• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 13, 2019

    Apple Help Left AirPod always dies faster than the right one.

    Apple Help Left AirPod always dies faster than the right one.

    Left AirPod always dies faster than the right one.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 08:46 PM PDT

    Sorry if there's not enough detail, will clarify in comments if needed. I'm not tech savvy at all. If this is somehow against the rules I apologize, I'm just frustrated with this.

    Recently my left AirPod has been dying much sooner than the right, usually with about a 20-30% battery difference. I've tried resetting them, which only works for a few minutes. I've checked the settings, and the microphone isn't set to the left one. I even tried using them until both were completely dead (yes, I watched videos with just the right AirPod for like 30 minutes just to get it to die), and I'm still having this problem. Help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ZeldaThePirate
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    So my friends macbook's up arrow key seperated and apple support won't replace a single key , and the whole board replacement will cost around 17,000 rs (around 240usd), any solution?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    MBP OSX undetected, Windows works fine, Apple broke my harddrive

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    I'm a university student who owns a 15 inch 2014 MBP 512GB and recently I've been getting freezes on my OSX side after updating to the latest version of Mojave.

    I have a Windows Bootcamp Partition and it's been working fine, no freezes at all, everything runs perfectly.

    The freezes on my OSX side start with the browser or whatever window im using. 30 seconds later my audio (if im listening to something) freezes. Then followed by my mouse and the entire screen.

    I've looked everywhere online, even reinstalled Mojave entirely and the problem persisted.

    Over time I couldn't even boot into the Apple partition. The screen will show the apple logo with a white load bar forever, never taking me to the login screen where i have to type in my password.

    I tried using system recovery but when i click into disk utility it did not show Machintosh HD at all. However when I choose to boot into my Windows partition it works perfectly.

    I took it to my local Apple Store and they asked me if it's okay to reinstall the OS for me. They were surprised they couldn't find my Machintosh HD but they were able to locate it after plugging their own computer with mine. After wiping the drive (including the working Windows partition) they were not able to detect it at all with their computers. I was a bit upset about it since technically in my opinion it was still usable but now it's metal. They gave me a diagnosis saying it's a hardware failure regarding my SSD.

    In my opinion I disagree with them since the Windows partition was working perfectly (I was using it 2 hours before at a coffee shop before I took it in) and they're just trying to cover up something they did wrong since not only is my hardware unable to reinstall OSX, it's unable to be detected by their own computers at this point.

    Apple told me because it isn't working they must replace the SSD ($1000 CAD + Tax) and the damage is not their problem since I was there when they wipe the computer.

    I need help since now my computer for school is useless. Thank you for reading this. <3

    submitted by /u/PhreshPotato
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    TV doesn’t turn on when airplaying to AppleTV

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    I'm having an issue with my AppleTV 4K that I swear used to work.

    I used to be able to just cast to the AppleTV from YouTube using airplay on my phone and have the TV turn on automatically, but now I have to press a button on the remote for the TV to turn on every time. The video keeps playing but without the TV display being on. When I press the remote it turns on tv and things work fine.

    Has anyone seen this before?

    submitted by /u/Moxuz
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    What Should I Do About Buying A Computer

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 05:49 PM PDT

    I need a laptop for school by late August. I know I want a MacBook Pro, and I was about to buy one but something happened and I didn't get around to it. Now, I've heard that Apple might update the MacBook Pro completely this October. I know this isn't confirmed, but it is concerning me. I know even if I get one now and it is "outdated" at the beginning of school it will be ok, but I'd prefer to have a "new" one for a year. I might be able to use an old laptop for the first month of school before I buy a new one, but I would rather have a new, fast MacBook Pro. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/TurtleMadeOfMetal
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    How long does this take to reset?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 08:59 PM PDT

    I was given the wrong number while trying to figure out my Apple ID password and it has been about an 2 hours... (Also I blanked it out)


    submitted by /u/AmiTheTrue
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    Managing Apple Photos on External Drive

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 08:50 PM PDT

    I have been a Lightroom user for years and now have 60k+ photos on Lightroom CC in the cloud. I am considering switching to Apple Photos but want to have redundant backups of my photos and videos. I use a MacBook Air with only 256 GB and my photo library is already 300GB (not including videos).

    If I use an external hard drive and select "download originals", do I need to connect the drive every time I want to open Apple Photos on my Mac? Or just when I want to download originals?

    submitted by /u/kdern
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    [Help] Apple are telling me they will dispose of my laptop if I don’t pick it up (UK). What do I do?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    I am 18 years old and I live in Egypt. I go to university in London . My laptop broke while I was in London so I went to Apple in Covent Garden.

    I left my laptop for repair around 4 months ago. When I left it for repair, I made it clear to them that I will not be able to pick it up for a while, as I do not live in the UK (I don't use my laptop that much so it wasn't a problem for me). They said they'll email me about when to pick it up and I left it. They even said that it will take a long time for them to order the parts needed so I shouldn't worry about picking it up for now.

    I got an email recently saying I should contact them "before Aug 12 to make arrangements to pick up my product" and if I don't contact them before that, they will "necessary steps to dispose of it". So i thought "alright fair enough", I call them and tell them I will be in the UK around mid-September and I should be able to pick it up then, and this guy on the phone is literally telling me they will throw it away if no one comes to pick it up before Aug 12. I tell him that it's really not possible for me to pick it up (I am in Middle East now and don't know anyone in the UK currently) and his response was basically "alright cool, nothing we can do". I literally asked him "So you're telling me my laptop is going to be destroyed and theres nothing I can do about it?" and he just kept repeating the suggestion for me to send a friend to pick it up (not understanding that I know 0 people in the UK, just as he knows 0 people in Egypt I presume) He refused to pass me to someone else to talk to and said that he'll let one of the managers call me back. He then started to tell me that they legally are not allowed to hold property for more than 20 days so they don't have a choice. I know that's fucking BS because it's already been much more than 20 days, and even Aug 12 (the date THEY specified) is around 180 days.

    Will they really dispose it if I cannot make it by Aug 12 or did I just deal with bad help and the manager will probably tell me they can hold it? Is there anything I can do to save it?

    I really need this laptop and I cannot afford to have to get another one, is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/physicsman2606
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    MacBook Pro mid-2012 will not boot (Prohibitory Symbol)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    So I'm in the process of trying to get my girlfriends laptop back in working order.

    It's a mid-2012 Macbook Pro 13 inch, 750GB.

    Problems started after updating the OS to a newer release. Things were moving ULTRA slow and every click took 5 minutes to load. Very indicitive of hard drive failure.

    Now when I try and boot, I'm met with the proibitory symbol. (Most of the time)

    I've tried booting into different modes and have been met with different results. I can do CMD + R and bring up internet recovery, which then brings me to the utility options. I am somtimes met with a question mark folder after trying internet recovery or booting into other modes.

    In Disk Utility, I can see the hard drive. When I check the validity, it returns that there is an EFI error.

    Error: The partition map needs to be re...th the EFI system partition's file system. 

    I repair the disk but it doesn't seem to help.

    Here's what I see in the left sidebar

    750.16 GB APPLE HDDST75OLM022 Media >disk0s2 (Grayed out) ((what is this?)) > SuperDrive _______________ >disk1 >Mac OS X Base System (What is this??))

    When I try to reinstall OS X, it asks where I want to install OS X Mountain Lion but it doesn't display any drives.

    At this point I would like to try and get all her old photos/videos off and replace the hard drive, as I'm almost positive it's failing. I have gotten it to boot up ONCE since it stopped booting, and that was after messing around in disk utility and repairing the drive, but I haven't been able to since. I just need to boot in once to get all the files off.

    Was thinking about burning a new image of the hard drive to an external drive through disk utility but I realized it would wipe everything on the external drive so I would have to go buy a fresh one that's not being used. But would that work? Could I restore her files from that when I get a fresh install? Is there any way to get the OS X install files via windows computer, throw it on a USB stick and boot that way? I have access to another mac but not as easily as my PCs.

    I'm guessing if I create a new partition for it to show up and install the OS X, it will erase the whole drive correct?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/Ohfoohy
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    Homescreen bookmarks

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm getting a new iPhone and I was wondering if my homescreen book marks will transfer over ? I know my apps will but not sure about book marks

    submitted by /u/Jinghy
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    CAC card reader on Mojave

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:50 PM PDT

    I have tried following instructions for using a CAC card with Mac (2016 MacBook Pro) on https://militarycac.com/macnotes.htm with no luck. Any other resources I can go to or personal experience out there, recommendation for card reader etc. I currently have the IOGear Reader . IO GEAR LINK

    submitted by /u/wowjb
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    usb ports not working on macbook air

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:48 PM PDT

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to sync music onto my iphone from my macbook air, and i'm having trouble connecting my iphone to the computer. the usb's seem to work fine for the first 3 seconds, but suddenly they start to disconnect, only to reconnect a fraction of a second later, but by then, the whole process is super skrewed up. and this will happen continuously, where they connect and disconnect every other split second. This happens regardless of which port i use, or which of my chords i use. Can anyone help me solve this? thank you :)

    Edit: In addition to it happening randomly, it also always (with no exception) happens when I hit the continue button when itunes asks if i want to let the it access files.

    submitted by /u/hundido
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    Battery case issues

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    Hey all, I just bought a smart battery case and I'm having issues. The phone's battery still charges but the percentage meter doesn't register accurate. Let's say the phone battery is at 60 percent and I put to charge without the case. The meter doesn't change and stays at 60. But when I restart the phone it boots up with like 70 percent charge. The same thing happens with my case. I've purposely drained the phones battery and then put the case on. The battery percentage stays the same, but when I restart they phone, it shoots back up, because it was charging the whole time.

    Is this just how it works, should i just let it be, or is this a bug I can fix.

    submitted by /u/Blanketsolutions
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    AirDrop Not Working!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    I have an iPhone XR and an iPad Air 2 Both running iOS 12. I took about 40 4K video on my phone and I've tried everything to move/copy the videos to my ipad. When I try to airdrop the error message says, "Airdrop failed would you like to copy to iCloud Drive" Some videos are short and snore are long but even trying a couple at a time the error still pops up and don't save.

    submitted by /u/TheDMataJR
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    Apple mail opening our of nowhere

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    I've been having a problem with the mail app opening out of nowhere and taking half my screen when I have another app open every hour or so. Does anybody have the same issue or a solution for it? If anything please provide me with the advice of a mail app that's recommendable.

    submitted by /u/Nano_dotman
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    Is there a way to figure out the cause of a random shutdown?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    The other day my imac turned off by itself for apparently no reason.

    I was playing a flash game at the time. I had played it a billion times before. The computer was not hot when it shut down.

    So far it has only happened the one time. I am trying to get ahead of it should it happen again.

    Is there any way to figure out exactly what happened?

    submitted by /u/jimmy4500
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    Just got a new Macbook Pro - I'm unable to restore from my Time Machine backup (Synology NAS)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    Hi friends

    Just got a new MBP today after my old one quit last week. I have a Time Machine backup. I'm trying to use Migration Assistant but it freezes in the early stages.

    Does anyone have an idea on what could be the problem?

    Here is where it's freezing

    submitted by /u/greyhoundpie
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    Cellular service is kaput!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    I have an iPhone 6s on iOS 11 that began saying "no service" yesterday. Throughout today, I have not been able to obtain any sort of signal whatsoever, even though those around me with the same provider (Verizon) have full service.

    I have down some troubleshooting, including taking the SIM card out and putting it back in, doing a network reset, and a hard reset. I'm trying to update my phone now to see if that helps.

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    And yes, airplane mode is off.

    submitted by /u/theemmitt
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    Is Apple restricted iCloud Drive size to 1GB in new accounts?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 05:06 PM PDT

    Just registered new account for my mom and realized that iCloud now has only 1 GB free space.

    How is that possible in 2019 when one app data may take half of GB?

    submitted by /u/8w2e5s6h8r6a5n9e0a3s
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    MacBook Pro 2009 broken speaker connection on motherboard. Does anyone know where I can get this fixed?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:44 PM PDT

    Brightness Issues when Gaming on iPhone

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    I've been noticing an issue where whenever I am playing some kind of game, my iPhone XS display will dimmsuddenly, when I check the brightness it says it is at 100% but obviously the screen isnt as bright at it should be. Eventually the screen returns to normal, but this is extremely annoying especially in sunny environments when the screen dims while at 100% brightness. Anyone else having this issue? I have an iPhone XS and am running on IOS 12.3.1 (16F203)

    submitted by /u/iLike_Tech
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    I can't log into iTunes

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    I just got a new phone and I can't log into my iTunes. When I try it just keeps loading. I tried logging in through the settings app and the App Store but they both don't work. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/MeLloNXD
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    "No hardware installed" WiFi error on 2015 Macbook Air; replaced the wireless card, still not working

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    I put my 2015 Macbook Air to sleep before I went to bed, opened it, and when I woke up, I was faced with the "No hardware installed" error. I tried clearing the NVRAM and booting into recovery mode with no success. I booted a Linux distro and noticed the WiFi interface didn't exist, so I figured it must be a hardware issue. I bought a new card of Ebay (same model that the Air ships with) and installed it today, but unfortunately I'm still getting the same error. Does anyone know what troubleshooting steps i should take next?

    submitted by /u/tempuser1923
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    It says I have no backups even though back ups apparently take up 3.5 GB, does anyone know how to fix this/why it's happening?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    How To Get Songs in my Music library but not on my Phone?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    I recently moved to iPhone and I have songs both in Google Play and on iTunes, so I would like to move my Google Play songs to my iTunes since it works with my iPhone better. The issue is that I noticed the songs from iTunes are not actually downloaded to my phone or PC, they're in the cloud I guess. I moved my Google Play songs to my iTunes folder, but I noticed they weren't syncing or anything to my phone. So I did some research and I plugged my phone in and synced to my iPhone. The only issue is that they are stuck on my phone. I have some money on my Google account still so I was planning on buying from Google Play and moving the music over to iTunes, but I am worried that I will have to sync them manually to my iPhone every time. Which leads me to believe I will have to manually sync those songs from Google Play every time I get a new iPhone. Can anyone help me? Am I understanding how it works properly?

    submitted by /u/KGb_Voodo0
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