• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 23, 2018

    iPhone TIL: You can select any symbol while holding down the “123” key and release to go back to alphabets

    iPhone TIL: You can select any symbol while holding down the “123” key and release to go back to alphabets

    TIL: You can select any symbol while holding down the “123” key and release to go back to alphabets

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 08:00 AM PDT

    Really useful when typing email addresses.

    submitted by /u/SensitiveTumbleweed
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    Regal Theaters are giving away this AR enabled MovieBill for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

    Posted: 22 Jun 2018 10:17 PM PDT

    How has iOS 12 Beta 2 been so far?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 06:10 AM PDT

    I'm currently on Beta 1 and I'm super happy with it really, so I'm a little skeptical about updating because the new beta may bring som bugs in apps or something.

    Is it mainly the same as beta 1? Does anybody have problems in apps like Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat or Spotify?

    Those are my most frequently used apps.

    Also, how is the battery life? I can live with a bit shorter than iOS 11 but if it's way worse than beta 1 then maybe not.

    submitted by /u/JulianF6
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    Anyone with big hands use an IPhone SE?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 08:20 AM PDT

    Thinking about switching to and wanna know the pros and cons (if any) about using an SE with big hands.

    submitted by /u/mightyhooper25
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    My iPhone 4 running iOS 4.3.3

    Posted: 22 Jun 2018 02:22 PM PDT

    iPhone X proximity sensor malfunction? Please help!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 07:19 AM PDT

    Anyone else's proximity sensor turning off your iPhone X screen just under normal use? I thought the proximity sensor only works when your are actively on a phone call to turn the screen off while it's close to your ear.

    submitted by /u/Eco10530
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    Got an iPhone X about ~1 month ago and now a thin green line that looks like “dead” pixels appeared on the right side of the screen. What can I do?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 08:35 AM PDT

    So essentially I have JUST got my iPhone X after waiting three years to upgrade from my IPhone 6. I was so excited, and I wake up this morning, turn my phone on, and there's this green "dead pixel" line right where the screen meets the black on the right side.

    Now backstory, my phone hasn't been in water (not even in rain). It hasn't fallen whatsoever. It hasn't been bumped into anything whatsoever.

    I don't have insurance through my phone company (as the deductible would be $400 anyway), and I wasn't offered Apple Care so I haven't bought it.

    What are my options? It's only a month old, if that, would it be under the basic warranty or am I fucked and have to shell out a ton of money to get the screen replaced? I'm nowhere near an apple store, I think the closest one is like four hours away.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Steel_city917
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    Are AirPods worth it?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 09:20 AM PDT

    I've seen some good reviews, but I've also seen people talking about alternatives that work basically the same but are cheaper and better.

    submitted by /u/aresef
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    Worth waiting till November for new phones?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 04:57 AM PDT

    My iPhone 6s Plus's gyroscope is broken. Not a huge deal, raise to wake and home screen rotation don't work. In a few weeks I'll have enough to upgrade to a new iPhone. I'd prefer a X, but could be convinced to wait for next year's model as a preorder. Do we know enough about the new phones that I should wait on my upgrade?

    Edit: I have AirPods so the lack of a headphone jack doesn't matter to me

    submitted by /u/Fro5tbyte
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    Adding calculated toll costs to Maps

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 04:53 AM PDT

    Could Apple add toll information to routes when giving directions? Calculated toll costs for a trip would be pretty convenient.

    submitted by /u/Blitzkrieg_exe
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    My phone alarm just completely stopped working.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 04:22 AM PDT

    2 days in a row I set my alarm, turned on my ringer, and made sure it was at full volume. Well both days I ended up waking up 4 hours late and when I looked at my phone it had the "snooze/stop" screen up but was making no noise at all.

    submitted by /u/rick_n_snorty
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    Apple is processing refunds on 2017 battery replacements - call in to get yours

    Posted: 22 Jun 2018 03:17 PM PDT

    Condensation on iPhone during summers?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 12:25 AM PDT

    I have an iPhone 8. Summers are here and coming out of the AC sometimes I get a very think layer of condensation on the screen. Is that going to damage the phone in any way?

    submitted by /u/ingenioutor
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    No Mail Notifications Just a Sound

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 06:57 AM PDT

    So I have changed settings to see mail notifications on lock screen and temporary notifications, but they don't work ever show. I only here a ding when I get mail. How do I fix this?

    submitted by /u/ispectechular
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    My iPhone X battery percentage is stuck

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 06:49 AM PDT

    I was charging my iPhone X (like everyday) and noticed my battery percentage was stuck at 84% so I try reboot my phone, after the reboot it was at 88% and now it's stuck for like 30 minutes... I mean 1200€ of phone shouldn't have problems like this after some months of use.... Ps. I'm charging with official charger, and no I tried other cables and still stuck.

    submitted by /u/derek10z
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    I can’t change my payment info.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 06:44 AM PDT

    Every time I select my old card to change it it makes me type in my phone password,I type it in but then it just keeps going back to password entry over and over again. Any solutions?

    submitted by /u/frankunderagewood
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    Should i be worried ?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 06:08 AM PDT

    I poured some beer on my new iphone x . And after that like 3 days i couldnt unlock phone i restarted it and i worked . Should i worry?

    submitted by /u/Zare1990
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    Amazon Music on Carplay

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 03:32 AM PDT

    Can you not search for artists or songs within the carplay interface? I am not seeing how if you can. It looks like I am basically able to access my history and thats it. I havent played around with it too much. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/wicawo
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    Best way to recorver broken screen iphones pictures?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 09:29 AM PDT

    Title tells all

    submitted by /u/Miiku0
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    One month old iPhone's charger doesn't work?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 01:10 AM PDT

    I bought an iphone 7 in May but the past week I noticed that when I plug it in to charge,it charges for like 1 or 2% and then stops.That has been happening every time I've had to charge it since then that I started using a cheap charging cable I had for my old iphone.

    My question is,should I call apple so they can send me a new charging cable or should I just leave it as it is?And if I do call them and tell them I've been using my old cable,won't they be like "stick with that one instead and leave us alone" lol?Thanks.

    submitted by /u/sassychris
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    Yet another buying guide post

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 08:09 AM PDT

    I know there is one extremely fresh thread, but I am in a little bit of a different position so I think this warrant some more context.

    I am a long time android user, on a moto g 3rd gen right now. always had cheapo phones. I grew extremely dissatisfied with google, android and android phone makers for various reasons and feel like a change of pace is needed. my current phone is literally crumbling to pieces, as it had a very stupid fall that cracked the glass and w/e, so it's a good occasion to jump ship.

    as a replacement, i selected the 8+: even if i dislike the form factor (it's really big and i prefer phones i can operate onehanded), i dont want to take the compromises on ram and screen resolution and battery life on the 8. the x is completely outside of my monetary reach and it has no touch id, which for my use cases is basically a hard requirement.

    i heard that there will be a launch in september, but i honestly dont know if my phone will hold that much and dont even understand the lineup that will come out. what i need is an 8+ with a little bit smaller form factor but same hardware-resolution and touch id, in the price range of the actual 8+ which i can easily find at a discount.

    is it worth to try to cope with my broken piece of shit and wait september in your informed opinion, even if only to save 100-150ish eur on the 8+? thank you!

    submitted by /u/jimeno
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    Hotspot question

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 04:15 AM PDT

    I'm using my iPhone to connect my Xbox one to Xbox live via hotspot but I keep getting a strict NAT is there a way to open that or at least make it moderate?

    submitted by /u/ttownt
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    Missing Photos after setting up new iPhone? (Grey Photos with Exclamation Mark)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 12:06 AM PDT


    Set up an iPhone X last night and tried transferring my data from my iPhone 7 (iTunes backup).

    Everything seems to have transferred over except for a bunch of older photos which appear in my library as grey, with little exclamation marks in the bottom right corner.

    After some googling, I believe it is to do with iCloud (currently on the 50GB plan which is full).
    I have edited my settings from "Optimise iPhone Storage" to "Download and Keep Originals", tried restarting my phone, connected to charge and wifi during the day and haven't had any luck with the photos re-downloading.

    Edit: Photos https://imgur.com/a/ZaStmB2/

    submitted by /u/Woollen
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    Need help buying new iPhone!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2018 07:35 AM PDT

    Hi guys! So I currently use an iPhone 7. Previously I had Galaxy S8 and before that iPhone 7 Plus. Yup, ridiculous.

    I decided I need a new phone since I'm really not happy with my current one. I thought about waiting until September for the new iPhones (X Plus to be precise). However they won't arrive in my country most probably until January which is almost 6 months away. That's too long of a wait with my current one. Now idk how smart of a decision it is to just bite the bullet and get the iPhone X right now, how much of an improvement will the 2018 ones bring as it currently seems to me not that much, kinda like an S release... I'm open for advices here :)

    submitted by /u/blitzfreak_69
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