• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 29, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [Discussion] Cydia Substrate updated to 0.9.7010

    iOS Jailbreak [Discussion] Cydia Substrate updated to 0.9.7010

    [Discussion] Cydia Substrate updated to 0.9.7010

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 01:36 PM PST

    [News] Cydia Substrate Updated to 0.9.7011

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 10:00 PM PST

    [News] tihmstar will be holding a presentation about "Jailbreaking iOS" at the 35C3 in about 1 hour!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 10:59 AM PST

    [News] JailbreakMe WebClip for iOS 10.x by Julioverne

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 04:50 AM PST

    [Discussion] This feature alone makes me use Cydia more over Sileo. So watch and learn Sileo.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:25 AM PST

    [Release] Cyiometrics - Makes Cydia ask for TouchID/Passcode before performing operations

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:41 AM PST

    [Question] Any tweak to view AirPod battery health and cycles?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 03:36 PM PST

    iOS 11.3.1

    submitted by /u/SucculentBreef
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    [Update] VolSkip11 - Skip Music with Volume Buttons

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 07:05 PM PST

    Name: VolSkip11

    Repo: https://cydia.rob311.com/repo/

    Description: Skip Music with Volume Buttons/

    What's New:

    • Play/Pause by pressing both Volume buttons.
    • Haptic Feedback.
    • Slightly lowered time for button hold.

    Price: Free

    submitted by /u/rob311
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    [Question] proper guide to make the switch in jailbreaks

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 04:10 PM PST

    Happy holidays everyone I'll make this as fast as possible , I'm happy on electra I've no issues and have had no plans of changing jailbreaks to uncover however the carrier cracks finally got released . This meaning that I will have to go to substrate and go to the uncover jailbreak to use the carrier hack as that would be the only reason I would switch jailbreaks as I've had no problems with Electra what I am looking for is proper information as there's a lot of miss information out there to make this switch properly without losing any user data or jailbreak data I pretty much have that figured out easily reboot the phone delete Electra , install Uncover using Cydia impactor and re-sign it what's the ReProvision as usual... where I'm stuck is how do I get rid of substitute and install the newest version of substrate properly to where I'm not in a respring loop or boot loop and lose my jailbreak.Coolstar dropped a program called substrate downloader however nullpixel has said that this will not work as it does not installed properly SO, I would like to know the best way to get rid of substitute and put on the newest version of substrate so I can install this commcenter & carrier crack and get my carrier settings to 100.00 rather than 30.2 and enjoy the benefits of this crack especially the speeds as they are always worth it to the point where I will switch jailbreaks just to get it thank you for anyone's time and any help !

    submitted by /u/Scoskopp
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    [question] since substrate is updated for iOS 11 now will it be easier to patch old tweaks to work. E.g. Ones from iOS 10 jailbreak

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 07:04 PM PST

    Might be a stupid question but I'm not exactly sure how it all works hence why I'm asking 😁.

    But, since substrate is updated isn't it easier for devs to update their tweaks. For example activator doesn't work very well on iOS 11 and there are many more tweaks I used to use on my iOS 10 that got broken but I can't seem to remember many of them.

    From what I read now all processes are hooked properly so what exactly would that mean in terms of this.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/hotDoggey
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    [Question] Portrait mode on older devices?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 07:05 PM PST

    So I looked up online and on the iphone xr the camera's portrait mode (which only works with people) is done with software and not hardware (not that I know of). Does that mean it can be attempted to recreate the same on older devices like iphone 7/8 without portrait? If so, do u know any tweak or app that does it?

    submitted by /u/Kechto
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    [Update] Icy Installer 3.3 - it's around three times faster now, no large titles that everyone hated & more

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 07:14 AM PST

    EDIT: fixed refreshing repos crash bug. adding repos can still sometimes crash

    Hey there, it's ArtikusHG again, and today I'm here with the new Icy Installer 3 update...

    And first of all... I'd like to thank my testers - @Rahuleus and /u/MidnightChips (Midnight deserves as more credit as me to be honest; without him Icy would still be broken on iOS 11!)... And Rahuleus really helped me with testing - go follow him :P

    Oh, and if you've never heard of Icy before, read this post

    What's new?

    Since that's an update, I'll start with saying what's new in the Icy Installer 3.3 update.

    • Speed improvements: refreshing repos now takes 14 seconds instead of 30-40, searching packages - 2-3 seconds instead of 5-6

    • One package for iOS 7 - 11 instead of two separate packages for iOS 7 - 10 and 11

    • UI improvements: much better UI, actually working landscape mode on both iPhones and iPads, iPhone X support

    • Native animations instead of the crappy ones I made myself

    • New icon :P

    Future Plans

    I thought this was the last update... Turns out it's not. I'm planning on implementing some common features of a good package manager, such as scanning for package updates and automatically downloading dependencies. However, don't expect that too soon: I'm going on a trip for vacation, and I'm going to stop coding Icy for a few months to get some motivation to continue its development :P

    Electra / Unc0ver support

    In theory, this should work on electra, but that wasn't tested. Unc0ver works fine.

    I feel like making an AMA again would seem like overhyping the post, but I'll answer any question here.

    Repo: artikushg.github.io; Package: Icy; Section: Applications

    Or deb: link because I'm scared the repo won't work :/

    P.S.: if this ACTUALLY works from the first time without any bugs and such, I'm gonna make a FREE file manager for iOS 7 - latest (I actually have one started; but it doesn't work :P)

    P.S. 2: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :P

    submitted by /u/ArtikusHG
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    [Release] TopicProminent - Reveal subtitles of notifications on iOS 9

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 12:58 PM PST



    For those who are still insisting on using a fully untethered jailbreak device as a daily one

    New versions of apps have notifications with subtitles. However I have noticed that on devices with an iOS version lower than 10 information a notification can show is pretty much limited. Notifications won't show their subtitle line on the lockscreen and on banners, and they are unable to show any attached picture. It can be really annoying when having important informations from an app, like you couldn't know who've sent that message to you when you're on lockscreen and inconvenient to unlock the device.

    So I posted a bounty post on r/TweakBounty. A really great developer u/gilshahar7 made this little tweak for me and also made it free for everyone to download it from the nostalgic Bigboss repo. This tweak meets all my suppose to it and it reveals subtitles of notifications on iOS 9 really native-looking by one of two ways provided in its preference pane.

    Screenshots available on Bigboss repo detail page. Source code of this tweak is also available at https://github.com/gilshahar7/TopicProminent.

    submitted by /u/rllb
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    [Help] Uncover jailbreak is freezing

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 12:10 AM PST

    I just upgraded from Electra, by using rollectra. But now when I try to jailbreak with Uncover, I hit the jailbreak button, but then it gets stopped at "Exploiting (23/40)." I can still close the app in the app switcher, but nothing I've tried seems to be working. I've disabled Siri and I have Airplane mode on, and I've disabled my password, and tried completely shutting the device down as well. Also, in case this is the issue, the EL exploit is selected, but I have nothing changed by default in the uncover app. Any suggestions are appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Gaming_Bro56
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    [Question] Should i upgrade all of this? my phone now is perfect, no crash,no frezen, no restart, no battery drain.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 07:47 PM PST

    [question] I'm using Unc0ver, do I trust this?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 02:38 PM PST

    [help]Should i switch from Electra to Unc0ver? (Iphone X IOS 11.3.1)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 06:07 PM PST

    Heylo, I'm currently jailbroken with Electra on 11.3.1 and I really want to switch to Unc0ver but i'm really scared tbh. I've tried to do it before (RC7) and i was jailbroken but my old tweaks were still there and nothing worked. I luckily switched to Electra without any problems but what would you do in my position? Stay on Electra or use Unc0ver since everything has been updated?

    submitted by /u/LegendOfTheFallXO
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    [Request] [Discussion] IOS 11 Music During Video Recording

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 12:33 PM PST

    So I just needed to request or ask for a tweak that allows for Recording videos while music is playing I've tried tweak after tweak and patches with Flex none of them work at all! No dndmymusic or nothing!! Can someone help me out? I know it's possible because Snapchat allows it. Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/jakester2014
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    [Question] How can i switch back to Substitude from Cydia Substrate?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 07:32 PM PST

    [Question] what is this error? It came after installing new substrate

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 05:35 PM PST

    [help] massive battery drain since this morning.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:04 PM PST

    I'm having massive battery drain after recent update and haven't added any new tweaks http://imgur.com/WB8ZYji Nothing out of the ordinary. Still using my phone the same but my battery all the sudden is crippled

    Edit: http://imgur.com/ywxMEdr these are the most recent things added to my Cydia

    Edit 2: found out it was Game Center "gamed" using 55% of my cpu. Disabled in icleaner pro. Thanks guys I was worried I was gonna need a new battery lmao

    submitted by /u/tonntownfan101
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    [Help] unc0ver v2.0.0 not working anymore

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 12:20 AM PST

    I had unc0ver v2.0.0 (iphone 8 @iOS 11.3.1) up and running for like 2 weeks. Now i updates Cydia substrate and as saurik recommends a reboot i did a reboot. I then turned on Airplane mode closed all apps restartet again.

    Whenever i try to jailbreak its restarting my phone at Step 1. I tried to hold power button and then home button and jailbreak then. With this trick its going until Step 40 and then its restarting the phone but hanging at the circle.

    I also tried this steps but then it reboots at Step 39 or 40 and just hanging at the reboot:

    turn off siri, passcode, find my iphone

    enter airplane mode reboot.

    open phone and wait 30 seconds.

    settings/display/toggle bold selection to force respring

    open onc0ver, verify 'restore rootFS' NOT selected

    clear ROM memory(hold power button until 'swipe to turn off' shows, then hold home button until it flashes(5 seconds?). Then you're back in unc0ver).

    wait at least 30 seconds.


    I have no clue i already uninstalled unc0ver and reinstalled it but its not working anyway.

    submitted by /u/romestylez
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    [Discussion] I think I lost my iOS 9.0.2 Jailbreak (desperate)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 06:07 PM PST

    [Discussion] I think I lost my iOS 9.0.2 Jailbreak (desperate)

    Well yeah, it's my own fault and I am here to tell my story and may look for restoration options before I have to jump on iOS 12 or something.

    I try to explain the story as clear and short as possible:

    I removed my sisters TouchID fingerprint on my phone, cuz I did forgot that she had access all the time to my phone. After that I wanted to change my passcode and discovered a "bug" at the same time.

    I chose a 4 digit passcode, went back again and typed random numbers and canceled. I did this about 3 times for no f*ing reason and after that I received the message "false passcode" (whilst being in the passcode setting menu - wtf?) and my phone went from settings to the locking screen.

    I had to wait 1 Minute before typing it again and yeah, I was desperate enough to try this till the point my phone flashes me the "please connect to iTunes" text.

    My goal/wish:

    • Restore back to iOS 9.0.2. Don't care about data loss.

    My current situation:

    • FindMyIphone is disabled.

    • No iCloud Backup, just normal iTunes PC backup folder - better to tell that I don't see this option on my iTunes.

    Contents of my backup folder, dunno what to do with it.

    • I have my iCloud account and it's connected to my iPhone.

    Some german text that shows my iCloud connected devices

    • Saved SHSH2 Blobs (10.3.1 - 11.1.1) but I think these won't be useful to me.

    • I think thatI removed OpenSSH and possibly have no option to SSH into my phone.

    • I remember having installed mikoto from Karen, and there was a option to start the phone with holding Volume down to get into a SSH menu. I'm not sure if I let it enabled. Unfortunately my Volume Down Button is broken (no more pressure point) so this would possibly be my last option. Repair Cost ~10€

    • I've tried to restore it with iTunes, I even have the backup folder. However, I can't restore my phone with the files I have, cuz iTunes is asking me for a .ipsw file when I click restore.


    (I've researched, that I need to connect the phone to the PC where I synced/created the backup file before, but I've reinstalled Windows on that Laptop and iTunes may won't show other options there)

    • I've authorized the PC where I try to restore my phone, still no changes

    Even if I may won't be able to return back to iOS 9.0.2, can I restore at least to iOS 11.1.1 ?

    I need your help, cuz I'm out of options... :(

    submitted by /u/Ouvertuere
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    [Help] Nonceset1112 does not save nonce after reboot

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 11:51 PM PST

    Tried everything in this post:(https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/7wifnu/help_nonceset1112_does_not_save_nonce_across/)
    Nothing seens to work, any ideias?
    iPhone 7 - iOS 11.1.2 - Electra Jailbreak

    submitted by /u/aqualocko
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