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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    iPhone Apple and Hyundai hope to reach Apple Car deal by March

    iPhone Apple and Hyundai hope to reach Apple Car deal by March

    Apple and Hyundai hope to reach Apple Car deal by March

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:57 AM PST

    I made a free app to fix the biggest problem with Apple Wallet.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:24 AM PST

    The app is called Anycode Wallet, it allows you to scan, save, and show any barcode. I thought of the idea when I started using Apple Wallet more often I ended up forgetting my actual wallet a lot, which meant that I didn't have my gift cards, and store loyalty cards when I needed it most, missing out on discounts and points.

    The app allows you to save any type barcode by simply scanning them, which you can't do in Apple Wallet. You can also use the app to save boarding passes, QR codes … basically anything with a barcode.

    I worked really hard on making the best barcode scanner too, it is really fast to scan (within milliseconds), and supports the widest variety of barcodes in the App Store. I would be really grateful if you could check it out, and any feedback or feature requests would be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/anycode_wallet
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    DIY MagSafe Wallet Pull Up Tab made out of Costco croissant package

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:57 AM PST

    Apple purges Parler from App Store

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:12 AM PST

    Exactly 14 years ago, Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPhone to the world. The iPhone 4S was the first iPhone I’ve ever had, and this stunning piece of artwork from Grid Studio came in yesterday as a gift! What was your first iPhone?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:39 PM PST

    New AirPods Pro and iPhone SE Rumored to Launch in April 2021

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:56 PM PST

    Since today is the 13th anniversary of the unveiling of the iPhone, what was your first time seeing an iPhone? What was your reaction?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:55 AM PST

    Follow up after 3 months of iOS use (OP: Almost 10 years Android user, finally switched over to an iPhone 11 Pro.)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:20 AM PST

    3 Months ago I purchased an iPhone after using Samsung phones for a long time. I made a post in here about my new adventure and some of the things that I would miss from Android and some of the things I was looking forward to in iOS.

    Here are my thoughts after 3 months of use.

    What I still miss from Android:

    • Always on Display. (I thought apple would introduce this on iPhone 12, with all models being OLED)
    • Android Gboard keyboard (The layout, prediction and auto-correct is way better on Android)
    • Chrome on Android is way better.
    • Face ID is ok, I still prefer the fingerprint sensor. (Sometimes it doesn't recognize my face and brings up the pin screen and when I'm about to enter the pin it suddenly recognizes me and unlocks. Happens maybe 30% of the time)
    • Still haven't found a calendar app/widget like the Samsung calendar widget. Here is a screenshot
    • I miss the Android notifications system. (Paired with AOD)
    • File system/Folders. iOS combines all pictures from messages, whatsapp, messenger, camera, chrome downloads. I sincerely hate this. Is there a workaround to save pictures from certain apps to specific folders?

    Things that are better than Android:

    • Almost all the apps are better and more polished on iOS
    • Even at 60hz its very smooth and no lag or stutter. (Which I used to experience on brand new Samsung phones)
    • More app availability. (But still no Dark Sky in Canada)
    • iMessage, My contacts use a mix of whatsapp, Messenger, and iMessages. Now I can be part of iMessage groups too.

    Things I still need help with or finding apps:

    • Well one is still the Calendar widget
    • Is there a replacement for pushbullet yet? I used to send a lot of pictures from my laptop to my Android phone using pushbullet. It was so easy too. while I was browsing Reddit or something I would right click on the image and click "send to my phone". It would be on my phone. Is there anything like this for windows?

    My biggest gripe was that I would miss the "back" gesture/button from Android. For the first couple of weeks It was hard to get used to not having a back button, but after three months. I only miss it like 10% of the time. I've gotten used to iOS gestures pretty easily.

    One of the things I found out that hitting the power button ends the call. If I was on speaker phone, I would always hit the power button to turn off the screen on my Galaxies but I wasn't aware that on iPhones it ends the call. I thought I was dropping the calls, until it hit me lol.

    I think I would probably stick with iPhone for now and maybe even the 13 if it has major changes.

    submitted by /u/I-am-Super-Serial
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    Temporary fix to the broken automatic switching Airpods Pro feature

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:16 PM PST

    So switching from iOS to Mac almost works but its bugged. It doesnt stop the iPhone sound but it connects back to the Mac anyway. Weird right?

    So the temporary fix:

    1.) Play something on your iPhone.

    2.) Then to get your Mac and play something there (youtube video etc).

    3.) Take one of the airpods out of your ear. This will pause the iPhone sound.

    4.) Put it back in and sound will move from iPhone to Mac.

    A bit annoying you have to do this but hey, it works.

    submitted by /u/ZiangoRex
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    iPhone 11 now shipping without accessories?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:17 PM PST

    I've been searching all over and I just wanted to confirm I wasn't losing my mind.

    In December we bought my daughter a white iPhone 11, from our cell carrier, and it came with the phone/earbuds/charging brick

    2 days ago my husband purchased a black iPhone 11 for himself, from same cell carrier...box came with just a cable. (Which is how I understand newer phones are being shipped now, guess I didn't know this applied to new purchases of older model phones)

    Did we just get an "older" iPhone 11 when we bought the white one last month?

    submitted by /u/beauty_junkie77
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    About switching

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:35 PM PST

    guys, it's my first post here and i'm sorry to bother you with this but can anyone tell me about security?

    i still think iPhones are overpriced and iOS does less than Android can, that the notch is still ugly, the lack of a fingerprint scanner is hard to accpet and also the lack of a back button in the OS looks something quite dated even with the gestures well established

    but in the last few months I've been really scratching my brains with the way that Android manages the user's info through the apps... even with all the personal cons I've talked before, the iPhone looks way more secure and appears to play better with the user's about what is being shared, to which apps it's being shared and when it's being shared

    this thought comes from a guy who has been a lifetime Android user and, although knowing how much I can do things my way into the OS, I no longer consider myself as a power user: I just want things to be done nicelly, get a further term OS support and feel safe with the company's way being the most fair possible to me to let me know how my data is being treated in the backgrounds...

    personally, I'm so tired of seeing so many ads showing up to me with things I've said or searched hours before in different apps (even with anonymous browse, I search for a sneaker in Chrome and then it shows up in a lot of ads at Instagram and other apps), it looks to me that Google plays harder in the shadows with all the data collected through the OS

    that's why I've been thinking about switching, despite being a guy who never used iOS or Mac for more than 1 hour straight in my entire life haha (I learnt a lot of things through all these years being a little of a tech guy, but it will never match who really uses it in a daily basis)

    I'm quitting most of my social networks and wanted to keep only the most important ones to my needs (2 maybe 3 of it), but also want to use it without being bombed with this kind of ad situation I've discribed

    can you guys enlight my mind about it?

    submitted by /u/veni-vidi-vic-i
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