate.

    submitted by /u/swordlight14
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    Update: white screen black Apple logo + can’t download apps

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:34 PM PST


    I bought a used iPad (stated has new only opened the box and returned). I turned on and setup started when he started download 11.25 went on a loop and downloaded over and over again never installing, I had to go via iTunes and managed to install it and complete the setup. After that I tried to download some apps, it have failed several times. I changed the date to 1 year later (read it on google) and WiFi wouldn't work, couldn't download or access anything online, changed back and managed to download the apps (weeeiirrrdd) NEXT... today I saw 11.26 was out I updated my iPhone and thought let's see if the iPad is good, downloaded the firmware , went to install it and white screen black Apple logo appeared and nothing happened I pressed home and power and the iPad booted but no firmware installed!

    Soooooo.... what's going on here? Never in my life (iPhone 3/4/5/6/8 - iPad 3) I had a single issue with a firmware update or seen this white screen "freeze"

    What should I do? Hard reset? Go to factory settings?

    Please some pointers so that this issues don't happen more

    Thank you

    Ps: iPad is fine now BUT when I update I get a white screen with a black logo. PS2: It's Ipad latest model

    submitted by /u/Jhonyb
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    Question about erasing data on Fusion drive before selling Macbook Pro

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:39 PM PST

    Help Backing up a Photos Library

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:39 PM PST

    I am almost out of space on my MacBook Pro. The majority of the storage is being used by my Photos Library. I have a network drive that I would like to transfer my Photos Library to and then delete the library from the MacBook and start a new library. What is the best way to do this? I know I can simply transfer the whole library file to my NAS and then create a new library on the Macbook, but I was wondering if there was a better way because I expect that if the I store the Photos Library on my network drive my Macbook would no longer be able to easily browse those photos. I'm more used to Windows where I can just back up all the folders, but this single file or package containing all my photos is a weird concept to me.

    submitted by /u/SigmaInigma
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    iPhone 6S iMessaging photos glitch

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:28 PM PST

    This is a problem I've had for a while (and has continued through a few software updates), but none of my friends have ever had the same problem, so I'm taking it to reddit. When I try to send a photo through iMessage, it works sometimes, but I'll often experience this problem (probably at least once per day), and it's incredibly annoying:

    1. In text box, tap the camera icon to bring up recent photos and choose one or more to send (this is still the screen that also shows the message bubbles - this is NOT the full screen photo selection)
    2. After tapping photos, they show up in the text box, ready for me to hit send
    3. When I hit send, the photos just disappear and don't send, so I am forced to try again.
    4. However, when I do the same process, the same thing occurs. The only solution to send a photo when this happens is to tap AND HOLD on a photo to bring up the editing screen (where you can markup), and then hit cancel/done, then when I hit send, the photo will actually send.

    Another similar issue is when I am in the messaging app and tap camera icon->photos (to access my entire camera roll instead of just recents), and I select a photo and hit choose, it will bring me back to the message screen but the photo won't be in the text box. When this happens, my only option is to exit the app, go to my Photos app, and either message the photo from the Photos app or copy and paste it into the Messages app.

    I know I have probably confused a lot of you with these details, but if anyone has ever had the same issue please shed some light on it! I'm just especially annoyed because nobody I have asked has ever had the same problem I do. It's not a critical issue with my phone, just a bothersome glitch that it seems only affects me.

    I have iPhone 6S with iOS 11.2.5

    submitted by /u/TI84MasterRace
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    Iphone 5s stuck in constant restart loop

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:12 PM PST

    My iphone 5s started restarting in the middle of the night because when i woke up it was flat so i charged it up and it just started restarting so i left it on charge all day and it was still doing it at the end of the day i asked a friend if he knew how to solve it so he went into setting and quickly pressed reset all settings(at this point the phone was able to turn on for a short time )but all that did was make it so the phone wont even turn on the home screen will occasionally flash and then it will go back. note the restarting is not the apple logo but the white spinney wheel also my phone was on ios11 but i'm not sure if it was the latest also my home button is broken has been for a while so i have assistive touch on at the moment im letting it go flat

    submitted by /u/holelottagangshit
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    Easiest and fastest way to move 125 gigs of music, movies and photos to an external hard drive.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:06 PM PST

    I am a rookie and do not want to install any new hardware or programs. I'm am looking for suggestions around the best hard drive and wires to make this as easy and quick as possible. I am expecting long transfer times because my Mac is a decade old.

    link to my ports. I believe FireWire is one

    Is FireWire faster than usb 2.0? There seem to be very few options on amazon still using FireWire.

    link to the drive I am considering

    Thank you kindly

    submitted by /u/Zoze13
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    Does anyone know of a freeware program (not pirated) to extract data from I-Cloud back-ups that can works even with the 2-Factor Identification?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:48 PM PST

    I downloaded the I-Phone D-BackUp (which I thought was free) and it costs US$70 just to register in order to actually work all the way! And I can't reset my current I-Phone and erase all of its present data!

    submitted by /u/ReTurnOfTheComeBack
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    iPad Back-up fails; need back-up to transfer to new device

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:43 PM PST

    TL;DR - I have an 3rd gen iPad that has NAND failures. My son uses this iPad. For a long time I haven't been able to get a back-up to complete to iTunes. We want to move him to some newer hardware, but I cannot get a clean back-up to restore to a new device.

    First off, I'm a software dev. So, I've done a deep dive in trying to get this thing to back-up. I'm out of options save one unless someone here can suggest something.

    I've previously written this up on the Apple Communities board. I didn't get any help. I also tried talking to Apple's tech support, but got no real help there either. I'm not really surprised Apple didn't help as the hardware is no longer supported and long out of warranty.

    Okay, things are gonna get technical from here on out.


    • iPad Wi-Fi + 4G (LTE/GSM); iPad3,3
    • 56.35 GB (18.26 GB available)
    • iOS: 8.4.1 (12H321)

    When back-ups started failing to iTunes, I started up XCode, and started looking at the logging coming from the iPad as the back-up was running. I found that it appears the NAND (disk) started to fail and that some files were unreadable. Sample from the log:

    Jan 29 12:34:25 Christophers-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: [NAND] s_verify_meta:45 sftl: uECC flag in meta; lba:0x1f8a00, meta:0x1f8a00 Jan 29 12:34:25 Christophers-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: disk0s1s2: media error.

    I started to remove the un-readable files, and found that the back-up would proceed further. This was easy with images and movies that were corrupt. For items in app storages, I found that I could figure out which app was causing the trouble because I had an old backup and was able to find the GUIDs for the app in the older plists in the old back-up. I could then just delete the app. Poof the bad files were gone as far as backing up was concerned.

    Things went along fine until I found that a file in the iBooks app is corrupted; an sqlite database file. Things ground to a halt.

    I eventually decided to try doing a cloud back-up instead of the iTunes based back up as I noticed that the cloud back-up seems to allow one to tune what is backed up and, I had hoped, would skip whatever the file was in iBooks. No such luck.

    Feb 21 20:27:17 Christophers-iPad backupd[738] <Warning>: INFO: Not retrying after hard error: Error registering file with MMCS at path "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0C2536DD-9690-4335-8BFC-33EBFB5CE69C/Documents/storeFiles/AEAnnotation_v10312011_1727_local.sqlite" (MBErrorDomain/401). Underlying error: Unable to calculate signature. (com.apple.mmcs/18).

    Feb 21 20:27:20 Christophers-iPad backupd[738] <Warning>: ERROR: Backup failed: Error registering file with MMCS at path "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0C2536DD-9690-4335-8BFC-33EBFB5CE69C/Documents/storeFiles/AEAnnotation_v10312011_1727_local.sqlite" (MBErrorDomain/401). Underlying error: Unable to calculate signature. (com.apple.mmcs/18).

    This file appears to be the annotations file. Everything I've tried to get iBooks to nuke it on the iPad has failed: I have tried adding books, and removing books, that we have to the iPad. I have tried adding annotations. This fails, and doesn't seem to nuke the file. It just fails to read/write to it.

    As stated above, at this point, I just want a clean back-up of the iPad to restore to newer hardware.

    The only thing I have left in my back-pocket to try to attain that is to--not sure if I can even mention this here--jailbreak the device and try to remove the file. I'm not really happy about that idea.

    I did write a small app to allow me to see the parts of the file system on the device that the app is allowed to see, but of course that won't allow me to see into the app storage for iBooks on a non-jailbroken device. Heck, I have no experience with jailbroken iOS devices so I have a whole load of questions about if that idea will even work: jailbreak and back-up. (I do some amount of security related work in my job, and I am loath to run an exploit on the device to get access to the file to "fix" the device).

    So, anyone have any bright ideas? Please?


    submitted by /u/strangerman22
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    iPhone 5s running ios 10.3.3. I've had it for about 1 year and recently I've been running into problems with it. What is wrong with it?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:54 PM PST

    Last post didn't recieve much attention so I'm trying again.

    These are my two main issues: storage, and what's taking up my storage.

    1. It currently says I have about 800 MB free, when it was just saying I had only 100 MB free not 20 minutes ago. I hadn't touched anything. It just randomly jumped to the 200s, then the 400s, then 800 MB. It constantly does this without me doing anything, and leaves me in a panic making sure nothing got automatically deleted. Does anyone know why this is happening? It's causing me a lot of anxiety checking over and over again that none of my data is missing.

    2. Second of all, I only have about 250 photos on my camera roll, about 130 of which are screenshots. My settings have informed me that these 250 photos take up a whopping 800 MB. I don't even know how this is possible. I tried what people on Apple Forums recommended, went to "Date & Time", set my date back to somewhere in mid-September, checked my Recently Deleted expecting to see thousands of "phantom photos" like the people on the forums said, and ... still nothing. I can't come up with an explanation. Photo streaming is off.

    Also, since I've had this phone for about a year as I said, I've been sending messages, photos, and videos back and forth without ever deleting anything. My Messages app now takes up 2 GB. Should I just delete everything that is older than 30 days? Do you guys think it would be worth it, or solve anything, if I did that?

    I'm at a loss. I don't know why Storage is displaying these strange and rapidly changing amounts of free / occupied space on my phone, why it says my photos take up so much storage, and whether it's worth it to just wipe my messages clean (which take up the most space of any app on my phone).

    Anyone have any advice for me?

    EDIT: By the way, do photos and videos sent and recieved via Messages app count as part of the total amount of space "Photos & Videos" take up? Because if so, I have my answer.

    submitted by /u/massivecutforgothisp
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    Re-open imessage thread on mac

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:45 PM PST

    Hello. I accidentally closed (or deleted) an imessage thread. I found it in archives using these instructions: http://www.mackungfu.org/reopen-old-imessage-conversations-on-mac but the conversation just opens in a new window - it doesn't add it to my active messages. So when I send new messages to that same group it doesn't show the history. Anyone know how to fix this? The entire thread is still on my phone so it's not lost.

    Gold and/or paypal $$ for a beer to anyone that can help! Thanks!

    Using Sierra 10.12.6

    submitted by /u/kantslowdown
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    Certificate trust settings? Root certificate authority, how do I remove these?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:19 PM PST

    Hello, I am running the latest iOS 11.2.6 and I have 3 random entrust.net root certificates on my device. I have no idea how they got there as I do not have any profiles or VPNs installed. I disabled them but I am wondering how they got there in the first place. What could they be and is my device compromised?

    I think it might be from an old exchange server or my college enterprise WiFi it's a "entrust.net secure server certification authority" It may have been a profile years ago but they weren't transferred to my new phones yet the certifications stayed. It was enabled but I disabled it. How vulnerable am I? Should I wipe and reset all passwords?


    submitted by /u/NewOldMacPro
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    What is rep.myappzcollection.com and how do I prevent future redirects/popups to this site? [new mac user]

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:28 PM PST

    Problem: I've been redirected to rep.myappzcollection.com twice in two days. First time didn't think much of it. Second time it happened when I clicked a hyperlink to a blogger's site and I'm taken to this myappzcollection instead. Don't remember if its a redirect or new tab.

    This shouldn't happen as I have adblock plus, https everywhere, and privacy badger as chrome extensions.

    System: MacOS - mbp 2015 (latest update of sierra)

    Browser: Chrome (latest update)

    I googled "myappzcollection" and learned that it is most likely adware. Didn't find any tutorials for apple users.

    What should I do next? Should I be worried?

    submitted by /u/g3oReddit
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    GIF issues in messages on Mac OS High Sierra?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST

    I used to be able to copy and paste gifs easily from a google image search. For some reason though, since I bought a new macbook pro, it just stopped working for me. Still works on my iPhone 8 plus. Still works on my iPad pro. Not working at all on my brand new computer. It just freezes the image. Anyone know of a reason or hopefully a fix?

    submitted by /u/JMH1982
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    Ipad activation lock

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:38 PM PST

    My iPad randomly shut off while in use and I was greeted with this activation lock message. I connected to the wifi and tried to enter my apple id but I could not remember it at all. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/SpectreSquared
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    Corrupted photos, can I recover them?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:33 PM PST

    I had my phone stolen a while back and when I got my replacement phone a bunch of photos are blank squares. Is there any way to recover them or am I SoL?

    submitted by /u/zaise_chsa
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    I need help! Idk if I downloaded a virus on my MacBook

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:45 PM PST

    So I was just using my MacBook trying to put it a passcode on Xfinity's page. I go to the page and it said "adobe flash player update" or whatever so I clicked on it (big mistake) and then this virus scanner pops and also the adobe is "updating". So I have this scanner popping up telling me I have viruses and the adobe. So now I can't even go on safari without it going to apple and this alarm going telling me about the viruses. Anything I can try to do or should I just go to the apple store? Please help

    submitted by /u/put_it_in_my_face
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    Urgent! Someone thought they were cute and bricked my phones texting capabilities with that telegu text message thingy. My phone doesent show any new software update and remains unusable for text. What do I do? Im on the Iphone8+

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:40 PM PST

    Might I add, I am a new apple user so I my be unfamiliar with troubleshooting methods. If you could explain thatd be great.

    submitted by /u/sabzipolomahi
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    Macbook Pro 2010 won't start!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:27 PM PST

    Hey there. My gf's Macbook Pro 2010 won't start up. I already tried holding the shift button when turning it on. I also tried shift + control + option and nothing. The last error message we remember was "Your computer restarted because of a problem", and it used to get stuck while loading the OS (before even getting to the login part). I even tried to boot Linux from a USB. All the happens when I turn it on is the light turns on, and sometimes you can kind of hear it TRYING to turn on (hard drive?), then I shut it down with the power button and the hard drive stops (or whatever that computer part is that's attempting to function). So I'm not really sure where to start or how to troubleshoot it. I do have experience opening my personal macbook and upgrading parts, but I don't think it's the RAM, it could be the battery, and if it's the hard drive then it would be nice to have access to it, but how do I know if it's dead? I'm a little reluctant to take it out and attempt to boot it through my Macbook (I have the right cable since I upgraded mine to an SSD).

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/b1oo
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    Can you make an Apple appointment for someone’s broken phone under your working phone?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:43 PM PST

    My friend's 2-month old iPhone 8+'s screen is completely broken. The actual phone is working—it's ringing, buzzing, and she's accidentally called 911 while trying to fix it with the buttons multiple times. The screen is just black.

    She tried to do online support but you have to enter some number that she can't access because her phone is broken. You can't make an appointment either without this number. Her phone carrier told her she would have to go to Apple, but we don't want to go and have to wait hours or not even get it fixed that day.

    So can I make an appointment for my iPhone under my iPhone's information and then present them her phone?

    submitted by /u/bananapancake_
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    iPhone 6s+ stuck on "headphone" mode.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:26 AM PST

    iPhone 6s Plus has no sound coming from web, music, or Apps. So I guess system sounds? However, alarms do work fine. AirPods and regular headphones also work. Also, callers can't hear me but i can hear them. But on speaker the call works with my voice sounding very low. Every time I turn up the volume the little pop-up has "headphones" detected I guess...

    Called Apple customer support and told me to; -Reset -Clean headphone jack -Plug in and out headphones multiple times -Finally, a factory reset (which I just finished) Nothing has worked so I've resorted to an Airpod in my ear all day and it's getting annoying.

    Anyone has any tips that I can try?
    I have quite a busy schedule but I feel like I'm going to have to go to the Apple store eventually Thanks in advance!

    Edit: phone calls

    submitted by /u/iSuros
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    I can feel when my 2016 MacBook Pro is charging.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:02 PM PST

    So one thing I just noticed is that if my 2016 MacBook Pro is plugged in, and I move my finger across the palm rest, I can feel a very slight tingling. Sort of like the surface is rough or fuzzy rather than being smooth. If I unplug my laptop this feeling goes away immediately.

    Is this normal? Is static electricity being transferred to the body for some reason?

    submitted by /u/CodedGames
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    Malware? What degree of panic is required?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:02 PM PST

    Hey all - I'm trying to help myself as much as possible, and I've been doing a lot of reading, but please accept my apologies if I missed something obvious.


    Opened Chrome (which I do not usually use) and received a warning that an extension called "Search Manager" is trying to set my default search bar to srchbar.com

    Did some digging and found the extension was installed about a week ago, right after I installed FileZilla.

    Did some more digging, and found "runChmm" in my login items, also installed at the same time. I haven't restarted since this, so hadn't encountered it yet. This launches something called Chromium that I never installed, which defaults to what seems to be a sketchy knockoff of Yahoo search.

    I've noticed Safari lagging like crazy when typing in the URL box, and now I wonder if this is related.

    No extensions show as installed in Safari.

    Currently running BitDefender.

    Ran MalwareBytes and it came up clean.


    • How freaked out should I be?

    • Do I need to wipe my system drive?

    • Reinstall OS?

    • Wipe other stuff? Like, can my personal files be infected?

    • Can I trust my Time Machine backup from before the date in question or could that be compromised too, so restoring from it just reinfects me?

    • Do I need to worry that passwords and personal data stored on my machine are compromised?

    • Is there a way to know for sure what happened, and what else is installed?


    submitted by /u/titaniumdoughnut
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    Help finding a batch/bulk conversion app on iOS. From .pages to .pdf

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:09 AM PST

    I'm using an iPhone 7 w/ iOS 11.2.5, and iOS Pages 3.3.1

    I have (and still am) creating a large number of files for a personal recipe collection project. By large number I mean 240 and growing.

    Ultimately I'm going to share these files with a bunch of friends, and because of the variety of devices, PDF is my chosen "universal" file type.

    I know that I can individually open each file, and export each file as a PDF, but that is extremely cumbersome and time consuming.

    I have already attempted to use Readdle's PDF Converter app (v2.3.7), and had no luck. While I could select multiple files and choose the app, it only converts one file out of the batch for me. It also mangled the document in terms of changing some colors and design elements which was a definite negative when compared to the output of the Pages app when exporting as a .pdf.

    Additional info, I don't have a Mac computer, so solutions that involve one will not be useful to me, unless I can talk a Mac-owning friend into doing some grunt work.

    submitted by /u/SnickeringDoodle
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