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    iOS Jailbreak [discussion] uhh what’s this mean

    iOS Jailbreak [discussion] uhh what’s this mean

    [discussion] uhh what’s this mean

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:20 AM PST

    [Tutorial] Upgrade to 14.1 from 13.5 iPhone XR

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    This is the story all about how my iPhone XR went from being jailbroken on iOS 13.5 using unc0ver to iOS 14.1. This results in a fresh install which I then restored from iCloud so I could sync a watch with watchOS 7. SEP, Passcode and FaceID work.

    NOTICE / WARNING : I do not know if this will work on anything other than an iPhone XR. I assume it will work on other models with an A12 chip but I could very well be wrong. I say this because I do not know the proper procedure for other devices with different chips. The A12 has specific nonce hocus pocus going on. It should be easier on older models and extremely easy on WiFi only devices without cellular basebands to worry about.


    For many people this might be an over simplification. I understand this is a long post. I will repeat myself many times and it will be annoying. I do this to intentionally slow the process in the hope that people will not just rush through and mess up their device.

    I used a Mac running 10.13.6 High Sierra along with a VM of Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS in Parallels Desktop 16.1.1. All information was gathered using this r/jailbreak subreddit and accompanying discord.

    A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all the amazingly smart people behind the creation of all the tools and methods that are used to accomplish this. There are so many and I would like to specifically mention these few:














    You will need the firmware files for iOS 14.1 and 14.2 for your device. You can grab them from https://ipsw.me/

    Rename the 14.1 IPSW to "target.ipsw"

    Rename the 14.2 IPSW to "latest.ipsw"

    I saved my blobs while being jailbroken under unc0ver which means my nonce was set at 0x1111111111111111. Therefore I used the blob in the "noapnonce" folder. I do not know which one to chose if your blobs were saved otherwise. I have NO CLUE. So please do your research here and ask people with actual knowledge because I have none in this regard.

    If you saved your blobs using https://tsssaver.1conan.com/ then you should have two folders for A12 devices and 14.1. One of the folders will be named "apnonce-#bunchofnumbers#" and the other will be simply "noapnonce". You want the blob from the simple "noapnonce" folder.

    Place that shsh2 file and the two IPSW firmware files into a new folder on your Desktop called "restore" (without quotes of course).

    STEP 2:

    Open up Terminal and copy/paste the following lines one at a time and execute them one-by-one:

    cd ~/Desktop/restore

    unzip latest.ipsw -d ./latest

    cp ./latest/BuildManifest.plist BuildManifest.plist

    cp ./latest/Firmware/all_flash/sep-firmware.*.RELEASE.im4p ./

    cp ./latest/Firmware/*.Release.bbfw ./

    STEP 3:

    Once that is complete you should head back over to https://ipsw.me/

    Choose Product - iPhone

    Choose Platform - choose your specific model (I chose iPhone XR)

    Then at the top under "Choose an IPSW for the iPhone XR" there are three tabs: IPSWs, OTAs and Device Information. Select the Device Information tab.

    Here you want to focus on BoardConfig.

    For instance the iPhone XR is has BoardConfig: n841ap

    This n841ap is what is important in the next step.

    STEP 4:

    I watched iMat's "Downgrade/Update to unsigned iOS versions in 2020!" video on YouTube to understand this part. I strongly suggest you watch it as well since it is much easier to grasp visually rather than reading my interpretation in text. You can watch it here:


    There should be a file called "BuildManifest.plist" in the restore folder on your Desktop.

    You can open it using a plist editor of your choosing or just using Xcode if you have it installed. Open the file and you should see "BuildIdentities" with a little carrot/triangle in front of it. You can click this carrot/triangle to expand the array.

    You should find several dictionaries called "Item #". I had 6 different ones for instance.

    Open the first one "Item 0" and look for the next dictionary (HINT: dictionaries also have the little carrot/triangle before them which you can open to reveal the contents).

    The next dictionary should be called "Info" and inside it you should find a string named "DeviceClass".

    This is where you will see text similar to the BoardConfig from STEP 3.

    In my case my BoardConfig is n841ap.

    If the DeviceClass does not exactly match your BoardConfig then close "Item 0" by clicking the little carrot/triangle again.

    Try "Item 1" by expanding it and then expanding "Info" and looking at "DeviceClass".

    See if that matches your BoardConfig. Continue checking the "Item #" dictionaries until you find a match. Mine matched in "Item 2".

    Once you find a match you can collapse that particular "Info" dictionary by clicking the little carrot/triangle next to it. This should leave you with another dictionary right beneath "Info" named "Manifest". Expand "Manifest" and look for "BasebandFirmware".

    Expand "BasebandFirmware" and find it's own "Info" dictionary. Expand it and you will see a string with something like "Firmware/ICE18-3.01.01.Release.bbfw".

    Yours will probably be slightly different. That's okay. What is important is that this string will match one of the .bbfw files in the "restore" folder on your Desktop.

    The file it matches is the one you want to keep so rename it to "baseband.bbfw". You can delete the other one if you want.

    Now you can collapse "BasebandFirmware" by clicking the little carrot/triangle.

    Scroll down and expand "SEP". Then expand "Info".

    Here you are interested in the string for "Path". It should have something such as "Firmware/all_flash/sep-firmware.n841.RELEASE.im4p"

    Yours will probably be slightly different. That's okay. What is important is that this string will match one of the .im4p files in the "restore" folder on your Desktop.

    The file it matches is the one you want to keep so rename it to "sep.im4p". You can delete the other one if you want.

    Now you see why I told you that iMat's video was better. I tried to make it as simple as possible to read but I might have just made it more confusing. Sorry.

    STEP 5:

    Everything else is done in Ubuntu and not macOS. You are not using Terminal in macOS. You are using Terminal in Ubuntu. Just thought I should make this clear.

    Now you want to use Ubuntu 20.04.1

    I used a VM in Parallels Desktop to accomplish this because I could not get it to work on actual Macs. I tried an iMac running High Sierra, a Mac Mini running Big Sur and even a Hackint0sh running Catalina. Different errors on different machines missing different libraries compiled myself or precompiled by those more knowledgeable. Didn't work.

    I didn't try Ubuntu 20.10 or any other linux distro because 20.04.1 worked the first time.

    I would hazard a guess that VMWare would work much the same although I used Parallels Desktop.

    This next part is taken directly from u/LukeeGD post here:


    Open up Terminal and copy/paste the following lines one at a time and execute them one-by-one:

    sudo apt install libtool automake g++ python-dev libzip-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev cmake libssl-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libreadline-dev libbz2-dev libpng-dev git

    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig

    git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libplist

    git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libusbmuxd

    git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice

    cd libplist && ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    cd libusbmuxd && ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    cd libimobiledevice && ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    git clone https://github.com/lzfse/lzfse

    git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libirecovery

    git clone https://github.com/LukeZGD/libgeneral

    git clone https://github.com/LukeZGD/libfragmentzip

    git clone https://github.com/LukeZGD/img4tool

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/marijuanARM/futurerestore

    cd lzfse && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    cd libirecovery && ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    cd libgeneral && ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    cd libfragmentzip && ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    cd img4tool && ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    cd futurerestore/external/idevicerestore

    wget https://gist.github.com/LukeZGD/a4cf72c23924d88af4a53a52870d3b9d/raw/7038d8c8ffe287d9ebe2bef2d8fa5bfa799c1c1a/idevicerestore.patch

    git apply idevicerestore.patch

    cd ../..

    ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install && cd ..

    STEP 6:

    This is the final step. I'm going to explain how I did it so bear with me.

    What you want to do is navigate to the "restore" folder where all your working files are on your macOS Desktop.

    You should be able to see a folder on the Ubuntu Desktop called "Parallels Shared Folders".

    If you do not see this folder then install Parallels Tools. You can do this by either clicking "Actions" in the macOS menu bar and selecting "Install Parallels Tools" or by clicking the little Caution Triangle Sign in the Parallels Desktop Window. Once Parallels Tools are installed (you will most likely have to reboot the virtual machine) you should see "Parallels Shared Folders" on the Ubuntu Desktop.

    Open that "Parallels Shared Folders" folder and then the "Home" folder.

    You will then open "Desktop" and "restore".

    It goes Parallels Shared Folders -> Home -> Desktop -> restore

    Once you have the "restore" folder open with your baseband.bbfw, blob.shsh2, BuildManifest.plist, sep.im4p, latest.ipsw and target.ispw files then you can continue.

    In a Terminal window (in Ubuntu) copy/paste the following line but do NOT execute it yet:

    sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib futurerestore -t

    Drag your blob.shsh2 file into the Terminal window.

    Then type "-s" and drag your sep.im4p file into the Terminal window.

    Then type "-m" and drag your BuildManifest.plist file into the Terminal window.

    Then type "-b" and drag your baseband.bbfw file into the Terminal window.

    Then type "-p" and drag your BuildManifest.plist file into the Terminal window.

    Then type "-d" and drag your target.ipsw file into the Terminal window.

    Yes BuildManifest.plist is added twice.

    This is the basic template:

    sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib futurerestore -t blob.shsh2 -s sep.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -b baseband.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -d target.ipsw

    This is what mine looked like:

    sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib futurerestore -t '/home/nay/Desktop/Parallels Shared Folders/Home/Desktop/restore/blob.shsh2' -s '/home/nay/Desktop/Parallels Shared Folders/Home/Desktop/restore/sep.im4p' -m '/home/nay/Desktop/Parallels Shared Folders/Home/Desktop/restore/BuildManifest.plist' -b '/home/nay/Desktop/Parallels Shared Folders/Home/Desktop/restore/baseband.bbfw' -p '/home/nay/Desktop/Parallels Shared Folders/Home/Desktop/restore/BuildManifest.plist' -d '/home/nay/Desktop/Parallels Shared Folders/Home/Desktop/restore/target.ipsw'

    NOTICE / WARNING : The device will reboot several times during the process which will cause it to reconnect to macOS instead of the VM running Ubuntu. The first time this happens you will be prompted by Parallels Desktop to choose which operating system you want to connect the device to. You should select Parallels Desktop Ubuntu VM and check the box saying "Remember this choice". This is very important since you want the Terminal in Ubuntu running futurerestore to always have access to the device.

    Read that Notice / Warning one more time.

    Now you may execute the command with Enter / Return.

    Cross your fingers and hope everything goes well. It will take about ten or so minutes. I don't quite remember. It could have been less than that but time seems to stretch on when you are sitting there watching all the text scroll by while your heart races.

    After I setup the iPhone and restored from iCloud I was able to double check that FaceID did in fact work and was able to sync to an Apple Watch running watchOS 7.1.

    I hope this works for everyone with an iPhone XR / A12 device. I'm going to take a break now so please help each other out. Hopefully those with more knowledge will be of more assistance because I don't know what I'm doing really. Good luck!!

    submitted by /u/Naychan
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    [help] i have the ios 14.2 emojis ported in from font manager but they don’t show up in notifications. however they do show up on a text message and i can use the normally other than this small problem.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:24 PM PST

    [Discussion] Magic Mouse 1 Scrolling for iPadOS

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Was reading this reddit post:


    "Would be great if someone with a Magic Mouse 2 would let us know of what this file shows for their Magic Mouse 2." - u/-SirGarmaples-

    "So we just need to find someone with mm2 and with jailbreak. 🤔🤔" - u/maxhateworld

    I have a magic mouse 1 and magic mouse 2 and am able to locate files through filza. As per the comments from above reddit post, what file should I share?

    submitted by /u/Kittyjosh111
    [link] [comments]

    [QUESTION] Is this a tweak? If it is, does anyone know what it's called? Also, how to make the clock and date that big? Thanks.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:39 PM PST

    [Question] is there a way I can raise the FPS cap to something that’s higher than 30?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:06 PM PST

    I have an iPhone 11, and I'm sure some of you know, a lot of mobile games are capped at 30 FPS for some reason. I'm wondering if there is a way to raise that cap to something like 50 or 60?

    submitted by /u/Redact113
    [link] [comments]

    [REQUEST] Do we have something like this for iOS ?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:47 AM PST

    [Discussion] This probably isn’t that crazy but it is for me. What are your guys’ longest update (this is a trap phone which is iCloud locked so don’t hate me for)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:12 PM PST

    [Question] Dismiss page tweak

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:35 PM PST

    Is there a tweak to dismiss pages/cards (or whatever the component is called) like the one in this video?

    I have basically tried all JB bypassing tweaks on this app, and non have worked. Thus, I am looking for this workaround now.

    Video Link: https://imgur.com/a/JB2WjH4

    submitted by /u/muenze_
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] What is the ApNonce generator for?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:56 PM PST

    I recently went from unc0ver to Odyssey and I noticed something: unc0ver would set the ApNonce generator to a bunch of ones while odyssey sets it to something else.

    They both give you the ability to change it, but why would or should do it?

    Does it have any sort of implications when saving blobs and restoring to unsigned versions of iOS?

    Sorry for the basic question, but I tried to look in the wiki and I really can't understand

    submitted by /u/Mke_V
    [link] [comments]

    [QUESTION] should I backup my phone before jailbreaking? I just got unc0ver I was about to press jailbreak but thought “should I backup” so should I?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:53 PM PST

    [Question] tweak to restore iPhone

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:06 PM PST

    Hey, I wanna know if you know a tweak for restoring iPhone when you put special code on iPhone. It's for security

    Like this exemple ; Normal code is : 8639 -> Success you can enter in iPhone Protect code : 6666 -> Start restore and raise all data

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/RespectTrick
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] I get this message when I try to jailbreak using odyssey I have a iPhone 6s on iOS 13.7. I’ve deleted the app and restarted my phone but it keeps crashing every time I try to jailbreak

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:30 PM PST

    [Question] Upgraded my phone plan and my new phone is on ios 14, anything i can do?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:31 PM PST

    I've been running checkra1n on my ios 13.5 iphone x for about four months, and today I got a new Iphone Xr. Unfortunately it came on 14.0.1, i was curious if there is anything i could do to get this xr to ios 13 as the xr is unable to be jailbroken on the current software

    submitted by /u/altsaltacc
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] Any way to increase quality of set wallpapers?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I noticed that when I set a new wallpaper, it's lower quality than the picture i set it to, colors aren't that vibrant and it's a little blurry. Is there a tweak for this?

    submitted by /u/urskrubs
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] Jailbreak iOS 14.2 A11 chipset

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:13 PM PST


    If i jailbreak my iPhone X I know I can't use my passcode. But if I delete the jailbreak will i still be able to use face ID and passcode again?

    submitted by /u/EducationalPriority3
    [link] [comments]

    [question] can i use 2 package installer?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:47 PM PST

    Hey guys how are u! Hope ur all doing well! I am using selio with odessyra1n rn, can i also install cydia and use both? As both are now updated to ios 14? And if i wanna do it, can i just launch checkra1n app and install cydia? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Foxy223344
    [link] [comments]

    [help] Phone doesn’t sleep

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:55 PM PST

    I've noticed that my phone doesn't sleep automatically on the lock screen. i've got the auto lock set to never but it should sleep on the lock screen. does anyone know a tweak that might affect this?

    submitted by /u/Jailsnap
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] what is this ;-; its not letting me delete any tweak

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:57 AM PST

    [Question] Does future restoring from iOS 13.5 to 14.1 without break Face ID on A12?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:12 PM PST

    [Discussion] Upgrading to iPhone 12 Pro Max

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:57 PM PST


    So I'm gonna upgrade to iPhone 12 pro max but I was wondering, how would I go about the easiest way to save all the tweaks for future jailbreaks so I don't miss them out? What would the easiest option be?

    submitted by /u/gabzlel
    [link] [comments]

    [question]Possible to have iOS 14 widgets on lockscreen?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Title pretty much says it all

    submitted by /u/boisebiker
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] Is there a way to download mp3 files from safari to my music app?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:40 AM PST

    I'm on a jailbroken iPhone XS 13.5. Sorry if this is a dumb question, this is my first jailbroken apple product since I was in high school 10 years ago. I want to download mixtapes to my apple music app without needing to use my computer. It sucks having to use a separate app for certain music. If anyone knows if this can or has been done and can let me know I'd really appreciate it

    submitted by /u/Srivo10
    [link] [comments]

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