• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 28, 2017

    Apple Help Hello please help. I own a 1996 powercomputing mac and i haven't used it in a while, the original monitor is broken so I had to use this. When I powered it on there was a file with a flashing question mark that stays there and nothing else happens. Is there a way to fix this and keep all my data?

    Apple Help Hello please help. I own a 1996 powercomputing mac and i haven't used it in a while, the original monitor is broken so I had to use this. When I powered it on there was a file with a flashing question mark that stays there and nothing else happens. Is there a way to fix this and keep all my data?

    Hello please help. I own a 1996 powercomputing mac and i haven't used it in a while, the original monitor is broken so I had to use this. When I powered it on there was a file with a flashing question mark that stays there and nothing else happens. Is there a way to fix this and keep all my data?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 08:02 PM PDT

    Is there any way to upgrade from El Cap to Sierra (NOT High Sierra)? Sierra is gone from the App Store.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:49 PM PDT

    I don't want to update just yet because of possible bugs, compatibility, etc. but I DO want to get Sierra because I'm still all the way back in El Capitan. Help?

    submitted by /u/cheesecakegood
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    AirPods not working with Flash player on macOS

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:34 PM PDT

    I use my AirPods with my iPhone and MBP. On my MBP, the AirPods work fine, except in any Flash player. The audio simply doesn't play.

    I have backup EarPods plugged in, and the audio will play fine through them even when my AirPods are connected. All audio automatically goes to the AirPods, but Flash player forces itself on the EarPods only. If I unplug them, there is no change.

    submitted by /u/slackador
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    My MBP's screen started flickering after startup

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 04:43 PM PDT

    So i was rebooting my MBP (Early 2015 13" Retina, Sierra 10.12.6), and the loading bar below the Apple logo kinda stopped a bit and then the screen started flashing white.

    When it finished loading the OS, the flickering persisted, the interface barely rendered properly, only mostly showing text and constant flickering.

    I was messing around with brightness before rebooting, dunno if that can be related.

    It seems to be working properly now, should i be concerned about this? I'm not sure if it was a caused by software or hardware.

    submitted by /u/Meeplee
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    Will I take a huge performance hit by updating my iPhone SE to iOS 11?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 04:22 PM PDT

    I've stopped updating my device since my last device was rendered incredibly slow after updating the OS multiple times. Would this still the case for my iPhone SE and iOS11?

    submitted by /u/sboles66
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    MBP crashes whiled charging since MacOS High Sierra

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:17 PM PDT

    So ever since I upgraded to MacOS High Sierra whenever I shut the lid on my MacBook Pro retina and leave it plugged in to charge overnight or for a few hours I come back and High Sierra has crashed on me. During the most recent crash when I opened up my MBP I was met with a black screen and keyboard with its backlight off but the fans were spinning fast enough to be audible and the exhaust near the hinge felt quite warm as well. Any ideas on trouble shooting this?

    submitted by /u/RiseDarthVader
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    New update to High Sierra wrecked my $3000 Macbook pro.. Help? Chrome and Safari completely frozen, and System missing Sound Drivers??

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 09:26 PM PDT

    I updated the computer yesterday, and ever since I install, it got stuck in the process and I hard reset towards the end of the process, when I powered on it just resumed to log in to High Sierra.

    I re downloaded and installed[High Sierra], but all the same problems persisted, and are as follow::

    -Screen Flashing (2x brightness of screenshot around edges)

    -Safari and Chrome are plagued with bugs. The second I launch it they start freezing and the pinwheel starts spinning infinitely.

    -The operating system is missing sound drivers

    -When I open up the library, or certain critical areas of the mac that should have folders with stuff in them are missing

    -------(That's just some of the problems)

    I believe that I interrupted the process, and for now the machine operates very crippled.

    I need someone who knows Macs to tell me what to do, bc you can't really treat it like a windows machine and just apply patches over it, or can you? Idk

    how can I get back to the previous operating system version if that is possible?

    What is the best way to go at this and get this Macbook operating again?

    submitted by /u/kittenssexydaddy
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    Play/Pause button pauses/plays youtube videos on high sierra.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 09:04 PM PDT

    Is there anyway i can just keep this to itunes? i don't want this button to manage the youtube videos. Not even a terminal tweak? something?.

    I'm on High sierra on a macbook pro 13" early 2011

    submitted by /u/Abaddon666
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    iPhone 6 says I have 368.6 MB of photos on my Camera Roll, even though my Camera Roll only has ten photos on it.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 12:33 PM PDT

    I have an iPhone 6 (not sure which iOS) that keeps telling me that I have 368.6 MB worth of photos on my camera roll, and another 100 MB on my photo stream, even though my photo stream is empty, and only ten photos sit in my camera roll. Is there any way to delete these "photos" so I can free up some space on my phone?

    Here is an image showing the camera roll space: https://imgur.com/a/gUfOX

    submitted by /u/sinfulregret
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    Where did my app store go in itunes (12.7, updated itself) and how do I get it back?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 08:05 PM PDT

    The title above. I opened my computer to update my apps cause I was going to back up my phone and upgrade it to iOS 11 (I'm still on 8.4) this weekend, but itunes somehow doesn't have an app store anymore? Where did all my stuff go?

    I read somewhere that I can download an older version of itunes off of apple.com and install it by unstalling the latest itunes. Can I do that safely without my stuff being deleted?

    submitted by /u/Wariosmustache
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    Changed my AppleID and everything was fine until I had to update apps that I downloaded from the previous Apple ID

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 12:19 PM PDT

    So I downloaded a couple of apps using an AppleID on my mac. Now I changed my AppleID, the older AppleID is still in use by my family. When I want to update apps, it asks me to enter password to the AppleID it had been downloaded with, which I dont have now. Whats the solution?

    submitted by /u/aasemjs
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    2 cursors possible when air playing?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:49 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I have a 1st gen apple TV hooked up to a a computer monitor. I like to air play from my MacBook air so I can have two separate displays. I also have a wireless mouse. I like to use the two separate monitors for example to copy something from one monitor and paste it to a document on the other monitor. I was wondering if would be possible to set up my wireless mouse to act as a cursor on my monitor and just use my touch pad for the cursor on my laptop screen. This would be great to save time switching between screens.

    I tried searching but didn't come up with anything. Thanks for any help anybody might be able to provide!

    submitted by /u/TheBigGuy50
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    iCloud Photos issue and support hell

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:47 PM PDT

    What a frustrating experience.

    Since upgrading to High Sierra and iOS 11, on my iCloud Photo Library (referred to IPL here), the total count of photos/videos (on the bottom) match across my iPhone/Mac, but some subgroups, such as portraits and selfies, don't match with their numbers. I tested this by doing a fresh sync on my iPad (which previously didn't have IPL), same issue. Example: Selfie count on my iPhone shows as 1301, but on my MBP, 1549. Grand total is the same on the bottom, and syncing has finished.

    I started by contacting Apple Support via online chat. Was told basically nothing they could do, and to call iApp Support and have them do a screen share. I did that, they looked into it, and I was basically told that selfies are locally generated and not synced. What the...? That's not true, selfies are generated from photos taken with the front camera of my iPhone and as my photos are all synced, it should be exactly the same. I was disconnected on. Called again, was told by the main number that iApps could do nothing for me, asked me to give them a support PIN, put me on hold, asked me to go ahead and toggle IPL on/off on both devices. Seriously? I already EXPLAINED millions of times that I tried a fresh sync on my iPad, and that the same issue came up (incorrect count of specific subgroups), so it could possibly be an issue with iCloud. I then talked with a senior advisor, who told me that they had to go through the troubleshooting steps, and didn't seem to understand when I explained that I had tried it on my iPad. Even asked me for my email address again for security reasons... when I had already given it to the SAME person! Also asked me what I wanted them to do.

    I'm at my wit's end. I feel like I can get nowhere at all. I feel like nobody at Apple right now gets it or cares enough to help solve this. I've been at this for the past 24 hours with no success, and been on the phone for 2 hours now, getting the runaround. I feel like I'm back in the bad old days of DELL support hell.

    What should I do? Any recourse?

    submitted by /u/thoughtfuldude13
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    PowerPoint won't close

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:45 PM PDT


    So I recently downloaded PowerPoint to my computer and had it patched by a friend with a amtlib.framework file. After we patched, we opened it up and powerpoint wouldn't open and stayed active in the doc. I tried force quit multiple times, nothing. Activity monitor to end process, nothing. Reboot computer, still shows active in doc, then clicking on any other application including finder, immediately shuts them down.

    I'm worried this was a virus. I'm on a mac. Anyone ever have the same issue? I rebooted in safe mode and don't see it open now.

    submitted by /u/joshd217
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    Why does Mac OS only work well with everything windowed?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:37 PM PDT

    I've been trying to adapt to a mac for work, but how unproductive it becomes when full screen in infuriating as it completely wastes the gorgeous displays.

    The reason for this is that whenever I make things fullscreen, they loose their top bar and the tray. This means that I can't access options or click buttons quickly because the button placement moves whenever I go up to the top of the screen. Each idvidual time I do this only takes 3-4 seconds, but that adds up when you have to switch windows a lot, and adds to the frustration level.

    Also there's no multiple desktops which is annoying, and the split screen feature is abominable in comparison to both Linux and Windows. You're limited to just 1 program on each side, and I can't even get Photoshop to split screen with anything...

    Is there any way to make it more similar to a Microsoft where multitasking and even just clicking on a button is much faster? I've always heard that the Mac OS is incredibly customizable but unfortunately I haven't seen that anywhere.

    submitted by /u/RedJarl
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    How to add a category in Numbers for iPad???

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 06:59 PM PDT


    I am trying to add a category in the 'transactions' tab of my Personal Budget numbers form ON IPAD. I'm using the personal budget template. I've figured out how to add a category in the 'Budget' tab but not the 'Transactions'.

    I've already seen posts regarding adding it to numbers on a regular desktop OS, but not iPad. This will be extremely frustrating if you cant on iPad OS as I dont use a macbook anymore.

    submitted by /u/smoresahoy
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    Ipod Classic issues, need some help please!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 06:43 PM PDT

    So I have the ipod 160gb classic, owned it 5 years now. Since last month I have been having issues with it and itunes, not syncing, music getting wiped, itunes freezes with it. All other Apple devices work and sync fine with no issues. Anyway, today I bought a new album and went to sync it, all went fine until I ejected it and found out all my music had been wiped AGAIN. Tried formatting it and everything, now its telling me to plug it into itunes for another restore but when I do itunes stops working, anything that allows me access to the ipod on my computer will either slow down or freeze and I can't access anything on my internet browser. As soon as I unplug, everythings back to normal. Any idea what the issue is or has my ipod finally kicked the bucket? Edit: I should also point out hard resets do nothing either, just goes to a multi language screen telling me to plug into itunes for a restore. Second edit: different cables do nothing so far, Im also not very techy so if you need more specifics I may not be of help.

    submitted by /u/Airbourne1992
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    airpods question

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 11:11 AM PDT

    hey guys. got the new 2017 ipad. got airpods. going on plane with wife. we both wanna hear music. she has the wired iphone earpods that come with the unit.

    can we both hear the sound out of the ipad?


    submitted by /u/rick_snagwell
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    iOS 11 bricked my iPad Air 2.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 06:42 PM PDT

    While installing the new iOS update (OTA), one two iPad Air 2's one of them failed. I tried restoring and kept getting errors during the install process. Tried dfu mode, same story. I got errors 2009 and 9 almost every time. When the restore would finally start initiating and the progress bar would show up on the iPad it would get stuck at around 10% almost every time. Finally the install went through many times later and everything seemed to be working. I set it up as a new iPad on iOS 11.0.1. While customizing some settings it reset itself and it's back to the same errors I experienced before.

    I'm pretty much screwed right? It's property of my work so it's not a total loss for me if so.

    submitted by /u/fairshare
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    MBP failing to log in after attempted update to High Sierra

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 02:35 PM PDT

    I set my 2015 MBP to update to High Sierra and left it overnight. When I came back to it today, it will not allow me to login. When I enter my password it begins to load, before a series to of text appears in the top left corner. After this, the screen goes black and displays the message, ' your computer restarted because of a problem.'

    I will add pictures in the comments. Any help will be greatly appreciated as my local Apple store has a 9 day wait for technical help. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/BennyLaa
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    Getting Apple TV to work...wont reset...remote wont work

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 06:16 PM PDT

    I have an apple tv 2 or 3. I've hooked it up ethernet so when I power it on it goes to the home page and logs me in. However I lost the original remote, downloaded a remote app for my iphone but it tells me to enter in a number which I can't because I have no remote that works with it.

    I've tried to factory restart but nothing happens when I plug it into my computer via usb.

    How the heck do I get this to work? Or do I need to trash it and get a new one?

    submitted by /u/grant622
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    12in Macbook's keyboard always getting stuck - cleaning/prevention tips?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 06:10 PM PDT

    I have the 12in macbook (late 2016 if this matters) and i am having real trouble with the keys getting stuck so I can't press and type. The worst offenders are the biggest (space and enter key, which are also the most used!)

    It seems to be stuff getting under the keys and blocking them from being pressed, due to the space being so small. However also because of this they are too close to use compressed air. At the moment I am using sticky notes as they are the thinnest things that can slide under and try and get dust out, but this is very slow and also does not work very well!

    Any tips on prevention / cleaning / should i just go back to apple would be good!

    submitted by /u/devongrrl
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    MacOS BeatsX

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 05:56 PM PDT

    So I have a 2017 MBP and the BeatsX. Can I easily change to them like on the iPhone?

    submitted by /u/Shadowychaos
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    Can you charge a MBP with multiple Thunderbolt 3's at a time?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 05:45 PM PDT

    Shouldn't that (at lest theoretically) charge twice as fast? or would it just end up giving me (or anyone who tries it) a $1,600 brick

    edit: apologies if this is in the wrong subreddit, let me know if it would be more appropriate somewhere else

    submitted by /u/bballmaster945
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    F3 + windows randomly sweep off screen?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2017 05:41 PM PDT

    MacBook Pro 2017, less than a month old. Somewhat randomly (usually when changing windows multiple times by pressing F3) instead of showing 'mission control', all my open windows will sweep off the screen. Has anyone experienced this? Is it some quirk with Sierra? How do I make it stop? Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/Beegirl43
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