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    Saturday, July 4, 2020

    iPad My family’s collection of iPads. From left to right, the 1st gen iPad, 6th gen iPad, and the iPad Pro 2020. These belong to my father, my brother, and me respectively, as if reflecting our age gap. (Yes my dad still uses his 1st gen iPad for simple tasks like browsing the internet and reading)

    iPad My family’s collection of iPads. From left to right, the 1st gen iPad, 6th gen iPad, and the iPad Pro 2020. These belong to my father, my brother, and me respectively, as if reflecting our age gap. (Yes my dad still uses his 1st gen iPad for simple tasks like browsing the internet and reading)

    My family’s collection of iPads. From left to right, the 1st gen iPad, 6th gen iPad, and the iPad Pro 2020. These belong to my father, my brother, and me respectively, as if reflecting our age gap. (Yes my dad still uses his 1st gen iPad for simple tasks like browsing the internet and reading)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Got this beauty and some accessories, anything else you guys recomend? :)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Logitech crayon with a couple of magnets holds onto iPad like an apple pencil

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Apps like Notability BUT that uses Apple Notes technology

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Is there a App that is as good as Notability (or GoodNotes) but that uses Apples tech from Notes?

    By that I mean On Notes you can chose for example Pixel eraser, or besides pens also pencils ✏️. Plus it feels way more natural, but Notes lacks a System like Notability ://

    Thank you for any help!

    submitted by /u/CypressFX93
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    The future of iPad

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    What could be the future of the iPad / iPadOS, after the mac switching to ARM? I mean, will he always stay with limited capabilities as a little mac brother and as an expensive external monitor, in many of these moves it caused confusion about what the future of the iPad could be like with a Mac that gets it all (supports iOS apps, power, iOS-like design, and-maybe-full size screen touchpad ). What will make an iPad stand out?

    submitted by /u/sedanoweb
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    Magic Keyboard vs keyboards from Amazon

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    I'm buying my mom an iPad, I also wanted to get her one of those keyboards you can use with it. Are the Magic Keyboards worth it, or am I better off saving money and buying one off Amazon?

    Also looking to see what other people recommend as opposed to Magic Keyboards.

    submitted by /u/spunkymnky
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    Apple Pencil erasing whole lines

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I've googled a bunch and can't seem to find a good answer online..

    When I draw in the notes app and go to erase my Apple Pencil erases whole lines instead of just bits of the drawing. Any idea how to change this?

    submitted by /u/deadssdme
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    CBR, ZIP reader that streams from the cloud?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Alright, so I've done a lot—A LOT—of googling and I have not found a single comic reader that streams from the cloud (GDrive, Dropbox, etc). Every single one of them, including Chunky which is apparently Reddit's fave, imports (downloads) the file instead. I have also downloaded, I believe, most of the free apps to check them out, including some paid ones like YACReader via testflight. The only one that matches what I am looking for is AirComix.

    Before I buy the version without ads, however, I would like to ask if any of you have found a better app, preferably one that has a top to bottom scrolling feature and isn't locked to iPad. Like I said, I have mostly tried only free apps. I don't have the funds to check out every single paid ones, so my exposure is pretty limited.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Norrir
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    What is a good anti-fingerprint screen protector?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    I have an iPad Air 2 and it collects fingerprints like crazy. I'm just trying to find something to reduce them. I know the matte type as work for this but I'm not sure how good it will be since I do video editing and I like to see things clearly.

    Thank You.

    submitted by /u/moonlightkitten22
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    Workflow suggestions

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:44 PM PDT


    I am a student of humanities and social sciences and got the iPad Pro 12.9" with the Magic Keyboard a while ago. It helps me very much with my studies (reading and annotating PDF's, handwritten notes, digitizing everything etc.). But I haven't worked out a good workflow yet and wanted to ask you guys how you handle it.

    So my workflow right now is as follows:

    1. I use Evernote (premium) as my digital memory. Mostly I digitise my mail (scanning them directly in the app and then working with the OCR). The problem I have with Evernote is that it feels like the UI isn't perfect on the iPad and I don't know all the features/cannot figure out what else Evernote could do for me. Any suggestions?
    2. Pocket (free version) is my reading list: whenever I stumble upon an interesting newspaper article I store it there to read it later. I would like to use pocket as a storage for academic texts where I can gather everything for the papers I am about to write, but I do not want to pay for the premium version. Can you think of a good alternative that I can use besides pocket for that purpose?
    3. Bear (premium version) is my text writing app. Whenever I write larger texts that I don't need to hand in (like university papers/seminar works, where I use word/pages) I go to Bear. I know that Bear can do more than just that, but I think other apps are more powerful when it comes to things like todo-lists and life-organising tools. Do you agree? What else do you use Bear for?
    4. Apple Notes is the app I use for quickly capturing thoughts and just doing quick notes that don't need a lot of working with later.
    5. I do have Notion (as a student you get the premium version for free), but I find it hard to really use it on the iPad (again like with Evernote i don't think the UI on the iPad is perfect). That's why I got Evernote, but when I want to use Evernote as a life-organising tool I find myself coming back to Notion because of its database features.
    6. PDF-Expert (free version) is my PDF-reader, where I read and annotate texts; I really love the UI and the little sidebar where you can quickly access all the notes and marks you put on the text is just great.
    7. Quizlet (free version) is my file cards app; I use it to learn stuff for my exams.
    8. I use MindNode (free version) to easily visualise my thoughts whenever I start a new project.
    9. The app I use as my todolist is microsoft to-do; it fits my needs and I don't wanna pay that much for a premium app like todoist.
    10. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a good, simple and free habit-tracker on the iPad. I bought streaks, but I haven't yet used it much. So I went back to „today" on the iPhone.
    11. I really love reading eBooks on the iPad using Apple Books. I know its not as comfortable as a kindle, but it works just fine. What do you think about reading on the iPad?
    12. For podcasts I use Apples own podcast app.
    13. I have bought moleskins Timepage app, but I find myself getting back to Apples own calendar app; just like the UI, its more intuitive. Do you use another calendar app? If so, any good one out there that doesn't come with a subscription?

    So these are the apps I use / how I organise my workflow. Feel free to explain and post your workflow below for inspiring other people! Looking forward to it.

    submitted by /u/Europater
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    Switching between two of the same app in split screen with keyboard?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Is there any way to switch between two instances of the same app (running in split screen) with a keyboard shortcut? I am currently have to either tap on the instance I want or use a mouse to click on the one I want.

    Ex. I usually run two instances of Ulysses side by side when I am writing. On the left, a material sheet with details and research about what I am writing. On the right, the actual draft of the essay. I want to be able to quickly switch between the left and right apps, but cmd-tab only lets you switch between distinct apps, not the same instance of the same app.

    Let me know if this doesn't make sense... I can try to add screenshots if they are needed.

    submitted by /u/tylerwince
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    iPad Pro not charging via magic keyboard connector?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I have the 2020 iPad pro, and decided to plug it in just before a long video call with plenty of screen sharing/real time text editing.

    It started at 40% and an hour and a half later was still at 40% when the call ended. I am plugged in through the magic keyboard since that's the side the power outlet is on. Is it normal for the iPad to get stuck at a certain charge level when charging via MK under heavy load? Is it a safety feature to protect the battery from heat? Or just less electricity flowing through the MK? Do I have a bad unit?

    Thanks for your experiences!

    submitted by /u/Tech_Philosophy
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    Pencil Gen 1

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Hey ppl, i use a 7th gen ipad with the pencil in a case which has a holder for the pencil and turns off the ipad screen If i want to toss the ipad in a bag does the movement trigger the pencil to turn on and lose battery after a long time?

    submitted by /u/ladiesman3691
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    iPad Pro issue

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I have a 2016 iPad Pro (9.7 inch) with 128 GB of storage. It just started having some issue yesterday. On the volume/power button side on the back casing of the device, it gets very warm. For some reason, it gets warm even when I am on Safari on websites that don't need a lot of power. The battery drains super quickly too, especially for the first 40% of a full charge. It still runs pretty well. What should I do? Should I get a battery replacement?

    submitted by /u/WeathermanSam1
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    iPad Pro 2020 stéréo recording : only on videos ?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    This iPad Pro 2020 can record sounds on stereo (high quality by the way !!).

    However, except error, this can only be performed within the camera by recording a video.

    Il you try to record on stereo in GarageBand, memo voice, etc. it doesn't work ?! Only mono.

    My workaround, in order to record sounds on stereo, is to make a video then extract the audio track with LumaFusion.

    Does anyone have another solution or try something else in order to record only audio on stereo ?

    Thanks 😊🇫🇷

    submitted by /u/Nobis_Pacem
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    HELP! My son deleted all apps from my iPad 7 and I’m trying to reinstall them all. Where can I find a list of previously installed apps? I go to the App Store, go to the Today tab, but there is no icon at the top where I can sign in.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    iPad screen recorder to an external drive

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    I want to record around 3 hour length screen time from my IPad. I don't have much free space on drive left for such a long movie. Is there a way to direct the screen recorder output to an external ssd drive directly? So I don't run out of space in the iPad My IPad is a 2017 model

    submitted by /u/erdult
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    Best External Storage for iPad?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    I'm opting for an external storage for my iPad. Which is a better option? Sandisk iXpand Flash Drive or Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter? Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/hahatdogg
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    Educator considering an iPad Pro in Covid times!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Need some guidance! I have been planning to buy an iPad for the last year to support my in the classroom and my work (I'm a music teacher) however now with Covid I'm most likely going to be teaching online for the next 6 months - this has changed my need slightly!

    I'm aware on Zoom iPad, regardless of 12.9 or 11 inch, you can only see max 9 people on one screen in gallery view?! This seems ridiculous when on all laptops of any size you can see up to 49 people!

    Any educators here who are using iPad Pro for interactive classes (with kids) how has your experience been? I don't want to buy a laptop just because of the next 6 months to a year but only 9 kids to a screen in a class of 40 seems impossible to handle.

    submitted by /u/mjf112
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    Notetaking Apps for Travel Planning and my thoughts

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    First off, I want to highlight this is mainly for travel planning in the future after the entire covid19 situation. I know that this isn't a great time for holidaying.

    As a solo traveller, whenever I start planning for my next holiday destination, I get overwhelmed by the wealth of information on the Internet.

    Since buying the iPad Pro, I came across multiple apps recommended here for notetaking. I've tried some of the apps and currently I'm looking for recommendations.

    Here are what I've found:

    1. Notion: Beautiful app, love the interface and multiple options available, but my main gripe is that it DOES NOT work offline. If Internet is not available at the place I'm visiting, this app would not work. Also, not inclined to the fact that this is a subscription based model.

    2. Goodnotes: My notetaking app of choice. I use it for penning down meeting notes for work, ideas all using my apple pencil. I especially like how I can have this opened along with safari with split view to better reference other itineraries and travel blogs.

    3. One Note: I am a windows user. Having access to my draft itineraries on my laptop with the ability to continue editing is a huge plus. I'm opened to other apps that support multiple platforms but have not fully explored them yet (eg. Evernote)

    4. Bear: I see this app being recommended a lot. I tried it for a bit and really enjoyed the simplistic interface. However, this does not support Windows and may not be suitable for my use case.

    There are tons of other notetaking apps available and I have yet to explore the mindmap apps available on ios to further deep dive into how I can improve the work flow for my travel planning. I'm open to all your recommendations and look forward to reading your recommendations. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/GabrielXCrescendo
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    Net charge loss when using while plugged in?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    Just got a new IPad 7th generation and kinda surprised by how long it takes to charge -5 hrs from 5% to full

    That's not really a big deal, I find it really surprising that when I'm using it while charging it still is losing netpower is that normal? I'm using the charger deck and cord from the original packaging

    submitted by /u/Unfortunate_Context
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    Battery Replacement Question.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Hello. I have a new iPad Air 2 (with iOS 8.3 installed) coming to me from ebay. Mainly bought it to play old games and run its native firmware. I would like to ask this.

    How much longer do I have with the iPad Air 2 for bringing in the device to swap for a new battery before they stop accepting battery replacements for the iPad Air 2. Is it until iPadOS 15 gets released? Is it exactly 5 years after they stopped selling the device, or how does that work? Also, when I do get the battery replaced, I want to keep the iPad on iOS 8.3 because I like and miss the classic iOS experience, and to play older 32-bit games that I've once enjoyed.

    submitted by /u/Hxrdcxre
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