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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    macOS this is a little exaggerated, but closing notifications in big sur is driving me nuts

    macOS this is a little exaggerated, but closing notifications in big sur is driving me nuts

    this is a little exaggerated, but closing notifications in big sur is driving me nuts

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:53 AM PST

    Oh BigSur! How lovely you are.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 01:52 PM PST

    Can anyone tell me how to get Apple to change my location to where I actually live?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:42 PM PST

    When signing into iCloud or Apple products I often get a message saying somebody from LA is trying to use my account...is there anyway to change that to Mesa/Phoenix Arizona where I reside?

    submitted by /u/billgr0248
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    2 am. I got really scared...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:24 PM PST

    Moderately-priced one-time purchase password manager with TOTP?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:40 PM PST

    I'm currently using SafeInCloud, synced to my Dropbox. It's been solid, except after updating to Big Sur the browser extensions for autofill have gotten wonky. Can anyone recommend a manager that works across MacOs/iOS, is a one-time purchase, and can save TOTP within password entries?

    submitted by /u/scoobysnatcher
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    Sometimes the font doesn't display correctly after sleeping macOS

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:06 PM PST

    Sometimes the font doesn't display correctly after sleeping macOS

    Sometimes the font doesn't display correctly after sleeping macOS. I must close and reopen websites/apps to workaround.

    Do you know how to solve this issue? Thanks!


    submitted by /u/ansidev
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    Do you guys know how to set up function keys.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:06 PM PST

    I am using a third party keyboard and it recognizes the function key as the option key. I've tried modifier keys, but it doesn't work. Any fixes for this? Maybe software or something. I am using the KBD67 keyboard PCB if you happen to know what I'm talking about

    submitted by /u/Jacksonhoyt
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    Does Finder open a new tab for you every time you open a folder?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:08 PM PST

    Whenever I open a new folder in the finder (command down) it opens it in a new tab.

    I have the option of "open in tab vs window whenever possible" (forgot the exact name). But this behavior shouldn't be happening.

    Is it happening to anyone else who has this option enabled?

    submitted by /u/TestFlightBeta
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    Big Sur - Stop it greying out the time when Do not disturb is turned on?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:19 PM PST

    As title, when DND is turned on the clock is almost unreadable.

    When it is off the clock is much easier to read.

    I don't like notifications so I don't turn DND off, but I would like to be able to use the clock still.

    submitted by /u/OMGItsCheezWTF
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    Dynamic wallpapers are not matching the time of day

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    In macOS Big Sur, none of my dynamic wallpapers are matching the time of day. It's currently 1:30 in the afternoon, and I'm being displayed a wallpapers in night time. My date & time settings as well as region settings are correct. Does anyone know what's going on here?

    submitted by /u/thealwaysalready
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    Please help! Brand new Macbook kernel panic restarting every time it sleeps.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:22 PM PST

    I'm going to try to make this as concise as possible. Can someone please interpret the below report and let me know what I need to do to fix this? My 16 inch Macbook Pro with AMD Radeon panic restarts every single time it goes to sleep. From the few things I can understand, it appears graphics card related?

    It started on Big Sur 11.0, continued into Big Sur 11.1 after updating a few days ago, continued after internet recovery to Catalina and being forced to wipe my hard disk without a back up. I'm gutted, i'm at a loss, and I just want this to be fixed. This only started a few days ago, but this computer is only a month old, bought just before Christmas. I'm not very literate when it comes to more involved computing things such as this. I've also done a hardware diagnostic and found no error codes from that. Thank you to anyone who can please help.

    panic(cpu 8 caller 0xffffff7f882fd953): GPU Panic: mux-regs 5 3 7f 1f 0 0 severity 3 WS-ready 0 switch-state 0 IG FBs 0 EG FBs 1:0 power-state 0 3D idle HDA idle system-state 2 power-level 5:0 power-retry 0:0 connect-change 0 : [3:0:0][PPLIB] PowerPlay Failed Resume. TTL Error Message: .

    Backtrace (CPU 8), Frame : Return Address 0xffffff81f6183700 : 0xffffff800431868d 0xffffff81f6183750 : 0xffffff8004452ab5 0xffffff81f6183790 : 0xffffff800444463e 0xffffff81f61837e0 : 0xffffff80042bea40 0xffffff81f6183800 : 0xffffff8004317d57 0xffffff81f6183900 : 0xffffff8004318147 0xffffff81f6183950 : 0xffffff8004abf2bc 0xffffff81f61839c0 : 0xffffff7f882fd953 0xffffff81f6183a20 : 0xffffff7f88698991 0xffffff81f6183ca0 : 0xffffff7f8866441c 0xffffff81f6183cd0 : 0xffffff7f886982fc 0xffffff81f6183d00 : 0xffffff7f8867fd7c 0xffffff81f6183d20 : 0xffffff7f8867fd15 0xffffff81f6183d40 : 0xffffff7f8867fb67 0xffffff81f6183d70 : 0xffffff7f87fc0faa 0xffffff81f6183e10 : 0xffffff7f87fc0d08 0xffffff81f6183e40 : 0xffffff7f87fc7aeb 0xffffff81f6183ee0 : 0xffffff8004a2ad4d 0xffffff81f6183f30 : 0xffffff8004a2961e 0xffffff81f6183f70 : 0xffffff8004a28c16 0xffffff81f6183fa0 : 0xffffff80042be13e Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[1279CBF9-88F1-3EB4-9566-1085DBF6DF8B]@0xffffff7f87fb6000->0xffffff7f88006fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[2F37AE58-E6B9-3B18-9092-3B80D34C334B]@0xffffff7f84d12000 com.apple.driver.AppleMuxControl2(5.2.6)[F759B2BD-1ADE-3A72-9E7A-34D8C3AA043E]@0xffffff7f882ee000->0xffffff7f88302fff dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleGraphicsControl(5.2.6)[0DA9C1CA-5E2E-3F35-8271-E0F4948BD738]@0xffffff7f882eb000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[2956198D-24F2-3790-A9B2-1EAB9434B906]@0xffffff7f84d09000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[2F37AE58-E6B9-3B18-9092-3B80D34C334B]@0xffffff7f84d12000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[1279CBF9-88F1-3EB4-9566-1085DBF6DF8B]@0xffffff7f87fb6000 dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(5.2.6)[E04CD680-EC03-39ED-99C6-902C8495543F]@0xffffff7f88007000 com.apple.kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer(3.1)[4E9BF2CA-278D-3488-991C-538E1AE1B478]@0xffffff7f88657000->0xffffff7f88a8cfff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[2956198D-24F2-3790-A9B2-1EAB9434B906]@0xffffff7f84d09000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[2F37AE58-E6B9-3B18-9092-3B80D34C334B]@0xffffff7f84d12000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[1279CBF9-88F1-3EB4-9566-1085DBF6DF8B]@0xffffff7f87fb6000 dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(5.2.6)[E04CD680-EC03-39ED-99C6-902C8495543F]@0xffffff7f88007000

    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev

    Mac OS version: 19H15

    Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Oct 29 22:56:45 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: 9B5A7191-5B84-3990-8710-D9BD9273A8E5 Kernel slide: 0x0000000004000000 Kernel text base: 0xffffff8004200000 __HIB text base: 0xffffff8004100000 System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864) System shutdown begun: NO

    System uptime in nanoseconds: 650117755401 last loaded kext at 593727728030: >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 (addr 0xffffff7f87fa5000, size 45056) last unloaded kext at 246647842770: >usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0 (addr 0xffffff7f86bf6000, size 24576) loaded kexts: @kext.AMDRadeonX6000 3.1.0 @kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager 3.1.0 >!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.6 @fileutil 20.036.15 @AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.6 >!AHV 1 |IOUserEthernet 1.0.1 |IO!BSerialManager 7.0.6f7 >!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0

    AGPM 111.4.4 X86PlatformShim 1.0.0 pmtelemetry 1 >!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8 AGDCBacklightControl 5.2.6 @Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0 >!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.7 BridgeAudioCommunication 6.70.7 >!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4 >!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.7 >!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1 >!AAVEBridge 6.1 >!AMCCSControl 1.14 >!AMuxControl2 5.2.6 >!AHIDALSService 1 >!ABridgeAudio!C 6.70.7 >!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1 >!AGFXHDA 100.1.429 >!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0 @filesystems.autofs 3.0 BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore 1 BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore 1 BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore 1 >!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe 1 @filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5 @BootCache 40 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0 >!AVirtIO 1.0 @filesystems.apfs 1412.141.1 @private.KextAudit 1.0 >!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0 >!AACPIButtons 6.1 >!ASMBIOS 2.1 >!AACPIEC 6.1 >!AAPIC 1.7 $!AImage4 1 @nke.applicationfirewall 303 $TMSafetyNet 8 @!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0 |EndpointSecurity 1 usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 >!UAudio 323.4 @kext.AMDRadeonX6100HWLibs 1.0 @kext.AMDRadeonX6000HWServices 3.1.0 |IOAVB!F 850.1 >!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0 @kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer 3.1.0 @!AGPUWrangler 5.2.6 >!AHIDKeyboard 209 |IOAccelerator!F2 438.7.3 X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0 >!AHS!BDriver 3430.1 IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.6f7 >!AActuatorDriver 3440.1 >!AMultitouchDriver 3440.1 >!AInputDeviceSupport 3440.8 >!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1 >!AGraphicsControl 5.2.6 IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8 |IONDRVSupport 576.1 |IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.6f7 |IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.6f7 >!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60 >!AOnboardSerial 1.0 @kext.AMDSupport 3.1.0 @!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.2.6 |IOGraphics!F 576.1 |IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0 @plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3 |IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0 @kext.triggers 1.0 usb.cdc.ncm 5.0.0 usb.cdc 5.0.0 usb.networking 5.0.0 usb.!UHostCompositeDevice 1.2 >!ABCMWLANCore 1.0.0 mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8 IOImageLoader 1.0.0 |IO80211!FV2 1200.12.2b1 corecapture 1.0.4 |IOSkywalk!F 1 |IOSurface 269.11 @filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1 |IOAudio!F 300.2 @vecLib.kext 1.2.0 |IOSerial!F 11 usb.!UVHCIBCE 1.2 usb.!UVHCI 1.2 usb.!UVHCICommonBCE 1.0 usb.!UVHCICommon 1.0 >!AEffaceableNOR 1.0 |IOBufferCopy!C 1.1.0 |IOBufferCopyEngine!F 1 |IONVMe!F 2.1.0 >!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4 >!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6 >!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6 >!AHPM 3.4.4 >!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60 >!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6 |IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.1 |IOUSB!F 900.4.2 usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2 usb.!UXHCI 1.2 >!AEFINVRAM 2.1 >!AEFIRuntime 2.1 >!ASMCRTC 1.0 |IOSMBus!F 1.1 |IOHID!F 2.0.0 $quarantine 4 $sandbox 300.0 @kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1 >!AKeyStore 2 >!UTDM 489.120.1 |IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.120.3 >!ACredentialManager 1.0 >!AFDEKeyStore 28.30 >!AEffaceable!S 1.0 >!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5 @kext.CoreTrust 1 |CoreAnalytics!F 1 |IOTimeSync!F 840.3 |IONetworking!F 3.4 DiskImages 493.0.0 |IO!B!F 7.0.6f7 |IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.6f7 >!ASSE 1.0 KernelRelayHost 1 >!ASEPManager 1.0.1 IOSlaveProcessor 1 |IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.140.1 |IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.120.3 |IO!S!F 2.1 |IOUSBHost!F 1.2 usb.!UCommon 1.0 >!UHostMergeProperties 1.2 >!ABusPower!C 1.0 |IOReport!F 47 >!AACPIPlatform 6.1 >!ASMC 3.1.9 watchdog 1 |IOPCI!F 2.9 |IOACPI!F 1.4 @kec.pthread 1 @kec.corecrypto 1.0 @kec.Libm 1

    submitted by /u/SissySicilian
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    Macbook Pro M1 Windows ARM is amazingly fast - End of video

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:11 PM PST

    Why all the talk of Win10 for ARM; why not emulation like during PowerPC years?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 01:36 PM PST

    I don't understand why there's all this talk of getting Windows 10 for ARM on M1 Macs. During the PowerPC years, when you needed Windows on a Mac you used an emulator like VirtualPC. Yes, there was a performance hit but, it worked and gave you compatibility with the odd Windows app that you might need to run. Also, it seems like if Rosetta 2 can run x86 code at near native speeds, then why couldn't that be harnessed to run a really fast emulator and just run Windows 10 for x86? What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/tonedeath
    [link] [comments]

    Finder replacement / commander style file manager?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:52 PM PST


    submitted by /u/Martinn12
    [link] [comments]

    Does anyone know how to fix these random flickering pixels they’re not built an issue with the screen as they go away in different parts of the OS (21 inch, Mid-2011 2.7 GHz core I5| 32gbs DDr3 ram| AMD Radeon HD6770M 512mb)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:10 PM PST

    How Does a Plain Text File Store its Executable status

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:54 PM PST

    When I create a file on my mac, change its permissions so it's executable (chmod 755), push the file to GitHub, then go to another directory in my mac and pull the repository down, that file is still 755 when I check with ls -l.

    Does anyone know how this works? How does the file (just plain text) keep it's permissions after being "copied" from one place to another.

    submitted by /u/fectic
    [link] [comments]

    My Automator Quick Actions are not displayed in my MBP Touch Bar (Big Sur)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST

    I've four quick actions that used to be displayed when I press and hold the fn key. After restarting my Mac this morning, they are no longer displayed. The Touch Bar displayed an empty strip apart from esc. My keyboard settings are all correct—nothing new there.

    If I add and use the Quick Actions button on my customizable control strip, the four quick actions are displayed and usable. So, why are my quick actions not working when I press and hold and fn key?

    submitted by /u/thealwaysalready
    [link] [comments]

    Any way to turn my TV into a picture frame?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:30 PM PST

    So I have a 43 inch HDTV 4K that I was to turn into a digital picture frame. Im looking for a way to get said images onto the TV in a customizable slideshow type application to display on the TV.

    I want to be able to control it from a MAC / IOS so I would need to have some kind of application on the TV and or Device ROKU etc that can connect to the wifi to run said application. Does anyone know of a simple way to do this for a TV?

    submitted by /u/Dorfdad
    [link] [comments]

    Messages in Big Sur - no "close conversation", no .ichat files, no good.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:19 PM PST

    Hi all - new to the sub, but would love any tips or tricks people can offer to help with this situation...

    My current mode of operation with Apple Messages is to use Messages in iCloud on all my devices except my 2012 Mac Mini running Catalina. The Mini is set to keep messages forever, and so I can delete messages and threads on my iPhone or iPad, removing them from iCloud and all the other devices set for Messages in iCloud, but on the Mini, I have a choice – I can delete them there as well, or I can close the conversation, and apparently in addition to using the chat.db database in ~/Library/Messages, it retains a .ichat archive in /Library/Containers/com.apple.ichat/Data/Library/Messages/Archive/<dated folder>. If I send or receive a message from a person with a closed conversation, that conversation reopens, and despite having been deleted from iCloud, I still have an archive of the whole thread with that person on the Mini. Spotlight will find messages from people with closed conversations, too. It's a kludge, created by the lack of real archiving in Messages, but up until now, it has worked.

    Big Sur and my new M1 Mac Mini have changed the equation, though. The new Big Sur version of Messages no longer has an option to close a conversation, only delete it, and from what I can tell, also no longer stores messages in the .ichat format in the ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.ichat/Data/Library/Messages or ~/Library/Messages, but rather only uses the chat.db database in ~/Library/Messages. So I now have no way to archive my texts and iMessages unless I keep my 2012 Mini around, which seems a bit superfluous with the shiny new M1 Mini on my desk.

    What am I missing? Is there a better way to archive texts and iMessages that I'm not seeing? A third party app that can read chat.db and export archives? Any guidance appreciated...

    submitted by /u/solmssen
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    Auto hide dock when opening browser?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:15 PM PST

    Is there any way to auto hide the dock only when I open the browser?

    submitted by /u/Quentin718
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    What does this mean? MBP 15 2008

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:25 PM PST

    I will write more about this and similar problems soon. At the moment only 1 suggestion: test your backups 1-2x pro month.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:14 AM PST

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