• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 27, 2018

    iPhone I got a matte back protector for my gold iPhone, this is what it looks like

    iPhone I got a matte back protector for my gold iPhone, this is what it looks like

    I got a matte back protector for my gold iPhone, this is what it looks like

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 05:23 PM PDT

    Apollo 1.3 is now available! I added notifications (finally), details inside.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 07:58 AM PDT

    It's been almost exactly a year since I first posted here about Apollo, a little new Reddit app for iOS on the block, and you all really received it with open arms. Thanks for an absolutely amazing last year.

    Today comes Apollo 1.3, the notifications update! It includes (you guessed it!) notifications as the core part of the update, which has probably been the most requested feature for Apollo. It took a long time to get right, but I'm super stoked with how it came out. They're fast, super battery efficient, and almost like a mini-app in themselves, as you can reply, upvote, downvote, view context, and more right from the notification, so you don't even have to open the app most of the time, you can do everything right from the notification in your lockscreen or when it drops down from the top. You can even customize the sound with a bunch of great options, like a turkey gobble or a penguin… scree? (There's normal noises too.)

    One part to mention early is that the update includes the dreaded, hated, loathed subscriptions. But if you're not interested in notifications you can completely ignore them. Long story short, push notifications require a server (it's where they're "pushed" from), and servers have ongoing monthly costs. I really couldn't afford just to give it away with Pro, and I didn't want to move Pro to a subscription model, so I added an extra feature pack called "Apollo Ultra" that you can choose, that comes with some notifications and some extra things!

    Now I'll copy-paste a little FAQ I made up that explains more, but I'm happy to answer further questions too if you have any! I'll chill in this thread.

    Apollo 1.3

    Notifications have been notably absent from Apollo from the get-go, but it's been because they're a really hard thing to do, and to do right. Long story short, there's a few ways to do them. You can do it completely on device, but this affects device battery life, and causes substantial delays in delivery as it can only fetch so often. An option that fixes these downsides is to do all the work on an external server, which doesn't affect battery life, and results in instant delivery. Here's a video of Scott Forstall talking about server advantages way back in iPhone OS 3.

    On top of all this, recent versions of iOS really also souped up the power of what notifications can do on the device, but weirdly a lot of apps don't take advantage of that (look at iMessage for an app that does, how you can view your messages and reply inline).

    For Apollo, I really didn't want to cut corners, so I've spent the last few months building up a really awesome solution with a dedicated server to handle the notifications, as well as taking advantage of everything iOS has to offer for making notifications powerful. The result is Apollo notifications are super battery efficient, super fast, and crazy powerful. You can view an entire conversation's context from the notification, reply, upvote, downvote, and more without ever having to leave the lockscreen. You can even customize the sound of the notification, I like making it sound like a turkey gobble. It's like a mini-app in itself.

    Now, to be completely up front with you, servers have ongoing, monthly costs. Yeah, there's no getting around that unfortunately. I'd love to just say "here, everyone who has Pro gets notifications!" but where I made Pro a small, one-time fee, the notifications server and its ongoing costs mean that I'd eventually be in the red on that exchange, and keeping Apollo sustainable and healthy for the future is obviously a massive priority of mine. I want to keep the lights on.

    On the flipside, I 100% know, understand and agree with how most feel about subscriptions. They're abused more and more lately, and they're expensive. So I talked it over with the community and I wanted to come up with a reasonable solution to help pay for ongoing server costs, without gouging customers and infuriating them with something crappy.

    I knew I couldn't compete with Netflix and whatnot and add another $10/month subscription to users, but as said servers have ongoing costs to me, so I elected to offer an option in the app to pay a meager 99 cents a month and you can have full access to notifications. I really hope you guys can find this reasonable and know I put a ton of work and talk into this update to make it as reasonable as I possibly could. I've worked really hard over the last year to work with the community on Apollo, so please understand that I honestly do really care about the community, and I hope my actions over the last year speak to that even more than my words.

    Show me a video of the features!

    Okay! https://vimeo.com/297431875

    So how do I get notifications?

    Notifications are bundled into a new pack called "Apollo Ultra". Hold up! Why not just call it "Apollo Notifications"? Well, I did that at first, but it didn't go so well. Essentially Apple has a rule (3.2.2 subsection ii) that apps can't charge directly for system capabilities like push notifications. Apple very nicely called me and explained that they know there's associated costs with push notifications and the server required for them, but to prevent potential abuse this is a rule they have. They suggested to bundle it in with other features that aren't system capabilities (eg don't bundle it in with AirPlay streaming), and after talking with the community we came up with some simple cool features to add to it that aren't massive deals if you don't have: App Theming (changing the colors of the app around), and some more custom app icons. So the end result is Apollo Ultra is a pack that has notifications, App Theming, and a new custom icon every month.

    What does it notify me of?

    It notifies you of everything in your Reddit inbox: post replies, comment replies, username mentions, and private messages.

    Walk me through your process of building this update.

    I started with a thread in the ApolloApp subreddit talking about my plans and to see if it made sense. People seemed to understand the costs and like my concept, so I started building. Then I got some feedback on the UI to make sure it was clear and understandable. Fast forward a bit, it had been tested by the community and everyone seemed to like it, so I submitted it to Apple, and it was unfortunately rejected (but Apple was cool). People gave some suggestions and ideas. I talked with the community and laid out my plans. I talked to Apple on the phone and they were super cool and basically agreed with the plans so I updated the community and got to work. I then submitted it, and Apple approved it! And here we are.

    Apollo Pro?

    I want to be really, really, really clear that Apollo Pro is not going anywhere, not only that, but it's still the main part of Apollo, and will continue to be indefinitely. Zero plans to change that. So many of you supported Apollo right out of the gates, and the last thing I want to do is give the middle finger to a group of people I owe a ton to. Apollo Ultra is an optional, separate pack that you can get if you want, or ignore if you want. But I have zero plans to move the core of Apollo to a subscription model. The one-time fee model works great, and everyone seems to love it. I don't have any plans to be locking a bunch of extra features into Ultra, and on the flipside I have some really awesome extra features planned for Pro.

    Other notification options?

    I mentioned the first option up there uses the device to manage notifications, it uses a combination of Background App Refresh and Local Notifications. Effectively it wakes the app up every so often to make fetches to the server to see if there's any new notifications. This has some downsides, notably that all this is performed on the device, which negatively affects battery life (for instance Apple turns this capability off during Low Power Mode). Further, this fetching can only happen periodically (it varies and is decided by iOS, can be 15 minutes to every several hours in frequency) so the notifications themselves can be quite delayed. I had this as an option called "Basic Notifications" in the previous build that was rejected, but don't worry, I plan to add it as an option back, I just wanted to make sure when I submitted this new build everything was clear to Apple and I didn't add any more confusion to potentially get it delayed further. So if you're okay with the above downsides, Apollo will also have a free option for notifications, so please understand that I'm truly trying to be as reasonable about this as possible!

    You could merge Pro and Ultra?

    I don't really want to move the Pro features to a subscription model, I like how they are now. It would be more streamlined to just have one "pack", yes, but I think in the end this will make everyone happier. For this reason you also don't "automatically" get Pro if you get Ultra, because I don't want to conflate the two, and it introduces a lot of complexity around whether or not it should be removed after the subscription expires.

    Still don't like subscriptions, any other options?

    You don't have to go by the month, there's a cheaper yearly option for $10, or for a limited time if you really don't like subscriptions there's a lifetime unlock for $20. That price will last for 1 week from today, so act quick if you want it!

    I don't want notifications but still want the other stuff or to support you

    You can totally get Apollo Ultra and just leave notifications turned off if they're not your cup of tea, you'll still get everything else and help Apollo's development!

    Tell me about this custom icon every month.

    So I figured if I was going to add extra custom icons (which everyone seems to love) to Ultra, I didn't want to just lazily throw in one I threw together in a few minutes. So I worked with The Iconfactory and commissioned them to build a super sick custom icon. So basically every month you'll get a cool special icon included as part of Ultra. I worked with some other really talented designers to build some other really cool icons (some with pixel art!) so that these icons look really cool. I want this feature to be awesome.

    iPad update?!

    Notifications took a ton of work. But I'm really glad it's behind me because now I can focus on the iPad update. I'm going to be working on 1.4 and 1.5 in tandem with the iPad update so I'm not just going to disappear for awhile, but I'm really stoked to be able to now have a bunch of time to put into the iPad side of things and making the experience for Apollo and Reddit on the iPad spectacular, I have some really cool ideas. :)

    I don't see the 1.3 update in my App Store yet!

    It can take up to a few hours sometimes for the update to hit every App Store, so just give it a bit! Sometimes it can also help if you search for the app and go right to its page and hit the "Update" button from there rather than the Updates tab.

    Thank You

    Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported Apollo and allowed this to be my full time job, I'm having a hoot building Apollo and have so much planned for its future, I can't wait to show you, and thanks for making all that possible.

    - Christian

    submitted by /u/iamthatis
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    Apple confirms iOS 12.1 will have dual SIM support, Group FaceTime and the ability to adjust the depth of portrait mode pictures in the Camera app. Expected to be released Tuesday.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 07:02 AM PDT

    The iPhone XR gives a slight vibration when upvoting!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 02:39 PM PDT

    Try it for yourself! I'm not asking for upvotes, go do it wherever you like! I just want y'all to know <3

    submitted by /u/TheScotty1500
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    Yes, the iPhone XR has the same PPI as the iPhone 4. And the 5. And 6. And 6s, 7 and 8.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 07:01 AM PDT

    People need to stop. I guess you all watched Unbox Therapy's video, where he rants about the PPI of the XR being the same as the iPhone 4.

    All iPhones since the 4, excluding the Plus and X models, have had 326 PPI. This is not a horrible quality, and you will not notice any issues unless you're actively comparing phones or looking at it from 5cm away.

    Edit: I am in no way saying the XR shouldn't be 1080p, nor that Apple made the right choice by using 720p.

    All I'm pointing out is that comparing it to the iPhone 4 is deliberately misleading and being dramatic.

    Nobody will compare it to the iPhone 8 becuase it doesn't sound as good to scream 'the iPhone XR has the same PPI as the iPhone 8!'.

    submitted by /u/ThatGuyTheyCallAlex
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    2018 iPhone Screen Size Comparison - Updated with more precise metrics & more models!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:22 PM PDT

    A new display patent from Apple details a system that would allow the company to place the front camera inside the display removing the notch.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 09:26 AM PDT

    I released my first iOS App to the App Store. Word of The Hour is a free app that shares one English vocabulary word every hour with its French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Hindi translation. We help users stay committed to language learning. Any feedback is welcomed!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 03:13 AM PDT

    Wow the iPhone Xr battery is amazing.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 12:09 AM PDT

    This is going to sound crazy but my iPhone Xr has lasted so well. So I officially started to use my iPhone Xr at exactly 11am. At the time my iPhone was at 100%. Throughout the day I had moderate usage on Apple Music, Safari, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Snapchat, and Movies Anywhere. For a brief period during the day I had my Bluetooth on as well. Fast forward to 1:09 am. My iPhone Xr is currently sitting at 53% of battery.

    submitted by /u/Kylo-Ball2
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    Although it doesn’t have Gigabit LTE, I’m seeing massive speed gains with the XR’s LTE Advanced compared to the standard LTE on my SE with Metro by T-Mobile

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 03:43 AM PDT

    People who went from iPhone 8 to xr, what's the size difference been like to you?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 03:39 AM PDT

    My gf has an 8 and we both like smaller phones. I'm worried the xr is going to be physically too big for what she's used to. What have your experiences been like

    submitted by /u/darklegion412
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    Anyone else receiving 5-6 hours of battery life on iPhone XS?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 09:56 AM PDT

    After owning the new model for a while now, I've noticed a hit in battery life on my iPhone XS after jumping from iPhone X.

    Not sure why the difference is so drastic, since they're both configured the same. Didn't Apple claim an extra 30 min battery life on the iPhone XS?

    5 hours to 6 hours of screen time is how long it takes to drain. I've never had to reach below 20% on my iPhone X, but now I do.

    How's yours?

    submitted by /u/quitethewaysaway
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    Some apps need to be optimised for the XR still

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 08:40 AM PDT

    I am absolutely loving my XR but there are a few apps where text can be blurry compared to others, I would imagine that this is due to scaling. Also some apps that required you to press a button on the far right don't register the taps.

    Anyone else get this?

    submitted by /u/WeezyWally
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    Does the iPhone xr have animoji

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 08:33 AM PDT

    iPhone XR GeekBench Compute & CPU Results

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 02:31 AM PDT

    Best Ad Block Extension for Safari Mobile?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 08:26 AM PDT

    I get hit with the damn $1000 Walmart thing a lot and certain wiki's have obnoxious ads that take up large portions of the page lately. I hear Adblock isn't supported anymore and Adblock Plus didn't do anything for me so what are some suggestions?

    Also anything free is a plus

    submitted by /u/Mad-God-Morgoth
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    My iPhone lost most of my contacts all of a sudden. Is anyone else experiencing the same?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 08:11 AM PDT

    Just went into my messages and most of the threads had numbers instead of names. I went into my contacts and Im only seeing a fraction of what I had saved. I think anything that was saved to google is missing. Is anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/darus214
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    How to have no call times for non-contacts?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 08:00 AM PDT

    I don't want to be called by non-contacts at certain times of the day (usually 1AM-9AM, when I'm sleeping). For contacts it's fine, what they have to say is important, and I'm okay with them waking me up. Is there any way to auto-block non-contacts, but only for a set specific time?

    submitted by /u/NotTalcon
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    I need some piece of advice, please...

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 10:07 AM PDT


    I am going to try to keep it short. Basically, I got this iPhone 6s for spares and repairs and it turned out to be iCloud locked, which is no issue as I have not paid a lot for it and I might get a replacement logic board soon, however I managed to find the Apple ID the phone is linked to. I want to send them an email but I have no idea what to tell them, it feels weird to ask them to unlock it for me cause that is what I want to ask them or if they want, I can return it to them but I doubt that since the person lives in a far away country. I do not think the phone was stolen (it is not blacklisted or marked as stolen) but I believe it was rather claimed from lost and found or found by the seller I got it from I guess? What do you guys think I should do? It would really help me if they were nice and unlocked it for me, it would spare me from spending $95 on a motherboard.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/throwawaywhatever767
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    First Impressions From New iPhone XR Owners

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 03:12 AM PDT

    Does anyone else use the 3D Touch on the left side of the screen to change apps and go home?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 09:45 AM PDT

    I use it religiously. Only time I use the home button is for the fingerprint when I open my phone

    submitted by /u/RV_123
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    Pixel 3 Night Sight vs iPhone XS Camera Comparison - This Isn't Even Fair

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 01:17 PM PDT

    My “downgrade” from the MAX to the XR

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 01:59 PM PDT

    To be perfectly honest, the differences are quite negligible.

    The XR screen is gorgeous, I'm simply blown away. I kinda miss 3D Touch, but haptic feedback has a very similar feel.

    Portrait mode on the XR seems BETTER than on the Max. Does only work on humans though, so it's more limited in that regard.

    XR feels snappier than the Max.

    Larger bezels are a non-issue. I haven't thought about it once since owning the phone.

    Battery life seems to be better on the XR over the Max with similar usage patterns.

    The size is a PERFECT compromise! I can't stress this enough...

    XR feels slightly heavier which I find refreshing.

    I opted for the Black 128 model, no regrets. Perfect storage for my needs, perfect stealth black look, perfect, perfect, freaking perfect, guys.

    Apple nailed it with this phone, It'll be a best seller for sure. It's like the child prodigy of the Max..Hope everyone who got their XR today is loving it as much as me!

    submitted by /u/leorapture
    [link] [comments]

    Considering buying a new iPhone. Should I buy the Xr or the X? My current phone is the 7

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 09:16 AM PDT

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